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Patellid limpets are key species on rocky shores, structuring intertidal assemblages through their grazing. Their role as prey for fish is, however, often overlooked in studies of intertidal ecosystem functioning. The shanny Lipophrys pholis is a common predator of limpets on rocky shores in Northern Europe and, in this study, we examined the characteristics of its predation on limpets based on prey size. The limpet size range that adult L. pholis (10–12.5 cm) can eat was examined in the laboratory using Patella depressa in 0.2 cm classes, varying between 0.5 cm and 3.0 cm in maximum shell length. There was a limpet size refuge above 1.8 cm, while all smaller sizes were readily consumed by the shanny. The predator attacking behaviour was also examined and found to vary with prey size. Limpets up to 0.8 cm were crushed by the jaw‐constricting force and eaten whole, whereas larger prey were prised from the substratum and the body subsequently separated from the shell. To examine whether there was a L. pholis preference for P. depressa size, a two‐stage laboratory experiment was done using two size classes defined as small (0.7–0.8 cm maximum shell length) and large (1.5–1.6 cm maximum shell length). In the first stage, the predator was given each limpet size class separately. In the second stage, the fish was given a choice between the two classes. Lipophrys pholis was shown to have a preference for the large size class (1.5–1.6 cm). The average number of limpets consumed by the shanny was examined for the duration of one high‐tide typical of the central region of Portugal (≈ 4 h). On average, approximately five limpets (up to an eight limpet maximum) were consumed. The present study shows that L. pholis has a feeding preference based on limpet size, which suggests that the limpet population structure and intra‐ and inter‐specific interactions may be influenced by the shanny predation.  相似文献   
The composition and distribution of benthic, periphytic and planktonic rotifers in different habitatsin Krottensee were investigated. Sixty-five rotifer taxa were identified, their relative abundance estimated. Classification of the data set by cluster analysis allowed the recognition of distinct habitat groupe con-fined to acid bog ponds, macrophytes, sediments, and open water. Five groups of rotifer taxa were identifiedon the basis of their habitat preferences and the occurrence of the taxa. Highest diversities were found onmacrophytes and in acid bog ponds.  相似文献   
褚玉杰  赵振斌  张铖  陈诚  陈幺 《地理学报》2016,71(6):1045-1058
随着乡村旅游的快速发展,乡村旅游社区逐步成为多群体竞争与冲突的场所,其内部多群体的态度差异成为指示社区冲突的重要指标。本文以西安汤峪镇为例,采用参与式制图(Participatory Mapping)和半结构访谈方法对当地居民、度假购房业主和游客3类群体的旅游开发态度和景观价值感知进行调查,最终获得315套访谈表与填图,共提取空间信息点5518个。基于对Brown等土地利用冲突倾向指标模型的修订,并结合地理空间分析方法探讨旅游社区态度差异和冲突倾向的空间特征。结论显示:① 旅游开发态度及其差异具有明显的地点指向性,并与景观价值的空间感知相关联。旅游开发冲突倾向空间上并非均匀分布,而是呈斑状格局,高值集中于社区旅游开发核心区域,且强度由开发的核心区域向外围区域减弱;② 潜在冲突地点的形成既有传统冲突因素的影响,又有特殊空间因素的作用,旅游开发要素的空间结构、多人群景观价值的空间感知、社区旅游发展阶段和相关人群的涉入程度都会影响冲突空间的形成;③ 参与式制图与深度访谈结合的方法能够帮助获得多人群主观数据,为认识态度和旅游开发冲突的空间特征提供了新的技术支撑。  相似文献   
The prevalence of juvenile salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) and marine forage fishes in the diet of Caspian terns (Hydroprogne caspia) nesting in the Columbia River estuary has been established, but the relationship between diet composition, foraging distribution, and productivity of these birds has received little attention. We used radio-telemetry and on-colony observations to relate changes in off-colony distribution to patterns of colony attendance, diet composition, and productivity of adult terns nesting on East Sand Island during two years of different river and prey conditions. Average distance from the East Sand Island colony (located in the marine zone of the estuary) was 38% (6.6 km) greater in 2000 compared to 2001, associated with lower availability of marine forage fish near East Sand Island and lower prevalence of marine prey in tern diets. Colony attendance was much lower (37.0% vs. 62.5% of daylight hours), average trip duration was 40% longer (38.9 min), and nesting success was much lower (0.57 young fledged pair−1 vs. 1.40 young fledged pair−1) in 2000 compared to 2001. Higher proportions of juvenile salmonids in the diet were associated with relatively high use of the freshwater zone of the estuary by radio-tagged terns, which occurred prior to chick-rearing and when out-migrating salmonid smolts were relatively abundant. Lower availability of marine prey in 2000 apparently limited Caspian tern nesting success by markedly reducing colony attendance and lengthening foraging trips by nesting terns, thereby increasing chick mortality rates from predation, exposure, and starvation.  相似文献   
Preference tests were performed over a two-week period in September 2001 in which isopods (Idotea baltica) and amphipods (Gammarus oceanicus) were offered choices of three common species of algae from the Baltic Sea: Enteromorpha intestinalis, Cladophora spp., and Fucus vesiculosus. After a 48-hour starvation period, 20 individuals of each grazer species were placed in aquaria containing approximately 1.0 g of each algal species. Fifteen trials for each grazer species were run for 20 hours. We found that G. oceanicus ate significantly more Cladophora spp. and E. intestinalis than F. vesiculosus (p<0.001), with a preference order of: Cladophora spp.>E. intestinalis>F. vesiculosus. Similarly, I. baltica ate significantly more of both the filamentous green algae than F. vesiculosus (p<0.001), with a preference order of: E. intestinalis>Cladophora spp.>F. vesiculosus. Given the preference of isopods and amphipods for filamentous green algae, we might expect these algae to be maintained at low biomass levels. However, this is clearly not the case in the Baltic Sea. Nutrient enrichment (bottom-up effects) is the accepted dominant reason for the non-controlling impact of algal grazers, but other reasons may include cascading trophic effects resulting from the removal of large piscivorous fish (top-down effects).  相似文献   
公众气象服务是政府公共服务的重要组成部分,而微博作为新时代下的新媒体服务,在广州市气象局的日常气象信息服务中发挥了重要作用。通过对微博渠道积累的数据及用户需求进行文本数据分析挖掘,发现许多影响微博受欢迎程度的用户偏好特征,运用联合分析得到各个特征的重要性排序,并以此提出新媒体运维指引以及提升公共气象服务的合理建议,从而在扩大微博影响力的同时增强广州市气象局公共气象服务的品牌影响力。  相似文献   
基于旅游需求的广西入境旅游时空变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以广西入境旅游为研究对象,从旅游需求的角度出发,通过地理集中指数、年际集中指数、亲景度和旅游流等指标对广西入境旅游的时窄变化进行分析,总结了广西入境旅游的时空变化特征.按照对旅游目的地国际游客从来源到流向的分析思路,首先对广西入境旅游的时空集中性和亲景度进行分析,提出根据亲景度和年际集中指数对主要客源市场进行有重点、分层次开发.其次通过入境游客在广西区内的流向分析,指出应在把握游客需求趋势的基础上,促进优势旅游资源的开发和空间布局的优化.  相似文献   
鸟类对山地环境的变化敏感,对森林结构和食物资源的反应明显,我们在西双版纳人为影响的热带山林,进一步研究了长果桑果期摄食鸟类种群结构,对人类影响下森林生态系统动植关系及其动态变化有更清楚的了解;一些地区特有的鸟类种和亚种、大中型非雀形目鸟类、以及人们需要重点保护的鸟类,已经随着植被结构的变化和食源的减少而失去了。若不尽早消除干扰、改善植被结构,情况还会越来越严重。只有保护森林自然结构和自然更新,停止对森林结构的破坏性干扰,才可能有效保护鸟类多样性。  相似文献   
为提高通信系统维修性评价的实用性和可操作性,提出了一种基于PCA-LINMAP-FCE 的维修性评价方法.在构建简化的维修性评价指标体系的基础上,将PCA-LINMAP与模糊综合评判(FCE)方法相结合,从定量和定性的角度对维修性进行评价.实例仿真分析表明,该方法可操作性强,且有效地降低了评价的主观随意性,使维修设计和作业人员全面掌控通信系统装备维修性的影响因素,能够为科学制定设计方案和维修实施决策方案提供决策信息.  相似文献   
Abstract. Diet and foraging behavior of Octopus dofleini in Prince William Sound and Port Graham, Alaska, were studied from collections of den litter, measurements of octopuses and estimates of live prey abundance. Based on 193 den collections from depths of - 31 to + 1.3 m, a diet of hard-bodied prey could be identified. The five most common litter species made up 80% of the litter remains, with nearly 30 species of various taxa malung up the rest. The proportions of major hard-bodied prey species in each litter pile significantly differed with depth of den, associated substrata, presence of cobble and geographical location but not with the presence of boulders or outcrop, the density of kelp or season of litter collection. Octopus weight was not significantly correlated with the size of prey remains although O. dofleini may take a wide range of prey sizes once it reaches 2.5 kg. O. dofleini was more likely to be found at sites with crabs, although no litter species was significantly preferred over its estimated abundance, and one species was significantly avoided. These results suggest that O. dofleini includes suitable bivalve and crab species in its diet in relation to live abundance, while at the same time exercising an element of selectivity, as some species were actively avoided. Comparison of litter remains from the northern-most range of O. dofleini with those published for British Columbia show that diet breadth was similar, but the identity of major hard-bodied prey species was very different for Alaskan octopuses.  相似文献   
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