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圆形网箱浮架结构有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在开放的海洋环境中,网箱浮架结构的强度和变形对网箱的安全有重要的意义。以某圆形HDPE网箱浮架结构为研究对象,采用壳单元和板单元,建立了三维有限元模型,分析了浮架结构在分布阻力、锚绳力及迭加载荷作用下的应力和变形,对浮架结构在不同的缆绳系附下的承载极限进行了评估。计算结果表明:缆绳系附处应力水平高,是浮架结构的危险点;浮架结构的变形和应力与网箱系统的载荷特点及缆绳系附方式密切相关;缆绳系附方式不同,浮架结构的承载极限有很大差别。  相似文献   
哑铃湾网箱养殖对表层沉积物的污染   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分养殖区与非养殖区、养殖网箱及周围海域沉积物,比较研究了哑铃湾网箱养殖对表层沉积物的影响。结果表明,养殖网箱下及养殖区内的沉积物C、N、P和硫化物含量均高于非养殖区,并且养殖年限越长含量越高,沉积物污染越严重,养殖区C、N、P和硫化物平均含量分别比非养殖区高1.23—2.12、1.33—2.79、3.71—9.99、3.02—11.84倍。对沉积物质量的评价结果显示,养殖网箱下沉积物各项指标均超标,养殖年限越长超标越严重,养殖区内的两站点超标也较严重,S6站点C、N、P和硫化物超标分别高达1.83、6.99、8.66、4.63倍,而对照点和非养殖区的两站点除总氮外,其它指标均未超标。  相似文献   
Coastal bays provide habitats for juveniles and adults of many marine species. Mont Saint-Michel Bay (MSMB, France) hosts a highly diversified fish community and constitutes one of the most important nursery grounds for many commercially exploited marine species, such as sea bass, flatfish, clupeids and rays in the English Channel. Besides, MSMB also suffers from the massive invasion of an exotic mollusc, the American slipper-limpet (Crepidula fornicata, L.). This species arrived four decades ago and now represents the main filter-feeder biomass in the bay (150 Mt), an order of magnitude larger than local farmed and natural shellfishes. Recent analyses underlined the impact of this small gastropod on the trophic structure of this bay and its negative influence on juvenile sole densities in the nursery grounds. The present study uses a geostatistical approach to explore the effect of the extension of the slipper-limpet on flatfish (common sole Solea solea, L.; plaice Pleuronectes platessa, L.; brill Scophthalmus rhombus, L. and flounder Platichthys flesus, L.) spatial distribution. Data collected during survey of the MSMB at the end of the 1970s and three decades later have been used to build interpolated maps of (1) slipper-limpet and (2) flatfish spatial distributions. Slipper-limpets were concentrated in a small area, in the western part of the MSMB, in the 1970s while today they occupy half of the bay. This rapid proliferation led to the decrease of available surface for flatfishes, which previously occupied the whole bay and are now restricted to its eastern part. The present study highlighted that the negative influence on fish habitat in MSMB is apparently more related to changes in the substratum than to trophic interactions. This invasion has possible consequences on flatfish population renewal at a large scale and may also damage other benthic or demersal species, such as rays.  相似文献   
福建围头海域深水网箱养殖区污损生物   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
2004年3月到2005年2月,在福建围头湾深水网箱养殖区开展污损生物周年挂网调查.共记录污损生物154种,隶属于12个生物门;全年网衣都有污损生物附着,冬季和春季优势种为细枝仙藻、中胚花筒螅和长颈麦杆虫,主要影响网箱内外水体交换,夏季和秋季优势种为网纹藤壶,容易导致网衣磨损,影响网箱安全;各月份附着生物量差异极大,平均附着生物量表层网片449.42 g/m2,最高峰出现在4月份,底层网片580.25 g/m2,最高峰出现在3月份.季度平均生物量表层网片3142.30 g/m2,底层网片6030.97 g/m2;春季表层网衣藻类特别多,中胚花筒螅、网纹藤壶和麦杆虫等数量远大于港湾内网衣或试板的污损生物量,呈现海区透明度大及抗动荡环境的特点,与港湾内网衣或试板有较大差别.  相似文献   
The significance of a sheltering effect of seagrass against predators influencing the distribution patterns of benthic juveniles of the streaked goby Acentrogobius sp. was investigated by field experimentation in and around seagrass habitats at Moroiso and Aburatsubo Bays, Miura Peninsula, Japan. In the former bay, juveniles were always restricted to the seagrass bed, whereas at the latter, they also occurred over the surrounding bare sand substrate. Juveniles never occurred inside predator-exclusion cages over unvegetated sand in Moroiso Bay. Additionally, a tethering experiment resulted in similarly small numbers of juveniles being preyed upon in both the seagrass bed and over bare sand, suggesting that the predation risk for juveniles may not differ between the habitat types and was thus not responsible for their distribution patterns. The availability of symbiotic shrimp burrows, which were scarce in bare sand in Moroiso Bay but abundant in a similar area in Aburatsubo Bay, was also hypothesized as a determinant of distribution pattern. In a manipulative experiment at Aburatsubo Bay, however, juveniles showed no response to alterations in the availability of symbiotic shrimp burrows, indicating that neither the sheltering effect of seagrass against predators nor the availability of symbiotic shrimp burrows was a significant factor in streaked goby juvenile distribution. Food availability may be a determinant, because food abundance patterns were concordant with the juvenile distribution pattern.  相似文献   
柔性结构养殖网箱的抗风浪性能试验报告   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文报道了以柔性绳索作为承爱和传递波浪作用力的主结构的柔性养殖网箱的抗风浪性能试验结果。在9914号特大台风的正面袭击下,这种网箱能基本保持完好,表明它具有十分优越的抗风浪性能。通过对试验环境的初步分析表明,该网箱系统能抵抗住海面波高在4.7米以下、波长在76.95米以内的台风浪袭击,可满足福建省大部分近海海面在十年一遇台风重现期条件下的近海网箱抗风浪养殖的要求。  相似文献   
方形网箱水平波浪力的迭加计算和实验验证   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
采用小直径圆柱体绕流理论和网渔具理论为基础的经验水动力计算法,分别考虑网箱框架是刚性体、网衣和绳索是柔性体的特征,结合正弦波理论对方形网箱及其构件受到的水平波浪力特性进行了分析研究,理论给出了波浪力迭加计算法,并把计算结果与小尺度的网箱水槽实验进行对比验证。结果表明,计算数值与试验数据较接近,平均误差率在15%以内。网箱水平波浪力呈周期性、不对称变化,在波浪周期小于0.72s时,主要以框架的波浪力为主,反之以网衣的为主。在波长为0.8m、周期为0.72s、水深为0.7m、波高为68.3mm情形下,计算结果显示网箱的框架尺寸和形状及其系泊、布局的选择应根据实际海况而定,网箱高度可适当增加,当设置水层下降深度相对于网箱高度比率为20%-40%,时,波浪力峰值下降相对率达68.03%-88.20%,表明可以较大程度地降低其波浪力。  相似文献   
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