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张保钢  王旭辉 《北京测绘》2012,(2):20-22,73
回顾了北京市测绘设计研究院20年来地理信息产业的发展,分析了建设地理信息产品的种类和策略。提出建立基础地理信息框架数据、相关委办局专业地理信息产品、国家专项调查地理信息产品的发展思路,建议重视用户需求调研,与相关地理信息用户建立战略合作伙伴关系,保证产品质量,实现地理信息产品持续更新。  相似文献   
中国省际边界区县域经济格局及影响因素的空间异质性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹小曙  徐建斌 《地理学报》2018,73(6):1065-1075
通过构建省际边界区经济发展差异指数,结合空间自相关模型对省际边界区县域经济发展差异格局进行分析,并利用全局回归(OLS)模型和地理加权回归模型(GWR)对省际边界县域经济发展差异影响因素的空间异质性进行研究。结果表明,中国省际边界区县域经济发展具有显著的空间集聚性,边界经济发展差异较大的地区集中在蒙甘边界,蒙宁边界和陕蒙边界地区。政府宏观调控因子与西部地区县域经济发展差异呈负相关趋势,教育发展水平对县域经济发展差异影响呈现出贫困与发达地区二元分异,边界的紧凑度、地形起伏度、交通优势度与产业结构因子对县域经济发展差异指数呈现出正相关趋势。本文具体分析了在不同省际边界县域内,各影响因素对县域经济发展差异指数的影响程度差异和作用方向差异,为合理调控不同地区发展要素、缩小省际边界地区经济发展差异、制定不同省际边界县域发展策略提供科学依据。  相似文献   
缓冲区生成研究进展评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王结臣  陈焱明  李丽 《测绘科学》2009,34(5):67-69,222
缓冲区分析是GIS的核心空间分析功能之一,缓冲区生成在GIS软件开发中亦具有重要地位。目前,对缓冲区生成的研究主要着重于平面坐标系下点、线、面及复合目标缓冲区的生成方法。本文从生成算法、应用需求、实现技术等角度探讨了缓冲区生成的基本问题与目前的研究现状,从算法特点、性能、适用性等方面评述了近年来提出的算法,总结了目前存在的一些难点,在此基础上对缓冲区生成的未来发展趋势进行了展望,并认为以下内容是缓冲区生成研究方面有待加强的方向:面向海量空间数据和网络应用的高性能缓冲区生成算法研究;基于地球椭球体表面、基于网络距离等非平面空间参考系下的缓冲区生成方法。  相似文献   
地理国情是基本国情的重要组成部分,开展地理国情普查是一项重大的国情国力调查,是全面获取地理国情信息的重要手段,是掌握地表自然、生态以及人类活动基本情况的基础性工作.本文就灵武市地理国情普查外业调查与核查生产的整体技术路线以及相关问题进行分析和探讨.  相似文献   
Basin landscapes possess an identifiable spatial structure, fashioned by climate, geology and land use, that affects their hydrologic response. This structure defines a basin's hydrogeological signature and corresponding patterns of runoff and stream chemistry. Interpreting this signature expresses a fundamental understanding of basin hydrology in terms of the dominant hydrologic components: surface, interflow and groundwater runoff. Using spatial analysis techniques, spatially distributed watershed characteristics and measurements of rainfall and runoff, we present an approach for modelling basin hydrology that integrates hydrogeological interpretation and hydrologic response unit concepts, applicable to both new and existing rainfall‐runoff models. The benefits of our modelling approach are a clearly defined distribution of dominant runoff form and behaviour, which is useful for interpreting functions of runoff in the recruitment and transport of sediment and other contaminants, and limited over‐parameterization. Our methods are illustrated in a case study focused on four watersheds (24 to 50 km2) draining the southern coast of California for the period October 1988 though to September 2002. Based on our hydrogeological interpretation, we present a new rainfall‐runoff model developed to simulate both surface and subsurface runoff, where surface runoff is from either urban or rural surfaces and subsurface runoff is either interflow from steep shallow soils or groundwater from bedrock and coarse‐textured fan deposits. Our assertions and model results are supported using streamflow data from seven US Geological Survey stream gauges and measured stream silica concentrations from two Santa Barbara Channel–Long Term Ecological Research Project sampling sites. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
李桂华  何家斌 《地震研究》2002,25(2):163-165
采用一致的地震震相和台网布局,应用昆明数字地震台网资料,对2002年月1月4日-1月7日的漾濞地震及序列作进一步核定,得出了更精确的地震震源位置,并作出三维空间图。  相似文献   
曾涛  杨武年  郭强  简季 《测绘科学》2006,31(3):140-142
空间基础地理信息是城市信息基础设施建设的重要组成部分,中小城市地理信息系统建设的核心是空间基础数据。本文对我国中小城市空间基础地理信息建设现状和存在的问题进行了分析,认为目前中小城市的规划和勘测部门在空间基础地理建设中主要存在数据形式多样、标准不统一和更新不力等问题,对此提出了一些关于数据库建设和数据更新的建议。  相似文献   

Using Artl@s as an example of a project that relies on volunteered geographic information (VGI), this article examines the specific challenges that exist, beyond those frequently discussed in general VGI systems (e.g., participants’ motivation and data quality control) in regard to sharing research data in humanities: (1) most data from the humanities is qualitative and collected from multiple data sources which are often inconsistent and unmappable; (2) data is usually interconnected with multiple relationships among different tables which creates challenges for both mapping and query functionality; (3) data is both geographical and historical. Consequently addresses that no longer exist have to be geolocated and visualized on historical basemaps and spaces must be represented diachronically; (4) the design of web map application needs to balance both sophisticated research requirements and a user-friendly interface; (5) finally contributors expect their data to be cited or acknowledged when used in other studies and users need metadata and citation information in order to reuse and repurpose datasets.

In this article, we discuss how Artl@s, a project which developed a georeferenced historical database of exhibition catalogues, addresses these challenges. Artl@s provides a case study for VGI adoption by digital humanities scholars for research data sharing, as it offers features, such as flexible batch data contribution, interrelated spatial query, automatic geolocalization of historical addresses, and data citation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Substantial changes in a core idea of geography, integration, have occurred since Alexander von Humboldt published Kosmos (1845-1862). These changes are part of a larger shift in Western civilization to mechanistic reasoning. This shift led to the strengthening of system-based analysis, central to the development of geographic information systems (GIS). The duality of holism and the systems approach has led to an apparent contradiction in geography. R. Hartshorne in The Nature of Geography described this contradiction, but as did Alfred Hettner and Emil Wisotzki before, moved to partial systems as the core concept of geographic integration. Hartshorne's concept of vertical integration is the antecedent for the ubiquitous GIS layer model. The reduction of geographic relationships and processes to mechanistic components (layers) aids the systematic approach, but may lessen geographic understanding of a place's interrelationships. Although the partiality of the system approach was already acknowledged by Finch and Hartshorne in the 1930s, the tension between holistic and system approaches in geography remains. Holism and system-based approaches are indeed complementary methods for developing geographic understanding. Using holistic approaches to understand geographic phenomena, before we teleologically (following a purpose) analyze phenomena as a system, extends GIS to include broader interrelationships of geography in specific locations.  相似文献   
计算机技术与地矿工作信息化   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
吴冲龙 《地学前缘》1998,5(2):343-355
地矿工作信息化已经成为时代的潮流。地矿工作信息化水平,也已经成为衡量地矿工作现代化程度的主要标志。地矿工作信息化工程的核心,是地质矿产信息系统建设,而主要技术手段是计算机应用。当前,计算机应用已经渗透到地质工作的全过程,成为地质工作新技术、新方法应用的主流,极大地推动了地矿工作的前进。地矿工作信息化领域的计算机应用涉及计算机技术领域的多个分支前缘。本文根据所掌握的几个主要方面的资料,评介了国内外计算机技术在地矿工作信息化领域的应用现状与发展趋势。  相似文献   
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