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This study focuses on the geology, geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and tectonic settings of the three types of seamount basalts from the Xingshuwa subduction accretionary complex in the Xar Moron area, eastern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB). The seamount remnants are composed of carbonate 'cap' sediments, large volumes of pillow and massive basalts, carbonate breccia slope facies and radiolarian cherts. Group 1 basalts are characterized by high contents of P2 O5 and TiO2 with alkaline affinity and LREE enrichment, indicating that they are derived from intraplate magma. Group 2 basalts display N-MORB LREE depletion patterns, indicating that they were formed at a mid-ocean ridge. Group 3 basalts have shown distinct Nb depletion and high Th/Yb ratios, indicating that they were generated in an island arc tectonic setting. The zircon U-Pb age of Group 1 basalt sample XWT18-131 is 576.4 ± 9.4 Ma, suggesting that the oceanic island seamount was the product of intraplate magmatism related to a mantle plume or 'hot spot' in the late Neoproterozoic. The zircon U-Pb age of Group 2 basalt sample XWT18-132 is 483 ± 22 Ma, indicating that the Paleo-Asian Ocean(PAO) was continuously expanding in the Early Ordovician. The zircon U-Pb age of Group 3 basalt sample XWT18-101 is 240.5 ± 8.2 Ma, suggesting that this area underwent the evolutionary path of ocean-continent transition, developing towards continentalization during the Middle Triassic. Thus, we believe that there was both mantle plume-related intraplate magmatism and intraoceanic subduction during the evolution of the PAO, the CAOB possibly being an evolutionary model of an intraoceanic subduction and mantle plume magmatism complex.  相似文献   
Detrital zircon (DZ) U‐Pb laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) has revolutionised the way geologists approach many Earth science questions. Although recent research has focused on rapid sample throughput, acquisition rates are limited to 100–300 analyses h?1. We present a method to acquire zircon U‐Pb dates at rates of 120, 300, 600 and 1200 analyses h?1 (30, 12, 6 and 3 s per analysis) by multi‐collector LA‐ICP‐MS. We demonstrate the efficacy of this method by analysing twelve zircon reference materials with dates from ~ 3465 to ~ 28 Ma. Mean offset from high‐precision dates increases with faster rates from 0.9% to 1.1%; mean random 1s uncertainty increases from 0.6% to 1.3%. We tested this new method on a sandstone sample previously characterised by large‐n DZ geochronology. Quantitative comparison shows increased correspondence among age distributions comprising > 300 dates. This new method holds promise for DZ geochronology because (a) it requires no major changes to hardware, but rather modifications to software; (b) it yields robust age distributions well‐suited for quantitative analysis and maximum depositional age calculations; (c) there is only a minor sacrifice of accuracy and measurement uncertainty; and (d) there is less burden to researchers in terms of time investment and analytical cost.  相似文献   
In the northwestern sector of the Zagros foreland basin, axial fluvial systems initially delivered fine-grained sediments from northwestern source regions into a contiguous basin, and later transverse fluvial systems delivered coarse-grained sediments from northeastern sources into a structurally partitioned basin by fold-thrust deformation. Here we integrate sedimentologic, stratigraphic, palaeomagnetic and geochronologic data from the northwestern Zagros foreland basin to define the Neogene history of deposition and sediment routing in response to progressive advance of the Zagros fold-thrust belt. This study constrains the depositional environments, timing of deposition and provenance of nonmarine clastic deposits of the Injana (Upper Fars), Mukdadiya (Lower Bakhtiari) and Bai-Hasan (Upper Bakhtiari) Formations in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Sediments of the Injana Formation (~12.4–7.75 Ma) were transported axially (orogen-parallel) from northwest to southeast by meandering and low-sinuosity channel belt system. In contrast, during deposition of the Mukdadiya Formation (~7.75–5 Ma), sediments were delivered transversely (orogen-perpendicular) from northeast to southwest by braided and low-sinuosity channel belt system in distributive fluvial megafans. By ~5 Ma, the northwestern Zagros foreland basin became partitioned by growth of the Mountain Front Flexure and considerable gravel was introduced in localized alluvial fans derived from growing topographic highs. Foredeep accumulation rates during deposition of the Injana, Mukdadiya and Bai-Hasan Formations averaged 350, 400 and 600 m/Myr respectively, suggesting accelerated accommodation generation in a rapidly subsiding basin governed by flexural subsidence. Detrital zircon U-Pb age spectra show that in addition to sources of Mesozoic-Cenozoic cover strata, the Injana Formation was derived chiefly from Palaeozoic-Precambrian (including Carboniferous and latest Neoproterozoic) strata in an axial position to the northwest, likely from the Bitlis-Puturge Massif and broader Eastern Anatolia. In contrast, the Mukdadiya and Bai-Hasan Formations yield distinctive Palaeogene U-Pb age peaks, particularly in the southeastern sector of the study region, consistent with transverse delivery from the arc-related terranes of the Walash and Naopurdan volcano-sedimentary groups (Gaveh-Rud domain?) and Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc to the northeast. These temporal and spatial variations in stratigraphic framework, depositional environments, sediment routing and compositional provenance reveal a major drainage reorganization during Neogene shortening in the Zagros fold-thrust belt. Whereas axial fluvial systems initially dominated the foreland basin during early orogenesis in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, transverse fluvial systems were subsequently established and delivered major sediment volumes to the foreland as a consequence of the abrupt deformation advance and associated topographic growth in the Zagros.  相似文献   
黄海、渤海铅-210沉积速率的分布特征及其影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对黄海、渤海17个箱式柱样进行了210Pb放射性活度测定,计算了近百年来210Pb沉积速率,并结合前人资料对黄海、渤海区210Pb沉积速率的空间分布特征及其影响因素进行探讨,结果表明,黄河口附近站位沉积速率最高(>2 cm/a),而在渤海中部、渤海湾以及山东半岛沿岸的站位沉积速率较小(≈0.5 cm/a),部分站位沉积...  相似文献   
新元古代冰期及其年代   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
新元古代在全球范围内出现了几期冰期事件,称之为“雪球地球”事件。这种剧烈的环境变化带来此后地球上生命演化的一次飞跃。“雪球地球”事件的核心是全球冰期的同时性,需要同位素地质年代学的证据。新元古代末期两次主要的冰期事件是Marinoan冰期和Sturtian冰期,其中Marinoan冰期结束于635Ma;Sturtian冰期可能发生在710~720Ma,已发表的年龄数据限定它在670Ma之前结束。Marinoan冰期后的Gaskiers冰期发生在580~590Ma。对华南的古城、铁丝坳、长安组、江口组等进行进一步精确定年,将对限定Sturtian冰期持续时间和Cryogenian、南华系的下限年龄具有重要意义。  相似文献   
早三叠世时期频繁的火山事件是导致全球性气候和海洋环境异常的主要原因,前人对早三叠世重要界线时期的火山事件地层开展了大量研究,但对典型界线时期以外的其他火山事件地层却鲜有报道.本文以上扬子西南普宜地区嘉陵江组两件沉凝灰岩为研究对象开展了岩石学、岩相学、锆石年代学及微量元素组合特征等方面的研究.沉凝灰岩样品具有典型岩浆锆石...  相似文献   
The Red River shear zone (RRSZ) is a major left‐lateral strike‐slip shear zone, containing a ductilely deformed metamorphic core bounded by brittle strike‐slip and normal faults, which stretches for >1000 km from Tibet through Yunnan and North Vietnam to the South China Sea. The RRSZ exposes four high‐grade metamorphic core complexes along its length. Various lithologies from the southernmost core complex, the Day Nui Con Voi (DNCV), North Vietnam, provide new constraints on the tectonic and metamorphic evolution of this region prior to and following the initial India–Asia collision. Analysis of a weakly deformed anatectic paragneiss using PT pseudosections constructed in the MnO–Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O (MnNCKFMASHTO) system provides prograde, peak and retrograde metamorphic conditions, and in situ U–Th–Pb geochronology of metamorphic monazite yields texturally controlled age constraints. Tertiary metamorphism and deformation, overprinting earlier Triassic metamorphism associated with the Indosinian orogeny and possible Cretaceous metamorphism, are characterized by peak metamorphic conditions of ~805 °C and ~8.5 kbar between c. 38 and 34 Ma. Exhumation occurred along a steep retrograde P–T path with final melt crystallizing at the solidus at ≥~5.5 kbar at ~790 °C. Further exhumation at ~640–700 °C and ~4–5 kbar at c. 31 Ma occurred at subsolidus conditions. U–Pb geochronological analysis of monazite from a strongly deformed pre‐kinematic granite dyke from the flank of the DNCV provides further evidence for exhumation at this time. Magmatic grains suggest initial emplacement at 66.0 ± 1.0 Ma prior to the India–Asia collision, whereas grains with metamorphic characteristics indicate later growth at 30.6 ± 0.4 Ma. Monazite grains from a cross‐cutting post‐kinematic dyke within the core of the DNCV antiform provide a minimum age constraint of 25.2 ± 1.4 Ma for the termination of fabric development. A separate and significant episode of monazite growth at c. 83–69 Ma is suggested to be the result of fluid‐assisted recrystallization following the emplacement of magmatic units.  相似文献   
SHRIMP (Sensitive High‐Resolution Ion MicroProbe) analytical procedures have been developed to enable dating of the small, early diagenetic xenotime overgrowths that commonly occur on zircons in siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. The method will be particularly useful in Precambrian terranes, where diagenetic xenotime dating could play a role equivalent to biostratigraphic dating in the Phanerozoic. Reliable 207Pb/206Pb data are more readily obtained than 206Pb/238U, which also favours application to the Precambrian. However, it is demonstrated that 206Pb/238U dating of larger overgrowths (>10 μm) is also viable and applicable to Phanerozoic samples. SHRIMP Pb/Pb geochronology of authigenic xenotime in an unmetamorphosed Palaeoproterozoic sandstone in the Kimberley Basin has constrained diagenesis to a precision of ± 7 Ma. In contrast, greenschist‐facies metasediments of the Archaean Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, contain both authigenic and alteration xenotime that record a complex history of growth from early diagenesis to the last major thermal event to affect the basin.  相似文献   
Interpreting tectonic histories from metamorphic tectonites requires an understanding of the linkages and feedbacks between deformation and metamorphism. Relationships between deformation and metamorphism can be divided into two broad groups: active and passive. Active relationships involve direct interactions whereby deformation directly influences metamorphic reactions or metamorphism directly affects the rate or style of deformation. One of the most important ‘active’ relationships is the role that deformation plays in helping to remove unstable reactant phases and to promote the growth of stable product phases. Passive relationships are correlations or linkages that allow the deformation history to be integrated with the metamorphic history. Compositional mapping of major and accessory phases and especially maps of larger thin section domains are particularly valuable for evaluating strain partitioning, scales of equilibrium, relationships between metamorphic textures and deformational fabrics, and in particular, for interpreting geochronological data. Petrological pseudosections are an increasingly utilized tool for interpreting microtextures and for linking deformation, metamorphism, and large‐scale tectonics. In situ geochronology and petrological analysis of chronometer phases (i.e. monazite, xenotime, titanite, allanite, etc.) are a critical part of tectonic analysis of metamorphic rocks. The electron microprobe plays an essential role in characterizing chronometer phases and placing them into the context of silicate fabrics and textures.  相似文献   
Fifty‐five new SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages from samples of northern Australian ‘basement’ and its overlying Proterozoic successions are used to refine and, in places, significantly change previous lithostratigraphic correlations. In conjunction with sequence‐stratigraphic studies, the 1800–1580 Ma rock record between Mt Isa and the Roper River is now classified into three superbasin phases—the Leichhardt, Calvert and Isa. These three major depositional episodes are separated by ~20 million years gaps. The Isa Superbasin can be further subdivided into seven supersequences each 10–15 million years in duration. Gaps in the geological record between these supersequences are variable; they approach several million years in basin‐margin positions, but are much smaller in the depocentres. Arguments based on field setting, petrography, zircon morphology, and U–Pb systematics are used to interpret these U–Pb zircon ages and in most cases to demonstrate that the ages obtained are depositional. In some instances, zircon crystals are reworked and give maximum depositional ages. These give useful provenance information as they fingerprint the source(s) of basin fill. Six new ‘Barramundi’ basement ages (around 1850 Ma) were obtained from crystalline units in the Murphy Inlier (Nicholson Granite and Cliffdale Volcanics), the Urapunga Tectonic Ridge (‘Mt Reid Volcanics’ and ‘Urapunga Granite’), and the central McArthur Basin (Scrutton Volcanics). New ages were also obtained from units assigned to the Calvert Superbasin (ca 1740–1690 Ma). SHRIMP results show that the Wollogorang Formation is not one continuous unit, but two different sequences, one deposited around 1730 Ma and a younger unit deposited around 1722 Ma. Further documentation is given of a regional 1725 Ma felsic event adjacent to the Murphy Inlier (Peters Creek Volcanics and Packsaddle Microgranite) and in the Carrara Range. A younger ca 1710 Ma felsic event is indicated in the southwestern McArthur Basin (Tanumbirini Rhyolite and overlying Nyanantu Formation). Four of the seven supersequences in the Isa Superbasin (ca 1670–1580 Ma) are reasonably well‐constrained by the new SHRIMP results: the Gun Supersequence (ca 1670–1655 Ma) by Paradise Creek Formation, Moondarra Siltstone, Breakaway Shale and Urquhart Shale ages grouped between 1668 and 1652 Ma; the Loretta Supersequence (ca 1655–1645 Ma) by results from the Lady Loretta Formation, Walford Dolomite, the upper part of the Mallapunyah Formation and the Tatoola Sandstone between ca 1653 and 1647 Ma; the River Supersequence (ca 1645–1630 Ma) by ages from the Teena Dolomite, Mt Les and Riversleigh Siltstones, and Barney Creek, Lynott, St Vidgeon and Nagi Formations clustering around 1640 Ma; and the Term Supersequence (ca 1630–1615 Ma) by ages from the Stretton Sandstone, lower Doomadgee Formation and lower part of the Lawn Hill Formation, mostly around 1630–1620 Ma. The next two younger supersequences are less well‐constrained geochronologically, but comprise the Lawn Supersequence (ca 1615–1600 Ma) with ages from the lower Balbirini Dolomite, and lower Doomadgee, Amos and middle Lawn Hill Formations, clustered around 1615–1610 Ma; and the Wide Supersequence (ca 1600–1585 Ma) with only two ages around 1590 Ma, one from the upper Balbirini Dolomite and the other from the upper Lawn Hill Formation. The Doom Supersequence (<1585 Ma) at the top of the Isa Superbasin is essentially unconstrained. The integration of high‐precision SHRIMP dating from continuously analysed stratigraphic sections, within a sequence stratigraphic context, provides an enhanced chronostratigraphic framework leading to more reliable interpretations of basin architecture and evolution.  相似文献   
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