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Current global warming projections suggest a possible increase in wildfire and drought, augmenting the need to understand how drought following wildfire affects the recovery of stream channels in relation to sediment dynamics. We investigated post‐wildfire geomorphic responses caused by storms during a prolonged drought following the 2013 Springs Fire in southern California (USA), using multi‐temporal terrestrial laser scanning and detailed field measurements. After the fire, a dry‐season dry‐ravel sediment pulse contributed sand and small gravel to hillslope‐channel margins in Big Sycamore Creek and its tributaries. A small storm in WY 2014 generated sufficient flow to mobilize a portion of the sediment derived from the dry‐ravel pulse and deposited the fine sediment in the channel, totaling ~0.60 m3/m of volume per unit length of channel. The sediment deposit buried step‐pool habitat structure and reduced roughness by over 90%. These changes altered sediment transport characteristics of the bed material present before and after the storm; the ratio of available to critical shear stress (τoc) increased by five times. Storms during WY 2015 contributed additional fine sediment from tributaries and lower hillslopes and hyperconcentrated flow transported and deposited additional sediment in the channel. Together these sources delivered sediment on the order of six times that in 2014, further increasing τo/τc. These storms during multi‐year drought following wildfire transformed channel dynamics. The increased sediment transport capacity persisted during the drought period characterized by the longer residence time of relatively fine‐grained post‐fire channel sedimentation. This contrasts with wetter years, when post‐fire sediment is transported from the fluvial system during the same season as the post‐fire sediment pulse. Results of this short‐term study highlight the complex and substantial effects of multi‐year drought on geomorphic responses following wildfire. These responses influence pool habitat that is critical to longer‐term post‐wildfire riparian ecosystem recovery. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Although artificial reefs are commonly used throughout the world as tools to mitigate for habitat alteration, their development is rarely subjected to a rigorous site selection process. We developed a simple site selection model using the following seven systematic steps: exclusion mapping, depth and slope verification, surficial substrate assessment, data weighting and the subsequent ranking analysis, visual transect surveys, benthic air‐lift sampling, and larval settlement collector deployment. American lobster (Homarus americanas) was selected as the target species for these investigations owing to the local commercial importance of the species. Results from each step in this process ultimately allowed us to select a site for an artificial reef at a target depth that received little wave action, had no slope, and possessed a surficial substrate type that could support the weight of a reef. The site also had the presence of a natural larval supply and low species diversity before reef installation. Each step in this site selection model was designed for easy adaptation to suit the needs of various artificial reef projects.  相似文献   
广东二叠纪地层分布广泛,尤以粤北、粤东、粤西北发育最好,也是广东的主要含煤地层。二叠纪动物群繁盛,大量的动物化石大多采自泥岩和灰岩,计有138属421种,主要包括(?)、腕足、双壳类、头足类和牙形刺等。根据动物的生态特征、分布状况以及沉积环境,广东二叠纪古生物地理区可分成连阳区和粤北-粤东-粤中区,同时依照不同的年代、不同的地区有12个动物群。这些动物群总属于浅海相和海陆交互相的古生态环境。   相似文献   
Riparian vegetation is an important determinant of the physical, chemical, and biological condition of streams, and odonates are useful indicators of riparian condition. To identify environmental factors that structure Odonata assemblages in tropical forest streams, we collected adult odonate specimens and habitat data from 50 stream sites located in the Brazilian municipality of Paragominas (Pará state). We collected 1769 specimens representing 11 families, 41 genera, and 97 species. Of these species, 56 were Zygoptera, and 41 were Anisoptera. Improved environmental condition was reflected in increased Zygoptera species richness and reduced Anisoptera species richness. Channel shading was strongly and positively related to Zygoptera richness, and negatively to Anisoptera richness. Zygoptera species richness, but not Anisoptera species richness, was related positively to bank angle, quantity of wood in the stream bed, electrical conductivity, and decreased water temperature. Altered riparian vegetation structure was the principal determinant of odonate assemblage structure. Our results indicate that maintaining intact riparian vegetation is fundamental for conserving or re-establishing aquatic odonate assemblage structure.  相似文献   
杨志  唐会元  龚云  朱迪  赵娜 《湖泊科学》2018,30(3):753-762
鱼类作为河流生物的重要组成部分,其在干支流之间的迁徙或移动不仅是常见的,而且通常与鱼类的繁殖活动相联系.金沙江下游支流作为金沙江下游河流网络的重要组成部分,分布有较为丰富的集合生境以及较高的鱼类物种多样性.研究鱼类在金沙江下游干支流的产卵迁徙对支流鱼类群聚结构变动的影响以及支流生境维持对区域鱼类种群维系的意义,对金沙江下游干支流鱼类的保护具有重要的意义.本文拟选择黑水河下游江段作为典型研究区域,通过2014年在该区域的逐月渔获物调查,采用聚类分析、基于距离的线性模型以及基于距离的冗余分析等多种多元分析方法,确定黑水河下游群聚结构的逐月变动是否严重依赖于鱼类在干支流之间的产卵迁徙以及黑水河下游自然生境的维持对区域鱼类种群的维系是否具有重要的意义.结果表明:黑水河下游鱼类群聚结构在金沙江雨季和旱季显著分离的同时,表征这种分离的8种指示种的性成熟个体丰度也在雨季和旱季间发生不同程度的变动.7种指示种鱼类性成熟个体丰度的变动能够解释黑水河下游鱼类群聚结构变动77.20%的变异,其中齐口裂腹鱼、大鳞副泥鳅和犁头鳅性成熟个体丰度的变动是影响黑水河下游鱼类群聚结构变动的3个最显著的因素,7种指示种鱼类在干支流的产卵迁徙对黑水河下游鱼类群聚结构的变动造成了明显的影响.研究表明:在金沙江干支流严重水电开发背景下,维持黑水河现有的自然生境面积对区域鱼类种群的维持具有重要意义.为实行上述目标,建议在白鹤滩水电站蓄水运行后,拆除黑水河的部分小型水坝,并采取其他河流再自然化措施以维持黑水河现有的自然生境面积.  相似文献   
青海湖独特的地理位置使得其不仅对环湖周边区域气候起着天然调节器的作用,而且还拥有丰富的湖岸线资源,准确、及时地掌握青海湖岸线动态变化对保护沿湖生态环境有重要意义.因此本文基于1973-2018年Landsat MSS/TM/OLI遥感影像和1961-2017年实测水位资料,对青海湖岸线动态变化及对鸟类栖息地的影响进行研究,同时结合面积、水位及气象数据讨论了影响岸线变化的主要因素.研究表明:1)近45年来青海湖岸线发生变化最大的区域是东岸的沙岛,西岸的鸟岛、铁布卡湾及北岸沙柳河入口区域.尤其自2004年以来,鸟岛地区岸线后退距离最大(5.52 km),鸟类栖息地扩张约97.94 km2,为鸟类提供了较好的栖息环境.(2)1973-2018年青海湖岸线长度以0.88 km/a的速率逐渐延长.1997年之前岸线长度呈较为平稳的上升趋势,1997-2004年呈波动下降趋势,2004年之后呈剧烈波动增加趋势,岸线曲折性也表现出相同的变化趋势.(3)总体上岸线长度和曲折性受水位和面积的影响并不显著,但在不同的水位情况下,二者对青海湖动态变化做出不同的响应.尤其当水位小于3193.3 m或面积小于4249.3 km2时,岸线曲折性会随着水位和面积变化呈现相同的变化趋势,而水位高于3193.3 m时,岸线曲折性一直在增加,且水位上升速率越大则曲折性年际变化越大.(4)1973-2004年间青海湖水位下降和土地沙漠化是造成湖岸线变化的直接成因,人类活动及草场退化加速了湖泊岸线的变迁.2004年之后,随着青海湖水位回升与面积扩张,岸线逐渐后退,尤其在2017-2018年岸线后退距离最大.  相似文献   
以黄河下游典型农区封丘县为研究区,调查比较了农业景观中半自然生境(包括人工林、树篱和沟渠)与农田生境中植物和地表节肢动物的物种多样性,并应用广义线性模型(GLM)从不同的空间尺度分析半自然生境和农田中的物种多样性与景观变量之间的关系.结果表明:①林地植物多样性最高,且以人工林和沟渠中的植物物种相似度最高;各半自然生境中地表节肢动物的多度和物种丰富度明显高于农田,且以人工林和树篱间地表节肢动物的相似度最高.②在250 m景观范围内的景观变量能更好地解释植物多样性和地表节肢动物多样性,而树篱和沟渠在400 m景观范围上地表节肢动物的尺度效应最显著.③在250 m尺度上植物多样性与景观变量的拟合方面,在人工林和树篱生境中,散布与并列指数(IJI)和植物丰富度呈显著负相关;人工林中IJI和周长面积比(PA-RAMD)对植物香农多样性指数呈负相关;在树篱中,边缘密度(ED)、聚集度指数(AI)与植物香农多样性指数负相关显著,欧几里得最近距离(ENN_MN)与均匀度指数正相关;在沟渠中,ED、AI与植物丰富度显著负相关.④地表节肢动物与景观变量的拟合显示,在250 m景观范围上,人工林生境主要体现在多度与香农多样性指数(SHDI)和土地利用丰富度的负相关,而农田中则是多度与SHDI呈显著负相关,与ED、PARA_ MD、AI和土地利用丰富度(LUR)呈显著正相关;在400m景观范围上,树篱中,IJI与地表节肢动物的多度和丰富度呈显著正相关;沟渠生境中,只有多度与IJI和土地利用丰富度显著负相关,与SHDI显著正相关.  相似文献   
How dissolved organic matter (DOM) undergoes chemical changes during its transit from river to ocean remains a challenge due to its complex structure. In this study, DOM along a river transect from black waters to marine waters is characterized using an offline combination of reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) coupled to electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FTICR-MS), as well as tandem ESI-FTICR-MS. In addition, a water extract from degraded wood that mainly consists of lignins is used for comparison to the DOM from this transect. The HPLC chromatograms of all DOM samples and the wood extract show two major well-separated components; one is hydrophilic and the other is hydrophobic, based on their elution order from the C18 column. From the FTICR-MS analysis of the HPLC fractions, the hydrophilic components mainly contain low molecular weight compounds (less than 400 Da), while the hydrophobic fractions contain the vast majority of compounds of the bulk C18 extracted DOM. The wood extract and the DOM samples from the transect of black waters to coastal marine waters show strikingly similar HPLC chromatograms, and the FTICR-MS analysis further indicates that a large fraction of molecular formulas from these samples are the same, existing as lignin-like compounds. Tandem mass spectrometry experiments show that several representative molecules from the lignin-like compounds have similar functional group losses and fragmentation patterns, consistent with modified lignin structural entities in the wood extract and these DOM samples. Taken together, these data suggest that lignin-derived compounds may survive the transit from the river to the coastal ocean and can accumulate there because of their refractory nature.  相似文献   
Water column concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS), particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate nitrogen (PN) were measured at three different depths in four different locations bracketing the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) along the main channel of a temperate riverine estuary (Winyah Bay, South Carolina, USA). Measurements were carried out over full tidal cycle (over 24 h). Salinity, temperature, current magnitude and direction were also monitored at the same time throughout the water column. Tidally averaged net fluxes of salt, TSS, POC and PN were calculated by combining the current measurements with the concentration data. Under the extreme low river discharge conditions that characterized the study period, net landward fluxes of salt were measured in the lower part of the study area, suggesting that the landward transport through the main channel of the estuary was probably balanced by export out through the sides. In contrast, the net fluxes of salt in the upper reaches of the study area were near zero, indicating a closed salt balance in this part of the estuary. In contrast to salt, the net fluxes of TSS, POC and PN in the deeper parts of the water column were consistently landward at all four sites in Winyah Bay indicating the non-conservative behavior of particulate components and their active transport up the estuary in the region around the ETM.The carbon contents (%POC), carbon:nitrogen ratios (org[C:N]a) and stable carbon isotopic compositions (δ13CPOC) of the suspended particles varied significantly with depth, location and tidal stage. Tidally averaged compositions showed a significant increase up the estuary in the %POC and org[C:N]a values of suspended particles consistent with the preferential landward transport of carbon-rich particles with higher vascular plant debris content. The combination of tidal resuspension and flood-dominated flow appeared to be responsible for the hydrodynamic sorting of particles along the estuary that resulted in denser, organic-poor particles being transported landward less efficiently. The elemental and isotopic compositions indicated that vascular C3 plants and estuarine algae were the major sources of the particulate organic matter of all the samples, without any significant contributions from salt marsh C4 vegetation (Spartina alterniflora) and/or marine phytoplankton.  相似文献   
安徽升金湖国家级自然保护区水鸟生境适宜性变化   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
水鸟是湿地生态系统健康的指示生物,人类活动对其影响日益严重.研究自然保护区内的水鸟生境适宜性变化可以为湿地恢复提供帮助.通过层次分析法确定水鸟生境影响因子的权重,建立生境适宜性指数模型,根据TM遥感影像图和相关数据计算出安徽省升金湖国家级自然保护区1986-2011年5个年份的水鸟生境适宜指数,并结合GIS空间分析生成的水鸟生境适宜性分级图,分析升金湖建立保护区后水鸟生境适宜性变化.结果表明:升金湖地区在1986年建保护区后的几年间水鸟生境适宜性相对平稳,但是仍然有较为明显的下降;1990s后期,该地区水鸟生境适宜性开始显著恶化,一直持续到2000年之后才有小幅度的回升.水鸟生境适宜性最好的区域由片状分散逐渐转变成小范围聚集,适宜区域也在由实验区和缓冲区向核心区迁移的过程中显著缩减.本文还讨论了在研究中存在的不足,并提出一些恢复水鸟生境的建议.  相似文献   
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