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The limnology of Lake Rerewhakaaitu (36°18'S, 176° 30'E) was studied at various intervals between 1971 and 1974; comparisons were made between the main lake (area 6.32 km2, mean depth 7 m, maximum depth 15 m), and the smaller (0.15 km2) and deeper (mean depth 15 m, maximum 31 m) crater which are connected by a narrow, 1 m deep channel. The main lake was usually homothermal, although temporary stratification periodically occurred, and the oxygen content of the deeper water could be as low as 2 g.m‐3. The crater showed strong thermal and chemical stratification persisting well into the winter. Its heat budget and other factors related to lake stability are compared with those of some other New Zealand lakes. The failure of the crater to become fully re‐oxygenated during its brief period of homothermy is believed to be related to its morphometry, since the amount of phytoplankton did not appear to be great enough to explain the low levels of dissolved oxygen in the hypolimnion. The hypolimnetic oxygen deficit in 1973–74 was 0.038 mg. cm‐2.day‐1. Qualitatively the phytoplankton, usually dominated by desmids, was characteristic of oligotrophic waters, but quantitatively the main lake could be rated as mesotrophic. Differences were also found in the abundance of zooplankton between the crater and the main lake: there were usually more Bosmina but considerably fewer Ceriodaphnia in the main lake which had greater numbers of Piona. Adult Calamoecia were generally more abundant in the crater.  相似文献   
The size and age structures, sex ratio, size- and age-at-sex-change, growth and mortality rate of the protogynous hermaphrodite, steentjie Spondyliosoma emarginatum, were compared to determine the effects on population structure and life-history parameters of exploitation (comparing an unexploited reserve and an exploited area in Langebaan Lagoon) and biogeography (comparing Langebaan Lagoon and Struisbaai on the south-west coast of South Africa). There were few large fish and a sex ratio skewed towards relatively more females in the exploited area compared with the reserve in Langebaan. The age structure of female steentjies was truncated in the exploited area but the male age structure was unaffected, possibly because of the poor relationship between size and age of males caused by accelerated growth-at-sex-change. There were no differences in the size- and age-at-sex-change between the reserve and the exploited area, suggesting that steentjies have not shown a physiological response to exploitation in Langebaan and are unable to compensate for a skewed sex ratio. The comparison between Struisbaai and Langebaan showed that the growth rate of steentjies in Struisbaai was slower and the size-at-sex-change smaller than those at Langebaan. Linefish stock assessments may have to account for regional differences in physiological parameters.  相似文献   
俄罗斯为世界上六大产金国之一, 金矿床勘查规范独具特点。通过俄联邦自然资源部颁布的《矿床储量与固体矿产预测资源量分类》、《金矿床储量分类方法指南》与中国国土资源部颁布的《岩金矿地质勘查规范》的对比, 剖析中俄两国规范内容的异同。  相似文献   
矿床模型综合地质信息预测资源量的估算方法   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
未发现矿产资源潜力的资源定量估算一直是资源评价的重要工作,关于资源量估算的方法也在不断的探索中。从新一轮全国重要矿产资源潜力评价的技术体系所倡导的成矿分析方法入手,探索了资源量估算的成矿地质体体积法,介绍了该方法的原理、步骤和可能实现的途径。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖自然保护区网络体系建设的探索与尝试   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
鄱阳湖是国际重要湿地,是中国最大的淡水湖,也是亚洲最大的水禽越冬地,是白鹤、东方白鹳、鸿雁和小天鹅等珍稀水禽全球最主要的越冬地之一。为保护好鄱阳湖湿地生态系统,保护好鄱阳湖珍稀水禽及其栖息地,江西省人民政府先后在鄱阳湖建立了15个自然保护区(国家级2个、省级2个,其余为县级),这15个自然保护区构成了原有的自然保护区网络体系。由于县级保护区保护管理功能的缺失,使得原有的自然保护区体系发挥的作用十分有限,因此需要尝试建立新的自然保护区网络体系。新的鄱阳湖自然保护区网络体系由鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区的11个保护管理(监测)站和南矶湿地国家级自然保护区的保护管理站共同组成,同时还包括鄱阳湖区越冬候鸟和湿地联合保护委员会、护鸟员和信息员队伍以及奖励机制。目前,新的网络体系存在新建保护监测站职能不明确和人员不足等问题,一定程度上制约了保护管理功能的发挥。为更好地发挥鄱阳湖自然保护区网络体系的作用,加强鄱阳湖自然保护区网络体系的建设十分必要,建议国家和地方政府给予更多的政策和资金支持。  相似文献   
滇池为云贵高原最大的淡水湖,湖中软体动物及介形类等水生生物非常丰富,尤其是软体动物的无齿蚌(Anodonta)更为丰富,种类多,个体数量大。本文探讨滇池无齿蚌的种类、分布,及其与水体温度、透明度、pH值等水域环境的关系。  相似文献   
钙质砂的水理性质对岛礁地下淡水透镜体的形成至关重要。通过室内试验的方法从透水性、容水性和给水性3个方面对南海钙质砂的水理性质进行了研究,并在此基础上进一步结合数值模拟手段,探讨了上述相关性质对岛礁淡水透镜体形成的影响。结果表明:南海钙质砂多具有级配不良且不均匀的特征;其渗透系数通常在0.023~110 m/d之间,区域间差异较大,而孔隙度和给水度则主要集中在0.40~0.55和0.012~0.310之间,与同粒径范围的陆源砂相比,呈现出容水性好但给水性偏低的特征。钙质砂的水理性质对岛礁地下淡水透镜体形成的影响主要体现在流速、厚度、资源储量以及形成时间等方面,其中钙质砂的透水性越好,地下水中的流速越快,咸淡水间的混合作用越强,导致淡水透镜体的厚度越薄,储量越少;给水性则主要影响钙质砂中淡水透镜体的资源储量,对淡水透镜体的厚度及形状影响较小。  相似文献   
流域土地利用/覆被变化对洪河保护区湿地景观的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
刘红玉  李兆富 《地理学报》2007,62(11):1215-1222
从流域尺度, 应用遥感和GIS 技术对1954 年以来6 个时段土地利用/ 覆被变化进行分析, 并采用景观生态学方法对洪河保护区及其所在浓江河流域湿地景观多样性和景观连通度进行计算, 系统研究了流域土地利用变化对保护区湿地景观的影响。结果显示: ① 浓江河流域大规模土地利用发生在20 世纪80 年代之后, 年均耕地面积增长速度为101 km2/a; ② 土地利用/ 覆被变化直接导致流域湿地景观多样性降低, 同时也间接影响了洪河保护区湿地景观多样性; ③ 流域土地利用变化带来的景观连通度降低严重割断了景观之间原有的物质交换和功能维持关系, 是导致保护区湿地景观结构和功能改变的主要因素之一; ④ 恢复保护区周围一定面积的湿地, 维持良好的景观连通度是实现保护区自然保护效益的方法之一。  相似文献   
沿黄地区浅层淡水水源地傍河取水技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为开辟区域供水新途径,经过对沿黄地区供水勘察资料的分析研究,认为临黄靠渠区,浅层地下水水质较好。从黄河侧渗补给稳化的角度分析,具备了形成中小型供水水源地的条件,技术可行、经济便利,能够满足该区村镇生活及工矿企业用水需求,是缓解该区供水危机的新途径。  相似文献   
The south-eastern United States and Gulf Coast of Mexico is physiographically diverse, although dominated by a broad coastal plain. Much of the region has a humid, warm temperate climate with little seasonality in precipitation but strong seasonality in runoff owing to high rates of summer evapotranspiration. The climate of southern Florida and eastern Mexico is subtropical with a distinct summer wet season and winter dry season. Regional climate models suggest that climate change resulting from a doubling of the pre-industrial levels of atmospheric CO2 may increase annual air temperatures by 3–4°C. Changes in precipitation are highly uncertain, but the most probable scenario shows higher levels over all but the northern, interior portions of the region, with increases primarily occurring in summer and occurring as more intense or clustered storms. Despite the increases in precipitation, runoff is likely to decline over much of the region owing to increases in evapotranspiration exceeding increases in precipitation. Only in Florida and the Gulf Coast areas of the US and Mexico are precipitation increases likely to exceed evapotranspiration increases, producing an increase in runoff. However, increases in storm intensity and clustering are likely to result in more extreme hydrographs, with larger peaks in flow but lower baseflows and longer periods of drought. The ecological effects of climate change on freshwaters of the region include: (1) a general increase in rates of primary production, organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling as a result of higher temperatures and longer growing seasons: (2) reduction in habitat for cool water species, particularly fish and macroinvertebrates in Appalachian streams; (3) reduction in water quality and in suitable habitat in summer owing to lower baseflows and intensification of the temperature–dissolved oxygen squeeze in many rivers and reservoirs; (4) reduction in organic matter storage and loss of organisms during more intense flushing events in some streams and wetlands; (5) shorter periods of inundation of riparian wetlands and greater drying of wetland soils, particularly in northern and inland areas; (6) expansion of subtropical species northwards, including several non-native nuisance species currently confined to southern Florida; (7) expansion of wetlands in Florida and coastal Mexico, but increase in eutrophication of Florida lakes as a result of greater runoff from urban and agricultural areas; and (8) changes in the flushing rate of estuaries that would alter their salinity regimes, stratification and water quality as well as influence productivity in the Gulf of Mexico. Many of the expected climate change effects will exacerbate current anthropogenic stresses on the region's freshwater systems, including increasing demands for water, increasing waste heat loadings and land use changes that alter the quantity and quality of runoff to streams and reservoirs. Research is needed especially in several critical areas: long-term monitoring of key hydrological, chemical and biological properties (particularly water balances in small, forested catchments and temperature-sensitive species); experimental studies of the effects of warming on organisms and ecosystem processes under realistic conditions (e.g. in situ heating experiments); studies of the effects of natural hydrological variation on biological communities; and assessment of the effects of water management activities on organisms and ecosystem processes, including development and testing of management and restoration strategies designed to counteract changes in climate. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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