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提出了一种基于互联网信息的空间竞争域划分方法。在Voronoi图的模型中尝试以网络平台数据作加权因子,使空间竞争域体现互联网中的消费者偏好差异,通过对加权Voronoi图的类型划分和地理学解释,描述竞争环境的空间特征。以北京市健身俱乐部为例,选择大众点评网、爱帮等网络平台信息作为权重因子,构建样本网点的传统Voronoi、互联网信息加权Voronoi计算模型并对比边界线、面积等空间特征分析的结果表明:互联网信息对城市商业游憩网点的空间竞争力产生着不同的影响强度,对Voronoi图空间特征的分类和地理解释可以指示商业网点跨越距离阻碍的消费吸引力及竞争差异,弥补传统加权方法未考虑消费者偏好和购物习惯而对竞争域划分表达不足的缺点。  相似文献   
葛文  成毅  刘嵘 《测绘工程》2012,21(1):11-15
为了解决目前地理信息服务质量量化评价的问题,构建了一种基于用户偏好的多维地理信息服务质量评价模型。扩展通用服务质量属性,构建了多维地理信息服务质量模型;在多维地理信息服务质量模型的基础上加入用户偏好,构建了基于用户偏好的多维地理信息服务质量评价模型;实现了基于用户偏好的QoS权重计算,并给出了服务QoS综合值的计算方法。最后给出了基于用户偏好的多维地理信息服务质量评价实例。  相似文献   
Preferences by the Japanese mitten crab Eriocheir japonica of three mesoscale environments within a river unit (pools, riffles and runs) were investigated in a freshwater river by pot fishing and hand-net collecting during the fall. In addition, E. japonica’s life modes during each growth stage were elucidated by comparing data obtained by hand-net collecting into three size groups (20 mm < CW, 20 mm ≤ CW < 40 mm, and 40 mm ≤ CW). Both the number of crabs caught per pot and per 10 m stretch sampled along the river by hand-net collecting indicated that mean catch values varied in the following manner runs < pools < riffles, and that this variation was large in riffles and small in pools and runs. Only large crabs of 40 mm ≤ CW could be collected by pot fishing; in contrast, small juveniles were only caught by hand-net collecting. Results of the hand-net collecting indicated that small juveniles (CW < 20 mm) preferred to be in riffles, while the mid-size class crabs (20 – 40 mm CW) presence in the riffles decreased and once they became adults (40 mm ≤ CW) they chose to be in pools. In all size classes, runs were not a preferred choice. These results suggest that the small juveniles are oriented by their positive rheotaxis. Their movement is probably affected by flow regimes, creating large variations in their density in the riffles. In contrast, adults can freely move within a stream unit and use pools as their resting site, thus they are steadily captured in large numbers with a small variation in the pools by pot fishing. However, the adults can actively wander around riffles and runs, searching for animal food, and are attracted to the riffles by bait odors depending on the water flow. Therefore, the most effective catching method is to set the pots in riffles when the river is swollen.  相似文献   
随着人们对湿地公园价值认识的提升,更多游人参与到湿地公园的游憩活动中,以游人的行为活动以及设施需求为出发点建设湿地公园显得尤为重要。以九龙山红树林国家湿地公园为例,采用行为观测法和问卷调查法对游憩者的结构特点、行为特征、游憩偏好和设施要求等多个方面进行了调查与分析。结果表明:男性学生是公园的主要游憩者,多数利用节假日与朋友结伴而来;公园的吸引半径为100 km以内,主要的交通方式是摩托车及私家车;游人最喜欢的游憩活动是欣赏自然风光以及徒步健身;期望增设垂钓、野营、空中观鸟等游憩项目。建议开发有教育价值或有经济收入的游憩项目,根据游客的需求,丰富设施以及完善现有游憩设施,加大管理、保护与宣传力度。  相似文献   
湘江新区土地利用结构多目标规划及决策偏好分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用规划需要综合考虑经济效益和生态效益。构建了经济最大化和生态效益最大化2个目标,并运用基于模糊集理论的最大(小)算子法求得兼顾经济效益和生态效益的土地利用模糊最优规划方案。随后重点探讨了不同决策偏好情景下的土地利用优化方案和综合效益的变化。研究结果表明:(1)对经济效益和生态效益的偏好程度不同,主要会导致林地、城镇建设用地和水域面积发生变化;(2)随着决策者对生态效益偏好程度的增加,城镇建设用地面积逐渐减少,林地和水域面积逐渐增加;(3)当经济效益比生态效益重要时,最优的用地规划方案主要是在城镇用地和水域面积之间进行权衡;当生态效益比经济效益重要时,最优的用地规划方案主要是在林地和城镇建设用地之间进行权衡。研究结果对湘江新区进行"资源节约型和环境友好型社会"建设中的多目标土地利用规划具有一定的决策参考价值。  相似文献   
Individuals of the subtidal gastropod Babylonia lutosa were exposed to three sublethal concentrations of copper (0.02, 0.06 and 0.20 ppm) for four weeks. The percentage of normally active individuals (body extended and moving with the foot attached) decreased and the percentage of snails retracted (body extended, foot not attached, unable to move) and in a distressed stage (body retracted within the shell) increased with increase in copper concentration. Exposure to copper also decreased significantly the ability of an individual to move, and to burrow, but the effect was only observed in week 1, individuals were fully recovered in week 2. Feeding, however, was not affected, both in terms of the percentage number of individuals which fed, and the time spent feeding. Results were discussed with respect to the potential of using this animal as a bioassay tool in monitoring the effect of environmental perturbations on the subtidal community in Hong Kong.  相似文献   
南海西北部水域斑节对虾资源的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1989-1991年对南海西北部水域进行斑节对虾Penaeusmonodon资源专项调查。结果表明,斑节对虾的密集分布区在海南岛东部和南部海区,其现存资源量为82.6万尾,周年有体长30mm以下的幼虾出现。主要产卵期在9-12月。产卵场在海南岛东部和南部水深30-60m的海区。  相似文献   
To efficiently manage northern pike (Esox lucius), information is needed on its habitat use and preference. However, knowledge gaps still exist, especially on pike habitat use and preference in rivers characterised by artificial environments. We investigated the use of the main river, tributaries and side arms at the macro-scale, and the use and preference of riparian habitats by adult pike at the meso-scale in an anthropogenically impacted river basin. Adult pike were followed in winter and spring by radio telemetry. At the macro-scale pike intensively used the main river in winter and spring, but also frequented specific side arms in winter and specific tributaries in spring, which may indicate the importance of these habitats to adult pike. At the meso-scale, reedy semi-natural banks were used the most, irrespective of any assumption on habitat availability or use. The findings underline the value of protecting the least impacted, (semi)natural habitats for adult pike in an anthropogenically impacted river system. The large behavioural differences in habitat use between individuals at both habitat scales further underline the importance of habitat heterogeneity. The results also provide insight into the impact of riparian habitat restoration on adult pike and may be used to more efficiently manage pike rivers, e.g. by enhancing the lateral connectivity with river side arms or by reconstructing natural riparian habitats.  相似文献   
Feeding interactions among functional feeding groups (FFGs) of macroinvertebrates are robust indicators of aquatic ecosystem interactions. They provide information regarding organic matter processing, habitat condition and trophic dynamics. In tropical rivers with pronounced wet and dry seasons, macroinvertebrate based ecological monitoring tools are explicitly focused on metrics and indices, while ignoring interactions of FFGs. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the functional feeding type metrics, diversity indices and feeding interactions among FFGs of macroinvertebrates along the water pollution gradient in Gilgel Gibe watershed, Ethiopia. Water quality parameters and macroinvertebrate community attributes were assessed for samples collected from upstream sites (15 sites), urban-impacted stretches (12 sites) and wetland-affected river zones (7 sites) of the watershed during the rainy (July) and dry (February) seasons. To understand the effect of pollution on the feeding interactions, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes were analyzed. Macroinvertebrate-based diversity indices and functional feeding type metric showed deterioration of ecological integrity at the urban-impacted sites and substantial recovery in the wetland-affected downstream sites. Omnivorous feeding behavior of macroinvertebrates was noted for the upstream sites, whereas clear trophic guilds of FFGs were suggested for the wetland-affected river zones by the stable isotope results. The results of pollution gradient analysis and feeding interactions among FFGs revealed that the urban-impacted sites showed weaker interactions when compared to upstream and wetland influenced sites. This affirms the potential importance of feeding interactions among FFGs of macroinvertebrates in water quality monitoring.  相似文献   
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