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高杰  李昕  周晶 《海洋工程》2016,34(6):74-82
运行在恶劣环境中的海底管道,往往受到内压、轴力和弯矩等复杂荷载的联合作用。腐蚀会导致管壁局部变薄,降低管道极限承载力。为保证管道安全高效运行,准确预测和分析复杂荷载作用下的塑性极限承载力和变形行为就显得尤为重要。考虑大应变和大变形、应力强化和材料非线性,运用数值仿真软件建立腐蚀缺陷管道的三维实体有限元模型,在全尺寸管道破坏试验验证的基础上,对腐蚀管道在内压、轴向压力和弯矩相互作用下的失效模式和极限弯矩承载力进行了相关研究,并进行了腐蚀缺陷几何参数的敏感性分析。研究结果表明:初始内压和初始轴向压力会显著降低腐蚀管道的极限弯矩承载力,并且影响最终的失效模式;在腐蚀缺陷几何尺寸参数中,腐蚀宽度比腐蚀深度和腐蚀长度的影响更大。  相似文献   
降雨入渗诱发黄土滑塌的模式及临界值初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国内外对诱发滑坡的降雨阈值的研究多采用统计方法对历史滑坡和降雨量数据进行相关分析,而在分析过程中很少按降雨入渗诱发模式的不同进行分类.实际上,降雨临界值与被触发的滑坡类型紧密相关,不同模式的降雨可以触发不同类型和规模的滑坡,而不同类型的滑坡也“需要”不同的降雨临界值.本文以陕北黄土高原广泛发育的-种典型地质灾害-黄土滑塌作为研究对象,从定性分析降雨入渗的机理入手,探讨了不同入渗模式下雨水对滑塌的诱发作用,初步建立了缓慢下渗诱发型、下渗阻滞诱发型、下渗贯通诱发型三种降雨诱发黄土滑塌的模式.运用统计学的方法,对陕西北部地区25个县(市、区)1960年~2008年发生的有准确日期记录的227个黄土滑塌和降雨数据进行分类,建立了不同降雨入渗诱发类型下的黄土滑塌降雨临界值或预警值.  相似文献   
The Changjiang River (Yangtze) is one of the fastest growth areas of container transportation in Chi-na. Rail, road and water transportation have competed against each other for container transportation in the Chang-jiang River main line and its delta area. It is of significance to assess these different transportation modes scientifi-cally in order to organize container transportation efficiently in this area and make decision for integral plan and construction of transportation system in this area. This paper outlines application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to appraise different modes of typical direction of containers. Twelve assessment indexes were decided. Membership functions were formulated. Evaluation results indicated that road transportation was optimal mode in the Changjiang River delta area, however water transportation was the primary way in the Changjiang River main line.  相似文献   
车用太  鱼金子 《地震学报》2015,37(2):357-367
本文首先简要介绍了我国地震地下流体观测台网的现状,然后针对其存在的主要问题提出了调整与优化的建议: ① 调整布局,重点加强我国中西部地区(105°E以西)的监测; ② 扩大规模,观测井(泉)数要达到1000个左右; ③ 全面提高观测井质量,淘汰不符合规范要求的观测井(泉),改造不完全符合规范要求的观测井,新建一批完全符合规范的观测井; ④ 优化观测项目的组合,大力发展观测井(泉)水流量观测,强化以H2、 He、 CO2等为主测项的断层带土壤气观测,建立断层带土壤气观测网; ⑤ 优化现有的观测模式,开展平面上的台阵式观测与垂向的多层次立体化观测; ⑥ 完善与提升现有数字化观测技术水平.   相似文献   
水生动物对植物蛋白源利用的研究进展   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
综述了水生动物对植物蛋白源的利用.饲料中植物蛋白水平将显著影响鱼类的生长和生理生化状态.水生动物对植物蛋白源的利用与适口性、消化率和必需氨基酸平衡相关.同进实验动物的种类、食性和发育阶段均会对植物蛋白利用产生一定影响.水生动物饲料中植物蛋白源的适宜添加量主要受实验动物种类和饲料中蛋白质水平的影响.因此,通过添加限制性必需氨基酸和减少搞营养因子可以提高水生动物对植物蛋白源的利用.  相似文献   
土木大类测量实习教学模式的改革与实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土木大类的测量学实习在培养学生的生产实践能力方面起着不可或缺的作用,分析了目前实习模式的特点,指出现有实习模式存在的缺陷,认为测量实习环节应根据不同的专业方向开辟具有专业特色的实习项目,针对公路工程、桥梁工程、建筑工程和港口与航道工程专业提出新的实习模式,在教学实践改革中取得了良好效果。  相似文献   
Based on data of earthquake sequences with MS≥5.0 in Chinese mainland from 1970 to 2004,for different se-quence types and different rupture modes of the main shock,the relationship between aftershock distribution size Rand the magnitude of the main shock M0 has been studied statistically.Considering the rupture mode of the mainshock,we give the quantitative statistical relationships between R and M0 under 95%confidence level for differentsequence types.Qualitatively,lgR,the logarithm of the aftershock distribution size,is positively correlative to theM0,but the data distribution is dispersed.Viewing from different sequence types,the correlation between R and M0is very weak for isolated earthquake type(IET)sequence,R distributes in the range from 5 to 60 km;For main-shock-aftershock type(MAT),lgR is positively correlative to M0;For multiple main shock type(MMT),the core-lation between lgR and M0 is not very obvious when M0≤6.2 and R distributes in the range from 5 to 70 km,whileit shows a linear correlation when M0≥6.3.The statistical results also show that the occupational ratios of differentsequence types for strike-slip and oblique slip are almost the same.But for dip-slip(mostly are thrust mechanisms),the ratio of MAT is higher than that of IET and MMT.Comparing with previous results,it indicates that,when M0is large enough,R is mainly determined by M0 and there is almost no relationship with the rupture mode of themain shock.  相似文献   
基于曲率模态和小波变换的结构损伤位置识别   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
小波变换具有在时域和频域内表征信号局部特性的能力,能够在不同尺度下对结构响应中的突变信号进行放大和识别.在结构曲率模态基础上,本文提出了一种基于小波变换的结构损伤检测和定位方法.利用双正交小波函数对损伤前后结构的曲率模态进行小波变换,用损伤前后小波变换系数残差建立了结构损伤指标,通过小波变换系数残差的分布统计情况判定损伤的存在并确定其位置.应用简支梁数值模拟结果对该方法进行了验证.  相似文献   

Large reserves of natural gas hydrates exist, and the depressurization method has the greatest potential for gas hydrate reservoir recovery. Currently, the most commonly adopted depressurization simulation method is a constant bottom-hole pressure production scheme. This study proposes a new depressurization mode with decreasing bottom-hole pressure. The production characteristic was numerically investigated using this method. The results show the following: (1) As the depressurization exponent (n) decreases, the development effect improves, and production indexes including cumulative gas production/dissociation and gas-water ratio increase. However, the reservoir energy consumption is higher and the hydrate reformation is more severe. (2) Compared to the proposed depressurization mode, the hydrate production index of the constant bottom-hole pressure production (n?=?0) is better. However, the hydrate reservoir energy consumption is higher and the hydrate reformation is more severe using constant bottom-hole pressure production. (3) To achieve a balance between production and reservoir energy consumption during depressurization production, the bottom-hole pressure should be controlled by selecting a suitable depressurization exponent between nmin and nmax, which can be determined through numerical simulations.  相似文献   
北大西洋地区除了存在约70 a周期的AMO(Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation,北大西洋年代际振荡)之外,历史长期气候记录中英格兰温度(Central England Temperature,CET)与格陵兰冰芯净雪累计率还存在显著的20 a周期波动。本研究利用CCSM4(Community Climate System Model version 4)耦合模式工业革命前控制试验(piControl)结果中的海表面温度(Sea Surface Temperature,SST),通过10~50 a带通滤波与扩展经验正交函数(Extended Empirical Orthogonal Function,EEOF)分解,得到在北大西洋副极地海区存在准20 a振荡的逆时针旋转模态。此周期与其临近地区的CET、格陵兰冰芯净雪累计率的准20 a振荡周期相吻合,说明这种北大西洋副极地海区准20 a振荡的海洋模态与其临近地区的大气准20 a振荡之间可能存在相应的联系。进一步利用CAM4(the Community Atmosphere Model version4)大气模式,以北大西洋副极地海区准20 a振荡SST旋转模态为强迫场进行敏感性试验,进一步验证了这种联系。  相似文献   
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