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沙蠋粪化石保存在豫西荥巩煤田西部晚石炭世太原组(C_3)上部泥晶灰岩中。化石完整、形态逼真、十分罕见。该灰岩动植物化石((竹蜓)、腕足类、有孔虫等碎片)丰富,推测其古环境可能是潮坪上低洼积水的潮池(与现代生活在潮坪环境中的沙蠋一致),因此地层中的沙蠋粪化石的出现,可作为鉴定潮坪环境的重要标志之一。  相似文献   
长江三角洲潮滩季节性冲淤循环的多因子分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
杨世伦 《地理学报》1997,52(2):123-130
根据7个断面的月平均资料建立滩地高程同动力泥 沙因子之间的回归方程。结果证明:除奚家港断面外,其它6个断面的月均滩高月均海面和月均潮差之间有较明显的负相关第,同水体含沙量之间有较明显的正相关。  相似文献   
曹建康 《矿物岩石》1998,18(3):34-38
在华北板块上,陕甘宁盆地近年来发现了世界级大型气田,为同一地台的其他地区天然气勘探带来了光明和希望。华北地台南缘下古生界经多年的油气勘探证明,位于河南境内的太康隆起具有多套生油层系及一定的生成能力,是油气勘探的主要区域。该储集岩的控制因素较多,主要因素有:潮坪相具有形成良好储层的物质条件;粉晶白云岩和含膏白云岩是孔隙发育的最有利岩石类型;构造运动是油气保存的重要条件。综合分析认为,太康隆起下古生界天然气最有利的储集层段:在纵向上为峰峰组和上马家沟组Ⅲ段,横向分布于郑州—开封以南,郑州—新郑以东,范村—孙营—白潭一线以西区域。  相似文献   
海岸带潮滩生源要素生物地球化学循环过程是国际地圈生物圈计划(IGBP)、海岸带陆海交互作用(LOICZ)研究的重要内容,也是全球变化区域响应研究中的重要组成部分。在过去的10~20年之间,潮滩生源要素氮的生物地球化学循环研究得到了长足的发展。基于此,较为全面、系统地总结和分析了有关潮滩氮营养盐的来源、潮滩氮素的物理、化学和生物迁移转化过程及氮素地球化学循环过程中底栖生物效应等一系列研究成果,并提出了今后潮滩生源要素氮的生物地球化学循环研究重点和发展趋向。  相似文献   
本文分析了黄骅潮间带的两次水准测量和地貌调查资料,结合样品作了粒度分析,得出本区潮滩的四个特征如下: 1.沉积类型简单,主要为粘土和粉砂,其含量为90%以上。 2.滩涂宽阔平坦,坡度极小,是典型的平原淤泥质海滩; 3.根据地貌和水动力特征,滩涂分为三部分:A.高潮滩的龟裂带;B.中潮滩的侵蚀滩面带;C.低潮滩的平整滩面带。 4.形成本区以上特征的控制因素有两个:一是黄河携带大量物质的影响;二是气候和潮汐波浪的作用。  相似文献   
南海中部海山性质研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
南海海底的海山和海丘是南海成过程中的产物,如何理解它们的性质,直接关系到如何构建南海的形成演化机制。通过重力异常场计算、地质剖面模型拟合的方法分析指出南海海山有年轻的大洋玄武岩海山,也有包含了大陆玄武岩的“双性”海山。  相似文献   
Sampling of volcanic seamounts with dredges and the remotely operated vehicle Tiburon recovered erratic rocks in surprising abundance as far as 500km offshore of the US West coast. The erratics usually have continental lithologies and appear to have been weathered in nearshore environments. They are probably transported by kelp holdfasts, drift logs, and pinnipeds to the seamounts, where they accumulate over time. The erratics are concentrated as lag deposits and kept from becoming buried in sediment by currents that sweep the seamounts. The erratics often have thinner manganese-oxide crusts than rocks of the seamounts because they were delivered to the seafloor more recently and manganese-oxide crusts precipitate over time. The thinner crusts make erratics easier to collect. While most of the erratics clearly did not originate by the volcanic processes that formed the seamounts, careful evaluation of some is necessary to distinguish them as erratics. Failure to recognize the presence of erratics may result in unrealistically complex interpretations of regional geology.  相似文献   
杭州湾北岸张家厍潮滩动态系统的频谱分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用AR谱和多维最大熵谱方法分析了杭州湾北岸张家厍潮滩的波浪,潮流及潮滩面高程数据。结果表明,潮滩的变动和潮流,波浪变化的关系十分密切,潮滩面高程具有30,15,2-5d的周期变化;冬春季节潮滩变化以潮流作用造成的低频变化为主,夏秋季节则由低频向高频转移,波浪引起的潮滩高频变化也很显著;低潮滩到中潮滩下部的冲淤变化与潮流作用关系密切,中潮滩上部,高潮滩的冲淤变化对常浪性质的波浪作用具有明显的响应。  相似文献   
滩涂围垦是浙江省扩大土地资源的主要出路.通过对浙江省经济社会发展战略与土地利用状况、建设用地与滩涂围垦关系等的论述与分析,指出了浙江省经济社会的发展,需要以建设用地的增长为基础;土地供求矛盾,需要以滩涂围垦来缓解;从而阐明了浙江省滩涂围垦与区域经济可持续发展若干关系.并对浙江省滩涂资源的4个方面特性进行了分析,提出了浙江省沿海滩涂资源开发利用的5项保障措施,以利于促进浙江省滩涂围垦和区域经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   
Sediment (silt) transport on a wave-dominated estuarine intertidal flat dissected by a tidal creek that connects to the watershed freshwater network is investigated by analysing field data from Waikopua, New Zealand, and by applying simple models. The intention is to expand understanding beyond the case of the idealised, two-dimensional wave-dominated flat. During fairweather (no waves), there is a continuous exchange of silt between the bed of the tidal creek and the upper flat, and that exchange is controlled by the elevation of the flat with respect to the creek bed. Rainfall in the watershed does not fundamentally alter the way the intertidal flat and the creek interact, but it does increase silt loads in the creek, which in turn increases the amount of silt exchanged with the upper flat. Waves on the flat are fetch-limited, and frictional dissipation causes waves to reduce in height at the edge of the water body. Under some circumstances, a frictional-dissipation zone may occupy the entire middle-plus-upper flat. There is a maximum in wave-orbital speed at the bed (Usigb) in the middle reaches of the flat, which arises from the particular balance between down-fetch wave growth, wave dissipation by bottom friction, and attenuation through the water column of wave-orbital motions under the short-period waves. There is a progressive decoupling of suspended-silt concentration (SSC) from Usigb moving from the bottom to the top of the flat, such that SSC is highest towards the top of the flat, where Usigb is virtually zero. We suggest that this is due to wave activity retarding the settling of suspended silt, and explore that idea with a simple model that is capable of reproducing the essential features of the data set. The results are assimilated in a conceptual model of the system, which shows the balances that control net silt transport in the creek and on the different parts of the flat, three different silt sources, and the role of waves and rainfall. The conceptual model also points at the feedbacks between sediment-transport processes and morphology that are inherent in the system. Implications of those feedbacks to long-term morphodynamics are essentially unexplored.  相似文献   
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