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1 Introduction According to recent researches, the North China Craton consists of three parts: the eastern block, western block and central zone (Zhao, 2001; Wilde et al., 2002). Paleoarchean continental blocks and zircon residuals have only been found in a few regions, such as Anshan, East Liaoning (Liu et al., 1992; Song et al., 1996; Wan et al., 2002, 2005), Caozhuang, East Hebei (Liu et al., 1992) and Xinyang, West Henan (Zheng et al., 2004), which are mainly distributed in the east…  相似文献   
红层软岩边坡生态防护技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红层软岩边坡,土质贫瘠,浅层稳定性差,生态防护失效的现象比较突出。为提高西部红层软岩边坡生态防护的可靠性,在对西部红层软岩地区铁路、公路边坡生态防护状况进行调研和分析的基础上,总结红层软岩边坡生态防护失败的原因,吸取经验教训,提出适于红层软岩边坡的生态防护方法和适合该区栽植的草木品种及配置方法。  相似文献   
张盼盼 《地质与勘探》2024,60(3):505-514
冀北地区是河北省矿产资源重要聚集地之一,成矿条件优越,其中中-酸性侵入岩体与银铅锌多金属矿床成矿密切相关。然而,大量的第四系覆盖压制了一些深部及隐伏弱异常成矿信息,使得常规化探方法在该覆盖区提取效果微弱。本文运用奇异性分析及主成分分析对冀北1:20万水系沉积物常量元素化探数据进行分析处理,提取区内成矿元素弱异常,并将其与未进行奇异性处理的结果进行对比。结合区域地质背景、物化探资料圈定覆盖区内与中-酸性侵入岩体有关的异常区,对成矿作用、成矿规律进行分析、讨论,以期揭示区内元素富集规律。结果显示,上述组合方法可以有效提取元素弱异常并进行成矿有利区圈定,并且圈定位置与已知岩体位置、区域构造条件相吻合,共圈出隐伏异常点7个,推测其为成矿远景区。  相似文献   
Dioritic plugs (< 1 km across) are common associates of the late Caledonian, post-tectonic granites of the Scottish Highlands. These contain a very wide range of rock types from ultramafic through mesocratic diorites to anorthositic and granitic. These rocks form steeply dipping, wall-parallel layers and zones within the plugs. Outer layers are shown to form first, inner layers later. Mafic zones are composed of the minerals seen as phenocrysts in chilled margins and have the chemical characteristics of cumulates. The inner margins of the mafic zones reflect the onset of plagioclase crystallization. Core zones also show inward variations in mineralogy and texture which define vertical, wall-parallel cylinders. These variations are ascribed to fractional crystallization accompanying accretion of rock onto the pipe walls. Cores in different intrusions may be mafic, mesocratic, or leucocratic, which indicates vertical zonation in the bodies. The mafic cores additionally show that recharge with less evolved magma occurred in some cases. The few larger (> 1 km diameter) intrusions show examples of layering and lamination dipping at low to moderate angles. These indicate the beginning of a change from wall-dominated to floor-dominated crystallization as intrusion diameter increases. A comparison is made with the nature and origin of layering in other intrusions.  相似文献   
不同岩性火山岩力学性质实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄沙坨地区位于辽河断陷盆地东部凹陷中段,古近纪沙河街组第三段沉积时期发育了巨厚的火山岩,为该区形成火山岩油气藏奠定了成藏条件。由于油层岩石的力学性质,影响着油田生产,因此,经过实验室对不同岩性的火山岩力学性质的试验测试,得到油田生产所需的相关的力学参数及相关的地质信息,为油田勘探、开发及相关的工程设计发挥重要作用。试验结果表明,粗面岩以张性破裂为主,玄武岩以剪切破裂为主。这对油田研究水力压裂裂缝形态及储层天然裂缝形态提供了重要的地质依据。软化系数的较大波动,表现出地下流体对油层岩石的环境作用。  相似文献   
本文利用电子探针对南海西沙群岛琛航岛珊瑚礁底部火山碎屑岩中的单斜辉石矿物的化学特征进行了研究。结果表明,该单斜辉石属于富钙透辉石,部分有正环带结构,从核部到边部Ca、Fe、Ti的含量逐渐增加,是岩浆正常结晶顺序的反映,说明该区域的岩浆演化是向着富Ca、Fe、Ti方向发展的。主量元素数据显示,单斜辉石具有低Si高Al的特征(SiO2=41.40%~48.44%,Al2O3=5.54%~10.20%),且AlⅣ含量较高,说明母岩浆为不饱和碱性岩浆系列;此外,单斜辉石Ca含量偏高,Ca/(Ca+Mg+Fe)值在46.1%~51.4%之间,推测是母岩浆的高Ca含量导致了大量高钙辉石的产出。结合西沙海域的地震和构造资料,推测琛航岛珊瑚礁的基底是玄武质火山碎屑岩组成的平顶状海山,系岩浆穿过断裂发育的岩石圈层在西沙群岛的海底喷发,随后火山碎屑物质经过堆积、固结作用而形成;该火山碎屑岩的原岩为板内碱性玄武岩。  相似文献   
造山型金矿床指造山过程中形成的后生脉状金矿床,受构造、建造双重控制,是全球最重要的金矿勘查类型。按容矿岩石建造的不同,造山型金矿可分为绿岩带型(包括绿片岩型、BIF型和花岗- 片麻岩型3个亚类型)、浊积岩型、碳酸盐岩型和浅成侵入岩型,构成了造山型金矿床完整的成矿谱系。不同类型之间具有紧密的时空和成因联系,可互为找矿标志。绿岩组合和浊积岩系具有高的金丰度,既是容矿岩系,也是重要的矿源层,多类型造山作用驱动大规模区域性流体活动,造就了造山型金矿省/巨型成矿带,岩浆流体叠加和“热机效应”是形成超大型金矿床的重要因素。构建了多源区域性流体+岩浆流体叠加的地壳连续成矿模型和造山型金矿区域成矿模式,强调了多旋回造山作用对造山型金矿的成矿意义。“富金矿源层+剪切变形带+浅成侵入岩”组合是大型金矿系统的勘查选区标志,靶区优选的目标是获取找矿潜力大的优质矿权;矿权区勘查的优先目标是发现可规模化露天开采的矿床(体),通过化探异常评价和浅钻追索次生富集带,可快速发现主矿体;矿区深部找矿(深度>300 m)潜力巨大,主攻目标是资源量大、品位高的热液通道相的厚板状或筒状矿体。  相似文献   
Based on a synthesis of zircon inheritance from Mesozoic igneous rocks in the eastern portion of the North China Craton (NCC) , it is proposed that inherited zircons with Neoproterozoie ages identified from these rocks are of a heterogenous derivation from the Yangtze/South China block, rather than from the NCC itself. The mechanism that introduces these zircons incorporated into the NCC is likely by tectonic underplating during the Triassic continental subduction of the Yangtze block beneath the NCC. Tectonic addition of abundant crustal materials represented by the heterogenous zircons into the NCC, probably along Moho or weak interfaces within the NCC's crust, led to the crustal thickening in the NCC. These heterogenous materials, either as (partial) source rocks or as contaminants of the magmas generated during an extension environment following the crustal thickening, were reworked and therefore have significant contribution to petrogenesis of the Mesozoic igneous rocks. The crustal thickening resulted from the tectonic underplating, as indicated by the distribution extent of the heterogenous zircons, is spatially similar to that of the lithospheric thinning, with both mainly occurring in the eastern segment of the NCC. This is probably suggestive of an intrinsic relation between the thickening and thinning events during the Mesozoic evolution of the NCC.  相似文献   
相山铀矿田地貌形体DEM模型应用分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数字高程模型(DEM)是对地球表面地形地貌的数字表达、模拟,DEM在地质学中得以广泛的应用。相山DEM由1∶5万地形图数字化而成,基于DEM的面积-高程曲线的计算,表明相山地区地表总体侵蚀严重,但由于组成地表物质的岩性差异和地质构造活动强度不同,侵蚀程度不均匀。铀矿床矿点多出现在高程变异系数不是太小也不是太大的区域,即铀矿床矿点的分布与地表侵蚀程度有关。  相似文献   
李定龙 《地学前缘》2000,7(2):353-365
依据安徽北部刘桥二矿奥陶系碳酸盐岩隐伏剖面 (下奥陶统顶部 ) 17个碳酸盐岩样品的稀土元素 (15个项目 )的测试资料 ,针对不同岩性 ,分类阐述了它们的REE总量和配分模式、LREE和HREE、δEu和δCe的地球化学特征及其剖面变化特点。在此基础上 ,详细讨论了碳酸盐岩稀土地球化学特征成因机理与古岩溶发育环境的关系 ,为在岩溶岩地球化学特征与其形成环境及溶蚀程度间建立定量识别标准提供了依据。  相似文献   
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