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外高桥电厂煤码头水域桩基勘察检验的实践表明:查规范选取及据勘察资料计算得到的桩基设计参数值往往比实测值偏小。  相似文献   
All-vertical-piled wharf is a kind of high-piled wharf, but it is extremely different from the traditional ones in some aspects, such as the structural property, bearing characteristics, failure mechanism, and static or dynamic calculation methods. In this paper, the finite element method (FEM) and theoretical analysis method are combined to analyze the structural property, bearing behavior and failure mode of the all-vertical-piled wharf in offshore deep water, and to establish simplified calculation methods determining the horizontal static ultimate bearing capacity and the dynamic response for the all-vertical-piled wharf. Firstly, the bearing capability and failure mechanism for all-vertical-piled wharf are studied by use of FEM, and the failure criterion is put forward for all-vertical-piled wharf based on the ‘plastic hinge’. According to the failure criterion and P-Y curve method, the simplified calculation method of the horizontal static ultimate bearing capacity for all-vertical-piled wharf is proposed, and it is verified that the simplified method is reasonable by comparison with the FEM. Secondly, the displacement dynamic magnification factor for the all-vertical-piled wharf under wave cyclic loads and ship impact loads is calculated by the FEM and the theory formula based on the single degree of freedom (SDOF) system. The results obtained by the two methods are in good agreement with each other, and the simplified calculation method of the displacement dynamic magnification factor for all-vertical-piled wharf under dynamic loads is proposed. Then the simplified calculation method determining the dynamic response for the all-vertical-piled wharf is proposed in combination with P-Y curve method. That is, the dynamic response of the structure can be obtained through the static calculation results of P-Y curve method multiplied by the displacement dynamic magnification factor. The feasibility of the simplified dynamic response method is verified by comparison with the FEM under different conditions.  相似文献   
采用灌注桩粱板结构将原有重力式方块小吨级码头改造扩建成为较大吨级码头,是一种投资少,见效快的结构形式。本文介绍了烟台地方港务局1-3号泊位的码头改造工程设计。  相似文献   
遮帘式板桩码头作为一种新型的板桩结构型式,其抗震性能研究是设计建造过程中的重要环节。在FEM-FDM水土耦合计算的平台上引入循环弹塑性本构模型,借助FORTRAN编程软件形成饱和砂土动力液化分析的数值方法,可有效模拟饱和砂土在地震动力作用下的非线性及大变形特性,同时也可模拟砂土液化流动对遮帘桩和前墙的动土压力。研究表明:地震作用下可液化土层超孔隙水压力比增长并发生较大的水平流动变形,对前墙的水平破坏大于竖向破坏;前墙剪力最大值位于海床与前墙交界处;遮帘桩剪力最大值位移与前墙底平行的位置;后拉杆拉力逐渐变大,前拉杆拉力逐渐变小。通过对板桩码头地震液化灾害的分析,可为抗震和抗液化设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   
深圳港妈湾港区海星码头1#~4#泊位旧码头拆除工程实施过程中,为了防止在原码头深底层保留桩柱对新建桩柱的影响,需要对原码头桩柱泥面以下位置进行精密测量。本文采用船载综合测量系统水上水下一体化测量技术对妈湾港1#~4#泊位桩柱进行了水岸一体化高精度测量,通过利用激光扫描仪和多波束分别测量出水上、水下桩柱引水面点云图。基于高精度水面点云绝对坐标对水上、水下桩柱引水面点云进行特征拼接,从而获得桩柱引水面高精度绝对位置。然后根据引水面绝对位置和桩柱尺寸精准计算出保留桩柱泥面以下部分的点位和斜率。经过外符合精度验证,桩柱定位的绝对精度为10 cm。最后,将旧桩柱测量结果与新桩柱设计结果对比,结果表明:新旧桩柱在2#泊位存在一个桩柱发生碰撞,4#泊位存在10根桩柱新旧桩柱水平间隔小于10 cm,在施工过程中可能会发生碰撞。  相似文献   
透空式水平板波浪上托力冲击压强试验研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
首先对以往波浪作用下透空式平板上托力研究进行了回顾,在此基础上,通过系列模型试验,对波浪上托力产生的机理进行了详细的分析和论述,认为透空式平板下波浪上托力主要由一个迅速上升的冲击压强和一个缓慢变化的压强构成,其中冲击压强通常远大于缓变压强,起主导作用,影响其大小的最直接因素为几何因素(即波浪冲击角)、动力因素(包括波高、波速等)和空气垫层因素,由此通过对各影响因素的分析,得到最大冲击压强计算公式,大量试验资料表明,该公式与实验值有着较好的一致性。  相似文献   
High-pile and beam-slab quays have been widely used after several years development.They are mature enough to be one of the most important structural types of wharves in China coastal areas. In order to accommodate large tonnage vessels, wharves should be constructed in deep water gradually. However, conventional high-pileand beam-slab structures are hard to meet the requirements of large deep-water wharf.According to arch''s stresscharacteristics, a new type of wharf with catenary arched longitudinal beams is presented in this paper. The new wharf structure can make full use of arch''s overhead crossing and reinforced concrete compression resistance, improve the interval between transverse bents greatly, and decrease underwater construction quantity. Thus, the construction cost cab be reduced. Take the third phase project of the Yangshan Deep-water Port for example, comparative analysis on catenary arched longitudinal beams and conventional longitudinal beams has been made. The result shows that with the same wharf length and width, the same loads and same longitudinal beam moment, catenary arch structure can improve the interval between bents up to 28 m, decrease the number of piles and underwater construction quantity.  相似文献   
以广东某电厂煤码头为例,探讨临海煤码头落海煤尘对海洋环境的影响。文中阐述了点源和面源起尘量的估算。根据风速、煤粒下降速度、落差高度等计算煤码头扬尘入海量。依据煤尘煤粒到达海区的量计算煤尘入海引起海水悬浮物的增量等。文中还讨论了落海煤尘煤粒对海洋环境水质、沉积物和海洋生物的影响,认为其主要是对海水水质悬浮物、海洋生物光合作用以及沉积物有机质、硫化物含量的影响等。  相似文献   
蔡爱智 《福建地质》2000,19(1):52-56
按照厦门市规划局的安排,厦门海关缉私艇码头位于小学路北端,该处正是YunDong海堤南端的外侧,从海图上便可清楚看出该海域是一片高程在理论基准面零点以上的礁石群区。应用Klein-510型海底剖面仪探研结果获得证实,若不另选码头地址,必然带来巨大的经济损失和一系列问题。为此,我们提出另寻适合般只吃水和工作要求的码头地点。市政府采纳了这一建议,自原地向NW方向延伸300m的次航道东侧。五年多来,新码  相似文献   
借助大型通用有限元软件ABAQUS,以京唐港区32#通用散货泊位为工程实例,根据现场原型观测试验,对代表性断面进行选取、简化,建立相应的二维模型进行数值模拟计算,给出了遮帘式板桩码头开挖过程中变形形式的模拟方法,并将数值模拟结果与现场原型观测实验数据进行了对比。研究结果表明:1在不考虑剩余水头和堆载影响的情况下,数值模拟计算的变形结果与现场原型观测的变形结果比较接近,基本可以反映这种新型结构构件在水平向与竖向的变性特性;2两者对比的结果验证了本文所提出的开挖模拟方法的合理性。  相似文献   
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