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陕西省数字地震台下方壳幔速度结构研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用广义反、透射系数的传递矩阵计算理论地震图,用快速模拟退火法搜索最佳模型,通过与地震台站实际记录的P波波形进行拟合对比,反演了陕西省13个数字地震台下方的P波速度结构。台站分布区域涉及到秦岭造山带、渭河盆地及鄂尔多斯地台三个构造区域。结果显示,3个构造区的地下速度结构差异明显,呈现了各自的构造特点。其中秦岭造山带上地壳乃至地表速度高,中下地壳出现多个低速层,可能与岩石脱水、构造滑脱带等有关;渭河盆地内上中地壳高低速度层交替出现,反映了断层活动在浅部的影响;鄂尔多斯地台有部分台站保持稳定的匀速构造。反映了古老地台地层稳定发展的特性,部分台站受到后期改造,低速层位增多。因为变化剧烈的台站分布在盆地的南部和西部。而且震源机制解显示该区主应力场方向为近东西向,可以说秦岭北缘的断裂作用以及后来来自青藏高原的挤压应力是导致渭河盆地形成和发展的主要因素。最后我们讨论了速度结构与强震、地震分布以及不同构造演化的关系。  相似文献   
依舒地堑汤原、方正断陷古近纪边界断裂活动特征   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
依舒地堑位于黑龙江省东部,为一新生代断陷盆地,汤原断陷和方正断陷为其两个面积较大的二级构造单元。通过对汤原断陷和方正断陷边界断裂的研究,可以进一步了解依舒断裂带的形成和演化过程。研究发现,在始新世-渐新世依舒地堑边界断裂的活动整体上具有多中心、不均衡的特征,汤原断陷东部的边界断裂为控盆断裂,方正断陷东、西两侧的边界断裂对盆地的发展都具有一定的控制作用,但西部边界断裂为主要控盆断裂。断层的生长指数分析表明,依舒地堑内部的北西向断裂与边界断裂的活动具有一致的规律性,都起到协调边界断裂演化发展的作用。依舒地堑边界断裂转换引张方向是由莫霍面梯度带的倾斜方向所决定,梯度带的倾向与地堑的整体伸展方向相同。  相似文献   
罗布泊荒漠地区湖泊蒸发盐资源的形成及环境演化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
胡东生  张华京 《冰川冻土》2004,26(2):212-218
通过地球卫星遥感资料和地面调查以及化学测试等综合研究, 证实罗布泊地区存在大型现代液体钾盐矿床. 用钻探材料及系统分析方法重建了20 ka BP以来湖泊沉积序列和环境物性柱剖面, 用天然水体五元体系稳定相图讨论了古湖泊湖水及现代湖水的饱和流结晶路线及成盐成矿演化趋势. 结果证明, 液体钾盐矿床的分布及成钾成矿环境受现代地壳运动作用下新生地堑构造系统的控制.  相似文献   
广东梅县嵩溪早侏罗世火山活动及其地质构造与成矿意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从熔岩——玄武岩的岩石学、岩石化学、微量元素、稀土元素和锶同位素组成,以及火山旋回中玻璃碎屑岩诸方面特征,详细地研究了下侏罗统含矿层位内海底基性火山活动,阐述矿区玄武岩形成环境为夭折的大陆裂谷前期地壳槽形裂陷地堑系——裂陷槽。并讨论该裂陷槽环境中基性火山活动的银锑成矿意义  相似文献   
Extensional basins include mainly grabens and half grabens displaced along a lower detachment. Based on area balance theory, there is a linear relationship between a height of regional and the lower detachment h on the outside of the basin and “lost area S“ from the regional in the basin. The pre-growth beds above lower detachment are of the same extensional displacement so that an “S-h diagram“ can be used to determine the depth to lower detachment and to calculate the total extensional displacement of the beds above the lower detachment. The extensional displacement is dominated by the heave of various scale normal faults. The displacement of obvious faults can be immediately figured out from the measured bed-length. The requisite extension calculated by area balance is the layer-parallel strain, which could be accommodated by displacement on sub-resolution faults. Accordingly, the layer-parallel strain can help us predict the magnitude and distribution of sub-resolution faults on the basis of analysis of the structural style and rheological behavior.  相似文献   
Extension in the Afar depression occurs on steeply dipping normal faults of many scales. An estimate for cumulative extension can be derived by summing the heave of these faults using digital topographic data, supplemented by field observations of fault dip. If it can be established that the distribution of faults exhibits self-similarity, an estimate of the contribution from faults too small to appear on the digital imagery can be incorporated into the integrated estimate for cumulative extension. A field study of faulting was undertaken within the Dobe and Guma grabens of Central Afar. A fractal dimension of 0.48 was obtained for the measured population of fault throws (n = 92) in 3 traverses totaling 42 km, a value interpreted to represent the dominant contribution to extension from faults with large throw. The local extension rate across Guma graben is estimated to be between 0.06 and 0.24 mm/year. The higher topographic position of the floor of Guma graben, relative to the sediment filled, adjacent floors of Dobe and Immino grabens is perhaps an indication of a slower rate of extension across Guma graben as compared to Dobe and Immino grabens, assuming they all initiated at the same time.  相似文献   
遥感解译和地表调查结果发现,西藏桑日县的沃卡盆地构成了藏南近南北向裂谷带中最东端的错那-沃卡裂谷的北段,它是在该区近东西向的逆冲构造带停止活动之后,上地壳沿N108±1°E方向发生区域性的伸展变形所形成的第四纪活动明显的地堑式断陷盆地。晚第四纪期间,控制该盆地发育的主边界断裂带为整体呈北北东走向、倾向西侧、长50~60km的盆地东缘正断层。该断裂带也是1915年桑日M7.0级地震的控震断裂。断裂活动速率的估算结果表明,该断裂带MIS6以来的垂直活动速率介于0.4~0.9mm/a之间,末次冰期盛冰期以来断裂平均活动速率最合理的估计值为1.2±0.3mm/a。Q3晚期以来活动速率的明显增加可能标志着该断裂带全新世进入了地震丛集期。  相似文献   
研究认为,地震是楔块运动引起的,楔块运动的主要动力来自于楔块内部的隐爆一均衡作用。“两堑夹一垒”是楔块运动系统的基本形式。研究发现,大洋中脊地震带、环太平洋地震带和大陆裂谷地震带(以郯庐断裂地震带为例)均位于“两堑夹一垒”楔块系统中,其中一垒的活动,即倒楔的运动与地震带紧密相关。  相似文献   
We examined the shape of the Late Variscan Karlovy Vary granite massif located south of the Ohre/Eger graben in Northern Bohemia by reinterpretation of existing gravity data on two perpendicular profiles. The granite body of about 360 km2 total outcrop size has the elongation ratio 0.35 with the major axis trending NE-SW. The SW part of the body was crossed in the nineties by the seismic profile 9HR which localized the bottom of granites in a depth of about 10 km. We used this value as a reference datum in our gravity profiles. We positioned one of our profiles along the seismic profile 9HR and the other one perpendicularly, i.e. parallel with the elongation of the outcrop surface. We interpret the shape of the main granite body in the vicinity of Karlovy Vary as a continuous desk whose floor is horizontal (or subhorizontal) and varies along its whole extension about a depth of 10 km. This thickness is approximately identical with that of the Saxothuringian nappes imaged by seismic reflection. The near surface upper contact of the granite body is mildly inclined, and outward dipping. It changes to steep sides or inward inclined contacts in deeper levels. The Lesny-Lysina (Kynžvart) massif is a separate granite body about 324 km thick, not continuously connected with the main Karlovy Vary massif. The gravity curve suggests that granites often enclose in their endocontact large blocks of country metasediments or metabasites the existence of which is partly evidenced by their outcrops outside the line of the profile. The granite body is found density-homogenous. Minor density differences between granite varieties are caused mainly by more intense hydrothermal alterations in younger suite granites. We interpret vertical conduits for the ascent of granitic magmas to be parallel to the Jáchymov-Gera and Ohře (Eger) lineaments or the Mariánské Lázně fault zone as indicated by the elongation of some outcrops. However, they are not clearly imaged from the gravity data. The effect of the depression of the Sokolov basin along the faults parallel with the Ohře (Eger) lineament is shallow and it is not indicated by any change in the floor depth of the granite body. Comparison of the seismicity distribution suggests that the hypocenters occur mostly outside of the granite bodies or near their contact with the country rock.  相似文献   
We use 15 seismic stations,crossing the Qinling orogen(QO),Weihe graben(WG)and Ordos block(OB),to study the crustal structures by receiver functions(RFs)methods.The results show quite a difference in crustal structures and materials of three tectonic units(orogenic belt,extentional basin and stable craton).The average crustal thickness in the northern QO is 37.8 km,and Poisson ratio is 0.247,which indicates the increase of felsic materials in QO.In the southern OB,the average crustal thickness is 39.2 km and Poisson ratio is 0.265.Comparatively high value of Poisson ratio is related with old crystallized base in the lower crust and shallow sediments.The artificial RFs reveal that low-velocity and thick sediments have a significant effect on phases of the Mohorovi i discontinuity(Moho).As a result,the Moho phases in WG are tangled.S-wave velocity(VS)inversion shows that there are shallow sediment layers with 4–8 km’s thickness and high velocity zones in the middle-lower crust in WG.Complex Moho structure and high velocity zone may have been induced by the activities of the Weihe faults series.  相似文献   
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