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1 Introduction The prediction of broadband near-fault ground motion is an important aspect of seismic risk analysis, and is essential for the evaluation of urban seismic safety. Many methodologies are used to model the near-fault ground motions, such as the Green function method, ?nite element (FE) / ?nite difference (FD) method and a hybrid method (Aagaard, 1999; Oprsal and Zahradnik, 2002; Oprsal et al., 2003 a and b). In the hybrid method, the FE / FD method is used to model the low fr…  相似文献   
In the framework of the programme of studying the meridional section of the Galaxy (MEGA) the absolute proper motions of more than 11000 stars with respect to 3000 galaxies and their stellar magnitudes in the B, V Johnson system are determined in two sky regions near the North Galactic Pole (NGP) by means of Tautenburg Schmidt plates. The limiting and completing apparent stellar magnitudes are B = 20.4 and 18.3 mag, the overall and the investigated sky areas are 16.4 and 14.6 square degrees, respectively. Distances have been determined using the stellar magnitudes, colours, proper motions and reduced proper motions. Stellar kinematics, eccentricities of Galactic orbits, spatial distribution and changes of these characteristics with Z-distance from the Galactic plane are obtained up to 15 kpc. Four subsystems distinguished in the NGP direction, respectively with semithicknesses of 0.25, 0.38, 0.67, 1.48 kpc and density ellipsoid axial ratios of 0.09, 0.20, 0.28, 0.49 show mean velocities in the Galactic rotation direction relative to the LSR of 5.6 ± 0.6, − 11.0 ± 0.6, − 62.5 ± 1.2, − 181.6 ± 4.4 km/s, and ages of 0.1, 0.4, 0.9, 1 of the Galaxy age.  相似文献   
针对Android手机GNSS伪距定位精度较低的问题,利用手机端观测信息,通过载波相位/多普勒平滑伪距改善手机端伪距观测值的质量,从而达到提高定位精度的效果。首先给出了Android手机GNSS原始观测量的获取方法,然后推导了载波相位平滑伪距和多普勒平滑伪距算法模型,并设计合理有效的试验对算法的精度进行评定。试验结果表明:在手机端静态定位中载波相位和多普勒平滑算法均可提高原始伪距的定位精度,且多普勒平滑算法表现更优;在手机端动态定位中多普勒平滑算法可获得比原始伪距更优的定位精度,但是载波相位平滑算法较原始伪距更差;由于硬件的制约手机端周跳和信号失锁严重,占比超过50%,载波相位在手机端的可用性较低;多普勒平滑算法的最优平滑时间常数小于等于10 s,具有实时动态定位的巨大潜力。  相似文献   
地面沉降监测多源数据融合分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
地面沉降是区域性地面高程下降的一种地质现象,一般是由自然因素和人为因素的共同作用导致的。目前地面沉降监测的方法很多,各有优劣。本文结合武进中心城区地面沉降监测系列工程案例,对不同沉降监测方法产生的多源数据进行了分析、对比和融合,使成果兼具各种方法的优点,其不仅能更好地描述地面沉降的现状及预测地面沉降的发展趋势,而且可为后期地面沉降监测提供更加准确且丰富的数据基础。  相似文献   
提出一种适用于全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)智能天线的低功耗抗干扰处理器设计方法. 通过改进GNSS抗干扰架构中混频器的设计,优化掉数字高中频混频器和滤波器. 为进一步降低功耗和硬件资源占用,引入输出双倍速率寄存器(ODDR)技术,实现高中频信号的直接合成. 实验测试结果表明,本设计功耗降低11%,硬件资源减少14%,可应用到GNSS智能天线系统中.   相似文献   
GNSS船姿测量以其观测误差不随时间累积的特点得到了广泛研究和应用,本文基于三天线GNSS船姿测量方式,构建了波束脚印误差与姿态误差间的关系模型,设计仿真实验分析了基线长度对姿态误差的影响,以及不同水深环境下姿态误差与GNSS定位误差的关系。为突破传统RTK在测量距离上的限制,本文采用PPP、PPK、MBD (动态参考站差分)三种方法进行GNSS船姿计算,并通过海上实验与高精度惯性导航系统进行对比分析,结果表明使用MBD测姿结果要优于PPK和PPP模式,得到的航偏角、横摇角、纵摇角标准差均在0.1°左右,可满足通常情况下多波束测深对姿态精度的要求。  相似文献   
This study aims at evaluating the global geoid model for a regional shoreline fitting using advanced soft computing techniques and global navigation satellite system/leveling measurements. Artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, and least square support vector machine models are developed and used to fit the global geoid model for the north coastal Egyptian line. In addition, a novel estimation geoid model is designed and evaluated based on the latest global geoid models. The results of the three estimation models show that they can be used to correct the shoreline geoid model, in terms of root mean square error that ranges from 1.7 to 8.5?cm. Moreover, it is found that the least square vector machine model is a competitive approach with certain advantage in solving complex problems represented by missing data.  相似文献   
根据海道测量精密测量的需求,对姿态与定位数据融合的同步方法进行了研究。通过GPS大地高数据和升沉数据,建立了一种基于相关逼近原理的定位与姿态数据同步模型。该模型能够确定定位与姿态数据的相对延时,实现两类数据在同一时间基准下的同步。实例计算表明,定位与姿态数据的相对延迟时间已成为两类数据融合应用中必须考虑的因素。由同步模型解算后,GPS大地高数据与总升沉数据体现了更好的一致性,由此也验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   
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高精度测量射电望远镜参考点和轴线偏差等参数,对建立天线指向模型和本地连接参数、提高测站坐标精度等具有重要意义。为完成新建射电望远镜参考点初始参考值的快速测定,根据望远镜的旋转模型,结合常规静态归心测量方法和随机动态测量方法,提出了一种利用GNSS天线代替测量靶标实现望远镜参考点测量的方法。通过仿真分析验证了该方法的合理性和有效性,并分析了数据点个数和数据点测量精度对天线参考点和轴线偏差解算精度的影响。  相似文献   
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