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Unlike many reactive continental shelf mud deposits in temperate regions, bacteria and microfauna rather than macrofauna typically dominate benthic biomass and activities over large areas of the Gulf of Papua (GoP) deltaic complex, Papua New Guinea. During mid NW monsoon periods (Jan–Feb), macrofaunal densities at Gulf stations were relatively low (), large macroinfauna were absent (upper 25 cm), and small (), surface deposit-feeding polychaetes and tubiculous amphipods were dominant, reflecting a frequently destabilized seabed and high sedimentation/erosion rates. Although frequent physical disturbance generally inhibits development of macrobenthic communities, some regions of the Gulf deposits are periodically colonized and extensively bioturbated during quiescent periods, as shown by preserved biogenic sedimentary structures. Bacterial inventories integrated over the top 20 cm were extremely variable within each sub region of the clinoform complex. A possible bimodal pattern with bathymetric depth and distance offshore may occur: lowest-inventories within the sandy, proximal Fly River delta, an open Gulf inner topset zone (10–20 m) having sites of relatively high inventories, an open Gulf mid-topset region with intermediate values and less extreme variation, and the outer topset—upper foreset zone (40–50 m) where highest values are attained (). Various measures of microbial activity, including measures proportional to the cellular rRNA content and the proportion of dividing cells, indicate extremely productive populations over the upper 1-m of the seabed throughout the Gulf of Papua region. Bacterial biomass (0–20 cm) including data of Alongi et al. (1991, 1992, 1995) varied from a low of in intertidal mud banks to a high of in the topset—foreset zone. Macrofaunal biomass did not exceed in any sampled region, ranging from 0.009±0 to with no obvious correlation with bathymetric depth (1–63 m). Meiofaunal biomass was generally an order of magnitude lower than macrofaunal biomass. Relatively elevated bacterial biomass and high turnover rates are consistent with high measured rates of benthic remineralization, presumably reflecting the rapid response time of bacteria to physical reworking, the associated entrainment of organic substrate, and flushing of metabolites. Solute exchange is also enhanced below the directly mixed surface region, possibly producing ‘far field’ stimulation of microbes in underlying deposits. Physical reworking and reoxidation of sediments between 10 and 50 m water depth maintain suboxic, nonsulfidic conditions in the upper 0.5–1 m despite active microbial communities and high benthic remineralization rates.  相似文献   
Stability of arsenopyrite and As(III) in low-temperature acidic solutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arsenopyrite is one of the most important pri-mary arsenic mineral. In the Eh-pH diagram of the As-O2-S-H2O system, if the total arsenic concentration (TAs) is taken to be 0.75 mg/L, the total sulfur con-centration, 32 mg/L, the temperature, 25℃and the pressure, one atmosphere pressure for the discrimina-tion of arsenic species, it may be found that under hy-pergene conditions, arsenopyrite is a moderately stable mineral. Only in the strongly alkaline and reducing environment can arsenopy…  相似文献   
环境岩土工程研究现状与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
苏燕  周健 《岩土力学》2004,25(9):1510-1514
小环境岩土工程问题已经逐渐成为环境岩土工程研究的热点问题。笔者对环境岩土工程的研究内容作了简要介绍,简述了国内外在小环境岩土工程研究方面的现状和进展,重点就垃圾卫生填埋问题,特别是沿海软土地区垃圾堆埋场的设计等问题进行了讨论,对国内环境岩土工程的发展提出了一些看法。  相似文献   
沸石在水环境治理中的应用现状与前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章叙述了沸石的基本结构以及吸附、离子交换特性,总结了近年来国内外有关沸石在水环境保护方面的研究与应用成果,提出了沸石在今后的水环境保护和改善方面将具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
盾构近距离穿越施工对已运营隧道的扰动影响分析   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
邵华  张子新 《岩土力学》2004,25(Z2):545-549
基于盾构施工对周围土体及构筑物的扰动影响机理,通过实测数据对盾构近距离穿越扰动影响问题进行了定量分析,并讨论了运营隧道对各盾构施工参数的敏感性.研究结果表明盾构穿越对已建地铁隧道的扰动影响主要以隧道的竖向位移为主.随着盾构推进,隧道结构纵向上呈波浪状,其隆起峰值不断沿推进方向移动.盾尾后隧道段受盾构穿越的影响显著,但隆起峰值始终位于盾尾后.  相似文献   
This article aims to study Web use and Web-based co-operation and collaboration in geographical and environmental education at the primary and secondary level around the world. Recent trends and future opportunities and challenges are taken into account. The theoretical part of the study considers Web use and different forms of Web-based co-operation. Web use and co-operation in education are classified as co-operative learning, collaborative learning or communal learning. Web use in geographical and environmental education is noted to be growing in significance. Web-based co-operation at any level of intensity is associated with many opportunities and challenges. The empirical part of this study involves a survey of geographical and environmental education researchers in various countries about their views of Web use in education. The results of this survey indicate that the Web in general finds minimal use in geographical and environmental education. As access to the Web is limited and only some pupils can use it, co-operation, particularly collaborative learning on the Web, is still rare in geographical and environmental education. The most often used application is e-mail. Researchers recognise the potential of the Web to enhance local, national and international co-operation, and to facilitate a better understanding of geographical and environmental issues at the grass-root level. Web-based learning can also help to increase and deepen the pupils' cultural understanding. Before that, however, problems in access, costs and teacher training must be solved. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Liisa Rohweder 《GeoJournal》2004,60(2):175-181
Environmental education in business school context has a significant effect on the way companies view environmental problems. Business schools train the future decision makers who can, with their own attitudes and practical actions, influence the contribution of business to the process of ecologically sustainable development. However, several studies show that no systematic thinking has been undertaken within business education as to what the educational prerequisites of the process of ecologically sustainable development are. In this article, I will firstly analyze by means of environmental education how business polytechnics in Finland have taken into consideration ecologically sustainable development. Secondly, I will raise the starting points for the development of the implementation of environmental education as part of the business schools▪ educational plans. Integrating environmental education into the vocational courses is identified as being one of the most effective ways of increasing the effectiveness of environmental education. Thirdly, the emphasis is on identification of barriers of integrating environmental education into the educational plans of business polytechnics. Theoretically, the article is attached to the objectives and learning concepts of environmental education and to educational planning theory in general. The empirical data are based on interviews I conducted 1999–2000 in all Finnish polytechnics offering business education. My article increases theoretical and practical understanding of how environmental education should be implemented in business education and how the current situation could be developed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
青海湖南岸全新世黄土地球化学特征及气候环境意义   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
位于青藏高原东北部的青海湖是我国最大的内陆湖泊,通过湖相沉积进行湖区全新世环境演变研究已取得诸多成果。作者选择青海湖南岸黑马河有绝对年代控制的全新世黄土剖面,利用CaCO2、CaO、MgO和Sr元素组分以及氧、碳同位素等较为可靠的地球化学指标,尝试进行了湖区全新世黄土的分层,探讨了黄土堆积过程中的气候环境演变。结果表明,青海湖南岸的黄土按成土作用强度的不同可分为两层:上部为成土化较弱的黄土层;下部为成土化较高的古土壤层,其仍可进一步分为两个亚层。全新世湖区气候环境的波动在地球化学分布特征中有较强表现。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地南缘历史时期气候环境变化的过程与特征   总被引:2,自引:9,他引:2  
根据塔里木盆地南缘具较高分辨率的湖沼相沉积物碳酸盐δ^13C和粒度等记录,恢复出2162-850BC期间为一相对稳定的温暖干旱时期,之后迅速转冷湿,湿润程度呈持续、阶段式增加,50 BC至500 AD期间呈现的显著冷湿特征于550 AD之后突变转暖干而结束。550 AD和1000 AD前后的具突变性质的气候事件在南疆地区近2.0ka的气候变化中具有重要意义,反映气候状况有过重大调整。850—1300AD期间(相当于中世纪温暖期)冷暖、干湿多变,但温暖特征并不明显。特别是1100—1200AD期间气候快速、频繁变化之后,奠定了本地区现代稳定干旱环境特征。区域对比表明,尼雅剖面记录的气候变化具有广泛的区域一致性。  相似文献   
从渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲50a来农业开发与生态建设的过程看,人工绿洲耕作农业的生产力水平有较显著的提高,人工绿洲生态也得到了改善。主要表现是单位面积生产力水平提高,农田防护林体系初步建立,水利工程建设得到加强,生活能源的短缺得到改进。但从流域的绿洲农业经济发展与生态环境建设仍存在一些不协调的问题。主要是农田施肥重化肥轻有机肥,土壤肥力不高;灌区中游重灌轻排,灌排不协调,盐渍化面积有所扩大;流域下游由于缺水和人为等因素使天然绿洲的稳定性受到威胁,天然林的绿色屏障作用大为削弱等。对此必须引起足够重视,逐步加以协调,才能实现绿洲农业经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   
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