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2019年3月,利用相干多普勒测风激光雷达首次在辽东湾西部绥中地区进行了风廓线测量试验。根据研究区域海岸线走向采用风向的十六分位法定义局地海风和陆风,分析和提取海陆风特征验证了多普勒测风激光雷达在春季季风间断期间观测海陆风的可行性,并计算和分析了大气边界层湍流能量的变化以及回流水平变化等特性。结果表明:1)绥中地区春季存在明显的海陆风环流特征,测风激光雷达观测海陆风出现的时间与地面自动气象站观测的数据较为一致,符合海陆风日的定义。2)海陆风日发生时,水平局地回流指数(RF)较小,1.2 km以下的RF值小于0.5,使得污染物循环累积,较易形成雾霾天气;但是海风时大气边界层的高度可达1 km以上,有利于低层大气污染物向高层扩散,减轻低层大气污染。研究结果为该地边界层参数化方案的设计和污染的防治提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
采用RNG紊流模型计算静止环境中圆形负浮力射流   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于RNG方法的κ-ε湍流模型,运用混合有限分析算法对静止环境中圆形负浮力射流进行数值模拟。从射流的最大入侵高度、流速矢量图、温度等值线、湍动能等值线、横断面上的流速和温度分布以及轴线上温度变化等方面与有效的试验资料进行了较为全面的对比验证。两者的良好吻合表明,基于RNG方法的紊流模型和混合有限分析法的结合能较好地模拟变密度流动。  相似文献   
Wavelet and quadrant analyses were applied to turbulent velocity data in order to investigate the transition from the anisotropy of energy-containing eddies to the isotropy of the inertial subrange scales. The quadrant analysis of the wavelet coefficients of longitudinal and vertical velocity components allows the evaluation of the velocity structure functions and the momentum cospectrum as a function of the separation distance and of the quadrants. In an isotropic condition the contribution both of ejections and sweeps (even quadrants), and both of reflections and deflections (odd quadrants), has to be equal. The analysis has shown that in neutrally stratified conditions the transition to isotropy occurs in a frequency range (0.2 < r/z < 3) usually referred to as internal to the inertial subrange (r is separation distance, z is height). In the transition region, as in the isotropic region, the velocity structure functions still agree with the 1941 and 1962 Kolmogorov theories; but on the other hand the structure functions of the even and odd quadrants are fitted by power laws of different slopes in the transition region. The proposed analysis allows the investigation within the transition region of the different dynamical structure in the energy transfer from the energy-containing scales to the isotropic scales.  相似文献   
分辨率是所有光学成像系统最重要的技术指标之一。当成像系统与待成像目标之间存在大气湍流时,后者便会在不同程度上影响图像分辨率。天基光学遥感更加关心大气湍流对目标地面分辨率的影响。从大气湍流相干长度和到达角起伏两个角度,通过详细的公式推导和数值计算,分别讨论天基光学遥感系统成像过程中湍流对图像地面分辨率的影响。结果表明,地面分辨率0.5 m以上的甚高分辨率遥感成像需要考虑大气湍流因素。  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a new method to estimate, for each turbulent layer labelled i , the horizontal wind speed   v ( h i )  , the standard deviation of the horizontal wind speed fluctuations  σ v ( hi )  and the integrated value of   C 2 n   over the thickness  Δ hi   of the turbulent layer   C 2 n ( hi )Δ hi   , where   hi   is the altitude of the turbulent layer. These parameters are extracted from single star scintillation spatiotemporal cross-correlation functions of atmospheric speckles obtained within the generalized mode. This method is based on the simulated annealing algorithm to find the optimal solution required to solve the problem. Astrophysics parameters for adaptive optics are also calculated using   C 2 n ( hi )  and   v ( hi )  values. The results of other techniques support this new method.  相似文献   
1.IntroductionArnol'd(1965,1969)variationalprincipleandapriorestimatemethodisessentiallyageneralizationofLyapunovstabilitymethodforfinite--dimensionaldynamicalsystemsininfinite--dimensionalones,andhestudiedthenonlinearstabilityof2--dimensionalincompressibleidealfluidmotionbyuseofthismethod,andestablishedtwotheoremswhichareArnol,d'sfirsttheoremandArnol'd'ssecondtheorem.Eversincethe1980's,manyscientistshavebeenworkingonthissubject,Holmetal.(1985);MclntyreandShepherd(1987);Zeng(1989);Muetal.(1…  相似文献   
We report the development and first results of an instrument called Low Layer SCIDAR (Scintillation Detection and Ranging) (LOLAS) which is aimed at the measurement of optical-turbulence profiles in the atmospheric boundary layer with high altitude resolution. The method is based on the Generalized SCIDAR (GS) concept, but unlike the GS instruments which need a 1-m or larger telescope, LOLAS is implemented on a dedicated 40-cm telescope, making it an independent instrument. The system is designed for widely separated double-star targets, which enables the high altitude resolution. Using a 200-arcsec-separation double star, we have obtained turbulence profiles with unprecedented 12-m resolution. The system incorporates necessary novel algorithms for autoguiding, autofocus and image stabilization. The results presented here were obtained at Mauna Kea Observatory. They show LOLAS capabilities but cannot be considered as representative of the site. A forthcoming paper will be devoted to the site characterization. The instrument was built as part of the Ground Layer Turbulence Monitoring Campaign on Mauna Kea for Gemini Observatory.  相似文献   
A vertical two-dimensional turbulence numerical model for the interaction of waves and currents is developed in the paper based on the nonlinear two-equation k-ε model with the VOF method.The one-dimensional equivalent advection velocity and equivalent mixing coefficient are defined and the solving process is introduced:The pollutant concentration field,generated by an instant source in waves and currents,is calculated with the model,and then the equivalent advection velocity and equivalent mixing coefficient are obtained by calculating the time derivative of the mean and variance of pollutant concentration probability distribution.The effects of wave period and wave height on the equivalent mixing coefficient for waves and wave-currents are also investigated.  相似文献   
为了分析海洋水体垂向水流紊动及紊动交换情况而采用了一维的海洋边界层模型(Mellor-Yamada)并利用数值实验的方法对悬沙、盐度、温度等数据进行分析。原模型未将悬沙考虑在内,本文试将它引入进去探讨由于它的存在对紊动混合特性的影响。2000年4月,Mellor将最初的模型引入了依赖于Richardson数的紊动动能耗散率。本文通过比较具有悬沙和不具有悬沙两种情况下的速度、温度和盐度垂向分布随时间的变化,分析讨论由于悬沙的存在所引发的密度层化对紊动混合作用的影响,并发现悬浮泥沙抑制了部分模拟时间的紊动混合作用。  相似文献   
四种湍流模型对空化流动模拟的比较   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用四种湍流模型对NACA66水翼空化流动进行模拟,分析了不同湍流模型和壁面函数对空化流动模拟结果的影响.分析结果表明:ASM模型和RNG k-ε模型对空化数不敏感,且计算精度较高;Realizable k-ε模型对空化数的变化很敏感,对不同的空化数计算精度相差很大;标准k-ε模型对空化数不敏感,但精度不高.增强壁面函数法对空化数不敏感,计算精度较高;标准壁面函数法和非平衡壁面函数法对空化数有一定的敏感性,但计算结果差异不大.  相似文献   
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