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鄂尔多斯盆地靖边气田马五_(1+2)气藏储集单元研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
综合地震、地质、测井等信息,考虑沉积、成岩、地貌、生产动态等多因素,在沟槽识别和致密带研究基础上,通过井间干扰、油层压力变化和试井边界响应分析,按照局部、就近原则对靖边气田马五1+2气藏进行了储集单元划分。共划分出111个储集单元,其中独立型69个,复合型42个。这些储集单元的面积多介于10~50km2之间,单个储集单元的井数一般少于6口。在对气藏储层特征综合认识的基础上,确定流动单元划分思路与流程,并认为关键环节包括古沟槽识别、致密带研究、动静结合确定储集单元等3个方面。储集单元一方面受控于被致密岩相包围的有利成岩相带,宏观上与弱—中等充填泥粉晶白云岩相对应性好;另一方面又受各级古沟槽夹持,在两个一级古沟槽之间往往共生多个储集单元,而这些储集单元边界又严格地受二级或三级沟槽切割控制。 相似文献
“新型玻璃”是最近软玉批发市场上出现频繁的一种冒仿软玉的产品,其特点是外观很像软玉,而且其红外图谱谱形极像软玉的,个别峰位基本吻合,这给软玉的快速鉴定带来了一定的迷惑性和风险。选取一批典型的“新型玻璃”进行常规宝石学测试和红外光谱测试等一系列宝石学研究。测试结果表明,虽然“新型玻璃”的红外图谱谱形极像软玉的,但是两者之间的性质还是有着明显的差别,依据现行国家标准,其鉴定名称可直接命名为“玻璃”;同时,对“新型玻璃”的快速鉴定提出了一些参考建议。 相似文献
Pebbly clays and diamictons containing marine shell fragments and peat lenses exposed beneath subglacially deposited Late Devensian till at the Burn of Benholm provide new insights into the glacial history of Quaternary sequences in eastern Scotland. The peat yielded pollen of interstadial affinity (including Bruckenthalia spiculifolia) and non‐finite radiocarbon dates. Comparisons with other pre‐Late Devensian pollen records in northern Scotland suggest that the peat lenses are remnants of an Early Devensian interstadial deposit, of Oxygen Isotope Substage 5c or 5a age. Reworked faunal assemblages in the shelly sediments include Quaternary marine molluscs of low boreal aspect, as well as Mesozoic and Palaeozoic microfossils. Amino acid ratios from fragments of Arctica islandica suggest that the shells are of Oxygen Isotope Stage 9 age or older. The fabric and composition of the shelly sediments are consistent with their emplacement as deformation till during the onshore movement of glacially transported rafts of marine sediment. Folded and sheared contacts between the shelly deposits, peat lenses and the overlying Late Devensian till indicate that the fossiliferous sediments were glacitectonised during the main Late Devensian glaciation, when ice moved from Strathmore and overrode the site from the southwest. British Geological Survey. © NERC 2000. 相似文献
GIS的社会化及公众GIS 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
GIS(地理信息系统 )的发展继专业化和行业化阶段之后 ,正处于社会化发展阶段。在该阶段 ,GIS的主要作用是为公众提供信息服务。文章在分析了GIS的这种发展趋势的基础上提出了“公众GIS”的概念 ,即 :直接面向公众 ,为公众提供信息服务和辅助公众进行行为决策的地理信息系统。与传统GIS相比 ,公众GIS更具有信息服务业的特点。公众GIS的建设应该突出信息的全面性、现势性和准确性、系统的友好性以及数据的易维护性等原则。公众GIS的关键技术包括数据采集、网络、数据库、多媒体以及系统的友好性设计等技术。公众GIS在建设全国城市公众信息服务网、全国交通旅游信息网以及汽车导航信息系统等方面具有广阔的应用前景。文章对公众GIS的实例———“今日武汉”公众查询系统作了简要介绍。 相似文献
J. M. POWELL 《Geographical review》2000,90(1):1-17
ABSTRACT. Ever anxious about real and apparent “identity” crises, Australians have in recent years been increasingly better served by interdisciplinary academic writings. A common theme is the clarification and resolution of recurrent national uncertainty. Others, intimately related, include the divide between indigenous and imported conceptualizations, especially notions of sacredness, together with broadly targeted historical interpretations of environmentalism, environmental management, and violent social clashes on settlement frontiers. Although these academic writings represent welcome additions to civic scholarship, they are also variously influenced, and their purchase on the public imagination limited, by the effects of current intellectual trends. While it might be expected that fictional exemplars would address place‐making and place‐securing in rather more comfortable fashion, they have not been immune to similar destabilizations. Nonetheless, one intriguing, problematical work makes a useful civic point in dealing creatively with Australia's epidemic of premillennial doubt. 相似文献
《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》2000,20(1-4)
The paper deals with an application of neural networks for detection of natural periods of vibrations of prefabricated, medium height buildings. The neural network technique is also used to simulate the dynamic response at selected floor of one of the analysed buildings subject to seismic loading induced by explosives in a nearby quarry. Both the training and testing patterns were formulated on the basis of measurements performed on actual structures. The results of neural network identification of natural periods of the considered buildings obtained with different soil, geometrical and stiffness parameters are compared with the results of experiments. The application of back-propagation neural networks enables us to identify the natural periods of the buildings with accuracy quite satisfactory for engineering practice. The experimental and generated data of vibration displacements are compared and much clearer comparison is given on the phase plane: displacements versus velocities. It was stated that a good generalization takes place both with respect to displacements and velocities. 相似文献
等深流沉积研究现状与展望 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文根据国内外等深流及其沉积的研究成果,概述了它们的研究进展,且详细阐述了等深流沉积特征和沉积类型,并指出等深岩丘的发现是该领域最为重要、最具特色的突出成果以及等深流沉积研究的油气勘探意义.虽然随着深海钻探计划和大洋钻探项目的开展,等深流沉积研究取得了较大进展,但现代等深流沉积和古代等深流沉积的研究在一定程度上发展尚不平衡,仍存在着较多问题,尤其是在古代等深流沉积研究方面显得更为薄弱.最为重要的是,等深流沉积的识别是该领域研究的最大难题.因此,在其未来研究上,应注意运用地震波识别、遥感等现代科技调查手段,进行多学科综合研究,尽快建立一套完善的识别标志,如沉积学标志、古生物标志等,以促使其逐渐成为海洋沉积学中一个更为完善的研究领域. 相似文献
以某采煤沉陷区内的典型输电铁塔及其复合防护板基础工程为背景,考虑地基-基础-上部铁塔结构的共同作用,对不同板厚复合防护板基础的抗采动变形性能进行了研究,并引入"保护作用"的概念,对独立基础和复合防护板基础的抗变形性能进行了分析。研究表明,设置复合防护板后,与独立基础相比,可明显减少铁塔支座的水平位移及上部结构的应力,支座位移与结构应力随着复合大板厚度的增大而减小,其减小的幅度随着板厚的增大而趋缓,当板厚达到一定数值以后几乎不再减小。提出的复合防护板的厚度可取铁塔基础长向根开的1/45~1/35的建议,以供采煤沉陷区内复合防护板基础的设计参考。 相似文献
晋祠泉断流与地下水资源保护关系 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
通过对晋祠泉域岩溶地下水水文地质条件的分析,阐述了晋泉形成机理和断流原因,认为晋泉断流是多种因素的综合效应。说明地下水资源保护是一项系统工程,应采取统一的、科学的、多层次的全面管理,才能有效地保护有限的地下水资源,唤醒人们在进行经济建设的同时,要注意保护我们赖以生存的地球环境。 相似文献