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1 Introduction48Lib (HD1 42 983,HR5 941 ,R .A .( 2 0 0 0 ) :1 5 :5 8:0 9;Dec ( 2 0 0 0 ) :- 1 4:1 6 :43;spectraltype :B/Iabe ,Vmag:4 88B Vcolor:- 0 1 0 ) ,isoneofwell knowV/Rvariableshellstars.Itisalongtermcyclevariablestarwithvariablelineprofiles.ItsemissionlinesalsoshowthattheradialvelocityandV/Rrati…  相似文献   
为研究单层球面网壳结构在多点冲击荷载作用下的失效机理,在ANSYS/LS-DYNA中建立了60m跨度的Kiewitt 6型单层球面网壳结构的有限元模型,将整个网壳结构沿肋杆分成6个不同扇区,沿环杆分成5个不同环区,分别对网壳结构在同一环区和同一扇区受到多点冲击时的动力响应及冲击全过程能量传递的规律进行了分析研究。基于网壳结构失效变形特点,定义了多点冲击荷载作用下单层球面网壳结构的4类失效模式;根据整个冲击过程中能量的传递特点,揭示了单层球面网壳结构每类失效模式所对应的失效机理。  相似文献   
The global growth in wind energy suggests that wind farms will increasingly be deployed in seismically active regions, with large arrays of similarly designed structures potentially at risk of simultaneous failure under a major earthquake. Wind turbine support towers are often constructed as thin‐walled metal shell structures, well known for their imperfection sensitivity, and are susceptible to sudden buckling failure under compressive axial loading. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the seismic response of a 1.5‐MW wind turbine steel support tower modelled as a near‐cylindrical shell structure with realistic axisymmetric weld depression imperfections. A selection of 20 representative earthquake ground motion records, 10 ‘near‐fault’ and 10 ‘far‐field’, was applied and the aggregate seismic response explored using lateral drifts and total plastic energy dissipation during the earthquake as structural demand parameters. The tower was found to exhibit high stiffness, although global collapse may occur soon after the elastic limit is exceeded through the development of a highly unstable plastic hinge under seismic excitations. Realistic imperfections were found to have a significant effect on the intensities of ground accelerations at which damage initiates and on the failure location, but only a small effect on the vibration properties and the response prior to damage. Including vertical accelerations similarly had a limited effect on the elastic response, but potentially shifts the location of the plastic hinge to a more slender and, therefore, weaker part of the tower. The aggregate response was found to be significantly more damaging under near‐fault earthquakes with pulse‐like effects and large vertical accelerations than far‐field earthquakes without these aspects. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
【目的】研究马氏珠母贝(Pinctada martensii)贝壳基质蛋白(Shell Matrix Proteins, SMPs)基因(Pm-PNU7)表达与功能。【方法】利用马氏珠母贝基因组和蛋白质组信息分析和RACE技术克隆获得壳基质蛋白新基因Pm-PNU7全长序列,通过原位杂交对其进行定位,RNA干扰检测其对贝壳形成的影响。【结果】Pm-PNU7的cDNA全长为797 bp,编码145个氨基酸,具有特殊的"KGG"重复序列和富含天冬氨酸(Asp)序列"DDDDDDHDD"。qRT-PCR分析表明,Pm-PNU7基因在外套膜边缘区和套膜区显著高表达(P<0.05);ISH检测显示,Pm-PNU7主要定位于边缘区外褶外侧和内侧上皮细胞、中褶内侧上皮细胞以及套膜区外侧上皮细胞。RNA干扰后,Pm-PNU7在外套膜边缘区和套膜区的表达量均显著下调,贝壳棱柱层和珍珠层微观结构均出现不同程度的紊乱。【结论】Pm-PNU7参与了贝壳棱柱层和珍珠层的形成。  相似文献   
紫贻贝贝壳和脉红螺厣中色素的提取与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定紫贻贝(Mytilus edulis)贝壳与脉红螺厣中的黑色物质是否为黑色素这一物质,作者实验选取紫贻贝贝壳和脉红螺(Rapana venosa)厣,清洗干净,之后分别对两份样品进行研磨粉碎、称量、盐酸浸泡、沸水浴加热、乙醚纯化等步骤后,将得到的黑色提取物质用0.01 ml/L氢氧化钠水溶液溶解,在190~500 nm的范围内测定紫外吸收光谱,发现两份样品最大吸收峰都在210~220 nm,随波长增加,其吸光值下降,与公认的黑色素紫外吸收光谱特征一致;另外将提取的两份黑色固体物质分别用溴化钾压片后进行傅里叶红外光谱扫描,其红外图谱都在3μm和6μm处分别有特征吸收峰,亦与公认的黑色素红外扫描图谱特征一致,从而首次确定紫贻贝贝壳和脉红螺厣中的黑色物质为黑色素,提示黑色素在贝类中可能是广泛存在的。  相似文献   
针对网格结构中杆件数量众多,但节点数总是远远小于杆件数的特点,损伤识别中采用了基于BP神经网络技术和面向节点的损伤初步定位方法的网格结构损伤识别的三步法。对双层柱面网壳结构模型在不同杆件去掉时的四种损伤情况下的振动特性进行了实测,并以实测低阶模态的频率变化率和少数测点的振型分量作为神经网络输入参数,对模型的各种损伤情况进行了识别。结果表明,所用的方法可以精简神经网络的结构,并提高其模式识别的能力。该方法可用于对大型复杂结构的损伤识别。  相似文献   
Bioclastic particles derived from mollusc shell debris can represent a significant fraction of sandy to gravelly sediments in temperate and cool‐water regions with high carbonate productivity. Their reworking and subsequent transport and deposition by waves and currents is highly dependent on the shape and density of the particles. In this study, the hydrodynamic behaviour of shell debris produced by eight mollusc species is investigated for several grain sizes in terms of settling velocity (measurements in a settling tube) and threshold of motion under unidirectional current (flume experiments using an acoustic profiler). Consistent interspecific differences in settling velocity and critical bed shear stress are found, related to differences in shell density, shell structure imaged by scanning electron microscopy and grain shape. Drag coefficients are proposed for each mollusc species, based on an interpolation of settling velocity data. Depending on the shell species, the critical bed shear stress values obtained for bioclastic particles fall within or slightly below empirical envelopes established for siliciclastic particles, despite very low settling velocity values. The results suggest that settling velocity, often used to describe the entrainment of sediment particles through the equivalent diameter, is not a suitable parameter to predict the initiation of motion of shell debris. The influence of the flat shape of bioclastic particles on the initiation of motion under oscillatory flows and during bedload and saltation transport is yet to be elucidated.  相似文献   
固市凹陷非常规水溶甲烷气成因及来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对渭河盆地固市凹陷水溶甲烷气的成因类型进行分析研究。对地层水溶甲烷气碳同位素δ13C1及重烃的含量研究发现,不同层位的水溶甲烷气成因类型不同。新近系张家坡组水溶甲烷气主要为有机成因的生物气,来源于本层含碳质较高的灰黑色泥灰岩生物分解,为自生自储式;下部蓝田—灞河组水溶甲烷气以未成熟的煤型热解气(煤型腐殖型)为主,来源于下部地层。对CO2碳同位素的分布范围和含量进行分析得出,δ13CCO2 < -10‰,为典型的壳源型有机成因,证明蓝田—灞河组水溶甲烷气和CO2来源于下部地层的混合型气,结合乙烷碳同位素分析,得出下部地层可能存在有机成因的煤型热解气层系。   相似文献   
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