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川西龙门山前缘雷口坡组油气成藏条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙门山前雷口坡组烃源岩为中等烃源岩,干酪根类型以I型干酪根为主,生气丰度30-50×10^8m^3/k^2,生气中心在安县。雷口坡组储集岩为粒屑白云岩,主要发育于雷三段,其次为雷一段,为孔隙性储层。研究表明这些粗结构碳酸盐岩的发育与滩相沉积环境密切相关。中坝雷三气藏成藏主控因素是:早期的构造,有利的储层和良好的保存条件。龙门山前缘雷口坡组天然气勘探前景良好,龙门山前缘中北段双鱼石至金河一带为有利勘探区带。  相似文献   
天然气水合物注热水分解前缘热作用因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李明川  樊栓狮 《海洋学报》2012,34(5):116-119
为研究天然气水合物注热水分解前缘的热作用影响,建立了考虑孔隙介质中水合物饱和度的分解前缘数学模型,并进行迭代分析求解;实验测温前缘和电阻前缘与数学模型拟合前缘较好的吻合,误差控制在8%以内;分析了注热水温度和速率对分解前缘的热作用影响:温度对分解前缘影响的误差不超过8.71%,较大流速对分解前缘影响误差为4.53%,在提高注入热水温度的同时以较大注入速率能减小对水合物分解前缘的热作用影响。  相似文献   
Seasonal new production (g C m−2) estimates obtained from dissolved oxygen and nitrate concentrations in surface waters (5 m depth) along a track between the UK (Portsmouth) and northern Spain (Bilbao) are compared. An oxygen flux method, in combination with a ship of opportunity (SOO), was tested on the northwest European shelf for its value in distinguishing high production in frontal regions. Dissolved oxygen, nitrate and chlorophyll a samples were collected monthly from February to July 2004, alongside continuous autonomous measurements of salinity, temperature and chlorophyll fluorescence. Depth integrated new production estimates for all the individually analysed hydrographic regions of the route were produced.Results from three widely used gas-exchange parameterizations gave seasonal (February–July) new production estimates of 54–68 g C m−2 for the Ushant region of the western English Channel and 31–40 g C m−2 for the shelf slope, averaging 24–31 g C m−2 for the route. This is double the route average obtained using the nitrate assimilation method (17 g C m−2) and within the ranges of previous estimates in the same region. The oxygen flux method gave a fivefold enhancement compared to the nitrate method in the Ushant frontal region and a threefold enhancement in the English Channel and shelf break regions. Determining oxygen fluxes to estimate new production may be more reliable than nitrate assimilation in active tidal or frontal regions of shelves where nitrate may be added to the system post-winter through advection or entrainment.  相似文献   
From January 10 to February 2, 2008, a severe and persistent freezing-rain event occurred in southern and southwestern China. Here we use an observational analysis to compare the persistent freezing-rain event in the early 2008 with the winter precipita- tion in the late 2007 over south of the Yangtze River (Jiangnan). The persistent freezing-rain event was directly linked to the activity of quasi-stationary front. The gradient of equivalent temperature (ET) can well indicate the frontal genesis of moist atmosphere (moisture front) and its activity as well as its relationship with precipitation belt. The precipitation types (snow and freezing rains) are related to the vertical structure of moisture front. The inversion profile of ET vertical distribution is a typical synoptic condition that caused the freezing-rain event. The horizontal gradient of ET with a criterion of 10℃ / 100 km, which reflects the accumulation and release of atmospheric energy, can be applied to predict the precipitation 5-10 days in advance.  相似文献   
This work deals with the propagation and evolution of disturbances which move along freely propagating two-dimensional gravity current fronts. Examples of evolving perturbations on fronts are displayed in real-aperture radar images of gravity currents in the coastal zone. The theory of Cooper et al. (2001), which is based upon the ray tube formulation of Whitham (1974), is employed to simulate disturbances of the sort seen in this imagery and in the larger body of literature. Initial anomalies in both shape and velocity are introduced and allowed to evolve, and several types of new and interesting behaviors emerge. Shape perturbations of the form x=a sech δy evolve into two anomalies, which separate in time as they propagate in opposite directions along the front. When the value of a is increased, the disturbances, which propagate along the gravity current, can break, forming breaking frontal waves (BFWs). These manifest themselves as sharp angular features to either side of the main bulge. Two types of velocity disturbances are employed. The first has the form U=U0(1+â sech δy), and evolves to preserve a single frontal bulge that increases in amplitude and width as it propagates. Here again, large values of â result in BFWs. In this case, they replicate the general behavior present in the imagery. The second type of velocity perturbation used is U=U0(1+â cos δy). The smallest values of a generate no BFWs, but yield fronts which oscillate in space and time. Larger values produce a string of BFWs which are qualitatively similar to the cusp-and-trough morphology observed so frequently in nature. The largest values of a allow the gravity current to form a string of large, bulbous structures which intersect one another as they propagate forward and spread laterally. And finally, we make an effort to correlate the results of the simulations with the shapes seen in radar and visible imagery in the literature.  相似文献   
The El Ni?o Southern Oscillation(ENSO) is a natural phenomenon that relates to the fluctuation of temperatures over the Pacific Ocean. The ENSO significantly affects the ocean dynamics including upwelling event and coastal front. A recent study discovered the seasonal upwelling in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia(ECPM), which is significant to the fishery industry in this region. Thus, it is vital to have a better understanding of the influence of ENSO towards the coastal upwelling and thermal front in the ECPM. The sea surface temperature(SST) data achieved from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer(MODIS) aboard Aqua satellite are used in this study to observe the SST changes from 2005 to 2015. However, due to cloud cover issue, a reconstruction of data set is applied to MODIS data using the data interpolating empirical orthogonal function(DINEOF) to fill in the missing gap in the dataset based on spatial and temporal available data. Besides, a wavelet transformation analysis is done to determine the temperature fluctuation throughout the time series. The DINEOF results show the coastal upwelling in the ECPM develops in July and reaches its peak in August with a clear cold water patch off the coast. There is also a significant change of SST distribution during the El Ni?o years which weaken the coastal upwelling event along the ECPM. The wavelet transformation analysis shows the highest temperature fluctuation is in 2009–2010 which indicates the strongest El Ni?o throughout the time period. It is suggested that the El Ni?o is favourable for the stratification in water column thus it is weakening the upwelling and thermal frontal zone formation in ECPM waters.  相似文献   
黄浩  陈学恩  林璘 《海洋与湖沼》2019,50(6):1191-1200
本文基于现场观测资料并结合FVCOM三维海洋模式的模拟结果,研究了2010年青岛冷水团生消过程和演变机制。结果表明,山东半岛东南海域的中层冷水是青岛冷水团的雏形,于4月中旬演变为青岛冷水团,位于青岛东南外海40m以下的盐度锋面中;刻画了青岛冷水团的消亡过程:5月青岛冷水团的北部底层水并入南黄海底层冷水中,构成南黄海的西部冷中心;而南部水团面积大幅减小,温盐特征大幅上升;6月上旬,青岛冷水团完全被南黄海底层冷水吞并,青岛冷水团完全消亡;揭示了青岛-石岛近海反气旋涡、黄海冷水团锋面密度环流对青岛冷水团的作用,前者是青岛冷水团存在的动力机制,后者加剧了底层海域的水平热量交换,促使了青岛冷水团的消亡。  相似文献   
本文根据1989年4月10~21日在东海东北部的海洋调查资料以及1989年4月10日和16日的卫星红外影象分析了黑潮锋面涡、暖丝和暖环的特征.结果表明,出现在这里的锋面涡约以30cm/s 的速度随黑潮主干移动,在锋面涡的冷中心区陆架混合水插入同时,下层的高营养水上升,从而造成高生产力区.黑潮暖丝携带约4×10~6m~3/s 的输运量以50 cm/s 的速度逆黑潮西行,然后暖丝可能沿陆架坡转向北,或可能顺时针旋转形成暖环.  相似文献   
对四种卤虫:A.franciscana,A.sinica,A.persimilis,A.tunisiana的雄性抱持器及其额结节进行比较观察。在额结节表面有两种突起。树突和感觉毛。两者的排列和分布复杂,在不同种卤虫之间,它们的差别很明显。据此,额结节辅以抱持器的形态大小可作为卤虫的鉴定的重要标志。四种卤虫的简易鉴定法:1.A.franciscana额结节小,约150μm,抱持器粗壮,与其粗短体形一致。其体宽体长比值为0.17。2.A.sinica额结节小,约150μm,抱持器纤细,与其细长体形一致,其体宽体长比值为0.10。3.A.persimilis额结节大,半圆形,直径约350μm,抱持器端节前沿呈弧形。4.A.tunisiana额结节大,圆锥形,高350μm,抱持器端节前沿呈拐角突起。  相似文献   
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