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海洋生态系统净生产力 (net ecosystem production,NEP) 表示总初级生产力 (gross primary production,GPP) 和呼吸作用 (respiration,R) 过程之间的差异,它对碳收支平衡、海洋生态系统营养状态乃至气候变化等研究具有十分重要的指示意义。影响海洋 NEP 的因素有细菌、浮游生物、温度、太阳辐射、海冰融化、水团迁移、富营养有机质排放以及海水酸化等。目前计算 NEP 的方法可分为实验培养测定及数据模型计算两种。溶解氧培养法及同位素标记法等是经典的培养测定方法,但存在误差较大且重现性较差等问题。数据模型计算即借助养分质量平衡、响应面模型、O2/Ar 示踪等方法,通过将现场实测数据和生物地球化学模型结合,进行高时间分辨率的连续性观测,这也是目前测算 NEP 的主流应用手段。然而,相较于发达国家,我国在 NEP 的研究设备、技术、测定方法等方面仍存在一定差距。今后的研究重点将是建立 NEP 指标与表征海洋环境、气候变化之间的耦合关系以及 NEP 测定方法的改进,这将有助于深入理解和探索全球变化背景下海洋生态系统响应机制及变化趋势。  相似文献   
The knowledge of prey small ?sh stock, distribution and abundance is necessary to guide stocking of piscivorous ?sh for the biomanipulation in domestic tap water lakes. This study describes the current status of small ?sh community in Kuilei Lake(China), and examines the spatial and seasonal variations of the community in relation to key environmental factors. Based on submerged macrophyte cover and water depth, the lake was divided into ?ve major habitats:(1) macrophyte covered shallow habitat of water depth< 2.00 m,(2) uncovered or less-covered shallow habitat(2.00 m–3.50 m),(3) uncovered medium shallow habitat(3.50 m–5.00 m),(4) uncovered medium deep habitat(5.00 m–6.50 m) and(5) uncovered deep habitat(6.50 m–8.50 m). The abundance and composition of small ?sh were monitored by benthic fykenet sampling from April 2013 to January 2014. A total of 2881 individuals belonging to 5 families and 21 species were collected. Based on their abundance(accounted for 88.96% of the total) and occurrence(more than 33.33%), Acheilognathus chankaensis, Acheilognathus macropterus, Microphysogobio microstomus,Pseudorasbora parva and Rhinogobius giurinus were recognized as dominant small ?sh species. The results of correlation analysis identi?ed that species richness( Sr), Shannon-Wiener diversity index( H′)and Margalef′s richness index( D) were signi?cantly negatively correlated with water depth, but positively correlated with biomass of submerged macrophytes.Redundancy analysis(RDA) revealed that the spatial distributions of most small ?shes were negatively associated with water depth. The details of these ?ndings are bene?cial to understanding the adaptation of the small ?shes in degraded environments, and to developing suitable biomanipulation strategies for the management of ?sh resources and water quality in the lakes along the lower reach of the Changjiang(Yangtze) River basin.  相似文献   
This paper evaluates the international agreements in place for the protection of the environment and the regulation of human activities taking place in world's oceans and seas. 500 multilateral agreements were reviewed against a framework of reference, grounded on the theoretical approaches of Adaptive Management and Transition Management. According to this framework, oceans complex systems management should: (1) consider the global oceans as a Social-Ecological System (SES); (2) aim to achieve or maintain their ecological resilience; and (3) implement iterative, learning-based management strategies, supported by science-based advice to policy and management. The results show that the present international legal framework for the global oceans does not require countries to adopt an adaptive, complex systems approach for global oceans ecological resilience. Instead, this study supports the perspective of a double fragmentation among international agreements. First, global agreements focus on issue-based objectives for determined human activities, ecological components or anthropogenic pressures. Second, regional agreements have a wider scope, but also a varying level of inclusion of ecological resilience considerations. There is the need to foster the inclusion of such an approach into existing and future international agreements and their implementation, including through soft-law, project-based initiatives at global and regional scales.  相似文献   
文章在辨析和定义海洋生态系统概念的基础上,分析辽宁海洋生态系统的恶化态势,主要体现在过度捕捞导致的海洋生物资源衰退,陆源污染、养殖污染和油类污染导致的海洋水体环境污染以及填海造地和海岸侵蚀等导致的海岸生态系统弱化。进而,从公地悲剧理论、环境库兹涅茨理论、外部性理论和产权理论4个维度做出具体的经济学阐释,阐明海洋生态系统恶化态势与经济开发行为之间的关系。  相似文献   
从快速城镇化背景下土地利用变化的角度来分析浙江省海岸带生态系统服务价值(ESV)损益情况,将ESV的估算引入海岸带开发决策,对浙江省海岸带资源的可持续利用具有重要意义.以1990、2000、2010年遥感解译数据为基础,研究了快速城镇化背景下浙江省海岸带土地利用类型变化,并通过构建ESV估算模型,估算了1990~2010年间浙江省海岸带ESV变化.结果表明:1990~2010年间,由于城镇化速度不断加快,浙江省海岸带土地利用类型变化显著,主要表现为城镇建设用地大量增加,林地和耕地面积减少.期间浙江省海岸带ESV总量不断减少,从352.78亿元降至299.64亿元,降幅达15.06%.浙江省海岸带ESV空间分布不断由高价值区域向低价值区域转变.各土地利用类型价值系数(CS)均小于1,价值总量对价值系数弹性不大,所设置的ESV系数原始值较为合适.浙江省海岸带土地利用强度不断上升,其空间分布与ESV变化率空间分布具有一致性,无序增加的城镇建设用地占用林地和耕地而引起的土地利用结构转变是海岸带ESV不断减损的主要原因.  相似文献   
Knowledge of trophic interactions between the key components of marine communities is required to understand food-web dynamics and develop ecosystem-based management approaches. In West Africa, where fisheries sustain the livelihoods of a significant part of the human population, this understanding is even more urgent, especially in the face of rapidly expanding fisheries and some stock collapses in the region. We studied the feeding ecology of the Crevalle jack Caranx hippos, West African Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus tritor and Guinean barracuda Sphyraena afra in the Bijagós Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. These are the most abundant pelagic predatory teleost fishes in the area, but little is known about their ecology despite being species with commercial and recreational value, and they likely also play an important role in various African coastal ecosystems. Our findings show a high degree of dietary overlap among these three predator species, despite some degree of segregation by prey size and type. All three predators depend on Sardinella maderensis as the most important prey, which together with other members of the Clupeidae represented 47–96% of the ingested prey items. There was little difference in the diets of the predators between the dry and rainy seasons. These novel findings suggest a ‘wasp-waist’-structured ecosystem in the Bijagós Archipelago in which S. maderensis is the central small-sized pelagic fish species, and stress the need for an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management in the region, with precautionary measures taken to avoid the overexploitation of clupeids.  相似文献   
本文依据Google Earth近2年的遥感影像以及2013年的资源3号卫星影像数据,并结合他人前期研究资料,对山东省滨海湿地的分布和类型进行了研究,使用ArcGIS软件测算出滨海湿地总面积约为5 124km2,其中自然湿地占35.23%,人工湿地占64.77%。根据山东省湿地实际状况,以及湿地的地理位置、成因、水文、生物等要素的差异,将山东省滨海湿地划分为十种类型,并在此基础上,针对滨海湿地不同的生态服务功能类型,采取了不同的方法进行初步价值评估。结果表明,山东省滨海湿地生态服务总价值约3 303亿元,约占山东省2013年GDP的6.04%。其中物质生产价值约占总价值的50.70%,其次为环境调节价值,约占48.24%,社会服务价值只占1.06%。这表明,山东省滨海湿地蕴含较高的经济和生态潜力,能带来较高的经济效益和生态效益,但是社会服务功能价值量相对偏低,有待于进一步重视和开发。  相似文献   
以PSR评价模型为基础,选取人口、经济、环境、资源开发、政策法规和管理决策等指标,诊断和评估滨海湿地生态系统在湿地开发和环境污染等一系列人类活动干扰下的健康现状,将健康等级分为优、良好、一般、较差和极差等5级.结果表明,辽河三角洲滨海湿地生态系统健康状态一般,由于过度的围垦开发,自然湿地面积在1988~2007年间减少了11 072 hm2,其中,碱蓬湿地减少了75%(2 440 hm2),而水产养殖场增加了182%(9 359 hm2).流域及沿岸的工农业排污致使评价区域内水体污染较严重,COD、TIN、活性磷酸盐和Pb的含量分别达到3.06 mg/dm3、795.45、44.01和6.46μg/dm3,普遍为四类或劣四类水质.环境的恶化,导致碱蓬、芦苇湿地面积萎缩,鸟类种类和数量不断减少,底栖生物多样性降低.并据此提出了辽河三角洲滨海湿地的管理与保护措施.  相似文献   
The European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM) has been coupled with a two-dimensional depth-averaged transport model of the Humber plume region and run to simulate 1988–1989. Simulations of the spatial and temporal variations in chlorophyll-a, nitrate, phosphate and suspended particulate matter distributions in winter, spring and summer show how the development of the spring bloom and subsequent maintenance of primary production is controlled by the physicochemical environment of the plume zone. Results are also shown for two stations, one characterised by the high nutrient and suspended matter concentrations of the plume and the other by the relatively low nutrient and sediment concentrations of the offshore waters. The modelled net primary production at the plume site was 105 g C m−2 a−1 and 127 g C m−2 a−1 offshore. Primary production was controlled by light limitation between October and March and by the availability of nutrients during the rest of the year. The phytoplankton nutrient demand is met by in-situ recycling processes during the summer. The likely effect of increasing and decreasing anthropogenic riverine inputs of nitrate and phosphate upon ecosystem function was also investigated. Modelling experiments indicate that increasing the nitrogen to silicate ratio in freshwater inputs increased the production of non-siliceous phytoplankton in the plume. The results of this model have been used to calculate the annual and quarterly mass balances describing the usage of inorganic nitrogen, phosphate and silicate within the plume zone for the period of the NERC North Sea survey (September 1988 to October 1989). The modelled Humber plume retains 3.9% of the freshwater dissolved inorganic nitrogen, 2.2% of the freshwater phosphate and 1.3% of the freshwater silicate input over the simulated seasonal cycle. The remainder is transported into the southern North Sea in either dissolved or particulate form. The reliability of these results is discussed.  相似文献   
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