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三峡水库汛期控制水位及运用条件   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王俊  郭生练 《水科学进展》1990,31(4):473-480
随着长江上游梯级水库的陆续建成投运,三峡水库的水文情势和功能需求与设计条件相比发生了显著变化,仍维持固定的汛限水位运行已不能适应新形势需求。本文通过辨析三峡水库设计阶段汛限水位的设置条件,挖掘流域洪水特性和洪水遭遇规律,论证三峡水库汛期运行水位动态控制的可行性。结果表明:① 三峡水库设计推求的汛限水位145 m的适用条件是应对流域性大洪水,而流域性洪水发生概率小且特征明显,可以通过水文水情分析提前预判。② 根据流域洪水类型、洪水分期和遭遇规律,预判发生区域性大洪水时,三峡水库6月初至梅雨期结束汛限水位按145 m设置,从梅雨期结束后逐渐提高水位,8月20日后过渡到155 m。③ 在考虑上游水库群联合调度和气象水文预报的配合下,正常年份三峡水库汛期运行水位可在155 m上下浮动,并考虑提前蓄水。④ 三峡水库汛期运行水位动态控制,不会增加防洪风险和库区淤积风险,对中下游江湖关系和水文情势有利,可显著提高发电、航运、生态保护和供水等综合利用效益。  相似文献   
南四湖,东平湖资源综合开发问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南四湖,东平湖是华北重要的淡水湖,湖区自然条件优越,资源丰富,有巨大开发潜力。本文分析湖区资源特征,开发利用现状和存在问题,提出合理开发利用途径与对策。  相似文献   
2015年8月-2016年6月对安徽省迪沟采煤沉陷区湖泊后生浮游动物群落结构及环境因子进行了调查,研究了其群落结构及与环境因子的关系.共发现后生浮游动物16科27属53种,其中轮虫38种,枝角类9种,桡足类6种,优势种为萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)、角突臂尾轮虫(B.angularis)、蒲达臂尾轮虫(B.budapestiensis)、针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)、曲腿龟甲轮虫(Keratella valga)、螺形龟甲轮虫(K.cochlearis)、长额象鼻溞(Bosmina longirostris)和透明温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops hyalinus).密度和生物量平均值分别为965.00±541.91 ind./L和3.42±2.17 mg/L.密度峰值出现在2015年2月,而生物量峰值出现在10月,最低值均出现在12月.后生浮游动物密度的空间分布呈现西低东高的趋势,而生物量空间分布呈现西高东低的趋势.Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数和Pielou均匀度指数分别为2.07~3.22、0.83~1.72和0.67~0.80.冗余分析及Pearson相关性分析结果表明,浮游植物生物量、水温、营养盐等是影响后生浮游动物群落结构的主要因子.综合理化指标、营养状态指数、后生浮游动物优势种及生物多样性指数结果表明,迪沟采煤沉陷区湖泊已处于轻度富营养状态.  相似文献   
漂浮植物修复技术净化城市河湖水体试验研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
阐述了漂浮栽培植物修复系统的技术原理、特点与系统组成, 研究了在该系统中种植美人 蕉和旱伞草2 种植物的生长状况以及这些植物对城市河湖水体中氮、磷等的净化效果。尝试了将 漂浮栽培植物与生物接触氧化技术结合起来, 并研究了植物与生物填料的组合系统对水质的改 善效果。结果表明, 美人蕉和风车草在漂浮植物修复系统对氨氮的去除率均在90%以上, 漂浮栽 培植物与软性填料的组合系统对水中CODMn 的去除率达46%以上。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT A number of non‐marine evaporite units composed of primary gypsum were deposited in saline lakes that developed in the southern Teruel Basin (NE Spain) during the Miocene. In the basin depocentre, a continuum of lacustrine evaporite lithofacies influenced by the activity of organisms is displayed. The Libros Gypsum was deposited in a deep lake, in which water stratification became unstable with progressive shoaling. Rhythmites, composed of laminae of pelletal gypsum and laminae of very fine lenticular gypsum crystals mixed with siliceous microorganisms, formed in addition to gypsum turbidites, intraformational gypsum breccias and slump structures. The pelletal laminae originated from the faecal activity of animals (crustaceans?) ingesting gypsum crystallites in the lake water during episodes of maximum evaporation, whereas the laminae of very fine lenticular gypsum mixed with microorganisms accumulated during episodes of relative dilution. In the wide marginal zones of the basin, the Libros Gypsum unit consists of massive to thin‐bedded bioturbated gypsum and thin‐bedded clotted gypsum, which formed in intermediate to very shallow (palustrine) water depths. The bioturbated gypsum lithofacies were produced by the action of diverse organisms, presumably worms and coleopterans, and chironomid larvae to a lesser extent; the massive lithofacies precipitated in very shallow water; and the thin‐bedded lithofacies formed in shallow to deeper settings. The thin‐bedded clotted gypsum is a relatively deep facies that may have diverse origins (e.g. bioturbation, compaction, disruption of soft sediments and early diagenesis). There is a well‐developed metre‐scale cyclicity in the marginal lake sequences, which is not observed in the inner lake deposits. This suggests a depth control in the various lacustrine subenvironments to record cyclic evaporitic processes. The isotopic composition of the gypsum indicates early sulphate‐reducing bacterial activity in the bottom of the lake and suggests that the sulphate was derived from the chemical recycling of Triassic evaporites of the country rocks.  相似文献   
浅水湖泊生态系统的多稳态理论及其应用   总被引:37,自引:11,他引:37  
李文朝 《湖泊科学》1997,9(2):97-104
在“八五”期间太湖研究工作的基础上,发展和充实了浅水湖泊多稳态理论,简要介绍了多稳态概念模型,并将这一理论和模型贯穿于太湖富营养化防治研究中;总结了太湖各湖区的状态演化过程,提出保护东太湖生态环境和治理五里湖的策略及技术路线,并付诸于实验;证明了利多稳态理论和多稳态模型指导湖泊富营养化防治的可行性。  相似文献   
云南点苍山冰川湖泊沉积物磁化率的影响因素及其环境意义   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
文章通过对点苍山海拔3820m冰水沉积剖面的粒度参数、磁化率、氧化铁含量和有机质含量的综合实验分析,并讨论了这些指标的相互关系及其环境意义。实验结果表明,磁化率的强度与粗砂组分的含量成正相关,而与粘土等细粒组分含量成负相关;同时与有机质含量成负相关,与氧化铁含量成正相关。矿物组分分析实验表明,沉积物主要磁性来源于磁化铁。根据以上结果,结合冰川湖泊流域面积小、高寒环境的特点,其磁化率的影响因素与一般湖泊不同,认为冰川湖泊沉积中,因为物源较近导致外源磁性矿物主要赋存于粒度较粗的碎屑颗粒中,而高寒的环境条件使得有机质对沉积物的磁性矿物起到了稀释的作用,而很难有积极的贡献。根据磁化率的环境意义,恢复了全新世以来点苍山的古气候,从中可以划分6个不同的气候阶段:11.5~10.6kaB.P.,10.6~8.9kaB.P.,8.9~5.5kaB.P.,5.5~3.3kaB.P.,3.3~0.8kaB.P.和0.8kaB.P.至今,代表了末次冰期结束以后湖泊从产生至消亡的全过程。根据与其他相关地区的对比,分析了西南季风演变的一些规律。  相似文献   
2007-2008年云南高原湖泊鱼类多样性与资源现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁刚  茹辉军  刘学勤 《湖泊科学》2010,22(6):837-841
为了解云南高原湖泊鱼类资源及多样性现状,于2007-2008年对云南高原11个大型湖泊进行了2次调查.共鉴定鱼类39种,隶属于7目13科33属,鲤形目鱼类最多,占65.0%.其中共调查到土著鱼类14种,外来鱼类25种.在种数上,外来鱼类已经成为各湖泊的主体.在鱼类区系上,由高原鱼类区系向长江中下游鱼类区系演变.主要经济鱼类年龄结构以0+和1+鱼为主.分析表明,土著鱼类多样性与海拔和湖泊面积密切相关.土著鱼类物种数在中等海拔(1700-1800m)处最高,并与湖泊面积呈显著正相关.最后根据调查结果,提出了一些保护建议.  相似文献   
One of the most serious problems caused by eutrophication of shallow lakes is the disappearance of submerged macrophytes and the switch to a turbid, phytoplankton-dominated state. The reduction of external nutrient loads often does not result in a change back to the macrophyte-dominated state because stabilising mechanisms that cause resilience may delay a response. Additional internal lake restoration measures may therefore be needed to decrease the concentration of total phosphorus and increase water clarity. The re-establishment of submerged macrophytes required for a long-term stability of clear water conditions, however, may still fail, or mass developments of tall-growing species may cause nuisance for recreational use. Both cases are often not taken into account when restoration measures are planned in Germany, and existing schemes to reduce eutrophication consider the topic inadequately. Here we develop a step-by-step guideline to assess the chances of submerged macrophyte re-establishment in shallow lakes. We reviewed and rated the existing literature and case studies with special regard on (1) the impact of different internal lake restoration methods on the development of submerged macrophytes, (2) methods for the assessment of natural re-establishment, (3) requirements and methods for artificial support of submerged macrophyte development and (4) management options of macrophyte species diversity and abundance in Germany. This guideline is intended to help lake managers aiming to restore shallow lakes in Germany to critically asses and predict the potential development of submerged vegetation, taking into account the complex factors and interrelations that determine their occurrence, abundance and diversity.  相似文献   
湖泊水体透明度是湖泊水环境状况的综合表征,与多种水质参数关系密切,对湖泊水环境监测具有重要意义.本文的目的 是介绍一种中国大型湖泊(>20 km2)月平均透明度遥感监测数据集的生成流程、主要特征和应用价值.数据集生产方法是将Liu等(2020)构建的透明度遥感算法应用于GEE (Google Earth Engine)...  相似文献   
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