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为了解中国上空SAGE反演的平流层气溶胶数据质量,将合肥地区地基激光雷达观测10年(1996年—2005年)的气溶胶数据与SAGE资料进行比较。通过较为系统全面的比较分析,得到如下结果:(1)10—30 km内SAGE与Li DAR分析的气溶胶变化趋势较为一致,出现峰值和低值的位置也较为接近;(2)SAGE结果普遍比Li DAR测量的偏小,对应的平流层气溶胶AOD差异显著,定量表现为:激光雷达获取的平流层气溶胶AOD基本约为0.004,SAGE反演的平流层气溶胶AOD基本约为0.002,只有前者的一半;(3)两者分析的20—35 km气溶胶季节分布差异较小,再次表明平流层气溶胶比较稳定。  相似文献   
The rugosan fauna from the Guanyinqiao Bed (latest Ordovician, Hirnantian) of northern Guizhou, China is known to belong to the cold or cool-water type corals. The components of the fauna are solitary corals only, and corallite septa are generally strongly dilated, especially the streptelasmatid corals are dominant comprising 98% of the whole fauna. The Guanyinqiao Bed is rich in rugosans of 18 genera, which are streptelasnmtid Streptelasma (=Helicelasma), Brachyelasma, Amplexobrachyelasma, Salvadorea, Grewingkia, Borelasma, CrassUasma, Leolasma, KenophyUum, UUernelasma, Paramplexoides, Siphonolasma, Pycnactoides, Dalmanophyllum, Bodophyllum, Axiphoria, Lambeophyllum and cystiphyllid Sinkiangolasma. Although this fauna was fairly abundant in a confined area (northern-northeastern Guizhou, southern Sichuan) during the Hirnantian age, the rugosan mass extinction (generic extinction rate 81%) happened at the end of the Hirnantian Stage. It is conduded that the mass extinction is related to the ending of maximum glaciation and ice cap melting in Gondwana in the southern hemisphere in the latest Hirnantian, resulting in rapid global sea-level rise in the earliest Silurian. In the Upper Yangtze Basin, the sea bottom environments were replaced by anoxic and warmer water during that time, so that the cool-water type rugosan became extinct. The present paper attempts to revise some already described rugose coral genera and species (He, 1978, 1985) and to supplement a few new forms from the Guanyinqiao Bed. Fourteen species of 12 genera are re-described and illustrated, of which one species- Grewingkia latifossulata is new. As a whole, the rugosan fauna of the Guanyinqiao Bed may be correlated with those contemporaneous of North Europe, Estonia and North America, indicating a dose biogeographic affinity to North Europe.  相似文献   
On the basis of radiation transfer theory,adopting improved two-stream algorithm incorporated with addingalgorithm,we build up a theoretical calculation model of shortwave radiation for the earth-atmosphere system whichcan be applied with satellite data.The model can calculate direct solar radiation,scattering solar radiation,heating rateand other physical quantities of radiation field at every layer of the atmosphere and on the earth's surface,if the under-ground reflectance or the planetary albedo obtained from satellite can be known.The model can be used in clear orcloudy atmosphere,and its calculating speed is fairly fast.We think that the model can be incorporated into large-scaleand mesoscale climatic models for the consideration of radiation calculation,and also it is useful for the utilization of so-lar energy.  相似文献   
Continuous data of aerosol optical thickness monitored using differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) are correlated with the concentration of ground-measured suspended particulate matter (SPM). A high correlation is found between the DOAS and the ground SPM data, making it possible to calculate the mass extinction efficiency of the aerosols in the atmosphere. It is found that the value of mean mass extinction efficiency (MEE) varies over a range of 2.6–13.7m2 g?1, with smaller and larger values occurring for size distributions dominated by coarse and fine particles, respectively.  相似文献   
近10年中国16个台站大气气溶胶光学厚度的变化特征分析   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
应用宽带消光法从1993~2002年中国16个辐射观测站小时累积太阳直接辐射资料,反演了逐时气溶胶光学厚度值,并统计日、月、年的平均值,用作气溶胶光学厚度变化特征分析.结果表明,16个辐射站总的年平均气溶胶光学厚度在0.32~0.36之间变化,沈阳和郑州两站的气溶胶光学厚度有明显增加的趋势,而哈尔滨、兰州、广州、北京等站气溶胶光学厚度则有明显减弱的趋势.就季节变化而言,一般气溶胶光学厚度最大值出现在春季.月平均气溶胶光学厚度与月平均能见度有较好的负相关关系.  相似文献   
The particulate matter pollution has been serious in Chinese megacities due to the rapidly expanding economic and industrial developments, which has significant influences in atmospheric visibility. Visibility is a highly relevant factor indicating the level of atmospheric quality, and is inversely related to the optical extinction coefficient caused by gas and particle phases. In our study, visibility trends for six major megacities (Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenyang, and Xi'an) in China were evaluated during 1973–2007 on the basis of the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) database using four measurement methods: the days per year of daily visibility < 10 km, the days per year of daily visibility > 19 km, the annual mean visibility, and the dry extinction coefficient. The annual and seasonal change trends of visibility for each city were analyzed by using a linear regression model. The annual mean visibilities for the six cities (Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenyang, and Xi'an) were 10.67, 8.60, 10.76, 8.59, 8.16, and 9.74 km respectively. Shenyang has experienced a significant increasing trend during the entire time series while visibilities for other five sites showed decreasing trends especially since the middle of 1990s. In the southern and midwestern regions (Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Xi'an), visibility was best in summer, whereas in the northern regions (Beijing and Shenyang), visibility was best in spring. Mean visibility in spring was worst at Guangzhou, while for the other five cities visibility in winter was worst, probably because of coal burning during the heating period. The general degradation of visibility in these megacities was probably due to the excess aerosol loading. Consequently, an urgent targeted reduction of aerosol pollution may be needed for the sake of better air quality in Chinese megacities.  相似文献   
戎嘉余  黄冰 《地质学报》2019,93(3):509-527
奥陶纪末生物大灭绝与冈瓦纳大陆冰盖的形成与消融密切关联的认识已被广泛接受;同时,赫南特贝腕足动物群(Hirnantia Fauna)常被视作这次大灭绝的肇端标志。本文通过对扬子区-全球环境巨变的一个缩影-相关层段的腕足类的研究,改变了后一认识。上扬子区五峰组(笔石页岩相)与观音桥层(介壳相)之间,以及下扬子区新开岭层之中的"混合相地层"(既产笔石,又产介壳相生物),代表奥陶纪最晚期沉积-生物-环境发生重大变化的过渡阶段,记录了南方大陆冰盖的形成对华南各地影响的开始;只因厚度小、研究少,该段地层及其所含化石群长期未被重视。根据半个世纪积累的材料,本文系统记述了该混合相地层的优势化石腕足类稀少贝(Manosia);根据保存腕螺构造的珍贵标本,证实它是无洞贝目的成员,暂归于无洞贝科;通过识别稀少贝组合(Manosia Assemblage)的基本特征和时空分布,探讨它的群落生态、环境及其标志意义。奥陶纪末的华南板块处于一个相对孤立的古地理位置,且稀少贝幼虫的漂浮能力不强,故未能"飘洋过海"离开华南板块一步;尽管如此,东西向从滇东北到苏南,南北向从陕南到黔北,它成为一个机遇泛滥属种,遍布于整个扬子海域,栖居于深水、低能、贫氧的底域(BA4-5)。稀少贝组合的地层历程从上奥陶统凯迪阶顶部(Diceratograptus mirus亚带)到赫南特阶下部(Normalograptus extraordinarius带中下部);其短暂的历程反映全球气候和海洋环境扰动对扬子海域不同地区造成的影响之开始。这里有一个"先浅水、后深水"的穿时过程:①在上扬子区浅水海域,它仅限于凯迪末期,几乎同时迁移到较深水域并延续到赫南特初期;②侵入到下扬子深水海域则是到赫南特早期并在中期灭绝。因此,华南奥陶纪末大灭绝的起步标志不是赫南特贝动物群本身,而是稀少贝组合的出现;大灭绝的肇端并非始于赫南特初期,而是凯迪末期。同时可能也指示大陆冰盖的形成对世界其他板块不同水深海域的影响也不是等时的。赫南特早中期扬子海域生物群分布状况演变得非常复杂。奥陶纪末生物大灭绝与全球气候和海洋环境的剧变相伴发生,是显生宙唯一一次与冰川活动有密切关联的特大事件。  相似文献   
张利伟  杨文涛  牛永斌 《地质论评》2014,60(5):1051-1060
有关微生物成因沉积构造及其生物地质过程的研究近年来发展迅速,成为深刻认识地球早期生命演化以及生物与环境相互作用过程的重要桥梁。目前报道的微生物成因沉积构造主要集中在海相沉积中,而陆相碎屑岩沉积中的微生物成因沉积构造研究较少。本文介绍了河南省宜阳地区二叠系—三叠系界线附近陆相碎屑岩中发育的以微生物席生长特征、微生物席破坏特征为主的微生物成因沉积构造,认为这些沉积构造的发育与二叠纪末地质灾变事件造成的特殊水体化学环境和严重退化的生态系统相关,属陆相环境中的"错时相"沉积。研究区微生物成因沉积构造的发现对于二叠纪末地质灾变期生物绝灭与复苏奥秘的探索、陆相地层的划分、海相—陆相地层的对比均具有重要意义。  相似文献   
显生宙全球气候变化与生物绝灭事件的联系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据显生宙各地质时期全球气候敏感沉积物和生物地理单元数据库,显生宙(寒武纪至中新世)可识别出24次全球范围内不同级别的气候变化事件。有些事件与全球生物事件有着密切的联系,而不少则并无重要联系,即使这两种事件发生的时间和规模上存在着明显的一致性,也并不一定就存在着因果关系。这24次事件根据二者的一致性和不一致性,可归纳为两类:(1)早寒武世末(一致);(2)晚寒武世末(不一致);(3)早奥陶世末(Ibexian末,不一致);(4)奥陶纪末(一致);(5)志留纪兰多维列世(不一致);(6)志留纪文洛克世早期(不一致);(7)志留纪文洛克世末(不一致);(8)志留纪罗德洛世末(不一致);(9)志留纪普利道里世末(不一致);(10)早泥盆世埃姆斯期初(不一致);(11)中泥盆世艾菲尔期末(一致);(12)中泥盆世吉维特期末(一致);(13)晚泥盆世弗拉斯期末(一致);(14)泥盆纪末(不一致);(15)早石炭世末(一致);(16)晚石炭世维斯发期末(一致);(17)早二叠世萨克马尔晚期(一致);(18)二叠纪末(一致);(19)早三叠世(一致);(20)中—晚三叠世(不一致);(21)早侏罗世赫塘期(不一致);(2?  相似文献   
三叶虫是二叠纪末生物集群灭绝中消失的生物门类之一,但是关于该门类生物化石在中国消失的确切层位未见报道。贵州安顺新民剖面大隆组顶部的三叶虫化石Pseudophillipsia sp.产于火山成因的黏土岩之炭质泥岩夹层中,相邻的泥灰岩结核中产牙形石化石Clarkina meishanensis。该黏土岩及炭质泥岩夹层可以与浙江长兴煤山D剖面的第25层对比,这说明三叶虫延续到了主灭绝事件层位,对研究二叠纪末生物集群灭绝的原因具有一定的意义。  相似文献   
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