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Mucronella perforata was first discovered from Onagawa Bay, northern Honshu, Japan, in 1937 by Okada and Mawatari. It was reported from Hong Kong and its neighboring waters and was referred to the genusHippopodina Levinsen, 1909 of the Family Hippopodinidae Levinsen, 1909 by Huang et al. (1990) and Huang (1994). According to the astogeny of the species, both the ancestrula and its successor zooids have an ascus proximal to the orifice, and its hyperstomial ovicells are imperforate, so it could not be a member of any known genus of the known families of the superfamily Schizoporelloidea Jullien, 1883 in the infraorder Lepraliomorpha Gordon, 1989. The new genusPacificincola and the new family Pacificincolidae established respectively on the basis of reexaminations of the Chinese specimens obtained from the southern Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the northern South China Sea.Schizoporella insculpta Hincks, 1880 andHippoporina mexicana Soule, Soule et Chaney, 1995 have been referred to the new genus in the paper. Contribution No. 3658 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Project 39670100 supported by NSFC and work also supported by the Special Foundation of Biota, IOCAS.  相似文献   
【目的】研究12月龄多鳞鱚(Sillago sihama Forssk?l)形态性状与体质量之间的关系,筛选适用于选育的主要形态性状。【方法】测定12个形态性状与体质量的表型参数,通过通径分析、相关分析和多元回归分析估计主要性状对体质量的直接影响和间接影响。【结果】12月龄多鳞鱚13个性状之间的相关系数均达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。通径分析表明,体高(X1)、体厚(X2)、眼径(X7)、体长(X10)和背鳍前长(X11)对体质量(Y)有明显的直接影响;除体长外,其他生长性状对体质量的直接影响均小于它们对体质量的间接影响,同时,体长对体质量的直接影响最大。相关分析表明,上述5个主要性状是体质量变化的主要影响因素。体长对体质量的单独决定系数最大(0.331),5个主要性状对体质量的总决定系数为0.928。建立的以主要性状为自变量、体质量为因变量的回归方程为Y=-13.339+2.913X1+3.352X2-4.467X7+1.473X10+0.763X11。【结论】体长、体厚、眼径、体高和背鳍前长等5个主要性状是影响多鳞鱚体质量的核心性状,其中体长影响最大。  相似文献   
The present paper reports 9 species of pontoniine shrimps collected from Hainan IS-land ,South China Sea ,by the Joint Chinese-German Marine Biology Expeditions,in which Peri-climenaeus arabicus (Calman,1939) and Periclimenaeus hecate (Nobili,1904) are recorded for the first time from Hainan Island.  相似文献   
描记采于贵州省茂兰自然保护区境内一洞穴的中国野鲮亚科(Labeoninae)一新属长臀鲮属Longanalus.sp nov和一个新种大鳍长臀鲮Longanalus macrochirous sp nov。新属以臀鳍分枝鳍条为7根等特征.区别于该亚科所有属;新种以偶鳍发达.胸鳍后伸达到腹鳍基,腹鳍后伸超过臀鳍起点等显著特征命名大鳍长臀鲮。  相似文献   
The morphology and infraciliature of a new marine colepid ciliate, Apocoleps magnus gen. nov., spec. nov., are described based on living observations and silver impregnations. The new genus Apocoleps is characterized by having 8 (vs. 6 in most other related genera) armour tiers, spines at both ends of the cell, 3 adoral organelles and plates with 4 reniform uni-windows. Apocoleps magnus spec. nov. is defined by the following features: body elongated and slightly curved, about 100–120μm× 35–45 μm in vivo; an...  相似文献   
袁亚夫  潘开文 《山地学报》2000,18(3):263-266
研究了瓦屋山地区野生报春花资源的种类、资源数量、观赏评价、生物生态学特点和生境。主要结论为 :瓦屋山地区现有萼报春、卵叶报春、峨眉苣叶报春、宝兴掌叶报春、川西遂瓣报春、等梗报春、城口报春、苣叶报春等 9种。其中 ,萼报春的资源及其生态变幅最大 ,宝兴报春、卵叶报春和川西遂瓣报春的次之 ,峨眉苣叶报春、等梗报春和宝兴掌叶报春的较小 ,城口报春和苣叶报春的最小。本文同时也提出了开发野生报春花资源的对策。  相似文献   
中国特有的永瓣藤属植物区系地理性质与特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢国文  孙叶根 《地理研究》1999,18(2):130-135
永瓣藤是卫矛科的单型属(Monimop etalum Chinese Rehd),为中国特有的珍稀濒危植物,分布于北纬28°30'~30°10'和东经114°30'~118°10'的长江中下游南岸地区。文中研究了永瓣藤的自然地理环境与群落特征,分布区的历史和分布格局的现状,探讨了它起源的时间、地区及区系地理性质。研究结果表明:(1)永瓣藤适应于温暖湿润和偏酸性(pH5.5~6.5)土壤的地理环境;它是群落的伴生成分,其分布受到杉木、马尾松、毛竹、赤杨叶等优势成分的影响。(2)其分布区的地史演变大概为:连续分布(新第三纪)→间断分布(第四纪及以后)→星散分布(现状).通山县的残存为湖北省植物区系地理分布新记录属(种).(3)它分布于我国东部中亚热带向北亚热带过渡区域,是一个具亚热带性质的华东特有属。(4)其起源地可能是扬子古陆的九岭-怀玉联合地体;起源时间大约在新第三纪中新世(或更晚),是被子植物一个起源比较年轻的属,并不是起源古老的地理成分。  相似文献   
Klukiopsis jurassica--A new Jurassic schizaeaceous fern from China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new Jurassic schizaeaceous fern Klukiopsis jurassica gen. et sp. nov. from Yima, Henan Province, China is described. The new fern is characterized by the abaxial sori arranged in two rows, apical and complete annulus and more than 800 smooth trilete spores in each sorus.  相似文献   
从730条海水鱼体内采得73种绦虫和其他寄生虫(线虫、吸虫等)。其中一种绦虫共有27条标本,经鉴定为假叶目Pseudophyllidea三枝钩科Triaenophoridae钩吻属Anchistrocephalus。本属为国内新记录,宿主马面鲀为本属新宿主。  相似文献   
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