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There is a demand for a management mechanism that can reduce the discarding problems of EU fisheries. Catch quota management (CQM) seems to be a promising candidate for such a mechanism. Drawing on a principal–agent model, the objective of this study is to develop and test a method for investigating if the CQM mechanism is efficient in providing fishers with incentives for participating in CQM and complying with the rules. The study uses the 2011 Danish CQM trial project as its empirical basis. The results indicate that CQM fishers have a higher average gross income compared to fishers harvesting according to the conventional rules. Hence, there is an incentive for fishers to participate in the trial. However, with the possibility to cheat, CQM fishers may achieve even higher gross income. It is not obvious that the CQM mechanism׳s payoff structure (incentives) is attractive enough to ensure that the fishers comply with the rules. The empirical data illustrate that without discarding the CQM fishers achieve a lower average price for their catches. Therefore, to make the CQM mechanism sufficiently attractive to fishers, the participating fishers must be compensated.  相似文献   
This article explores the role of market information and learning in multiple unit combinatorial markets for fishing quota. Combinatorial auctions allow trading of packages of different types of quotas (for example for different regions or industry) in the same auction market. Bidders can submit package bids which would allow them to enjoy synergy benefits. However, to realize the full benefit bidders require comprehensive understanding of the market. This article focuses on the impact of varying levels of information feedback on performance in multiple unit forward combinatorial auctions using laboratory experiments. In a general context of trade in fishery quota, it was asked whether (a) providing additional market information and (b) learning through time helps in more efficient outcomes. It is found that much of the benefits of information are derived from structural effects, like repeated rounds and package valuations. Providing additional market information does not improve auction performances to a large extent. These results will be useful in designing more efficient combinatorial markets for fisheries quota.  相似文献   
膨胀力变化规律试验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
丁振洲  郑颖人  李利晟 《岩土力学》2007,28(7):1328-1332
对膨胀土胀缩机理进行了阐述,剖析了膨胀力概念,指出GB/T50279-98界定的膨胀力为最大膨胀力或极限膨胀力,提出自然膨胀力概念及其试验方法。首次开展了自然膨胀力随增湿程度变化规律的试验研究,并对膨胀力随增湿程度、干密度大小、起始含水率等因素的变化规律以及等同土样进行不同程度脱湿后的膨胀力变化规律开展了试验研究,得到了诸多有价值的结论,使对膨胀力概念的认识更加深入,其应用也更符合工程实际。  相似文献   
考虑温度影响的重塑非饱和膨胀土非线性本构模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢云  陈正汉  李刚 《岩土力学》2007,28(9):1937-1942
以非饱和土的非线性模型为基础,通过对土性参数的修正和考虑温度本身引起的土的变形,建立了考虑温度效应的重塑非饱和膨胀土的本构模型。该模型包括土骨架的本构关系和水量变化的本构关系两个方面,涉及18个参数,都可用非饱和土三轴试验确定。共做了13个重塑非饱和膨胀土温控三轴试验,分析了温度对土的强度和变形的影响,研究了模型参数的变化规律。  相似文献   
由于填筑密实度、含水率的差异,整个膨胀土路堤内存在以含水率和干密度为特征的强度分区,且路堤表层土体由于直接受大气、降雨作用,温度、湿度变化频繁,胀缩变形剧烈,裂隙发育,强度将剧烈衰减。但该实际存在的强度分区一般在稳定性计算中多被简化为均质体而不能反映实际情况。强度分区法则考虑大气和气候影响以及路堤内压实度差异,并综合考虑土工格栅的作用。基于强度分区的膨胀土路基边坡稳定性的分析结果表明,强度分区法更能反映路堤土体强度差异的实际情况,能真实地体现改性处治和铺设土工格栅对路堤稳定的贡献,具有显著的优点。对于素填土膨胀土路堤,边坡表层容易发生局部浅层滑动,进而诱发和牵引发生深部滑动破坏;石灰改性后虽能提高路堤稳定性,但表层局部稳定性安全储备并不宽裕,尚未彻底根除安全隐患。土工格栅虽对整体稳定性贡献不大,但可显著提高局部稳定性,并有效地消除膨胀土路堤边坡浅表滑塌的隐患。  相似文献   
对膨胀土膨胀性这一难题,目前通用的做法是施加一个膨胀力,但是无法给出一个合理的解释,膨胀力的大小也是根据经验来施加的,本文提出了膨胀土的膨胀模型(ESEM)并根据土坡的位移采用反演方法来确定了膨胀土的膨胀力;采用公式推导的方式,指出给膨胀土施加膨胀力和施加膨胀变形是一致的;结合降雨分析,运用Drucker-Prager模型编制了有限元程序,选用2范数进行反演运算;计算过程显示,膨胀土膨胀参数与2范数是单值连续具有凹点的,采用牛顿迭代法迭代,计算得出膨胀土膨胀参数;最终的计算结果,确定了膨胀土边坡的膨胀参数以及膨胀力公式。  相似文献   
重塑膨胀土的三向膨胀力试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
谢云  陈正汉  孙树国  李刚  方祥位 《岩土力学》2007,28(8):1636-1642
用三向胀缩仪对南阳陶岔重塑膨胀土做了12个三向膨胀力试验,9个湿胀干缩试验和9个控制变形的膨胀力试验。试验结果表明,三向膨胀力不等,水平膨胀力小于竖向膨胀力;湿胀干缩使重塑膨胀土的膨胀力降低,第一次干湿循环后膨胀力减小最多;微小的位移可以使膨胀力大大降低,膨胀力与位移呈对数关系;给出了膨胀力与初始含水率和干密度的关系式。  相似文献   
A primary goal of earthquake engineering is to protect society from the possible negative consequences of future earthquakes. Conventionally, this goal has been achieved indirectly by reducing seismic damage of the built environment through better building codes, or more comprehensibly, by minimizing seismic risk. However, the effect that building damage has on occupants is not explicitly taken into account while designing infrastructure. Consequently, this paper introduces a conceptual framework and numerical algorithm to assess earthquake risk on building occupants during seismic events, considering the evacuation process of the structure. The framework combines probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, inelastic structural response analysis and damage assessment, and couples these results with the response of evacuating agents. The results are cast as probability distributions of variables that measure the overall performance of the system (e.g., evacuation times, number of injured people, and repair costs) for specific time windows. As a testbed, the framework was applied to the response of a reinforced concrete frame building that exemplifies the use of all steps of the methodology. The results suggest that this seismic risk evaluation framework of structural systems that combine the response of a physical model with human agents can be extended to a wide variety of other situations, including the assessment of mitigation actions in communities and people to improve their earthquake resilience. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In classical earthquake risk assessment, the human behavior is actually not taken into account in risk assessment. Agent‐based modeling is a simulation technique that has been applied recently in several fields, such as emergency evacuation. The paper is proposing a methodology that includes in agent‐based models the human behavior, considering the anxiety effects generated by the crowd and their influence on the evacuation delays. The proposed model is able to take into account the interdependency between the earthquake evacuation process, and the corresponding damage of structural and non‐structural components that is expressed in term of fragility curves. The software REPAST HPC has been used to implement the model, and as a case study, the earthquake evacuation by a mall located in Oakland has been used. The human behavior model has been calibrated through a survey using a miscellaneous sample from different countries. The model can be used to test future scenarios and help local authorities in situations where the human behavior plays a key role. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
土地系统多主体模型的理论与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴尔阜  马良  杨微石  王亚慧  尹乐  童苗 《地理学报》2019,74(11):2260-2272
土地变化科学是理解人类—自然耦合系统的交叉学科研究方向。多主体模型(ABM)作为过程导向模型,对揭示土地变化驱动力,理解土地变化过程有重要作用。本文从理论、应用与建模框架三方面出发,总结了ABM理论基础和相关概念;阐述了ABM在城市和农业土地系统两方面的应用与发展,进一步介绍了横断山区退耕还林ABM研究案例;在梳理ABM建模协议的基础上,提出了主体视角的土地系统ABM建模框架和实施流程。在城市土地利用方面,ABM研究从最初基于景观研究城市扩张,到研究城市内部居住分隔,规划分区,生态功能等多方面;在农业土地利用方面,ABM应用则呈现出更加多样化和个性化的特征,包括农民行为、农户决策、种植系统、农业政策等。相比于传统模型,ABM因其依靠本地知识与数据而使得其构建更为复杂,且不易推广;但因其独特的自下而上模型构架,在探究土地变化驱动力、刻画人类行为对自然环境影响等方面具有不可或缺的作用。  相似文献   
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