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Anabranching rivers consist of multiple channels separated by vegetated semi-permanent alluvial islands excised from existing floodplain or formed by within-channel or deltaic accretion. These rivers occupy a wide range of environments from low to high energy, however, their existence has never been adequately explained. They occur concurrently with other types of channel pattern, although specific requirements include a flood-dominated flow regime and banks that are resistant to erosion, with some systems characterized by mechanisms to block or constrict channels, thereby triggering avulsion. The fundamental advantage of an anabranching river is that, by constructing a semi-permanent system of multiple channels, it can concentrate stream flow and maximize bed-sediment transport (work per unit area of the bed) under conditions where there is little or no opportunity to increase gradient. On the basis of stream energy, sediment size and morphological characteristics, six types of anabranching river are recognized; types 1–3 are lower energy and types 4–6 are higher energy systems. Type 1 are cohesive sediment rivers (commonly termed anastomosing) with low w/d ratio channels that exhibit little or no lateral migration. They are divisible into three subtypes based on vegetative and sedimentary environment. Type 2 are sand-dominated, island-forming rivers, and type 3 are mixed-load laterally active meandering rivers. Type 4 are sand-dominated, ridge-forming rivers characterized by long, parallel, channel-dividing ridges. Type 5 are gravel-dominated, laterally active systems that interface between meandering and braiding in mountainous regions. Type 6 are gravel-dominated, stable systems that occur as non-migrating channels in small, relatively steep basins. Anabranching rivers represent a relatively uncommon but widespread and distinctive group that, because of particular sedimentary, energy-gradient and other hydraulic conditions, operate most effectively as a system of multiple channels separated by vegetated floodplain islands or alluvial ridges. 相似文献
风沙灾害是气象灾害的重要组成部分,具有影响范围大、季节性强、灾害损失大等特点,已成为中国北方沙区的生态灾难,严重影响人居环境和社会经济的可持续发展。为了评估风沙灾害对中国社会经济的影响,已有学者对中国风沙灾害问题进行了长期研究,但对区域风沙灾害风险系统评估研究相对较少,尚未建立系统的风沙灾害风险评价体系。在综合分析近30年相关文献的基础上,借鉴其他自然灾害评估方法,从风沙灾害风险评估理论内涵、评估指标及评估方法等方面对相关研究进行了全面的分析,指出目前风沙灾害风险评估还存在理论不完善、评估模型不合理、孕灾环境指标量化不细致和指标体系繁杂、风险评估方法单一、指标分级和权重计算的主观性强、社会经济数据不能空间化等问题。因此,未来在风沙灾害评估研究时需借鉴、引入和融合其他自然灾害风险评估理论和技术方法,综合近年来在风沙物理学、风沙地貌学、防沙治沙工程学、沙漠化遥感技术和理论等方面的成果,建立多指标的综合风沙灾害评估模型,为预防区域风沙灾害、降低风沙灾害损失和保障"一带一路"经济发展提供理论依据。 相似文献
通过工程检测实例,结合有关规范以及省组织的专家组对桩基检测结果的验证,论述如何依据时域信号特征和频域信号特征,正确划分桩身完整性的类别。达到减少错判误判的目的。 相似文献
汤育红 《测绘与空间地理信息》2013,(12):89-91,95
地表覆盖分类和地理国情要素数据是地理国情普查成果数据的重要组成部分,同时也是统计分析的基本数据源。本文结合宁夏地理国情普查试点工作的技术和方法,详细阐述了普查试点生产过程中地表覆盖分类和地理国情要素信息的提取方法,并对生产技术方法进行了总结和探讨。 相似文献
基于改进BP网络算法的隧洞围岩分类 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
围岩分类对指导地下工程的设计和施工具有非常重要的意义.引入人工神经网络的方法, 进行隧洞围岩分类, 在传统BP算法的基础上, 通过改进学习算法、优化传递函数和网络结构进行神经网络方法优化.采用附加动量法和学习速率自适应调整的策略改进学习算法, 使得当误差大于上临界值时, 则降低学习率, 当误差小于下临界值时, 则适当提高学习率, 这样可加快网络的训练速度, 确保网络的稳定性; 通过引入调整学习率参数, 使得传递过程更加敏感, 加快了传递函数的收敛速度, 提高了训练函数的计算精度; 通过给定隐含层节点模型的取值范围, 对网络结构进行优化, 提高了泛化精度.将改进的BP网络模型应用于广东省东深供水改造工程的隧洞围岩分类中, 分类结果与根据《水工隧洞设计规范(SL279-2002) 》的分类结果完全一致, 表明该方法具有良好的工程实用性. 相似文献
用1989~1998年上海逐日4次气象观测资料,应用美国特拉华大学的SSC天气分类方法确定逐日天气类型,形成了10年逐日天气类型日历。并通过天气类型与死亡率的对比分析,确定MT+类型是上海地区形成热浪的“侵人型”气团,是具有最高死亡率的天气类型。采用逐步回归方法建立了MT+类型下因受热浪侵袭而超正常死亡数的回归方程。在此基础上建立了上海热浪与健康监测预警系统。通过1999年气象和死亡实况资料检验,系统对热浪及因此引起的死亡具有较好的监测和预警效果。 相似文献
Within a wide range of best management practices for stormwater management in urban areas, there has been an increasing interest in source control measures. Source controls such as low-impact development (LID) techniques are potentially attractive as retrofit options for older developed areas that lack available land to implement conventional measures such as stormwater management ponds. Hence, distributed urban drainage models requiring detailed representation of developed drainage areas should be developed to accurately estimate the benefits that LIDs may provide. This study (1) presents a two-stage classification process on a high-resolution WorldView-2 image, and (2) demonstrates how to use the extracted land cover information in the subsequent hydrologic modelling and assessment of different LIDs’ performance. The proposed two-stage classification method achieved an overall accuracy of 80.6%, whereas a traditional pixel-based achieved 68.4% in classifying the same urban area into six land cover classes. From the classification results, the hydrologic properties of micro-subcatchments were imported in the United States Environmental Protection Agency Storm Water Management Model to assess the performance of LIDs. A reduction of run-off volume 18.2% and 37.1% was found with the implementation of porous pavement and bioretention, respectively, in a typical low-rise residential area located in the city of San Clemente, California, US. The study demonstrates the use of high-resolution remote sensing image to aid in evaluating LID retrofit options, and thus benefits in situations where detailed drainage area information is not available. 相似文献
辽宁省滨海湿地类型及生态服务价值研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
基于辽宁省海岸带2005年秋季的Landsat ETM影像解译数据,根据辽宁海岸线湿地发育特点,确定辽宁省滨海湿地类型,计算湿地面积;并应用生态经济学的理论和研究方法,结合相关统计数据,对辽宁省滨海湿地提供的资源供给、环境调节和人文社会3大类共8项生态服务的经济价值进行估算。结果表明,辽宁省滨海湿地总面积为15208.06km2,其中自然湿地和人工湿地面积比例分别为71.49%和28.51%;辽宁省滨海湿地生态服务总价值为443.47×10^8元/a,相当于全省2005年GDP的5.54%。其中滨海湿地的资源供给服务价值最大,为195.86×10^8 t/a,占滨海湿地总价值的44.17%,环境调节服务和人文社会服务价值比例分别为31.79%和24.04%,表明滨海湿地在发挥显著的直接经济效益的同时,还兼具巨大的生态效益和社会效益,对于维系辽宁海岸带环境支撑能力和可持续发展能力,确保辽宁沿海经济带建设国家发展战略的实施具有重要的作用。 相似文献
In Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs), the establishment of woody vegetation refers to flowering, fertiliza- tion, seed production, germination, and the growth of tree seedlings. It determines not only the population densities but also other important ecosystem structural variables. In current DGVMs, establishments of woody plant functional types (PFTs) are assumed to be either the same in the same grid cell, or largely stochastic. We investigated the uncertainties in the competition of establishment among coexisting woody PFTs from three aspects: the dependence of PFT establishments on vegetation states; background establishment; and relative establishment potentials of different PFTs. Sensitivity experi- ments showed that the dependence of establishment rate on the fractional coverage of a PFT favored the dominant PFT by increasing its share in establishment. While a small background establishment rate had little impact on equilibrium states of the ecosystem, it did change the timescale required for the establishment of alien species in pre-existing forest due to their disadvantage in seed competition during the early stage of invasion. Meanwhile, establishment purely fiom background (the scheme commonly used in current DGVMs) led to inconsistent behavior in response to the change in PFT specification (e.g., number of PFTs and their specification). Furthermore, the results also indicated that trade-off between irtdividual growth and reproduction/colonization has significant influences on the competition of establishment. Hence, further development of es- tablishment parameterization in DGVMs is essential in reducing the uncertainties in simulations of both ecosystem structures and successions. 相似文献