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埋地生命线管道系统智能监测的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
智能材料在土木工程和防灾减灾工程中的应用是未来土木工程和减灾科学领域发展的重要方向,本文对光纤传感技术在埋地生命线管道系统抗震防灾方面的作用作了初步的研究。对光纤传感器应用于埋地生命线系统中存在的主要问题作了分析,提出了实施埋地生命线系统智能监测的方案。  相似文献   
青蛤贝壳韧带的结构色及微结构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用XRD、热失重分析、反射光谱及高分辨FE-SEM对青蛤贝壳韧带的矿物组成,结构色及微结构进行系统研究,结果表明:1)青蛤韧带由78%文石矿物,18%的蛋白质及少量的水组成,文石矿物呈纤维状,纤维的直径约138 nm,相邻纤维中心的间距约164 nm;2)韧带可呈现蓝,黄色结构色;3)韧带具有明显的层状结构特征,生长层的厚20μm~40μm,同一生长层中文石纤维长轴定向排列,而相邻层纤维长轴的定向不一致,并呈现一种新的结构类型“-交叉棱柱层”结构。再者,青蛤韧带中的文石纤维构成了一类特殊的2D准周期光子晶体。  相似文献   
In this paper, the propagation of Love waves in a fiber‐reinforced layered medium lying over an elastic orthotropic half‐space under initial stress has been investigated. We have obtained the velocity equations for Love wave in this media. It is observed that propagation of Love wave is influenced by reinforced parameters and initial stressed parameter. The velocity of Love wave has been computed for three different cases. Our computed equation of Love wave coincides with the standard equation of Love wave for the case of homogeneous layer and homogeneous half‐space (AEH Love, 1911). To study the effect of reinforced and initial stressed parameters, we have computed the numerical values for phase velocity and plotted in several figures. It is observed that the phase velocity decreases with the increases of reinforced parameters and initial stressed parameter. Using MATLAB software, GUI has been developed to generalize the effect of various parameters. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
聚丙烯纤维加筋灰土的三轴强度特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
施利国  张孟喜  曹鹏 《岩土力学》2011,32(9):2721-2728
加筋技术作为20世纪一项重大发明,广泛运用于挡土墙、堤坝、桥台、护坡等工程中。加筋技术的快速发展推动了加筋材料的快速演变,催生了土工织物、土工格栅、土工格室等一大批土工合成材料,但加筋材料有一弱点:即筋材与填料间容易出现潜在破坏面。过去填料使用的是黏土、砂土,其强度都比较稳定,时间对其强度的影响极小。对于灰土这一类材料,其强度受时间影响较大,是否适于作为加筋土填料需进行研究。选取聚丙烯纤维作为加筋材料,研究了聚丙烯纤维加筋灰土的强度与变形特性。试验中,将3种不同百分比(0.05%,0.15%和0.25%)的聚丙烯纤维分别掺入到灰土比为1:9,2:8,3:7的灰土试样中,配制试样。通过三轴试验研究了不同纤维加筋率、不同灰土比、不同龄期及不同围压对加筋灰土的影响。试验结果表明:与普通的灰土相比,聚丙烯纤维加筋灰土其峰值偏应力和抗剪强度均有不同幅度提高  相似文献   
In the marine environment, stability of the glacier terminus and the location of subglacial streams are the dominant controls on the distribution of grounding-line deposits within morainal banks. A morainal bank complex in Muir Inlet, Glacier Bay, SE Alaska, is used to develop a model of terminus stability and location of subglacial streams along the grounding line of temperate marine glaciers. This model can be used to interpret former grounding-line conditions in other glacimarine settings from the facies architecture within morainal bank deposits.The Muir Inlet morainal bank complex was deposited between 1860 A.D. and 1899 A.D., and historical observations provide a record of terminus positions, glacial retreat rates and sedimentary sources. These data are used to reconstruct the depositional environment and to develop a correlation between sedimentary facies and conditions along the grounding line.Four seismic facies identified on the high-resolution seismic-reflection profiles are used to interpret sedimentary facies within the morainal bank complex. Terminus stability is interpreted from the distribution of sedimentary facies within three distinct submarine geomorphic features, a grounding-line fan, stratified ridges, and a field of push ridges. The grounding-line fan was deposited along a stable terminus and is represented on seismic-reflection profiles by two distinct seismic facies, a proximal and a distal fan facies. The proximal fan facies was deposited at the efflux of subglacial streams and indicates the location of former glacifluvial discharges into the sea. Stratified ridges formed as a result of the influence of a quasi-stable terminus on the distribution of sedimentary facies along the grounding line. A field of push ridges formed along the grounding line of an unstable terminus that completely reworked the grounding-line deposits through glacitectonic deformation.Between 1860 A.D. and 1899 A.D. (39 years),

m3 of sediment were deposited within the Muir Inlet morainal bank complex at an average annual sediment accumulation rate of

m3/a. This rate represents the annual sediment production capacity of the glacier when the Muir Inlet drainage basin is filled with glacial ice.  相似文献   
研究壳聚糖的脱乙酰度和纺丝原液的浓度对纤维性能的影响。并对湿法纺丝设备及湿法纺丝的条件进行了初步的探索。  相似文献   
设计一种新型光纤光栅锈蚀传感器,主要由锈蚀体、不锈钢体和2段串联的光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)组成。缠绕于锈蚀体表面的FBG监测钢筋的锈胀应变,缠绕于不锈钢体表面的FBG用作温度补偿器,消除温度变化对锈胀应变监测的影响。此外,设计电化学加速腐蚀实验,探究该传感器在不同强度等级混凝土中的工作性能。结果表明,该传感器监测质量腐蚀率的灵敏度为0.02%,监测范围大于1%,可实时监测混凝土中钢筋的锈蚀过程及特征,为预警钢筋锈蚀引起的钢筋混凝土结构耐久性损失提供阈值,在结构健康监测领域具有较大的应用价值。  相似文献   
林诚鑫  黄维  刘海笑 《海洋工程》2012,30(3):97-104
在循环载荷作用下,合成纤维系缆的应力应变关系表现出明显的非线性特性,直接影响系泊缆绳的动力响应。如何针对其在循环载荷作用下的应力应变关系进行准确的定量描述是有关绷紧式系泊系统设计的关键问题。国内外研究者之前的研究不能反映缆绳的载荷历史、蠕变特性以及刚度变化过程,因此提出一个粘弹性粘塑性模型来描述合成纤维系缆的应力应变关系。本模型能够反映合成纤维缆绳的时间变化特性以及在整个加载—卸载过程中的刚度变化。此外,提出了明确的参数确定方法及步骤,基于简单的蠕变实验可以确定模型的各个参数。将两种载荷条件下聚酯缆绳的实验结果与模型结果进行对比,二者吻合较好,证明了模型的有效性和可靠性。本研究对于绷紧式系泊系统的研发和工程应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   
A distinct porcellanite layer from the Southwest Indian Ridge intercalated in Pleistocene diatom ooze was studied using nondestructive physical property measurements and sedimentological data. This bed was sampled by two piston cores at a water depth of 2615 m. The 3–5 cm thick porcellanite layer appears in the cores at a depth of 6.03 m (Core PS2089-2) and 7.73 m (Core PS2089-1) below the seafloor. Due to its characteristic physical properties the porcellanite bed can be detected with core measurements, and its distribution and lateral extent mapped with echosounding. The physical index properties, wet bulk density and electrical resistivity, increase significantly across this bed. Magnetic susceptibility is used to compare the lithological units of both cores and to distinguish whether resistivity anomalies are caused by a higher amount of terrigenous components or by the presence of porcellanite. The porcellanite has the special characteristic to affect a positive anomaly in resistivity but not in susceptibility. Most marine sediments, in contrast, show a positive correlation of magnetic susceptibility versus electrical resistivity; therefore a combination of electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility logs yields a definite detection of the porcellanite bed. Images from the X-ray CT survey indicate that the porcellanite is lithified and brittle and fragmented when the piston corer penetrated the bed.  相似文献   
朱友群  朱鸿鹄  孙义杰  施斌 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z2):695-702
管桩施工过程中常出现桩身裂缝、爆桩等病害。将具有实时动态监测功能的布拉格光纤光栅(FBG)准分布式光纤传感监测技术和具有分布式监测功能的布里渊散射光时域分析技术(BOTDA)联合应用到管桩打入过程中的监测,提出了分布式光纤传感技术数据处理方法,设计了管桩打入过程的模型试验。试验结果表明,FBG传感技术能够较好地动态监测打入过程中桩身应变变化特征,反映桩身不同部位随不同深度应变变化规律;BOTDA分布式光纤传感技术能够较好地监测管桩在打入过程中暂停(接管)状态下桩身应变变化特征;根据应变变化分析管桩受偏心荷载程度,分析管桩是否出现裂缝、破坏等病害,研究管桩打入过程中桩土作用规律。试验结果还表明,FBG联合BOTDA光纤监测技术在管桩打入过程中监测管桩质量具有广阔的技术优势和应用前景。  相似文献   
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