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李术才  李克先  雷刚  孙国富 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z2):284-289
近距离爆破下穿尚未完成二衬的区间隧道是一种较为特殊的工况,涉及初支破坏、既有隧道下沉等诸多问题。以青岛地铁2号线近距离(250 mm)下穿刚完成初支的3号线隧道工程设计及施工为实例,通过在施工时采用自进式管棚、拱顶部位掏空、辅助中孔掏槽、对既有隧道施加张拉力、限载限行等多项措施,并根据类比给出合理的爆破振速控制指标,控制爆破振速及隧道变形。运用有限元分析软件MIDAS-GTS进行三维模型数值分析,揭示在建隧道爆破施工对既有隧道变形及内力变化规律。经过理论计算与实测分析,采取的各项措施能够达到预期的效果,3号线初支结构未见异常,其研究成果对特殊条件下的爆破下穿设计与施工具有参考价值。  相似文献   
李丽邦 《探矿工程》2011,38(2):67-70
根据栈头公路隧道的工程特点及隧道施工的复杂性,阐述了隧道开挖的减振爆破控制技术和隧道开挖的方法,以及施工量测和振速监测技术在隧道开挖过程中的应用。  相似文献   
甘肃春季沙尘暴环流特征及其时间尺度诊断分析   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:8  
根据43a甘肃春季沙尘暴日数距平序列选取了甘肃春季沙尘暴多发年和少发年。对甘肃春季沙尘暴多发年和少发年前期冬季(12月至翌年2月)和同期春季(3~5月)500hPa环流距平场合成结果表明, 前期冬季东亚大槽、同期春季蒙古气旋是影响沙尘暴发生多少的主要系统。西风指数和东亚北风指数计算结果表明, 沙尘暴多发年与少发年指数差异明显, 沙尘暴与冬季风联系紧密。甘肃春季沙尘暴小波变换分析, 清楚地反映沙尘暴不同频域的变化特征及其交替作用; 不同频域小波系数变化说明21世纪初沙尘暴将趋于增加。  相似文献   
为了准确获取结构自振特性,通过分析多路径误差和结构振动的频率特征,采用小波包分解和频谱分析相结合的方法,在不同尺度下进行特定成分的提取,再作频率特性分析。实验结果表明,小波包能够有效地分离多路径误差,实现结构振动特征的提取,GPS测定的结构自振频率与理论值吻合较好,并且具有很好的稳定性。  相似文献   
This paper systematically studies the statistical diagnosis and hypothesis testing for the semiparametric linear regression model according to the theories and methods of the statistical diagnosis and hypothesis testing for parametric regression model.Several diagnostic measures and the methods for gross error testing are derived.Especially,the global and local influence analysis of the gross error on the parameter X and the nonparameter s are discussed in detail;at the same time,the paper proves that the d...  相似文献   
隔振问题是绝对重力仪研制中的关键技术难题之一。在自主研制“小型mGal级绝对重力仪”过程中发现,除了需要克服地面振动的影响之外,系统自振的影响也不容忽视,最大能达到mGal量级。通过对研制样机实验观测结果的分析,研究了系统自振产生的原因以及对系统偏差与观测内符合精度的影响模式,并给出了改进方案,以消除“系统自振”的影响,提高研制仪器的观测精度。  相似文献   
This paper systematically studies the statistical diagnosis and hypothesis testing for the semiparametric linear regression model according to the theories and methods of the statistical diagnosis and hypothesis testing for parametric regression model. Several diagnostic measures and the methods for gross error testing are derived. Especially, the global and local influence analysis of the gross error on the parameter X and the nonparameter s are discussed in detail; at the same time, the paper proves that the data point deletion model is equivalent to the mean shift model for the semiparametric regression model. Finally, with one simulative computing example, some helpful conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   
北疆夏季两次冰雹天气过程的对比分析发现,充足的水汽、足够大的上升运动和不稳定的层结果冰雹天气出现的必备条件,而降雹的强弱则与对流云图的发展和强度有关。  相似文献   
Resilience thinking is an important addition to the range of frameworks and approaches that can be used to understand and manage complex social–ecological systems like small-scale fisheries. However, it is yet to lead to better environmental or development outcomes for fisheries stakeholders in terms of food security, improved livelihoods and ecological sustainability. This paper takes an empirical approach by focusing on the fundamentals of resilience thinking to evaluate its usefulness in developing relevant management interventions in small-scale fisheries in the Niger River Basin in West Africa. The paper presents the outputs of a participatory assessment exercise where both fishery communities and local experts were involved at two different scales. The resilience frame used was designed to facilitate the identification of socially defined thresholds that help delineate the desirability of the current system configuration and provides a diagnosis framework that tailors management solutions to problems in local context. The analysis highlights some key contributions from resilience thinking to the challenge of diagnosis in small-scale fisheries management in developing countries, as well as important contributions that emerge from taking a pragmatic and critical approach to its application.  相似文献   
复合式多层无孔和开孔矩形薄板是桥梁结构和建筑等结构中的最重要的组成部分.当研究它们的振动问题时,用解析法求解自振频率十分困难,而采用通用的有限元法求解自由度数目多,收敛也比较慢.本文利用三角形薄板广义协调元分析了复合式多层四边简支、四边固定无孔和开孔矩形薄板的自由振动,求出了前几阶频率系数,其结果与用ANSYS软件算出的结果基本接近,当为单层无孔和开孔板时,与文献[8]的结果完全相同,且与文献[10]的解析解吻合较好,证明了本文理论推导及程序编制的正确性,表明广义协调元与有限元相比具有自由度少、精度高、程序简便以及收敛快等优点.  相似文献   
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