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The dissolved fluoride (F) in the Lower Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) river system, Bengal basin, Bangladesh, was studied during 1991–1993 to determine its distribution and source in the basin, and its annual flux to the Bay of Bengal. The concentration of dissolved F varied between 2 and 11 μmol l−1 with statistically significant variations both spatially and temporally in the basin. Such variations are attributable to the geology of the individual subbasins (Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna), dilution by rainwater during monsoon and groundwater contribution to the river systems during dry season. Correlation coefficients among F and major cations and anions suggest diverse inorganic processes responsible for regulating the concentration of F in these river systems. However, fluorite seems to be one of the major sources of dissolved F. The concentration of F in the Lower GBM river system is low compared to the rivers draining Deccan Plateau and arid regions of the subcontinent, for example, Yamuna and its tributaries. However, it is within the range of most of the other Peninsular and Himalayan rivers. The GBM system contributes about 115×103 tonnes year−1 of dissolved F into the Bay of Bengal, and thus accounts for about 3% of the global F flux to the oceans annually. Received: 19 May 1999 · Accepted: 11 October 1999  相似文献   
高密市北部大范围内地下水含氟量较高,为典型的高氟区,生活在区内的居民长期饮用地下水,均有不同程度地发病。该文对此进行了含氟量分区划分,研究了中-新生代不同地层中氟向水中的转化量,探讨了高氟区的形成机制和防治对策。  相似文献   
宁南西吉存在范围较大的高氟地下水区,属于高氟水重灾区.以宁南含水层沉积物为研究对象开展室内实验,探讨了pH、Ca2+、Na+、HCO3-和Ca2+/OH-协同作用对沉积物中氟释放的影响及定量关系.结果表明,相对于HCO3-,pH值对F-释放的促进作用更高,相对增量为10%~50%.低Ca2+/ Na+比提高了沉积物所释放F-的活度,有利于地下水中F-的聚集.不同岩性对pH值的缓冲能力不同,从而决定F-的释放.整体而言,粉质粘土、泥岩和粘土F-释放的浓度相对其他岩性要高.泥岩和粉质粘土的F-释放受pH影响较大.沉积物中Al、Fe、Mn、Si组分含量、总F-浓度与不同条件下淋滤出的F-浓度也具备较好的相关性.沉积物的F-含量对地下水中F-聚集有较大的影响.  相似文献   
朱茂旭  谢美  于红  姬泓巍 《地球化学》2005,34(3):278-284
在一定条件下利用钠基蒙脱石 (Na- Mt)合成了 OH/Al比为 1.6的聚合羟基铝-蒙脱石 (HyAl- Mt)复合体,并研究了弱酸性和强酸化条件下 HyAl- Mt与氟之间的相互作用及土壤环境意义.结果表明, pH在 5.0~ 9.0之间时, HyAl- Mt对氟的吸附受 pH影响小;当 pH < 4.5时,吸附能力随 pH减小迅速增大. pH 6.62时, HyAl- Mt对氟的吸附主要是络合交换机制,而 pH 3.02及高氟浓度条件下是表面吸附、矿物溶解及共沉淀-卷扫等协同作用机制,并使 HyAl- Mt具有异常高的氟去除能力.与蒙脱石粘土相比, HyAl- Mt的氟吸附能力明显提高,土壤中的 HyAl- Mt组分可有效地降低氟污染土壤中氟的迁移性并减少其生物有效性.在酸性氟污染的土壤中,氟与 HyAl- Mt相互作用还可一定程度抑制土壤的酸化.土壤酸度越大,这种抑制作用越明显.施用合成的 HyAl- Mt 可作为酸性氟污染土壤修复并控制土壤酸化的有效途经之一.  相似文献   
A modification of the spectrophotometric method for the determination of fluoride ions in iron‐rich materials is proposed. In this method the iron matrix was successfully removed using Diphonix® resin. The studied sample was a ferruginous mineral which contained about 38% of iron. The Euronorm certified reference material (ECRM) 676‐1 (Iron Ore Sinter), as a commercially available material having a similar matrix (39.76% w/w Fe) and fluoride level (0.1% w/w), was used to validate the method. After partial digestion in concentrated hydrochloric acid the samples were diluted and passed through Diphonix® resin. The concentration of fluoride ions was determined by a spectrophotometric method using a Zr:ER complex (λ = 540 nm). The result obtained for the ECRM was in good agreement with the certificate specification and thus proved the method to be applicable for the determination of fluoride ions in iron‐rich materials. Due to the easy digestion step and simple requirements for equipment, this method can be used in most laboratories.  相似文献   
Fluoride anomalies (up to 11 mg/L) have been detected in the porous confined Santa Maria Aquifer (Guarany Aquifer System) in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil, leading to endemic fluorosis. Two hypotheses are investigated concerning the fluoride origin: contamination by long-term phosphate-fertilizer application due to extensive tobacco plantation or lithogeochemical affiliation from regional rocks. The results are discussed based on statistical and geochemical modeling and stable isotope data of water, nitrate and sulfate. Field monitoring of phreatic and confined aquifer during two years and laboratory leaching and retention experiments were performed. Regional statistical analysis (factorial and cluster analysis) on the basis of 350 wells discriminates four different hydrochemical groups in the confined aquifer, considering magnesium, calcium bicarbonate, sodium chlorinate and sodium bicarbonate as specific parameters. The last two groups reach higher fluoride contents and represent deeper aquifer levels where geochemical modeling shows carbonates (calcite and dolomite) are of super-saturation. The laboratory experiments confirmed that local soils with high CTC and aluminum contents (Udults) represent an efficient geochemical barrier, preserving the aquifer from fluoride contamination and supporting remediation strategies for fluoride removal. δ^18O and δD groundwater data and the local meteoric water line (LMWL) indicate that local precipitation is the main groundwater recharge source in the area.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the hydrogeochemical processes influencing the high fluoride concentrations in groundwater of the Nairobi area, Kenya. For this purpose 16 groundwater samples were collected and analysed. Fluoride concentrations above the WHO standard are found in the downstream areas. The high F? concentrations are correlated with high sodium and pH and low Ca2+ concentrations. Weathering of sodium-rich alkaline igneous rocks causes a pH increase resulting in an increase in HCO3 ? and CO3 2- by dissolution of CO2. Groundwater becomes oversaturated compared to calcite and calcite precipitation occurs, leading to a decrease in Ca2+. This causes a sub-saturation with respect to fluorite and dissolution of fluorite increases the F? concentration. These reactions were modelled using the PHREEQC model and the results showed a good agreement with the measured groundwater quality, indicating that the proposed reactions are plausible for explaining the observed concentrations in groundwater.  相似文献   
由于地表水资源稀缺,地下水是塔里木盆地南缘绿洲带重要用水水源,因此,系统查明该区地下水砷氟碘的分布及成因至关重要。基于塔里木盆地南缘绿洲带233组地下水水样检测结果,分析不同含水层中高砷、高氟和高碘地下水的空间分布及水化学特征,结合研究区地质、水文地质条件和地下水赋存环境进一步揭示影响地下水砷氟碘的来源、迁移与富集的水文地球化学过程。结果表明:地下水砷、氟、碘浓度变化范围分别为1.091.2 μg/L、0.0128.31 mg/L、10.02 637.0 μg/L。地下水高砷、高氟和高碘水样分别占总水样的7.3%、47.2%和11.6%,砷氟碘共富集占比为3.0%。砷氟碘共富集地下水主要分布于研究区中部的民丰县,水化学类型主要为Cl·SO4-Na型。自补给区至过渡区再至蒸发区,地下水氟、碘浓度明显增大,砷浓度在过渡区和蒸发区均较大;砷氟碘共富集地下水取样点主要分布于36.060.0 m深度的浅层承压含水层中。浅层地下水受蒸发作用和矿物溶解沉淀作用的影响,随砷氟碘富集项的增多而增大。第四纪成因类型中风积物对氟浓度的影响较大,洪积-湖积物对砷和碘浓度的影响较大。细粒岩性、平缓的地形、地下水浅埋条件、偏碱性的地下水环境、微生物降解作用下有机质介导的矿物溶解是利于砷氟碘共富集的主要机制。  相似文献   
氯化物解聚快速测定铁矿石中二氧化硅   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用NaOH熔融、蒸馏水浸取、盐酸中和并酸化、氟化物解聚和钼酸铵显色测定铁矿石中的二氧化硅。本方法的检出限为0.10%。本实验以测定了国家一级铁矿标样来验证方法的准确度和精密度,测定结果与标准值相符,且测定12次的相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于10%。  相似文献   
对燃烧水解-离子选择电极法测定氟离子含量的方法进行改进。采用标准溶液添加法绘制标准曲线,用去离子水吸收,操作简单,减少了误差,适用于低氟植物样品的测定。方法检测限为0.45μg/g,回收率为90.2%~109.7%。将改进的电极法应用于低氟植物试样的检测,结果与离子色谱法测定值相符。  相似文献   
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