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Cod‐end mesh selection experiments were conducted on three species of flatfish (common or English sole Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae, lemon sole Pelotretis flavilatus, and sand flounder Rhombosolea plebeia) trawled off the Otago coast. It is suggested that better yields would be obtained from stocks of these fish if the minimum cod‐end mesh size was increased from 10.2 cm (4 in.) to 11.4 cm (4.5 in.).  相似文献   
To understand the thermal evolution of lacustrine sedimentary n-alkane hydrogen isotopic composition (δD), especially bacterially derived n-alkanes, anhydrous thermal simulation experiments were performed with sediments from Lake Gahai (Gannan, China). We analyzed the original and pyrolysis-generated n-alkanes and their δD values. The results showed that thermal maturity and n-alkane origins significantly affected the distribution of pyrolysis-generated n-alkanes. In immature to post-mature sediments, the bacterial-derived medium-chain n-alkanes generally had depleted δD values. The maximum difference in average δD values between the bacterial-and herbaceous plant-derived medium-chain n-alkanes was 32‰, and the maximum difference in δD values among individual n-alkanes was 59‰. We found that the average δD value of pyrolysis-generated n-alkanes from different latitude was significantly different in immature to highly mature sediments, but similar in post-mature ssediments. The hydrogen isotopes of sedimentary n-alkanes can be used as indicators for paleoclimate/paleo-environment conditions only when sediments are immature to highly mature. During thermal evolution, the δD value of generated individual n-alkanes and the average δD value increased with thermal maturity, indicating that hydrogen isotopes of sedimentary n-alkanes can be used as an index of organic matter maturity. We established mathematical models of average δD values of generated n-alkanes from immature to post-mature sediments using nC21?/nC21+ and average chain lengths. These results improve our understanding of the distribution and δD value of sedimentary n-alkanes derived from herbaceous plants in mid-latitude plateau cold regions.  相似文献   
《Marine pollution bulletin》2013,76(1-2):291-300
Surface water samples were collected from substations along Sheva creek and Dharamtar creek mangrove ecosystems of Uran (Raigad), Navi Mumbai, west coast of India. Water samples were collected fortnightly from April 2009 to March 2011 during spring low and high tides and were analyzed for pH, Temperature, Turbidity, Total solids (TS), Total dissolved solids (TDS), Total suspended solids (TSS), Dissolved oxygen (DO), Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), Carbon dioxide (CO2), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Salinity, Orthophosphate (O-PO4), Nitrite–nitrogen (NO2–N), Nitrate–nitrogen (NO3–N), and Silicates. Variables like pH, turbidity, TDS, salinity, DO, and BOD show seasonal variations. Higher content of O-PO4, NO3–N, and silicates is recorded due to discharge of domestic wastes and sewage, effluents from industries, oil tanking depots and also from maritime activities of Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT), hectic activities of Container Freight Stations (CFS), and other port wastes. This study reveals that water quality from mangrove ecosystems of Uran is deteriorating due to industrial pollution and that mangrove from Uran is facing the threat due to anthropogenic stress.  相似文献   
在西藏那曲的错鄂和湖北武汉的紫阳湖采集到两株淡水绿色海绵。形态观察显示,两株海绵呈现绿色是由于其内共生有球状绿藻。基于形态观察和分子系统发育分析确定为该球状绿藻为索囊藻属的寄生索囊藻(Choricystis parasitica(K.Brandt)Pr?scholdDarienko)。结果表明:(1)两株藻均为纺锤形或倒卵形,长1.2—2.8μm,宽0.8—1.5μm;具一个侧位片状色素体;(2)依据18S r DNA和rbc L cp DNA的进化分析显示这两株藻均位于胶球藻科(Coccomyxaceae),索囊藻属(Choricystis);(3)基于ITS2的二级结构分析显示这两株藻与寄生索囊藻具有相同的二级结构,表明这两株内共生的球状绿藻均为寄生索囊藻。寄生索囊藻为中国新纪录种,所在属索囊藻属为中国新纪录属。本研究以形态性状和分子性状描述了采自中国的寄生索囊藻标本,为今后研究提供依据和参考。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖流域淡水贝类物种多样性、分布与保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究鄱阳湖流域淡水贝类物种多样性及分布, 2011~2012年对鄱阳湖及部分“五河”干流淡水贝类进行调查。结合历史资料, 共记录淡水贝类122种, 隶属于15科39属, 主要由田螺科(Viviparidae)、豆螺科(Bithyniidae)、肋蜷科(Pleuroseridae)、椎实螺科(Lymnaeidae)、扁蜷螺科(Planorbidae)、蚌科(Unionidae)和蚬科(Corbiculidae)组成。流域内以鄱阳湖的物种丰富度最高, 108种; 中国特有种丰富, 各水体特有种比例均超过50%; 优势种主要是梨形环棱螺、铜锈环棱螺和河蚬等。与历史资料相比, 鄱阳湖淡水双壳类和腹足类物种丰富度均显著减少, 人为干扰仍是淡水贝类资源衰退的主要原因, 建议加大贝类栖息地保护力度。  相似文献   
Galaxias maculatus has considerable potential as a laboratory animal. Laboratory techniques used to maintain, artificially spawn, hatch, and rear this New Zealand native freshwater fish are described. Potential research applications for the fish, the eggs, and the larvae are outlined. The development of the larvae is described.  相似文献   
Two visits to the West Coast revealed that Neochanna apoda Giinther is present in six clearly defined types of habitat examined between Oparara and Whataroa.

The location of habitats varied from heavily forested country to open pakihi bog, between sea level and 200 m. A Neochanna apoda habitat was generally uninhabited by any other species of fish; occasionally short‐finned eels (Anguilla australis) and, once, banded kokopu (Galaxias fasciatus) were present. An association with freshwater crayfish (Paranephrops planifrons) was often noted.

Neochanna apoda was found in all stages of development from fry to adults over 150 mm in length, and all size ranges were present in some places.  相似文献   
A table is given for the intervals between the time that a tsunami propagating radially from a distant source first reaches a position 600 nautical miles from Wellington and the times when the tsunami first reaches any of 11 selected places in New Zealand.  相似文献   
Xenophyophores are a group of giant, but extremely fragile, rhizopod protozoans generally found at lower bathyal or abyssal depths. Recent dredge samples and photographs suggest that there is a largely endemic fauna of xenophyophores with anastomosing branches living at upper bathyal depths around New Zealand. Their distribution may be related to the layer of Antarctic Intermediate water that bathes the upper slope of the New Zealand Plateau.

Photographs of the seafloor at depths of 800–1300 m on the Lord Howe Rise show hemispherical masses, 5 cm across, of which the majority appear to be Syringammina tasmanensis Lewis, 1966 and at least one specimen may be Reticulammina lamellata Tendal, 1972. The photographs indicate that these species live on the seabed, not beneath it, that they are probably filter feeders and that they can reach a density of about one specimen per square metre.

A new species, Reticulammina maini, is described from the continental slope east of Auckland. A key to the New Zealand species of xenophyophore is presented.  相似文献   
Using data from existing studies, assemblages of freshwater fishes and decapod crustaceans were examined at 39 sites in urbanised catchments and 57 sites in forested (reference) catchments within the greater Auckland region, New Zealand. Eleven native and 1 exotic fish species and 2 native decapod crustacean species were recorded. Species richness and fish Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) scores were lower overall in streams in urbanised catchments. Shortfin eel (Anguilla australis) and mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) were more dominant in urban streams; all other commonly occurring species were found significantly more often in reference streams. Non‐diadromous native species (Cran's bully (Gobiomorphus basalts) and freshwater crayfish (Paranephrops planifions)) were absent from urban streams, but relatively abundant in reference streams. This absence of non‐diadromous species, together with the urban occurrence of five diadromous species suggests that migratory barriers pose less of a threat to freshwater communities than physico‐chemical disturbance in streams in the Auckland urban region.  相似文献   
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