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CCNBD断裂韧度试样的SIF新公式和在尺度律分析中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据国际岩石力学学会于1995年推荐的一种测试岩石断裂韧度的新型试样-人字形切槽巴西圆盘试样,对其断裂韧度计算公式中的关键参数即无量纲应力强度因子(SIF)提出了一个改进的计算公式。采用分片合成方法结合有限元法对CCNBD试样的应力强度因子进行了宽范围标定,结果以表格的形式给出;并采用数据线性回归的方法,将标定结果以一个指数函数的形式给出。结果表明,与标定值相比,无量纲应力强度因子新公式的误差较小,并且囊括了CCNBD试样的较宽范围的尺寸,且查表使用方便,也为理论分析提供了条件。在此基础上,对岩石断裂韧度测试的尺度律进行了更进一步的探索,结果表明,利用新公式进行的尺度律分析是有效的。  相似文献   
The topographic potential and the direct topographic effect on the geoid are presented as surface integrals, and the direct gravity effect is derived as a rigorous surface integral on the unit sphere. By Taylor-expanding the integrals at sea level with respect to topographic elevation (H) the power series of the effects is derived to arbitrary orders. This study is primarily limited to terms of order H 2. The limitations of the various effects in the frequently used planar approximations are demonstrated. In contrast, it is shown that the spherical approximation to power H 2 leads to a combined topographic effect on the geoid (direct plus indirect effect) proportional to H˜2 (where terms of degrees 0 and 1 are missing) of the order of several metres, while the combined topographic effect on the height anomaly vanishes, implying that current frequent efforts to determine the direct effect to this order are not needed. The last result is in total agreement with Bjerhammar's method in physical geodesy. It is shown that the most frequently applied remove–restore technique of topographic masses in the application of Stokes' formula suffers from significant errors both in the terrain correction C (representing the sum of the direct topographic effect on gravity anomaly and the effect of continuing the anomaly to sea level) and in the term t (mainly representing the indirect effect on the geoidal or quasi-geoidal height). Received: 18 August 1998 / Accepted: 4 October 1999  相似文献   
贝赛尔大地主题解算是少数适合长距离大地主题计算的方法之一.文章通过对贝赛尔大地主题解算进行计算分析,发现贝赛尔大地主题反算中的大地线长计算精度受起点方位角的影响很大,误差可达8m.为了消去这一巨大误差,本文提出在大地主题反算时互换大地线起点和终点的方法,计算结果表明该方法可以有效消除方位角对大地线长误差的影响.  相似文献   
An analytical inversion of the Hotine formula is developed using fast Fourier transform techniques. Detailed mathematical derivations are used to explain the concepts behind the inverse transformation. Three modifications of the analytical inversion of the Hotine formula are compared and tested using both synthetic data from the OSU91A geopotential model and real GEOSAT altimetry data from the Exact Repeat Mission. The stability of this inverse Hotine approach is investigated using simulated data, and numerical tests are done to quantify the stability of this approach. The approach seems to be numerically stable without employing any stabilization technique. Estimated gravity information from GEOSTAT altimetry data is compared to marine gravity data from shipboard measurements in the Orphan Knoll area. The standard deviations and mean values of the differences between satellite and marine gravity disturbances are 8.2 and 2.9 mGal for the planar approximation, 9.2 and 3.7 mGal for the spherical approximation, and 9.5 and 1.9 mGal for the Molodenskii‐like approximation, respectively, indicating that latitude‐dependent errors affect the latter two approximations. Such errors could be eliminated by performing the calculations by the rigorous one‐dimensional fast Fourier transform (FFT) technique, and any data noise could be filtered out by utilizing covariance knowledge about the input geoid undulations and their errors. Simulation studies also showed that the accuracy of the techniques (for all approximations) can reach a root‐mean‐square (RMS) level of only a few mGal when proper treatment of FFT edge effects is employed and a rather wide area of results is disregarded around the edges.  相似文献   
以建成区面积表征的中国城市规模分布   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
谈明洪  吕昌河 《地理学报》2003,58(2):285-293
选择1990~2000年中国城市用地面积位于前200位的地级及地级以上的城市用地资料,把运用在城市人口规模上的位序-规模法则移植到城市用地上,分析了城市土地利用规模的变化规律。然后运用分形理论,阐释了城市用地的位序-规模曲线。结果显示:(1)以建成区面积作为衡量城市规模的指标,中国城市规模分布符合位序-规模法则,拟合曲线的判定系数都在0.95以上;(2)根据位序-规模曲线的形态,中国城市按建成区面积可分为3类:用地面积>200 km2的大城市,50~200 km2的中等城市和<50 km2的小城市;(3)城市建成区用地的位序-规模曲线有平行向前推进的特点,这为预测我国未来城市建成区用地规模提供很好的基础;(4)中国位于前200位的城市用地规模分布的均衡度不断增强,城市建成区用地规模总量持续增加。  相似文献   
冰川系统高度结构计算研究--以塔里木盆地水系冰川为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王欣  谢自楚  林剑  韩用顺  程磊 《冰川冻土》2004,26(5):551-556
冰川面积随高度的分布(即高度结构)具有重要的水文学及冰川学意义. 在分析中低纬冰川作用区(冰川系统)特征的基础上,着眼于特定冰川系统的全体, 依托概率理论, 提出计算冰川系统高度结构的统计学公式. 与普遍使用的经验公式相比, 它具有计算所需参数少, 结果不存在系统误差的特点, 并且二者计算结果的总差异程度在0.1~0.3之间. 用内天山的实测资料验证显示, 统计学公式计算的结果与实测值的总的差异程度仅为0.045.  相似文献   
高山  孙孚 《海洋与湖沼》2005,36(4):367-375
使用风浪经验公式和风浪传入近岸的小振幅波动理论计算并分析了地转条件下波生横向彻体切应力随风速、风区、水深等因素的变化规律。结果表明,彻体切应力随风速、风区的增大而增大,直到波浪达到完全成长状态,但增长速度并不规则;为更加直观的显示彻体切应力的海流驱动作用,将其与定常Ekman漂流中的风生湍粘性力进行了有意义的比较,结果表明,在中、高纬度的通常海况下两者具有相同量级,因此,在有波浪场存在的条件下,由风、浪共生海流的总体强度将比理论Ekman漂流大,并且不会完全符合Ekman漂流理论的转向规律,在表层尤其明显。由此说明,在一定情况下在风生漂流研究中考虑由地转引起的波生横向彻体切应力是非常必要的。  相似文献   
In a modern application of Stokes formula for geoid determination, regional terrestrial gravity is combined with long-wavelength gravity information supplied by an Earth gravity model. Usually, several corrections must be added to gravity to be consistent with Stokes formula. In contrast, here all such corrections are applied directly to the approximate geoid height determined from the surface gravity anomalies. In this way, a more efficient workload is obtained. As an example, in applications of the direct and first and second indirect topographic effects significant long-wavelength contributions must be considered, all of which are time consuming to compute. By adding all three effects to produce a combined geoid effect, these long-wavelength features largely cancel. The computational scheme, including two least squares modifications of Stokes formula, is outlined, and the specific advantages of this technique, compared to traditional gravity reduction prior to Stokes integration, are summarised in the conclusions and final remarks. AcknowledgementsThis paper was written whilst the author was a visiting scientist at Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia. The hospitality and fruitful discussions with Professor W. Featherstone and his colleagues are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
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?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????μ???????? ???????C/C++?????????????????巽?????????????VC6??0?н????????????????????÷?????????????????????????  相似文献   
Specialized to the Lie series based perturbation method of Kirchgraber and Stiefel (1978) a new computer algebra package called ANALYTOS has been developed for constructing analytical orbital theories either in noncanonical or canonical form. We present results on the (extended) Main Problem of orbital theory of artificial earth satellites and related issues. The order of the solutions achieved is generally one order higher than those known from literature. Moreover, the analytical orbits have been checked succesfully against precise numerical ephemerides. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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