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过去的几个冬季中,北美、欧洲、西伯利亚和东亚大部分地区经历了冷冬和强降雪,而这与北极海冰的快速减少有关。尽管北极海冰减少在冷冬和强降雪中的作用仍存在争议,但这种新兴的气候反馈在未来变暖背景下是否会持续仍值得关注。中等排放情境下的气候模式模拟结果揭示,欧洲东北部、亚洲中部北部、北美北部的冬季降雪增加会成为贯穿21世纪的一个稳健的特征。21世纪这些区域冬季降雪增加的主要原因是北极秋季海冰的减少(很大的外部强迫),而冬季北极涛动的变化(北半球主要的自然变化形态)对降雪增加的作用很小。这一结果不仅体现在多模式平均上,而且每个单独模式的结果依然如此。我们认为海冰-降雪之间的强反馈作用可能已经出现,并且在接下来的几十年中这种强反馈作用可能会增强,北半球高纬地区的强降雪事件也会增加。  相似文献   
文章结合《资源环境承载能力监测预警技术方法(试行)》,通过分析海洋资源环境承载能力与海上油田环境保护管理的相关性,提出了海上油田全生命周期环境保护管理的新思路。同时结合海上油田的项目特点,探讨了现阶段海洋资源环境承载力监测预警技术在功能区划、管控要求和监测预警中可能存在的不协调、不一致和不断变化的问题,并提出了统一用海类型及其管控要求、差异化政策措施和动态分析的建议。  相似文献   
敏感区诊断是适应性观测的关键问题,集合变换卡尔曼方法(EnsembleTransformKalmanFilter,ETKF)是目前主要的诊断方法之一。将集合变换卡尔曼方法应用于海洋环境适应性观测,根据ROMS海洋模式数据构建海表温度集合预报,以黑潮流域宫古海峡附近海域为验证区进行敏感区诊断计算,分析不同间隔时间条件下敏感区分布情况,结合模拟系统观测试验验证在敏感区进行适应性观测对预报质量的提升效果。结果表明,在诊断所得敏感区内添加观测能够提升预报质量;随时间间隔增大,敏感区向上游区域平移且预报质量提升效果减小;与在验证区整体添加观测相比,敏感区观测对预报质量提升效果基本相同并且观测成本明显减少。  相似文献   
环渤海湾地区经济发展迅速但开发利用过度,生态问题突出。本文以社会环境学理论、系统论、可持续发展理论等为基础,建立了环渤海湾海洋资源环境承载力评价指标体系,利用单项评价法,以地级市为基本单位对环渤海湾地区的海洋资源环境承载力进行评价。结果表明滨州市的海洋资源环境承载力较好,其次为唐山市和天津市,沧州市的海洋资源环境承载力较弱。  相似文献   
借鉴物理学中的耦合理论,分析沿海城市经济系统、海洋生态环境系统与游艇旅游业系统三者间的耦合协调作用机理;构建耦合评价模型与指标体系,并基于改进的熵值法,对沿海16个游艇旅游发展重点城市三者的耦合度及耦合协调度进行实证研究;运用皮尔逊相关系数法探讨各因素间相互关系。结果表明:沿海城市经济、海洋生态环境和游艇旅游业发展水平的综合评价值并不高,可进一步分为城市经济滞后型、生态环境滞后型和游艇旅游业滞后型三种制约类型;区域内三大系统耦合度较高,但耦合协调度较低且存在明显的区域差异;系统内部各因素间相互关联。鉴于此,提出游艇城市应因地制宜,协调开发与保护关系,深化产业融合等建议,以促进三大系统较高层次的耦合协调发展。  相似文献   
贵州梵净山地区震旦系微量元素特征及沉积环境   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了详细研究梵净山地区震旦系沉积地球化学特征及沉积环境演化,笔者对该处永义剖面自下而上进行系统采样.样品分析结果表明该处剖面稀土元素呈轻稀土(LREE)富集,重稀土(HREE)亏损,铈总体上表现为亏损,垂向上逐渐变小,铕异常发生3次波动,表明该处震旦系沉积时总体上为氧化环境,局部沉积环境发生变化.而且陡山沱组底部"碳酸盐帽"稀土元素标准化分配模式不同于冷泉碳酸盐岩分配模式,表明两者处于不同的沉积环境,成因上无关.V/Cr、Ni/Co、U/Th及V/V Ni等微量元素比值均表明震旦系沉积时为总体上氧化环境,但垂向上仍有沉积环境及水体分层性的变化.  相似文献   
湘西地区晚震旦世黑色岩系地层层序、沉积环境与成因   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
在对湖南大庸、新晃、沅陵、溆浦和黔阳等地上震旦统—早寒武世初期露头层序地层学的研究表明,湘西地区上震旦统内部存在3个与视海平面变化相对应的超层序,其上限大致可以留茶坡组顶部区域性成磷事件的出现为标志。黑色岩系的形成是海平面上升的结果,尽管该岩系具有色深、层薄和富含有机质的共同特点,但不同层位黑色岩系的岩石化学成分和微量元素组成不同,因此具有不同的沉积环境和形成机制。经研究,晚震旦世金家洞组第二段和寒武纪初期黑色岩系的形成与海底火山和深大断裂的热泉喷流作用有关;而金家洞组第四段和留茶坡组下部黑色岩系的形成  相似文献   
Octopus (Octopus vulgaris, Mollusca, Cephalopoda) is an important and valuable fishery resource on the eastern and southern coasts of Tunisia, but its landings are highly variable. This paper explores the effect of environment on octopus catch per unit effort (CPUE) during a 12‐year period, through correlation analyses and the incorporation into surplus production models of sea surface temperature (SST) and rainfall data collected during cold (January–May) and hot (August–October) seasons. CLIMPROD software was used to select the appropriate model and fit it to the fishery and environment data. In both seasons, SST significantly contributed to CPUE variability; fishery production was influenced positively by cold season SST but negatively by hot season SST. Due to a poor fit with cold season data, the impact of rainfall was analysed only for the hot season, during which it has a positive effect on production. Results are discussed in view of the life‐cycle of octopus and the dynamics of the Tunisian fishery. This first study of octopus variability in Tunisia highlights the necessity to incorporate environmental influence into stock assessment and management advice.  相似文献   
1 引言 石油,作为现代社会的主要能源,在全球经济迅速发展和人口激增的情况下,世界范围内的供求在不断增长,海洋石油勘探开发规模也在不断扩大.海洋油气开发已成为我国油气战略资源的主要来源之一.  相似文献   
The coupling between biogenic reworking activity and reactive organic matter patterns within deposits is poorly understood and often ignored. In this study, we examined how common experimental treatments of sediment affect the burrowing behavior of the polychaete Nephtys incisa and how these effects may interact with reactive organic matter distributions to alter diagenetic transport – reaction balances. Sediment and animals were recovered from a subtidal site in central Long Island Sound, USA. The upper 15 cm of the sediment was sectioned into sub-intervals, and each interval separately sieved and homogenized. Three initial distributions of sediment and organic substrate reactivity were setup in a series of microcosms: (1) a reconstituted natural pattern with surface-derived sediment overlying sediment obtained from progressively deeper material to a depth of 15 cm (Natural); (2) a 15 cm thick sediment layer composed only of surface-derived sediment (Rich); and (3) a 15 cm thick layer composed of uniformally mixed sediment from the original 15 cm sediment profile (Averaged). The two last treatments are comparable to that used in microcosms in many previous studies of bioturbation and interspecific functional interaction experiments. Sediment grain size distributions were 97.5% silt-clay and showed no depth dependent patterns. Sediment porosity gradients were slightly altered by the treatments. Nepthys were reintroduced and aquariums were X-rayed regularly over 5 months to visualize and quantify spatial and temporal dynamics of burrows. The burrowing behaviour of adult populations having similar total biovolume, biomass, abundance, and individual sizes differed substantially as a function of treatment. Burrows in sediment with natural property gradients were much shallower and less dense than those in microcosms with altered gradients. The burrow volume/biovolume ratio was also lower in the substrate with natural organic reactivity gradients. Variation in food resources or in sediment mechanical properties associated with treatments, the latter in part coupled to remineralization processes such as exopolymer production, may explain the burrowing responses. In addition to demonstrating how species may respond to physical sedimentation events (substrate homogenization) and patterns of reactive organic matter redistribution, these experiments suggest that infaunal species interactions in microcosms, including the absolute and relative fluxes of remineralized solutes, may be subject to artifacts depending on exactly how sediments are introduced experimentally. Nonlocal transport and cylinder microenvironment transport – reaction models readily demonstrate how the multiple interactions between burrowing patterns and remineralization rate distributions can alter relative flux balances, decomposition pathways, and time to steady state.  相似文献   
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