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水工程建设对长江流域鱼类生物多样性的影响及其对策   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
黄亮 《湖泊科学》2006,18(5):553-556
长江流域鱼类种类丰富、资源量大、特有性高、经济种类多,其生物多样性具有重要的生态价值、经济价值和科学价值.流域内鱼类生物多样性由于面临河流梯级开发引起的洄游阻隔、生境破碎和水文情势等改变的严重威胁,种群下降趋势明显.为保护长江流域鱼类生物多样性,有必要更新水工程规划理念和设计技术,修建鱼道等必要过鱼设施,进行水库生态调度,建立鱼类自然保护区和建立生态补偿机制等.  相似文献   
Based on literature and survery data of fish composition collected by bottom trawl investigation from 2006 to 2007 infour main estuaries of China southeastern coastal areas and their adjacent waters,changes of the taxonomic diversity across spatialand temporal scales of fish community were analyzed by taxonomic diversity indices.The results are as follows:a total number of1397 fish species(including some freshwater species),belonging to 2 classes,42 orders,186 families and 593 genera,were collected inthe studied sea areas.The species richness increased with lower latitudes,particularly so with Perciformes.There were 339 fish spe-cies in the Yangtze River Estuary and adjacent waters,belonging to 2 classes,31 orders,101 families and 231 genera.There were 535fish species in the Minjiang River Estuary and adjacent waters,belonging to 2 classes,33 orders,133 families and 323 genera.A totalnumber of 803 fish species were collected in the Jiulongjiang River Estuary and adjacent waters,which belonged to 2 classes,35 orders,155 families and 419 genera.And 1021 fish species which belonged to 2 classes,32 orders,153 families,and 466 genera were collectedin the Pearl River Estuary and adjacent waters.The numbers of orders and families of fish species from the northern to the southern wa-ters first increased and then decreased.The average variation in taxonomic distinctness(Λ+)gradually decreased with lower latitudes inthe four estuaries and adjacent waters.There were no significant differences in the average taxonomic distinctness(△+)among the fourestuaries and adjacent waters,and fish fauna were closely related with each other,and all of them belonged to the same zoogeographicalfauna(Indian-Malaysia fauna).Fish composition in the Minjiang River Estuary and adjacent waters was more similar to that in the Jiu-longjiang River Estuary and adjacent waters among the four estuaries.Compared with the historical data,the average taxonomic dis-tinctness of fish community showed a great decrease in the Minjiang River Estuary and the Jiulongjiang River Estuary and their adjacentwaters.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONTherateoffoodconsumptionoffishfedadlibitumisregardedasthemaximumrateoffoodconsumption(Cmax) (Woottonetal.,1 980 ) .SeveralfactorsthatinfluenceCmaxincludingbodyweight (Liuetal.,1 998) ,watertemperature (Liuetal.,1 998) ,dis solvedoxygen (Vivekanandan ,1 977) ,salinity (ZanuyandCarrillo ,1 985 ) ,andphotoperiod (Grossetal.,1 965 ) ,werereported .Bodysizeandwatertemperaturewereregardedastwoofthemostimportantfactors,andhadreceivedmostattention (Elliott,1 979;Woottonetal.,1 …  相似文献   
Several studies in the last 20 years have revealed that morphological asymmetry in fish can be characterized as ‘antisymmetry’. Antisymmetry is a lateral dimorphism in which each population consists of individuals with well‐developed left sides (lefties) and well‐developed right sides (righties). This dimorphism influences predator–prey interactions. In some piscivorous fishes, it has been found that predators can catch more prey of the opposite morphological type to themselves (cross‐predation) than of the same morphological type (parallel‐predation). Our previous work clarified that the predominance of cross‐predation is caused by lateralized behaviors of predators and prey that correspond to their morphological antisymmetry. Moreover, based on the results of our behavioral observations, we hypothesized that parallel‐predation can predominate when predators encounter the potential prey frontally. To test this hypothesis, in the present study we investigated the relationship between lateral morphological types of anglerfish (Lophiomus setigerus) and those of the prey fishes found in their stomachs. Anglerfish attract potential prey using their first dorsal fin (illicium) as a lure, and their frontal encounters with potential prey fishes were photographed in situ and observed in an aquarium. The results of a stomach contents analysis indicated that parallel‐predation predominated in five benthopelagic prey fish species (perches and eels). By contrast, five benthic prey fishes (gobies and weevers) exhibited the predominance of cross‐predation. These results not only demonstrate the predominance of parallel‐predation in a natural fish community, but also suggest that the relationship between morphological types of predator and prey species can be reversed depending on the lifestyle of prey.  相似文献   
三沙湾盐田港养殖海域沉积物中的有机碳、氮和磷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2012年8月(夏季)、11月(秋季)和2013年2月(冬季)、5月(春季)共4个航次对三沙湾盐田港养殖海域表层沉积物组成成分及其变化趋势进行调查分析,并采用单因子污染指数(Pi)对沉积物质量进行评价。结果表明不同功能区沉积物中有机氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和有机碳(OC)含量差异显著(P0.05),TN和TP含量4季变化范围分别是0.15~1.39 g/kg和0.11~1.08 g/kg,平均值分别为(0.89±0.36)g/kg和(0.56±0.26)g/kg。OC含量在1.00~14.71 g/kg之间,平均值为(8.26±3.78)g/kg。各站位沉积物中TN污染指数4季变化范围为0.25~2.53,4季超标率分别为67%、81%、80%和90%;各站位TP污染指数4季变化范围为0.18~2.63,4个季节超标率分别为35%、80%、40%和51%;各季节OC含量均未超标;OC/N原子比全年变化范围在8.4~10.3之间,平均值为8.9±0.6。较弱的水流交换条件和海水养殖,特别是海水网箱养殖,是造成沉积物污染的主要原因,开展多营养层次的综合养殖模式是促进盐田港海水养殖可持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   
Long-term home-range and movement dynamics of spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii and the distribution of their dominant prey, the sandprawn Callichirus kraussi, were investigated in the intermittently open East Kleinemonde Estuary, South Africa. In addition, the effects of fish length, diel cycle, season and other abiotic factors on home range and area use were examined. Nine adult spotted grunter (326–489?mm total length) were tagged with acoustic transmitters, and their movements were studied by manual tracking on six consecutive days and nights during each of five tracking sessions from March to November 2004. In addition, movement patterns were recorded by stationary data-logging receivers. Kernel home ranges (95% utilised distribution) varied in size (mean: 76 797?m2?, range: 26 296–165 321?m2), but were all located in the lower one-third of the 3.6 km-long estuary. There was no effect of season, the diel cycle or fish length on the home-range estimates. However, the distribution of prey corresponded with the home-range distribution of tagged fish. Although sandprawn distribution was highly variable within and among transects and depth classes, sandprawns were most abundant in the lower region of the estuary, which corresponded to the home-range distribution of spotted grunter. Spatial distribution of prey appears to be a dominant factor influencing home-range parameters of this species within an intermittently open estuary.  相似文献   
A roving creel survey of the recreational shore fishery along the 16.4-km coastline in the Goukamma Marine Protected Area on the south coast of South Africa was conducted from 2009 to 2011. Some 838 patrols were stratified equally among months, areas and years, but intentionally biased towards weekends. Angler densities at Buffalo Bay and Groenvlei were 0.59 and 0.28 anglers km?1, respectively. Weekend densities were double to quadruple weekday densities and fishing during winter was more popular than during summer. Area, habitat and distance to access points explained variation in angler densities. Shannon–Wiener diversity in catches declined from 2.18 in an earlier (1993–2002) survey to 1.79. Although the order of species abundance in the catches remained largely unchanged, blacktail Diplodus capensis dominance increased to 57.3% by number, at the expense of galjoen Dichistius capensis. Habitat explained 27% of the variance in catch composition. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) for the top nine species ranged from 0.19 to 6.35 fish 100-h?1. The CPUE of all species, except spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii, declined. Blacktail and galjoen CPUE declined by 17% and 77%, respectively. The total catch estimate was 2 986 fish y?1. Transgressions of size limits were common. The results suggest that the fishery is overexploited and that catch rates are declining.  相似文献   
地理信息系统技术在中小学布局调整中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国“十五”期间开始中小学布局调整,经过几年的调整,教育条件、教育质量都有所改善,但也带来一些问题,这些问题的根本原因在于缺乏科学预测和规划。地理信息系统技术是利用计算机解决各学科空间问题的学科,它可以在中小学布局中进行科学分析和预测,为中小学布局调整提供决策支持。  相似文献   
以乌鳢(Ophiocephalus argus)为研究对象,采用不同日粮饲喂,试验W1组饲喂冰鲜鱼,试验W2组饲喂畜禽内脏。12周后,取肠道内容物,利用16S rDNA技术研究投喂不同饲粮的乌鳢肠道生物群落结构差异和微生物多样性,分别获得W1组和W2组乌鳢肠道细菌有效序列51124和39298条。结果分析表明;W1组和W2组物种注释(operational taxonomic unit,OTU)数目分别为2631和4114条,分类地位明确的细菌种类分别隶属5个属和49个属,W1组和W2组乌鳢肠道细菌种类差异很大。W1组乌鳢肠道细菌的优势类群是邻单胞菌属(Plesiomonas)、狭义梭菌属(Clostridium sensu stricto)、鲸蜡菌属(Cetobacterium);W2组乌鳢肠道细菌的优势类群是狭义梭菌属(Clostridium sensu stricto)、邻单胞菌属(Plesiomonas)、Spartobacteria、甲基副球菌属(Methyloparacoccus)、杆菌属(Alsobacter)、Saccharibacteria、分支杆菌属(Mycobacterium)。W2组乌鳢肠道细菌香农指数高于W1组乌鳢肠道细菌,表明前者肠道细菌多样性大于后者。本实验揭示了畜禽内脏饲喂乌鳢肠道细菌的群落种类多样性、OTU丰富度和物种总数均高于冰鲜鱼饲喂乌鳢;W1组肠道有益菌OTU丰富度大于W2组,且W2组还存在一些潜在致病菌。本研究为乌鳢的健康养殖和后续肠道微生物资源的挖掘提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
针对传统三维碎片拼接匹配过程中依赖单一特征及存在误差累积的问题,提出了一种运用鱼群算法的全局最优匹配方法。该方法先对碎片点云数据进行多特征提取,结合纹理、专家经验信息对混合在一起的多种类型碎片进行粗糙集分类,之后采用鱼群算法的最优解求得最佳匹配方案。实例验证所提全局匹配方法具有能力强、与初始位置无关及较强的稳健性等特点,为三维碎片的全局匹配提供了一种有效的解决方案。  相似文献   
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