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高放废物地质处置库选址中的水文地质调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文根据国内外研究经验,讨论了高放废物地质处置库选址中水文地质调查的目的、过程、方法和作用,同时对水文地质参数的获取进行了阐述,旨在为今后研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   
GNSS多径反射探测海平面变化初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着GNSS研究与应用的不断深入,GNSS多径反射技术用于地表环境监测已成为一种新兴的遥感手段。针对目前国内对GNSS多径反射技术开展海平面变化探测研究较少的现状,该文通过分析信噪比值的变化特性,详细给出了基于信噪比观测值的GNSS多径反射技术探测海平面变化的基本原理。利用布设在美国华盛顿州Friday Harbor岸边的GPS连续运行跟踪站SC02观测数据反演了海平面变化,并与该站相距359m的Friday Harbor验潮站的监测数据进行了对比分析,误差均值为0.091m,相关系数为0.99。实验结果进一步验证了基于大地测量型GPS接收机用于海平面变化监测的有效性。  相似文献   

An understanding of hydrology is a prerequisite for ensuring the successful management, conservation and restoration of wetland environments. Frequently, however, little is known about historical hydrological conditions, such as water levels, within wetlands. Moreover, many channel and ditch systems in wetlands are not routinely monitored, except perhaps for research purposes. A methodology is presented herein which makes use of satellite imagery to indirectly provide remotely sensed observations of water levels within channels and ditches. Using multi-temporal Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery and simultaneous ground-based measurements of water levels, statistical relationships are established between satellite-derived effective wet ditch widths and measured water levels in the drainage system of the Elmley Marshes, southeast England. These relationships can be used subsequently to estimate historical ditch water levels and to monitor contemporary ditch water levels in the wetland. The study shows that satellite imagery has much to offer in monitoring changes in the hydrological regime of wetlands and in providing complimentary approaches to field monitoring.  相似文献   
于2001—2004年对人工诱导大黄鱼的不同发育阶段和不同组织进行倍性检测,胚胎眼泡期采用染色体计数法测定,鱼苗和成鱼阶段用流式细胞法,结果表明,胚胎染色体数目2n=48条为二倍体,3n=72条为三倍体.采用流式细胞法测定鱼苗和成鱼个体时,若受测样品的DNA相对含量值与已知对照组二倍体的比值约为1.5:1,其个体为三倍体;比值约为1:1,则为二倍体,无论用肌肉或尾鳍组织,皆可检测出其个体的倍性。  相似文献   
对新疆温泉地震台钻孔体应变日常观测中的常见干扰进行识别,应用维尼迪科夫调和分析方法检测观测资料内精度和稳定性,分析了气压、水位对体应变观测的影响程度。分析结果表明,新疆温泉地震台的体应变观测较稳定,满足地震监测的需求条件。  相似文献   
陈坚  谢在团 《台湾海峡》1998,17(4):391-395
本文通过波浪计算和理论海滩剖面方程的拟合,以Bruun模式为基础,根据Everts剖面积分方法,测算了厦门厦门大学海滨浴场、鼓浪屿港 仔后海滨浴场沙滩未来100a海平面上升引起的海滩后退量值。与此同时,计算了Bruun模式的结果。计算结果表明,两处海滨浴 滩的后退值分别为14.81和13.95m与Bruun模式的结果相当接近。  相似文献   
中国人口城镇化质量评价及省际差异分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
薛德升  曾献君 《地理学报》2016,71(2):194-39
新型城镇化是中国的重要国策,对人的城镇(市)化的科学评价是正确认识城镇化和制定相关政策的重要基础.目前城--乡二元分析框架下的以城镇化率和城镇(或区域)城镇化质量为主的评价方法,难以反映城镇化过程中社会结构的变化,同时乡村人口的城镇化发展也被忽略.本文提出人口城镇化质量的概念,建立了衡量人口城镇化质量的指标体系.对1995,2000,2005,2010和2012年全国及各省市的城镇人口,乡村人口及总人口的城镇化质量进行了分析.研究发现:① 尽管城镇人口的城镇化速度显著快于乡村人口,但城镇化并非城镇人口独有的社会过程.② 城乡两类人口的城镇化质量在省域尺度上正逐步形成差异明显的空间格局.③ 北京,上海,浙江等少数省市乡村人口的城镇化质量已经超越部分内地省市城镇人口的城镇化质量.建议更新对城镇化的认识和评价标准,探索在城镇化发达的地区调整城--乡二元体制的新途径,促进中国城镇化的健康发展.  相似文献   
通过对包头6.4级地震临震前动物、地下水等宏观异常时、空、强分布特征的研究,提出了利用动物、地下水震前宏观异常加强短临追综研究,进行短临预报的思路和方法。  相似文献   
Released in 1961, The Exiles is a low‐budget docudrama that chronicles the lives of three American Indians over a period of twelve hours in a downtown Los Angeles neighborhood in the late 1950s. Contemporary neorealist filmmaking appears to have influenced the film, whereas itsg narrative is ethnographic in form. An examination of the film and its dialogue reveals the ways in which American Indians who recently migrated from their reservation to the city have socially constructed the urban spaces within the framework of the physical setting provided to them. The nature of the engagements of the male and female protagonists with the sites and with other American Indians in this small urban sphere provides substantive clues to the nature and level of their respective transitions into the realm of the white‐dominated society of Los Angeles and beyond.  相似文献   
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