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Perceived changes in the culture of sponge science and sponge conferences served as motivation for an evaluation of the sponge science community and research, over time and at present. Observed changes included a decrease in proceedings publications on sponge fossils and freshwater sponges, sponges from temperate environments, review papers and data syntheses, frequency of aquarium studies, and number of species investigated per publication. Publications on recent sponges, hexactinellids, calcareans, marine, Indo‐Pacific and warm‐water sponges increased, as well as the number of authors per publication and the proportion of field studies. Studies at the level of specimens and ultrastructure were gradually replaced by molecular approaches, but studies at the community level remained stable. The five sub‐disciplines morphology/taxonomy, phylogeny/evolution, physiology, ecology and faunistics also retained about equal proportions over time. Conference publications related to taxonomy, phylogeny and biodiversity prevailed, whereas those on management and conservation were rare, possibly because studies on sponge recovery, survival and mortality were also scarce. The community of sponge scientists has grown and become more diverse over time, presently representing 72 nations. The gender distribution evened out since the first sponge conference and presently favours women at early and men at late career stages. Although stated research interests are generally dominated by physiology and ecology, taxonomy and evolution are favoured after retirement. Sponge science has become more dynamic, but maybe also more competitive and less inclusive. We now face the dual challenge of safeguarding against the loss of some sub‐disciplines, and fostering the collaborative, helpful culture characteristic of sponge science.  相似文献   
当前我国人口形势面临老龄化与少子化风险,抓好“一老一小”、确保老有所养和幼有所育成为我国城乡发展中特别关注的方面。在这一背景下,如何营造有利于养老和生育的社会环境,如何针对老年人、育龄妇女和儿童等弱势人群提供更为合理的设施配置成为民生工程的重要内容。社区服务设施作为城市公共服务的空间载体,其配置模式的完善与提升是落实以人为本、集中体现社会公平的重要路径。当前,从网络地图规划路径API获取的出行时间成本矩阵能够为可达性研究提供接近真实的出行时间数据,此外个体化的人口数据如实有人口数据能够以其丰富的属性信息为识别各类弱势人群提供依据,同时精确刻画人口的空间分布。本文基于弱势人群的需求特征与相关规范,对老年人、育龄妇女和儿童三类弱势人群提出了明确定义,并构建了面向各类弱势人群个体使用需求的社区服务设施供给标准。在此基础上,利用实有人口数据、网络地图出行时间成本矩阵和POI数据,综合考虑社区服务设施的服务容量,提出了基于弱势人群个体可达性评价的社区服务设施供给评价与布局优化方法,并以广州市人民南社区为例进行了应用实践。研究表明,人民南社区的弱势人群服务设施供给存在不足,优化配置后设施的供需情况更加合理,服务人口覆盖率亦明显提升。本文提出的方法能够从独立个体尺度精确评价社区弱势人群服务设施的布局合理性,在拓展数据类型及应用方法方面为当前人口形势下精细化研究服务设施的空间分布和供需问题提供新的思路。  相似文献   
科学合作是促进知识传播和共享的重要途径,已有研究表明,地理因素是影响科学合作的主要因素之一。然而,目前针对该问题的研究大多只是从科学计量学的角度,对科学合作强度与地理距离的函数关系进行描述,无法揭示科学合作在空间上的分布特征和内部差异性。因此,本文从地理学的角度,以中国雾霾研究的合作网络为例,通过对文献题录中的位置信息进行解析,将虚拟的科学合作网络映射到地理合作网络。在此基础上,提出了一种考虑地理距离的科学合作网络社区发现方法,挖掘科学合作网络中蕴含的空间聚类特征,从而对科学合作的地域倾向性进行反映。通过比较发现,基于合作频次与地理距离的社区发现算法,能够使社区内部的平均地理距离最小而合作强度最大,既反映了科学合作在地理上的近似性,又体现了科学合作强度特征。该方法能够直观地揭示科学合作中隐含的空间分布模式和联系,对其他复杂网络的地理社区划分也有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
随着渔业经济的发展,捕捞强度过大使得渔业资源严重衰退,渔村社区面临转型的困境.以调查村为例从产业结构、管理体制、文化教育管理、生活方式等四个方面对其现实的状况与困境进行分析,并在此基础上提出转型的相应对策措施,以期为相关政府部门的决策提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   
公共空间并非“存在即合理”。公共空间网络结构效率折射出社会网络的重构能力、社会资本的建构强度、社会秩序的重塑能力。新型集中社区作为近年大量涌现的新型居住形态,正面临社会关系重构的巨大压力。本文运用社会学的网络分析法研究公共空间网络,并对苏州新型集中社区D的公共空间网络结构进行实证分析,其结论为:公共空间网络的关联度为0.216、中心势0.358、小世界值1.978,表明空间网络整体关联度不足,呈现出破碎化的特征;商业空间整合效应的发挥受到业态配置的影响;居民社会属性对空间网络结构特征造成一定影响。最后,基于“社会—空间”互动逻辑,以社会网络重构为导向,从集中安置模式、公共空间网络优化2个层面,提出新型集中社区有待进一步研究的方向,以期为当前及未来的集中社区规划建设和公共空间整体优化提供科学合理的依据。  相似文献   
东海西南近岸海域污损生物群落特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于2013年12月~2014年11月在东海西南近岸海域进行污损生物周年挂板试验,全年共记录污损生物10门49科69属84种,群落组成以近岸暖水种为主,为典型的亚热带内湾型群落,附着盛期为4–9月,夏季污损生物的附着强度最高。固定生活类型的悬浮物食者是该近岸海域污损生物群落的附着主体,网纹藤壶(Amphibalanus reticulatus)是最主要的优势种和代表种,其它优势种还有长鳃麦杆虫(Caprella equilibra)、中胚花筒螅(Ectopleura crocea)、太平洋侧花海葵(Anthopleura nigrescens)、今岛柄涡虫(Stylochus ijimai)、克氏无襟毛虫(Spirobranchus kraussii)、近江牡蛎(Crassostrea rivularis)、翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis)、廉形叶钩虾(Jassa falcata)、强壮板钩虾(Stenothoe valida)、光辉圆扇蟹(Sphaerozius nitidus)和大室别藻苔虫(Biflustra grandicella)等。污损生物群落个体间因附着空间和食物竞争而存在着相互依存或互相制约的关系,又依照对环境因子的适应性而存在着一定的时空分布规律。温度是决定污损生物地理分布的最主要环境因素,物种的温度属性是不同气候带污损生物群落组成差异的本质体现,污损生物的种类数、附着期和附着量与水温有着密切的关系;另外,盐度、水流、光、水产养殖等自然环境或人为因素也是影响污损生物附着的重要影响因子。  相似文献   
Unimpeded trade is one of the cooperation priorities in the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China. On 15 May 2017, the Joint Communique of the Leaders Roundtable of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation reaffirmed the participants’ shared commitment to build an open economy and ensure free and inclusive trade. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is not only China's new action to drive its open and global development, but also a platform for an increasing number of countries to explore free and inclusive trade and promote a universal, rule-based, open, non-discriminatory, and equitable multilateral trade system. It is therefore important to examine the topological relationship between the BRI and global trade networks. More specifically, this article first analyzes the community structure of trade networks using a community detection algorithm, and then estimates the topological relationship between different trade communities. The findings of this article are as follows. First, this research identified three trade communities and two sub-communities in the BRI trade network, in which China is the core, Russia is the sub-core of the biggest trade community, and India, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia are cores of the second trade community (South Asia-West Asia). Second, it identified five trade communities in the global trade network, centred on China, USA, Russia, India-United Arab Emirates, and Germany- Netherlands-France-Britain and other European developed countries. Third, the topological analysis indicated that in the global trade network, most BRI countries are attracted by the core nodes of the BRI regions, such as the China, Russia and India-United Arab Emirates core nodes, and have strong trade contacts with BRI countries. Most Central-East European countries are mainly attracted by Germany-Netherlands-France-Britain and other developed European countries with a low penetration of BRI trade. Although some Southeast Asian countries are incorporated into the Asia-Australia-South Africa community with China as the core, they still need to strengthen trade linkages with BRI countries.  相似文献   
目的地居民作为旅游活动的重要参与主体,对旅游业的行为态度不仅影响着游客的感知和体验,也对目的地旅游业的可持续发展起着重要作用。在旅游支持态度与亲环境行为等相关研究的基础上,提出亲旅游行为的概念,表达居民促进旅游业在当地更好发展的行为意向。以社会表征理论研究框架为基础,构建"社区关系—效益感知—行为态度"模型,实证考察了社区关系对亲旅游行为的影响,探讨了旅游效益感知的中介作用和旅游事件依恋的调节作用。结果表明:社区关系对目的地居民经济效益、社会效益、环境效益感知均具有显著的正向影响,积极的旅游影响感知又对亲旅游行为产生显著的正向影响作用。居民对经济、社会、环境效益的感知在社区关系与亲旅游行为之间存在多重链式中介作用,传统的中介模型低估了旅游效益感知的影响作用。旅游事件依恋正向调节了社区关系与旅游社会效益感知、环境效益感知的关系。研究结论为揭示旅游介入情境下社区关系、效益感知与亲旅游行为之间的影响机制提供了一定的理论依据,对于目的地社区旅游开发与管理具有一定的实践参考价值。  相似文献   
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