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南方鲇的鱼体能量密度及其预测模型   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
于1992年和1993年2-4月由嘉陵江收集的野生南方鲇雌、雄成鱼各20尾;1996年1-4月取得了不同摄食水平处理的幼鱼19尾,饥饿处理的幼鱼18尾,测定了这4个样本的鱼体能量密度及化学组成。结果表明,各样本能量密度均分别与干物质和脂肪含量呈显著的直线相关关系;幼鱼2个样本的能量密度与蛋白质含量的正相关关系也达到显著性,而雌、雄成鱼样本的能量密度分别与干物质(DM:%B.W.)的直线回归方程的协方差分析,可将雌雄成鱼群体的两个回归方程合并为公共的成鱼能量密度(EA:kJ/g)方程:EA=1.67+0.302DM;将不同营养状况幼鱼的两个回归方程合并为公共的幼鱼能量密度(D1:kJ/g)方程:EJ=-2.26+0.329DM。  相似文献   
While ocean acidification is a global issue, the severity of ecosystem effects is likely to vary considerably at regional scales. The lack of understanding of how biogeographically separated populations will respond to acidification hampers our ability to predict the future of vital ecosystems. Cold‐water corals are important drivers of biodiversity in ocean basins across the world and are considered one of the most vulnerable ecosystems to ocean acidification. We tested the short‐term physiological response of the cold‐water coral Lophelia pertusa to three pH treatments (pH = 7.9, 7.75 and 7.6) for Gulf of Mexico (USA) and Tisler Reef (Norway) populations, and found that reductions in seawater pH elicited contrasting responses. Gulf of Mexico corals exhibited reductions in net calcification, respiration and prey capture rates with decreasing pH. In contrast, Tisler Reef corals showed only slight reductions in net calcification rates under decreased pH conditions while significantly elevating respiration and capture rates. These differences are likely the result of environmental differences (depth, pH, food supply) between the two regions, invoking the potential for local adaptation or acclimatization to alter their response to global change. However, it is also possible that variations in the methodology used in the experiments contributed to the observed differences. Regardless, these results provide insights into the resilience of L. pertusa to ocean acidification as well as the potential influence of regional differences on the viability of species in future oceans.  相似文献   
A fully nonlinear,three-dimensional nonhydrostatic model driven by four principal tidal constituents(M2,S2,K1,and O1) is used to investigate the spatial-temporal characteristics and energetics of internal tides in Luzon Strait(LS).The model results show that,during spring(neap) tides,about 64(47) GW(1 GW=109 W) of barotropic tidal energy is consumed in LS,of which 59.0%(50.5%) is converted to baroclinic tides.About 22(11) GW of the derived baroclinic energy flux subsequently passes from LS,among which 50.9%(54.3%) flows westward into the South China Sea(SCS) and 45.0%(39.7%) eastward into the Pacific Ocean,and the remaining 16(13) GW is lost locally owing to dissipation and convection.It is revealed that generation areas of internal tides vary with the spring and neap tide,indicating different source areas for internal solitary waves in the northern SCS.The region around the Batan Islands is the most important generation region of internal tides during both spring and neap tides.In addition,the baroclinic tidal energy has pronounced seasonal variability.Both the total energy transferred from barotropic tides to baroclinic tides and the baroclinic energy flux flowing out of LS are the highest in summer and lowest in winter.  相似文献   

Much science-fiction literature is based upon the creation and exploration of alternative environments. Stanley G. Weinbaum's short story, “Parasite Planet,”introduces an unusual environment that may be wrong in the light of recent evidence on Venus but still stimulates the geographical imagination.  相似文献   
Two important nonlinear properties of seawater thermodynamics linked to changes of water density, cabbeling and elasticity(compressibility), are discussed. Eddy diffusion and advection lead to changes in density; as a result, gravitational potential energy of the system is changed. Therefore, cabbeling and elasticity play key roles in the energetics of lateral eddy diffusion and advection. Vertical eddy diffusion is one of the key elements in the mechanical energy balance of the global oceans. Vertical eddy diffusion can be conceptually separated into two steps: stirring and subscale diffusion. Vertical eddy stirring pushes cold/dense water upward and warm/light water downward; thus, gravitational potential energy is increased. During the second steps, water masses from different places mix through subscale diffusion, and water density is increased due to cabbeling. Using WOA01 climatology and assuming the vertical eddy diffusivity is equal to a constant value of 2×103 Pa2/s, the total amount of gravitational potential energy increase due to vertical stirring in the world oceans is estimated at 263 GW. Cabbeling associated with vertical subscale diffusion is a sink of gravitational potential energy, and the total value of energy lost is estimated at 73 GW. Therefore, the net source of gravitational potential energy due to vertical eddy diffusion for the world oceans is estimated at 189 GW.  相似文献   
本文应用波数空间的能量方程、采用欧洲中心客观分析资料(ECMWF),讨论了1982年夏季副热带对流层上部的能量学特征,着重分析了南亚高压的维持。结果表明,副热带能量循环与热带不同,海陆不均匀加热对超长波动能的作用比较小。在纬向气流~波动相互作用中、绝大多数波都失去动能。通过波~波相互作用、超长波1~2波及短波11~16波向中间尺度传输能量。 南亚高压有效位能的主要来源是有效位能的垂直输送;动能的主要来源是气压梯度力的作功。南亚高压能量的主要耗散机制是通过非线性作用向尺度较短的波动传输。  相似文献   
2008年1月,中国南方发生了罕见的低温雨雪灾害,造成这次灾害的关键系统之一是乌拉尔山以东地区的异常阻塞高压(阻高)。基于NCEP再分析资料,利用新发展的多尺度子空间变换和重构分析了这一期间阻高的多尺度特征,发现其源头来自欧洲地区,强度减弱后东移,在乌拉尔山—贝加尔湖地区重新增强并得以维持相当长的时间。结果表明,两次阻高过程本质上是同一过程在不同阶段的表现。为探讨上述过程的动力学机制,利用基于多尺度子空间变换的局地多尺度能量分析方法以及正则传输理论对其进行了分析,发现此次异常阻高过程源自32 d以下尺度系统的动能强迫,具体地说,能量来自32 d以下尺度系统向32—128 d低频尺度系统的正压正则传输,而且这种正则传输在阻高环流的东、西两侧不对称,西侧在强度上远大于东侧。分析表明,上述非对称的强迫作用由动能空间输运来平衡,平流将西侧获得的32—128 d低频尺度动能向东侧输运,以此来维持阻高环流的整体稳定和均一。上述两种内部的物理过程是高压环流在东移的过程中得以重新增强并长时间维持的机制。  相似文献   
The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 40-year Reanalysis (ERA-40), the Japan Meteorological Agency and Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry 25-year Reanalysis (JRA-25), and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and Department of Energy AMIP-II Reanalysis (NCEP-R2) are intercompared through a global energetics analysis for all seasons.Overall, the Lorenz energy cycle is consistent among the three datasets. The flow of energy and the peaks and slopes in the spectra of the various components agree between the three reanalysis. Additionally, the temporal variability of the energy cycle terms shows consistency between the three reanalysis. Most differences between the three reanalysis are related to the magnitudes of energy forms and energy conversion/transfer rates at each wave number, generally following the relation ERA−40>JRA−25>NCEP−R2, and mainly located in the Southern Hemisphere. The best agreement between the three datasets is found for northern winter. Differences between the three datasets are greater for the other seasons, being greatest for northern summer. In general, these discrepancies are fairly modest, being likely due to the different model biases and resolutions, and the different data assimilation methods used by the respective reanalysis systems. The energetics of the three reanalysis become closer to each other in more recent years, which is likely due to the increase in the number of observations assimilated in the reanalysis.The NCEP-R2 reanalysis spectrum is smoother than those of ERA-40 and JRA-25, likely due to filtering and to its lower resolution model. The spectra show a rapid decrease for short waves in NCEP-R2 (n=36) and ERA-40 (n=63), as a consequence of filtering. The energy source in the nonlinear wave–wave interactions of kinetic energy, L(n), has a narrower spectral range in NCEP-R2 than in the other datasets. Energetics from the newer JRA-25 reanalysis is generally closer to that of ERA-40, with some exceptions as is the case of zonal–wave interactions of kinetic energy, M(n), for synoptic waves, or for eddy available potential energy, AE, in the lower troposphere, for which JRA-25 is closer to NCEP-R2.  相似文献   
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