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断裂带同震温度响应,可在震后钻孔测温中获得并识别,为发震断层摩擦特性与发震机制等基础研究提供了非常独特的思路和有效手段.集集、汶川及日本东北大地震后,实施了台湾车笼埔断层钻探项目(TCDP)、汶川地震断裂带科学钻探工程(WFSD)和日本海沟快速钻探计划(JFAST).钻孔测温结果表明:滑移面上下5~20 m范围内存在温度正异常,这是同震摩擦生热所致,该机制已被广泛认识和接受;同时,距滑移面20~60 m范围内也存在明显的温度负异常,但其成因机制几乎还未被真正关注和认识.虽然温度负异常峰值只有正异常峰值的1/4~1/3,但温度负异常分布范围却是正异常分布范围的3~4倍,即正、负温度异常区对应的总能量基本相当.因此,断裂带震后钻孔测温中的负异常及其成因不容忽视.在详细分析几种可能的同震温度负异常机制后(如岩层热物性分布差异、流体运移、表面自由能增大及同震应力释放),发现能在理论、实验及野外观测上都得到支撑的普适性机制只有同震应力释放.这可能是断裂带震后温度负异常的主要原因.

期权定价是金融衍生工具理论研究和实际应用的核心,美式期权可以提前实施,在实践中具更大的灵活性,一般情况下,美式期权价格没有解析的定价公式,因此研究美式期权定价问题的数值解法具有重要意义。本文通过对美式买入期权Black-Scholes方程进行Front-fixing变量替换,将自由边界问题转化为一个参数非线性的定边界问题。构造求解美式买入期权定价模型的一个3层四阶紧致差分格式,由Fourier方法证明此格式是稳定的。数值实验表明本算法是一个高效收敛的算法。  相似文献   
The Reynolds effect and mass-damping effect on the peak amplitude of a freely vibrating cylinder is studied by using forced oscillating data from Gopalkrishnan' s research in 1993, in which all experimental cases were carried out at a fixed Reynolds and the tested cylinder was recognized as a body that had no mass and damping. However, the Reynolds and roass-damping are the very important parameters for the peak amplitude of a freely vibrating cylinder. In the present study, a function F is introduced to connect the forced oscillation and free vibration. Firstly the peak amplitude AG^* can be obtained from the function F using forced oscillation data of Gopalkrishnan' s experimental at Re = 10^4, and then the Reynolds effect is taken into account in the function f(Re), while the mass-damping effect is considered in the function K( α ), where a is the mass-damping ratio. So the peak amplitude of a freely vibrating cylinder can be predicted by the expression: A ^* = K( α )f( Re )AG^* . It is found that the peak transverse amplitudes predicted by the above equation agree very well with many recent experimental data under both high and low Reynolds conditions while roass-damping varies. Furthermore, it is seen that the Reynolds number does have a great effect on the peak amplitude of a freely vibrating cylinder. The present idea in this paper can be applied as an update in the empirical models that also use forced oscillation data to predict the vortex induced vibration (VIV) response of a long riser in the frequency domain.  相似文献   
将湖州地震台数字伸缩仪线应变观测数据转换成体应变数据,采用功率谱密度估计方法,资料未进行去固体潮处理,准确获得2011年3月11日日本大地震激发的0S4- 0S30基频球型自由振荡,对照PREM模型的理论计算周期,发现观测资料周期与之符合较好.  相似文献   
为了研究页岩对气体的吸附机理,在50℃、60℃、80℃ 3个温度点对贵州凤参1井和天马1井的页岩样品进行等温吸附实验,并绘制出了CH4和CO2等温吸附曲线图,计算得到页岩表面自由能,从自由能角度分析页岩对CH4和CO2气体的吸附特性。研究结果表明:当温度一定时,随着压力的增加,页岩对2种气体的表面自由能变化值均呈现出不断增加的趋势,当压力一定时,随着温度的增加,表面自由能会逐渐减小,这与等温吸附曲线上气体吸附量随压力的变化是一致的;页岩对CO2的表面自由能变化值均要大于CH4,表明页岩对CO2的吸附能力比CH 4 更强,可以通过向页岩层中注入CO2来提高采收率;对于吸附能力较强的页岩气藏,可以通过注入表面活性剂的方法,增强活性剂与页岩表面的结合能力,降低CH4占有面积及其与页岩的表面自由能,以此达到促使CH4解吸的目的。  相似文献   
利用SG-CO53超导重力仪的观测资料,研究了2010年2月27日智利Ms8.8地震引发的球形自由振荡0S0-0S48的所有基频振型,检测结果与PREM模型的理论值相比,二者基本相符.  相似文献   
我们率先用钻孔应变仪观测资料研究了地球自由振荡. 泰安地震台有差应变和体应变两种钻孔应变观测仪器,都观测到2004年12月26日苏门答腊大地震激发的地球自由振荡. 体应变仪观测到地球的球型振荡,而差应变仪观测到地球的环型振荡. 两种观测还记录到环型振荡与球型振荡相互的耦合作用. 观测也记录到明显的一些振型的谱线分裂现象. 用直接观测到的高质量的环型振荡资料求解了0T8~0T19等主要振型的Q值. 根据两个方向的剪应变观测数据,求解了环型振荡的最大剪应变方向,发现这个方向是相当稳定的. 这种研究表明,高精度钻孔应变观测仪是一种理想的地壳形变观测仪器,可以为地球自由振荡研究提供更丰富的信息.  相似文献   
Rate coefficients have been measured for the gas phasereactions of hydroxyl (OH) radicals and ozone with twounsaturated esters, allyl acetate(CH3C(O)OCH2CH=CH2) and isopropenylacetate (CH3C(O)OC(CH3)=CH2). The OHexperiments were carried out using the pulsed laserphotolysis – laser induced fluorescence technique overthe temperature range 243–372 K and the kinetic dataused to derive the following Arrhenius expressions (inunits of cm3 molecule-1 s-1): allylacetate, k 1 = (2.33 ± 0.27) ×10-12 exp[(732 ± 34)/T]; and isopropenyl acetate,k 2 = (4.52 ± 0.62) × 10-12exp[(809 ± 39)/T]. At 298 K, the rate coefficients obtained (inunits of 10-12 cm3 molecule-1 s-1)are: k 1 = (27.1 ± 3.0) and k 2= (69.6± 9.4). The relative rate technique has been usedto determine rate coefficients for the reaction ofozone with the acetates. Using methyl vinyl ketone asthe reference compound and a value of4.8 × 10-18 cm3 molecule-1s-1 asthe rate coefficient for its reaction with O3,the following rate coefficients were derived at 298 ± 4 K (in units of10-18 cm3molecule-1 s-1): allyl acetate, (2.4 ± 0.7) andisopropenyl acetate (0.7 ± 0.2). Theresults are discussed in terms of structure-activityrelationships and used to derive atmospheric lifetimesfor the acetates.  相似文献   
铁路公路等曲线测设中,多少年来都是用切线支距法和偏角法。这两种方法都要求必须先测设曲线主点,然后在曲线上(包括端点)设站,再详细测设。长曲线或测设中遇障碍,须搬动仪器多次设站才能测完一曲线,很不方便,而且野外工作量大。本文提出自由测站极坐标法测设曲线,可以任意选择测站位置,不仅工作方便,而且效率高。文章详细介绍了这一新的作业方法,计算公式,并给有实例。  相似文献   
Monthly difference of the chemical composition of oyster cultured along the eastern coast of Shandong Province was analyzed. The components analyzed included glycogen, fatty acid and free amino acid (FAA). The content of glycogen was high in January and March (2.89 and 2.82 g(100 g) ^-1 on average, respectively) and low in October (2.07g(100g)^- 1 on average). The low content of neutral lipids in October reflected a relatively poor nutritional value of oyster (1.42 g( 100 g)^- 1 on average). The main fatty acids of oyster were palmitic acid (16:0), oleic acid (18: 1), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20: 5(0 3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6(0 3). The major FAAs of oyster were Taurine, Glutamicacid, Glycin, Alanine, Arginine and Proline. Taurine was the most abundant FAA with its content ranging from 603 mg(100 g) ^-1 to 1 139 mg( 100 g) ^-1. The high contents of glycogen, polyunsaturated fatty acid and FAA showed that oyster cultured along the eastern coast of Shandong Province was nutritionally good in January and March.  相似文献   
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