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天气情感地图是一种表达情感相关的专题地图。本文提出了一种基于微博语义的天气情感地图设计方法,基于程序获取了合肥市区2016年6月20日至2016年7月10日暴雨期间带有地理位置的新浪微博数据,通过数据清洗及标准化处理,利用情感词库,结合人工判读,将暴雨天气过程相关情感微博文本数据分为8种情感类别,设计了8种情感着色,结合GIS格网技术与核密度分析方法,制成暴雨天气过程前、中后期情感地图,并分析了暴雨天气过程3个阶段中微博用户多维情感变化。该研究可为政府相关部门在突发性天气灾害过程中制定救助与决策提供参考。  相似文献   
Using hindcasts of the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model, the relationships between interannual variability (IAV) and intraseasonal variability (ISV) of the Asian-western Pacific summer monsoon are diagnosed. Predictions show reasonable skill with respect to some basic characteristics of the ISV and IAV of the western North Pacific summer monsoon (WNPSM) and the Indian summer monsoon (ISM). However, the links between the seasonally averaged ISV (SAISV) and seasonal mean of ISM are overestimated by the model. This deficiency may be partially attributable to the overestimated frequency of long breaks and underestimated frequency of long active spells of ISV in normal ISM years, although the model is capable of capturing the impact of ISV on the seasonal mean by its shift in the probability of phases. Furthermore, the interannual relationships of seasonal mean, SAISV, and seasonally averaged long-wave variability (SALWV; i.e., the part with periods longer than the intraseasonal scale) of the WNPSM and ISM with SST and low-level circulation are examined. The observed seasonal mean, SAISV, and SALWV show similar correlation patterns with SST and atmospheric circulation, but with different details. However, the model presents these correlation distributions with unrealistically small differences among different scales, and it somewhat overestimates the teleconnection between monsoon and tropical central-eastern Pacific SST for the ISM, but underestimates it for the WNPSM, the latter of which is partially related to the too-rapid decrease in the impact of E1 Nifio-Southern Oscillation with forecast time in the model.  相似文献   
基于1982-2003年GIMMS NDVI遥感资料、气候资料和社会经济统计资料,利用主成分分析、逐步回归等方法,对黄淮海地区植被覆盖变化的驱动力和驱动机制进行了研究,从气候、社会经济两方面分析了区内6种植被类型区植被覆盖变化的驱动机制。结果发现,不同植被类型区,其驱动机制差别很大,但总体来说,区内各类植被类型区植被覆盖变化大都受到气候和人类活动的共同驱动,主要驱动力为气候因素,人类活动在局部区域能够产生较大作用,而大范围区域植被NDVI(归一化植被指数)的变化或改变,主要受气候变化的影响。在此基础上,分别建立了6种植被类型区年均NDVI变化驱动力模型。  相似文献   
Recent advances in monsoon studies in China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This review provides a synopsis of the major progress that has been made in monsoon studies in China and to further bridge the gap between the Chinese and international meteorological community. It consists of seven major sections. After the introduction, the second section begins with the global monsoon systems and their seasonal variation, based on some new methods proposed in recent years. Besides, some major intraseasonal features of East Asian monsoon, including the onset of South China Sea summer monsoon are discussed. In the third section, we review the interactions between ENSO and the East Asian monsoon, focusing in particular on the results of Chinese meteorologists that indicate the influence of ENSO on the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) is obviously different from that on the tropical monsoon. Besides the tropical Pacific,other ocean basins, such as the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, are also important to the East Asian monsoon, and this topic is discussed in the fourth section. In the fifth section, we address the role of land surface processes in East Asian monsoon. For example, we describe work that has shown more snow cover in spring on the Tibetan Plateau is followed by a weakened EASM and more summer rainfall in the Yangtze River valleys. The sixth section focuses on the influence of atmospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere(SH) on EASM, demonstrating how the signal from the SH is likely to provide new clues for the seasonal forecasting of summer rainfall in China. Finally, in the seventh section, we concentrate on the interdecadal variations of EASM. In particular, we look at a significant interdecadal variation that occurred at the end of the 1970 s, and how our understanding of this feature could affect forecasting ability.  相似文献   
利用海南岛18个气象观测站1966—2001年逐日20cm口径小型蒸发皿蒸发量及气象要素资料,通过数理统计方法分析了海南岛年和四季的蒸发量变化特征及气象因子对蒸发量的影响。结果表明:从时间上看,海南岛年蒸发量变化呈波动式下降,蒸发量的减少主要出现在春季,冬季和夏季次之。从空间上看,年蒸发量呈东北少、西南多的分布,其大值区主要集中在西南部,小值区主要集中在东北部和中部地区。M-K检验说明年与春冬两季蒸发量的变化呈下降趋势且在1994年前后发生突变。影响蒸发量变化的因子中,日照时数和风速是造成蒸发量减小的主要因子,降水量的影响仅次于风速和日照时数,而气温不是造成海南岛蒸发量减小的主要因子,相对湿度可能是海南岛的蒸发量减小的影响因子。  相似文献   
Two sets of numerical experiments using the coupled National Center for Environmental Prediction General Circulation Model (NCEP/GCM T42L18) and the Simplified Simple Biosphere land surface scheme (SSiB) were carried out to investigate the climate impacts of fractional vegetation cover (FVC) and leaf area index (LAI) on East Asia summer precipitation, especially in the Yellow River Basin (YRB). One set employed prescribed FVC and LAI which have no interannual variations based on the climatology of vegetation distribution; the other with FVC and LAI derived from satellite observations of the International Satellite Land Surface Climate Project (ISLSCP) for 1987 and 1988. The simulations of the two experiments were compared to study the influence of FVC, LAI on summer precipitation interannual variation in the YRB. Compared with observations and the NCEP reanalysis data, the experiment that included both the effects of satellite-derived vegetation indexes and sea surface temperature (SST) produced better seasonal and interannual precipitation variations than the experiment with SST but no interannual variations in FVC and LAI, indicating that better representations of the vegetation index and its interannual variation may be important for climate prediction. The difference between 1987 and 1988 indicated that with the increase of FVC and LAI, especially around the YRB, surface albedo decreased, net surface radiation increased, and consequently local evaporation and precipitation intensified. Further more, surface sensible heat flux, surface temperature and its diurnal variation decreased around the YRB in response to more vegetation. The decrease of surface-emitting longwave radiation due to the cooler surface outweighed the decrease of surface solar radiation income with more cloud coverage, thus maintaining the positive anomaly of net surface radiation. Further study indicated that moisture flux variations associated with changes in the general circulation also contributed to the precipitation interannual variation.  相似文献   
冬季青藏高原大气热状况分析Ⅱ:年际变化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
通过诊断3套再分析资料的非绝热加热场,研究冬季青藏高原上空大气的热力特征.结果表明,与夏季为强热源的特征不同,冬季高原上空不是欧亚大陆上最强的冷源中心.冬季高原上空整体是偏弱的冷源,在高原西侧及东南地区上空甚至出现非绝热加热正值区,这一分析对以往研究提出的高原是冷源的特性给出了修正.各种非绝热加热分量的诊断表明,冬季高原上空这种总的非绝热加热分布主要是由于高原主体的长波辐射冷却较周边地区弱,以及西侧至东南地区凝结潜热释放造成的.为了说明再分析的非绝热加热资料对冬季高原上空大气的这种热力特征描述的可信性,文中还利用了地表辐射能量、TRMM及PREC/L降水、垂直速度等资料进一步辅助分析,证实了由于高原位势较高造成大气整层温度偏低,向外长波辐射偏少,以及高原地势的隆起造成局地较强的上升运动,高原西侧至东南角降水大值区潜热偏大,最终造成高原上空总非绝热加热负值偏小.最后理想高原隆起的水球试验结果说明,冬季,高原的存在减弱了陆地上空的冷却效应,因而其上为弱冷源,再次证实了资料分析的结果.  相似文献   
鄱阳湖水龄季节性变化特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于环境水动力学模型EFDC源程序,建立了染色剂模型和水龄模型,在将模型与航测水文数据验证吻合的基础上,分别计算了鄱阳湖自然条件下春、夏、秋、冬季的水龄和倒灌前后鄱阳湖染色剂和水龄分布的变化,以及五河水系各分支河流水龄.分季节的水龄计算表明鄱阳湖水体交换受季节性来水影响明显.夏、秋季的水龄相对较小,在多数年份又受到长江水倒灌的影响导致水龄有所增大;冬、春季水龄较大,亦无长江水倒灌现象,相较于夏、秋季,水域面积明显减少.分支流的水龄计算表明,西南湖区的水体交换主要受到赣江的影响,西北湖区水体交换主要受到修水和赣江的影响,南部湖区主要受到抚河与信江的影响,东部湖区主要受到饶河的影响,湖心区和入江水道则受到五河水系的综合影响.同时水龄的研究表明拟建的鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程"调枯不调洪"的原则是合理的,为鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程论证提供了重要的参考依据.  相似文献   
藻蓝素(PC)是水体蓝藻的指示性色素,其浓度反映了蓝藻生物量,利用卫星遥感监测藻蓝素浓度年内动态对蓝藻水华的有效防控有着重要意义.根据不同季节的巢湖藻蓝素浓度实测数据与同期Sentinel-3 OLCI影像,构建机器学习回归反演模型,应用于巢湖2019年OLCI影像集上,对巢湖藻蓝素浓度的空间分布、年内变化进行遥感监测...  相似文献   
在食物浓度为4×105 cells/ml栅藻的条件下,研究了4种温度(15、20、25、30~C)对发头裸腹溞种群动态及两性生殖的影响.结果表明,在4种温度下,发头裸腹涵种群密度在实验初期逐渐增大,达到密度最大值后呈现下降的趋势.随着温度的升高,发头裸腹溞成熟时间、首次产幼溞时间以及达到最大种群密度所需时间均缩短,但母...  相似文献   
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