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Galaxias maculatus has considerable potential as a laboratory animal. Laboratory techniques used to maintain, artificially spawn, hatch, and rear this New Zealand native freshwater fish are described. Potential research applications for the fish, the eggs, and the larvae are outlined. The development of the larvae is described.  相似文献   
在西藏那曲的错鄂和湖北武汉的紫阳湖采集到两株淡水绿色海绵。形态观察显示,两株海绵呈现绿色是由于其内共生有球状绿藻。基于形态观察和分子系统发育分析确定为该球状绿藻为索囊藻属的寄生索囊藻(Choricystis parasitica(K.Brandt)Pr?scholdDarienko)。结果表明:(1)两株藻均为纺锤形或倒卵形,长1.2—2.8μm,宽0.8—1.5μm;具一个侧位片状色素体;(2)依据18S r DNA和rbc L cp DNA的进化分析显示这两株藻均位于胶球藻科(Coccomyxaceae),索囊藻属(Choricystis);(3)基于ITS2的二级结构分析显示这两株藻与寄生索囊藻具有相同的二级结构,表明这两株内共生的球状绿藻均为寄生索囊藻。寄生索囊藻为中国新纪录种,所在属索囊藻属为中国新纪录属。本研究以形态性状和分子性状描述了采自中国的寄生索囊藻标本,为今后研究提供依据和参考。  相似文献   
准确确定咸淡水界面位置是评价咸水入侵范围的前提。对于咸淡水界面位置的确定,传统研究以水化学法和物探法为主。为克服单一使用传统方法造成的人力、物力和财力的大量浪费,以莱州湾西南岸广饶县小清河以南咸水入侵区为研究对象,在综合分析研究区地下水开采现状、水化学监测结果的基础上,选择3个典型断面,采用水化学法中的野外现场电导率法,快速判断咸淡水界面大致位置(某两眼监测井之间);再在一咸一淡的两眼监测井之间,采用高密度电阻率法快速、准确地确定咸淡水界面的空间分布。结果表明:该地区的地下水电导率若大于1.61 mS/cm,即可认为此处受到咸水入侵;咸淡水界面位置的视电阻率特征值为11~13 Ω·m,咸淡水界面附近咸水体呈舌状入侵并主要发生在地表以下13 m内的浅层地下水中。  相似文献   
稀土资源储备刻不容缓   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
任忠宝  余良晖 《地球学报》2011,32(4):507-512
本文基于全球稀土资源供需形势和我国储量减少的趋势分析了我国开展稀土资源储备的紧迫性.从储备规避“世贸规则”进行间接控制出口、增强在国际稀土市场的话语权以及降低国家外汇储备风险三个方面阐明了我国开展稀土资源储备的必要性.通过借鉴美国和日本在稀土矿产地和矿产品储备方面的成功经验,结合我国稀土资源储备现状,初步构建了适合我国...  相似文献   
Planktic foraminifera from the calcareous substrate of a ferromanganese crust in the Vityaz Fracture Zone (VFZ), Central Indian Ridge were studied to reconstruct the early Pliocene paleoceanography of this region. Eleven species of planktic foraminifera were encountered, among them Globorotalia menardii, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, Globigerina bulloides and Globigerinoides tuber are prominent. Predominance of N. dutertrei in the top 3 cm of the carbonate substrate is attributed to an influx of fresh water which eventually triggered their productivity by increasing the nutrient level. The presence of G. bulloides and G. menardii in significant proportions in deeper layers suggests the prevalence of open ocean upwelling. The bulk chemical compositions of the substrate at different depth intervals indicates higher enrichment of trace metals in the upper sections which could have been supplied through oceanic water by the chemical weathering of terrestrial matter during the peak of Pliocene Asian monsoon. Thus, it is concluded that during the early Pliocene the biogenic components of the substrate were distinctly contributed by both upwelling and productivity triggered by an influx of fresh water originating from the intensification of the Asian monsoon during the early Pliocene Period.  相似文献   
基于SD法估算东安金矿床5号矿体资源储量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛明轩 《地质与勘探》2011,47(6):1177-1184
资源储量估算是矿产地质勘查工作中的一项重要任务,是估算矿床经济价值和矿山设计的基本依据。SD资源储量估算和审定方法(SD法),诞生于20世纪80年代,它是一种以SD动态分维几何学为理论,以最佳结构地质变量为基础的资源储量估算方法,适于不同矿种及矿产勘查开采各个阶段,它应用SD精度法,成功量化矿产资源储量的地质可靠程度,...  相似文献   
淡水养殖珍珠的矿物组成特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
采用粉末X射线衍射分析及显微激光拉曼光谱对三角帆蚌养殖珍珠的矿物组成进行了研究。结果表明,浙江诸暨产三角帆蚌淡水珍珠的矿物组成主要为文石。在无商业价值的部分珍珠中存在六方碳钙石。其中具珍珠光泽的珍珠层一般呈半透明状,均为文石组成;无珍珠光泽的不透明层有时由文石组成,有时由六方碳钙石组成。三角帆蚌淡水养殖珍珠中不存在方解石,这与海水养殖珍珠中存在方解石明显不同。  相似文献   
Xun Zhou  Chao Song  Ting Li 《水文科学杂志》2013,58(13):2367-2375

The inland extending length of the freshwatersaltwater interface toe is useful in studies of seawater intrusion in coastal areas. The submarine fresh groundwater discharge in coastal zones is affected not only by hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic gradient of the aquifer, but also by the position of the interface. Two observation wells at different distances from the coast are required to calculate the fresh groundwater flow rate in coastal unconfined aquifers. By considering that the submarine groundwater discharge is equal to the groundwater flow rate, the length of the interface toe extending inland can be estimated when the groundwater flow is at a steady-flow state. Aquifers with horizontal and sloping confined beds and without/with unique surface vertical infiltration are considered. Examples used to illustrate the application of these methods indicate that the inland extending lengths of the interface toe in aquifers with vertical surface infiltration are much shorter than those in aquifers without vertical surface infiltration, and the length of the interface in aquifers with a horizontal confining lower bed are smaller than those in aquifers with a confining lower bed sloping towards the sea. The extent of the interface on the northwestern coast near the city of Beihai in southern Guangxi, China, on 18 January 2013 was estimated as 471478 m.
Editor M.C. Acreman Associate editor not assigned  相似文献   
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