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T. M. Boundy  K. Mezger  E. J. Essene   《Lithos》1997,39(3-4):159-178
The U-Pb and Sm-Nd dating of deep crustal rocks from the Bergen Arcs system helps resolve enigmatic aspects of the tectonic evolution of the Caledonian Orogen in western Norway and yields insights into the arrested stages of eclogite development within the granulites of the area. The U-Pb dating of zircon from one of the eclogite facies shear zones yields an upper intercept age of 945 ± 5 Ma [all errors two standard deviations (2σ)], which is similar to other zircon ages from the granulite facies protolith. The age is interpreted to represent the time of late Proterozoic (Sveconorwegian) granulite metamorphism. The U-Pb ages of sphene and epidote show that the eclogites formed early in the evolution of the Caledonian Orogen (pre-Scandian phase) at about 460 Ma. An eclogite facies quartz vein yields a Sm-Nd whole rock-garnet isochron of 440 ± 12 Ma that may reflect the onset of cooling immediately after peak eclogite facies conditions, although the Sm-Nd systematics reveal some isotopic disequilibrium within the sample. In tandem with previous 40Ar/39Ar age determinations from, an adjacent eclogite of 450 Ma for hornblende and 430 Ma for muscovite, these data indicate that < 30 Ma elapsed between formation of the eclogites and the initial stages of cooling and exhumation to at least mid-crustal levels. This corresponds to minimum cooling rates of 14 °C/m.y. The timing relations suggest that the formation and exhumation of these eclogites from the overlying Caledonian Nappe wedge in western Norway are related to an early phase of crustal subduction during or somewhat before the major phase of continent-continent collision.

The short period of time between the formation of the eclogites and the initial stages of exhumation and rapid cooling is consistent with the only partial and localized transformation of the granulite to eclogite. Isolated occurrences of eclogite within the granulite, the formation of eclogite along metasomatic fronts and the formation of hydrous eclogite facies minerals within the “dry” granulite all point to the importance of fluids in the transformation and re-equilibration of the granulite to eclogite. Together, field and isotopic data demonstrate that both the localized and limited access of fluids and the rapid cycling of continental crust through the deepest portions of the orogen to upper crustal levels resulted in the preservation of the arrested stages of eclogite formation and survival of the granulites metastably through eclogite facies conditions.  相似文献   

胶南榴辉岩矿物氧同位素平衡及其Sm-Nd年代学制约   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
对苏鲁地体中的胶南榴辉岩进行了矿物氧同位素分析,并与同一手标本矿物的Sm-Nd内部等时线定年和Nd-Sr同位素分布进行了对比。研究表明,石榴子石与绿辉石之间的氧同位素平衡与否能够对矿物Sm-Nd同位素体系的平衡状况和内部等时线定年结果的有效性给予直接制约。合理的石榴子石+绿辉石Sm-Nd内部等时线年龄产于两矿物之间达到并在峰变质条件下保持氧同位素平衡的样品中,而两矿物之间处于氧同位素不平衡的样品不能给出正确的Sm-Nd内部等时线年龄。同一矿物在手标本尺度出现显著的O-Nd-Sr同位素不均一性,据此对这些元素在石榴子石和绿辉石中的扩散速率顺序进行了估计,不仅得到了与实验扩散系数相吻合的结果,而且由此估计出在峰变质条件下达到矿物内部同位素均一化所需要的时间应大于10Ma。  相似文献   
大别山碧溪岭地区超高压变质岩构造分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
大比例尺 (1∶10 0 0 0 )构造制图及构造分析表明 ,碧溪岭地区超高压变质岩石含有丰富的构造演化历史记录。同碰撞或挤压组构只保留于榴辉岩及其它超高压变质岩透镜体内部 ,表现为高角度网络状超高压剪切带与弱应变透镜体域规律组合格式。前者由面理或糜棱岩化榴辉岩组成 ,后者由块状榴辉岩及石榴橄榄岩组成。碰撞期后伸展构造表现为区域性的假单斜状 ,内部呈低缓角度的网络状强应变带及所环绕的透镜状弱应变域组合格式 ,强应变带的岩石为由榴辉岩退变成的角闪岩相高压片麻岩及部分熔融形成的含榴花岗岩 ,透镜状弱应变域的岩石为弱角闪相改造的榴辉岩及石榴橄榄岩。不同尺度上同碰撞或挤压组构及碰撞期后伸展组构所显示的这种残斑基质流变学结构样式 ,虽然与先期原岩成分、结构、流变学的不均一性有关 ,但主要是多期递进应变分解作用的结果 ,支持榴辉岩“原地”成因模式。依据构造学证据和可利用的岩石学及同位素年代学资料 ,分析了超高压变质岩石的形成及折返过程 ,指出碧溪岭地区超高压变质岩石是在 2 45~ 2 10Ma形成的 ,碰撞期后伸展作用主要发生在 2 0 0~ 170Ma。在超高压变质岩石向地壳表层折返过程中 ,张扭作用可能有重要功能 ,不支持碧溪岭地区遭受过多期超高压变质作用的推论。  相似文献   
报导了大别山超高压变质岩带不同岩岩类型及六安-蔡河地学剖面中氦同位素和某些微量元素的分配分布特征,并讨论了它们的影响因素及其地质意义。  相似文献   
鲁南苏北榴辉岩的特征及其成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲁南苏北榴辉岩按产状分为两类:一类是呈条带状、透镜状或肠状鳌合赋存于胶南混杂岩系中,另一类是呈透镜状赋存于石榴石橄榄岩中,以前者分布最为广泛,后者仅见于日照及东海地区。胶南混杂岩系中的榴辉岩由橄榄拉斑玄武岩深成变质作用形成,石榴石橄榄岩中的榴辉岩为地幔来源,它们共同经历了早期2.8 GPa,800℃的高温高压平衡结晶及后期600—700℃,1.1—1.3 GPa的退变质作用改造。Sm-Nd等时年龄为222±6Ma,~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd初始比值为0.511 36±3,推测本区榴辉岩形成于早三叠世华南陆块与华北陆块的碰撞事件。  相似文献   
胶东威海地区榴辉岩退变质的地球动力学信息   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
威海地区榴辉岩退变质过程表现为三个阶段:第一阶段,原生绿辉石分解形成钠质单斜辉石+斜长石合晶体;第二阶段,原生石榴石及钢质单斜辉石+斜长石合晶体,周边出现角闪石+斜长石 状反应边;第三阶段,石榴石及钢质单斜辉石消失。其后榴辉岩相退变质的p-t演化轨迹是压力相对温度快速降低的顺时针形式,反映本区榴辉岩折返的地球动力学过程可能是在经历了快速上升的构造侵位同时,晚元古宙巨量花岗岩浆可将相辉岩块体携带到上部地壳。  相似文献   
大别山北部蛇绿岩的地球化学制约   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
常量元素,微量元素,稀土元素,Nd同位素及氧同位素地球化学特征表明,太别山北部变质镁铁-超镁铁质岩带中存在变质的蛇绿岩,它主要由变质橄榄岩,辉长岩(-辉绿岩?)和基性熔岩三部分组成,其中,变质的基性熔岩的亏损地幔模式年龄tDM/Ma=1036.8~1293.8,εNd(t)=7.2~7.7,表明它可能代表1000Ma左右形成于中等扩张速率(2cm/ad左右)洋盆条件下的洋壳残片。  相似文献   
1.Introduction TheQinlingDabieorogenicbeltwasformedbycollisionbetweentheNorthChinaandYangtzeblocks.Thecorepartoftheorogenicbeltconsistsofseveralmetamorphicrockgroups,includingtheDabie(Tongbai)complex,Hong’an(Susong)group,SujiahegroupandSuixian(Yao…  相似文献   
Experimental phase equilibrium and trace element partitioningdata are reported for H2O-saturated mid-ocean ridge basalt at2·5 GPa, 750–900°C and oxygen fugacities atthe nickel–nickel oxide buffer. Garnet, omphacite andrutile are present at all temperatures. Amphibole and epidotedisappear as residual phases above 800°C; allanite appearsabove 750°C. The Na–Al-rich silicate glass presentin all run products is likely to have quenched from a supercriticalliquid. Trace element analyses of glasses demonstrate the importantcontrol exerted by residual minerals on liquid chemistry. Inaddition to garnet, which controls heavy rare earth elements(HREE) and Sc, and rutile, which controls Ti, Nb and Ta, allanitebuffers the light REE (LREE; La–Sm) contents of liquidsto relatively low levels and preferentially holds back Th relativeto U. In agreement with previous experimental and metamorphicstudies we propose that residual allanite plays a key role inselectively retaining trace elements in the slab during subduction.Experimental data and analyses of allanite-bearing volcanicrocks are used to derive a model for allanite solubility inliquids as a function of pressure, temperature, anhydrous liquidcomposition and LREE content. The large temperature dependenceof allanite solubility is very similar to that previously determinedfor monazite. Our model, fitted to 48 datapoints, retrievesLREE solubility (in ppm) to within a factor of 1· 40over a pressure range of 0–4 GPa, temperature range of700–1200°C and for liquids with anhydrous SiO2 contentsof 50–84 wt %. This uncertainty in LREE content is equivalentto a temperature uncertainty of only ± 27°C at 1000K, indicating the potential of allanite as a geothermometer.Silicic liquids from either basaltic or sedimentary protolithswill be saturated in allanite except for Ca-poor protolithsor at very high temperatures. For conventional subduction geothermsthe low solubility of LREE (+ Th) in liquids raises questionsabout the mechanism of LREE + Th transport from slab to wedge.It is suggested either that, locally, temperatures experiencedby the slab are high enough to eliminate allanite in the residueor that substantial volumes of H2O-rich fluids must pass throughthe mantle wedge prior to melting. The solubility of accessoryphases in fluids derived from subducted rocks can provide importantconstraints on subduction zone thermal structure. KEY WORDS: subduction; experimental petrology; allanite; solubility; supercritical liquid; eclogite  相似文献   
苏北超高压变质带是秦岭—大别造山带的东延部分,所产出的榴辉岩有三种类型,分别为产于片麻岩中的G类榴辉岩、产于大理岩中的M类榴辉岩和产于蛇纹岩中P类榴辉岩。地球化学研究表明,三类榴辉岩的原岩复杂多样,源岩为下地壳或上地幔的基性-超基性岩,兼具大陆和大洋玄武岩的特征,富含TiO2等有用组分,是金红石矿床的成矿母岩。金红石矿床的形成是华北、扬子两大板块俯冲碰撞的结果,金红石成矿作用的强弱与岩性、构造、变质变形作用等密切相关。榴辉岩中含有金红石、钛铁矿、磷灰石、石榴子石、绿辉石等多种有用矿物,具有较高的综合利用价值。  相似文献   
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