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人文地理学是地理学的重要分支学科,20世纪60年代在人文地理学领域内进行的计量革命引发了人们对地理学的理论建设以及地理学方法论 思考,但是计量革命从一开始就经历着种种责难,文章从对计量革命这一运动的观察开始,对人文地理学方法论进行了反思,在此基础上对当前人文地理学采用的方法进行概括总结,并对一些研究方法应用前景予以展望。  相似文献   
Abstract. Samples of Blennius incognitus from three differently polluted locations on the Istrian west coast (Adriatic Sea, Yugoslavia) were collected in early July during the spawning season. The gut content was analyzed employing the occurrence and point (relative volumetric) method. This fish grazes the surface of the rocky substratum. Inhabiting small benthic animals are ingested together with algae and detritus. The diet depends on the composition and condition of the covering phytal and its inhabiting fauna. A decrease of available animal food seems to intensify grazing on the substrate. A sexual dimorphism in the feeding habit during the reproductive period exists. Females feed more on animals; males feed more on substrate and in cases also on eggs of their own species.  相似文献   
Delta channels are important landforms at the interface of sediment transfer from terrestrial to oceanic realms and affect large, and often vulnerable, human populations. Understanding these dynamics is pressing because delta processes are sensitive to climate change and human activity via adjustments in, for example, mean sea level and water/sediment regimes. Data collected over a 40-year period along a 110-km distributary channel of the Yellow River Delta offer an ideal opportunity to investigate morphological responses to changing water and sediment regimes and intensive human activity. Complementary data from the delta front provide an opportunity to explore the interaction between delta channel geomorphology and delta-front erosion–accretion patterns. Cross-section dimensions and shape, longitudinal gradation and a sediment budget are used to quantify spatial and temporal morphological change along the Qingshuigou channel. Distinctive periods of channel change are identified, and analysis provides a detailed understanding of the temporal and spatial adjustments of the channel to specific human interventions, including two artificial channel diversions and changes in water and sediment supply driven by river management, and downstream delta-front development. Adjustments to the diversions included a short-lived period of erosion upstream and significant erosion in the newly activated channel, which progressed downstream. Channel geomorphology widened and deepened during periods when management increased water yield and decreased sediment supply, and narrowed and shallowed during periods when management reduced water yield and the sediment load. Changes along the channel are driven by both upstream and downstream forcing. Finally, there is some evidence that changing delta-front erosion–accretion patterns played an important role in the geomorphic evolution of the deltaic channel; an area that requires further investigation. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Spatiotemporal variations of Chinese Loess Plateau vegetation cover during 1981–2006 have been investigated using GIMMS and SPOT VGT NDVI data and the cause of vegetation cover changes has been analyzed, considering the climate changes and human activities. Vegetation cover changes on the Loess Plateau have experienced four stages as follows: (1) vegetation cover showed a continued increasing phase during 1981–1989; (2) vegetation cover changes came into a relative steady phase with small fluctuations during 1990–1998; (3) vegetation cover declined rapidly during 1999–2001; and (4) vegetation cover increased rapidly during 2002–2006. The vegetation cover changes of the Loess Plateau show a notable spatial difference. The vegetation cover has obviously increased in the Inner Mongolia and Ningxia plain along the Yellow River and the ecological rehabilitated region of Ordos Plateau, however the vegetation cover evidently decreased in the hilly and gully areas of Loess Plateau, Liupan Mountains region and the northern hillside of Qinling Mountains. The response of NDVI to climate changes varied with different vegetation types. NDVI of sandy land vegetation, grassland and cultivated land show a significant increasing trend, but forest shows a decreasing trend. The results obtained in this study show that the spatiotemporal variations of vegetation cover are the outcome of climate changes and human activities. Temperature is a control factor of the seasonal change of vegetation growth. The increased temperature makes soil drier and unfavors vegetation growth in summer, but it favors vegetation growth in spring and autumn because of a longer growing period. There is a significant correlation between vegetation cover and precipitation and thus, the change in precipitation is an important factor for vegetation variation. The improved agricultural production has resulted in an increase of NDVI in the farmland, and the implementation of large-scale vegetation construction has led to some beneficial effect in ecology. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40671019) and the Knowledge Innovation Project of the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research of Chinese Academy of Sciences  相似文献   
人类为获取食物和满足其他需求而使用牙齿从事的各类非咀嚼性活动在牙齿表面形成使用痕迹。牙齿使用痕迹与古人类的行为特征关系密切,记录了丰富的古人类生存环境、食物构成、获取食物的方式、行为模式及生活习俗等方面的信息。对黄龙洞更新世晚期人类牙齿的观察发现:黄龙洞人类前部牙齿表面具有釉质破损与崩裂、齿冠唇面破损、齿间邻接面沟3种类型的使用痕迹。根据这些牙齿使用痕迹的分布和表现特点,推测生活在黄龙洞的更新世晚期人类经常使用前部牙齿从事啃咬、叼衔、或剥离坚韧的食物或非食物物品等活动,并可能将前部牙齿作为工具使用;齿间邻接面沟提示当时人类经常从事剔牙活动。结合已经在黄龙洞发现的其他人类活动证据,我们认为当时人类可能从事狩猎活动,食物构成中包含有较多的肉类及粗纤维植物。  相似文献   
海河流域水资源极为短缺,河川径流下降显著,定量识别径流变化成因对于科学认识流域水循环演变机理、支撑水资源开发利用具有重要的科学意义和实际价值。基于模型参数区域化技术构建了海河流域可变下渗容量(VIC)模型,重构了流域天然河川径流序列。建立了气温变化、降水变化、下垫面变化和取用水四元要素驱动的河川径流变化归因定量识别技术体系,分析了4种因子在海河流域河川径流减少中的贡献。结果表明:①1956—2010年,人类活动是海河流域河川径流减少的主要原因,但是气候变化的影响不可忽略,其中气候变化的贡献约为1/3,人类活动的贡献约占2/3;气候变化中,降水下降的贡献远大于气温升高的影响,分别约为30%和4%;人类活动中,取用水的影响大于下垫面变化的影响,分别约为55%和11%。②海河流域4个水资源二级区的河川径流变化成因相比,从北向南气温升高的影响减小,降水减小的影响增大,海河北系和海河南系的取用水影响较大,滦河流域径流变化时间较晚,徒骇马颊河径流变化程度最小。  相似文献   

大阴洞遗址是云南目前发现的规模最大的早期洞穴墓地, 开展大阴洞遗址晚更新世以来的生态环境变迁及人类活动历史研究, 对探讨中国西南地区古人类活动及其环境适应性等科学问题具有重要意义。本研究通过沉积学原理结合粒度指标分析, 还原了大阴洞地层沉积演变过程, 解释了地层年代倒转现象, 复原了原始沉积物被片流搬运再沉积的过程; 在此基础上利用孢粉、炭屑指标分析研究区域内的生态环境与人类活动。大阴洞剖面深度为269 cm, AMS 14C测年结果显示剖面原始沉积年代大致为>45473 cal.a B.P. 至851±71 cal.a B.P.; 剖面沉积物孢粉、炭屑分析结果显示, 研究区MIS3阶段以来森林植被资源丰富、气候变化显著, 至少在4万年前就已经有人类活动。MIS3阶段植被面貌变化明显, 早期以落叶乔灌木林为主, 中期主要为针叶-落叶阔叶混交林, 晚期则以热带-亚热带常绿阔叶林为主, 气候经历了凉湿→冷→暖湿的变化, 炭屑浓度指示人类活动强度总体由弱到强; 末次冰消期至全新世早期植被面貌以落叶阔叶林为主, 气候温和, 人类活动强度较弱; 全新世晚期森林植被主体为落叶阔叶乔灌木, 气候虽然偏凉干, 但古人类已开始经营稻作农业, 完成了生业模式、生存策略的改变。本研究为中国西南地区MIS3阶段以来的生态环境、气候变迁及其对早期人类活动的影响等深入研究提供了参考依据。

Heat Wave Hazards: An Overview of Heat Wave Impacts in Canada   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Extreme heat events are natural hazards affecting Canada and many other regions of the world. This paper presents an overview of the issues involved in defining heat waves and harmful hot weather events, followed by a spatial and historical overview of heat waves across Canada, and an assessment of heat wave adaptation potential in selected cities. The Prairies, Southern Ontario, and areas in the St. Lawrence River Valley of both Ontario and Quebec demonstrate the highest temperatures and most frequent occurrences of heat waves, with minimal effects in the North, Pacific Coast, and Maritimes. Montreal frequently experiences extreme heat, and based on its low air conditioning rates and older, high-density housing, it demonstrates limited potential for adaptation to heat events. A scientific assessment was done to identify the effects of heat waves on various sectors of Canadian life including agriculture, livestock, fisheries, construction, transportation, utilities, the environment, and human health. Heat stress has been linked to excess human mortality and illness, violent behaviour, drought, forest fires, tornadoes, decreased agricultural and livestock productivity, construction and transportation difficulties, and reduced electrical power supply. Despite limited research on heat waves in Canada, this study demonstrates that the impacts of heat are profound and far-reaching.  相似文献   
Riverine sediments have played an important role in the morphological evolution of river channels and river deltas. However, the sediment regime in the many world's rivers has been altered in the context of global changes. In this study, temporal changes in the sediment regime of the Pearl River were examined at different time scales, that is, annual, seasonal, and monthly time scales, using the Mann–Kendall test. The results revealed that precipitation variability was responsible for monthly and seasonal distribution patterns of the sediment regime and the long‐term changes in the water discharge; however, dam operation has smoothed the seasonal distribution of water discharge and resulted in decreasing trends in the annual, wet‐season, and dry‐season sediment load series since the 1950s. Due to the different regulation magnitudes of dam operation, differences were observed in sediment regime changes among the three tributaries. In addition, human activities have altered the hysteresis of seasonal rating curves and affected hysteresis differences between increasing and decreasing water discharge stages. Sediment supply is an important factor controlling river channel dynamics, affecting channel morphology. From the 1950s to the 1980s, siltation was dominant in river channels across the West River and North River deltas in response to the sediment increases; however, scouring occurred in the East River deltas due to sediment reduction. Significant erosion occurred in river channels in the 1990s, which was mostly due to downcutting of the river bed caused by sand excavations and partly because of the reduced sediment load from upstream. Although sand excavations have been banned and controlled by authority agencies since 2000, the erosion of cross sections was still observed in the 2000s because of reduced sediment caused by dam construction. Our study examines the different effects of human activities on the sediment regime and downstream channel morphology, which is of substantial scientific importance for river management.  相似文献   
人类活动强度空间化方法综述与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
段群滔  罗立辉 《冰川冻土》2021,43(5):1582-1593
地球系统受到气候变化和人类活动的双重影响,相比于气候变化研究相关的空间数据在数据采集、制备方法、制备速度、时空分辨率和数据质量等各方面的快速发展和提高,人类活动强度空间数据还处于探索发展阶段。人类活动强度空间数据有助于更好的理解人类活动影响的强度和范围,对于探究人类活动对地球系统各圈层及其变化的影响,以及促进全球和区域可持续发展具有重要意义。基于此,通过对人类活动强度空间数据相关研究进行梳理和分析,首先提出人类活动强度空间化的概念,然后归纳总结六类主要的空间化方法,并以青藏高原地区为例重点展示和分析四类应用较为广泛的方法,包括净初级生产力人类占用法、土地类型变化法、全球干扰指数法和人类足迹指数法等。最后讨论目前人类活动强度空间化研究中存在的问题,并对未来的发展提出建议。  相似文献   
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