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The double‐spike method with multi‐collector inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry was used to measure the Mo mass fractions and isotopic compositions of a set of geological reference materials including the mineral molybdenite, seawater, coral, as well as igneous and sedimentary rocks. The long‐term reproducibility of the Mo isotopic measurements, based on two‐year analyses of NIST SRM 3134 reference solutions and seawater samples, was ≤ 0.07‰ (two standard deviations, 2s, n = 167) for δ98/95Mo. Accuracy was evaluated by analyses of Atlantic seawater, which yielded a mean δ98/95Mo of 2.03 ± 0.06‰ (2s, n = 30, relative to NIST SRM 3134 = 0‰) and mass fraction of 0.0104 ± 0.0006 μg g?1 (2s, n = 30), which is indistinguishable from seawater samples taken world‐wide and measured in other laboratories. The comprehensive data set presented in this study serves as a reference for quality assurance and interlaboratory comparison of high‐precision Mo mass fractions and isotopic compositions.  相似文献   
平原河网区域来水组成原理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱琰  陈方  程文辉 《水文》2003,23(2):21-24
对于一般树状分布河网,上一级河道总是汇入至下一级河道,位于河道下游断面的流量总是由其上游汇集而至。但对于平原河网地区,特别是人工控制建筑物众多,又受潮汐影响的地区(如太湖流域),河网错综复杂,水流方向不定,要跟踪某个断面的水流去向,或某个河段的水体、断面流量是从哪里汇集而来的,非常困难。但这样的问题在生产实践中往往对其很感兴趣。例如从常熟枢纽引长江水流进入望虞河后,流向何处?河网各断面流量中或各河段水体中常熟枢纽引江水量占多少比重?对这些问题的研究可以估计常熟枢纽引江的效果和影响范围。因此,平原河网区域来水组成方法在生产实践中具有重要意义。重点介绍了平原河网区域来水组成原理及其在太湖流域的应用。  相似文献   
Absolute chronologies in paleoceanographic records are often constructed using the 14C dating of coarse fraction foraminifera (>150 μm). However, due to processes such as changes in sediment sources or abundances, sedimentation rates, bioturbation, reworking, the adsorption of modern carbon, etc., several studies conducted in different environmental settings have shown time-lags between records obtained from various granulometric fractions. In this study, we examined temporal phasing between the coarse foraminifera and fine fractions by studying changes in the abundances of δ18O, the 14C ages of the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (G. ruber, 250–350 μm), and the sediment fine fraction (<63 μm) over the last 45 ka in a core obtained from the northern Caribbean Sea. All of the records were found to be in phase during part of the Holocene (at least for the last ≈6 ka). As determined from δ18O records and 14C ages, the fine fraction was younger than G. ruber during the Last Deglaciation (of 1.89 ka). The coupling between bioturbation and changes in the fine fraction, and G. ruber abundances, as tested using a numerical model of the bioturbation record within a mixed-layer depth of 8 cm, was sufficient to explain the results. 14C age discrepancies increased from 5.64 to 8.5 ka during Marine Isotopic Stages (MIS) 2 and 3, respectively. These chronological discrepancies could not be explained by only one process and seemed to result from the interplay between mechanisms: size-differentiated bioturbation (for 1.5 to 2.5 ka), the adsorption of modern atmospheric CO2 (for 3.04 to 5.92 ka), and variations in sedimentological processes that influenced the fine carbonate fraction. However, even if variations in the mineralogical composition of the fine carbonate fraction were identified using scanning-electron microscopy observations, X-ray diffraction measurements, and geochemical analyses (the mol % MgCO3 of magnesian calcite and the Sr/Ca ratio of the bulk fine fraction), they can not account for the observed age differences. The results presented for core MD03-2628 extend beyond this case study because they illustrate the need for a detailed characterization of the various size fractions prior to paleoclimate signal interpretations, especially for chronological studies.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe the transport of pollution in groundwater in the neighbourhood of a well in a uniform background flow. We compute the rate at which contaminated particles reach the well as a function of the place of the source of pollution. The motion of a particle in a dispersive flow is seen as a random walk process. The Fokker-Planck equation for the random motion of a particle is transformed using the complex potential for the advective flow field. The resulting equation is solved asymptotically after a stretching transformation. Finally, the analytical solution is compared with results from Monte Carlo simulations with the random walk model. The method can be extended to arbitrary flow fields. Then by a numerical coordinate transformation the analytical results can still be employed.  相似文献   
介绍了连分式拟合模型的建模思路,提出了后验差法检验其模型精度,通过对某建筑物沉降数据的建模分析,验证了连分式拟合模型应用于沉降监测数据处理的可行性。  相似文献   

L’Oued El Bey, qui draine 60% de la charge polluante hydrique de plusieurs agglomérations urbaines du Nord-Est de la Tunisie, est un exemple représentatif du transfert des métaux lourds résultant de l’activité industrielle et urbaine. Il fournit une indication sur le devenir et la répartition des métaux lourds dans le Golfe de Tunis. Dans la fraction dissoute, Cd, Pb, Co et Hg ne sont pas détectés mais Zn varie entre 0,01 et 0,07 μg/L. Les concentrations du Mn, Zn, As, Ni, Pb, Cu et du Cd sont très élevées dans la fraction particulaire par rapport à la fraction dissoute, avec un coefficient de partage Kd de l’ordre de 106, ainsi que dans les sédiments du lit de l’oued pour Pb et Zn. La pollution par les métaux la plus élevé de l’Oued El Bey a été trouvée pour Zn, Pb et Cu: les concentrations variaient respectivement entre 1698,9 et 14575, de 0 à 2153,7 et de 0 à 3431,8 μg/g. La variation spatiale des teneurs en métaux lourds confirme l’effet des eaux usées rejetées dans l’Oued El Bey. Les teneurs de ces métaux lourds dans les trois phases dissoute, particulaire (MES) et sédiments confirment que la MES constitue le vecteur de transport principal via la Sebkha Soliman vers le golfe. L’examen des rapports des différents éléments (Pb, Cu et Cd) par rapport au Zn dans les sédiments de l’oued montre une augmentation au niveau de la confluence de l’Oued El Bey et de son affluent l’Oued El Meleh, ce qui signifie que les apports sédimentaires de cet affluent contrôlent la signatutue chimique des sédiments de l’Oued El Bey.

Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz; Editeur associé B. Touaibia

Citation Khadhar, S., Mlayah, A., Chekirben, A., Charef, A., Methammam, M., Nouha, S., et Khemais, Z., 2013. Bassin versant Oued El Bey: vecteur de transport de la pollution métallique vers le Golfe de Tunis (Tunisie). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (8), 1803–1812.  相似文献   
The Horqin Sandy Grassland is one of the most seriously desertified areas in China's agro-pastoral ecotone due to its fragile ecology, combined with improper and unsustainable land management. We inves...  相似文献   

垮落带破碎煤岩体空隙结构演变直接影响垮落带气体渗透特性,进而影响废弃矿井采空区煤层气运移富集规律。利用自主设计研发的第二代破碎煤岩体压实−渗流−CT扫描试验系统,开展5种粒径破碎无烟煤在不同气体压力、轴向应力及空隙率条件下162组渗透实验。结果表明:(1) 气体在破碎无烟煤中运移时气体压力、流量随时间一直处于动态变化直至达到吸附平衡,流量、压力恒定。(2) 低雷诺数下气体在破碎无烟煤中流动需要拟启动压力梯度,其值处于158.89~1 408.64 Pa/m,并随着轴压增大、空隙率减小而增大。(3) 破碎无烟煤渗透率处于10−12~10−10 m2,且渗透率随气体压力、空隙率增加分别呈现对数、指数函数式增长趋势。(4) 颗粒粒径越大则相同装料空间内破碎煤样初始空隙越大,更易于气体流动,因此相同空隙率时破碎无烟煤渗透率随粒径的增大而增大;不同粒径颗粒渗透率平均变化幅度均随空隙率减小而减小;然而颗粒粒径越大,减小相同空隙率时破碎无烟煤渗透率变化幅度减小越明显。废弃矿井采空区煤层气地面抽采时,地面钻井应优先布设在垮落带破碎煤岩体连同纵向“高位环形裂隙体”共同构成的“U”型高渗煤层气富集区内。

孙晨  朱秉启 《地质学报》2024,98(6):1880-1892
长期化学风化速率(LCWR)和化学风化剥蚀率(CDF)是表征区域化学风化程度和揭示地貌和气候系统演变的重要依据。全球尺度上,中纬度地区的长期化学风化研究远比低纬地区争议更多,原因之一是其风化机制在理论认识上仍存在不确定性,特别是造山带地区的长期化学风化与物理侵蚀、构造、气候之间的关系等。本文利用地球化学质量平衡方法,针对北半球中纬度典型造山带(中亚黑河流域和北美内华达山脉)开展了相关数据和资料的系统整理与再分析,估算了黑河流域的LCWR值和物理侵蚀速率(E)值并与内华达山脉进行了对比研究。分析结果表明,黑河流域、内华达山脉的LCWR分别为17. 4~895 t/km2/a、1~173 t/km2/a,CDF分别为0. 17~0. 81、0. 02~0. 61,LCWR与E均显著正相关,与海拔高度、年均温度、年均降水量等仅局部相关。研究区的长期化学风化主要表现为“供应受限型”风化,但黑河流域局部地区已处于“供应受限”与“动力学受限”过渡的风化阶段。结合回归分析结果和已有成果的综合分析,中纬度造山带地区的长期化学风化速率受到地质、气候等因素的协同影响,但主控因素为地质因素,而化学风化剥蚀率则主要受控于其他因素。  相似文献   
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