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Based on the partial differential equation governing the effect of atmospheric pressure on water level of confined well, deriving the boundary condition and considering the seepage water between well and aquifer, the author obtained the analytical solution of water level change in time domain under the action of an atmospheric pressure history with the Laplace transform method. This solution is composed of two terms:stable and retarded terms. The stable term is the multiplication of barometric efficiency and simultaneous atmospheric pressure, and it implies the value of water level after infinite time when the atmospheric pressure is a constant from the time in question. The retarded term is the transient process due to the time lag of water exchange between well and aquifer. From the solution, it is obtained that the interference of atmospheric pressure on water level is the integral superimposition of the contribution of all atmospheric pressure changes before the time in question. So that, we further found out the response function of pulsive atmospheric pressure history. Calculation shows: (1) The pulsive response function starts from zero and tends to a steady value, which is proportional to the barometric efficiency, when the time tends to infinity; (2) The retarded time depends on the mechanical property of aquifer and the radius of well. The larger the seepage coefficient, the smaller the radius of well and the thicker the aquifer, then the shorter the retarded time gets. This solution can be used as the theoretical basis for further analysis of the atmospheric effect and practical correcting method in the future.  相似文献   
带TMD的结构基于动力可靠性约束的优化设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在运用复模态法求得多自由度带TMD结构随机地震响应解析解的基础上.采用基于动力可靠性约束的优化设计方法对TMD装置参数的优化取值进行了系统研究,以结构最大位移响应的期望值为目标函数,以TMD装置响应的动力可靠性为约束条件,运用罚函数法获得到TMD装置的优化设计参数.并给出了算例,从而建立了带TMD结构基于动力可靠性约束的抗震优化设计的一整套方法,本文方法也可用于基础隔震结构、带TLD减震结构以及带TMD和TLD抗风结构的优化设计。  相似文献   
曲率模态小波法用于网壳结构损伤的识别和定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程结构损伤的识别与定位研究以往主要针对梁、框架等结构形式,根据大跨度空间结构杆件和节点繁多等特点,提出用曲率模态和小波混合方法对空间结构的损伤进行识别和定位.以跨度100 m的Schwedler网壳结构损伤前、后的曲率模态作为标识量,分别通过离散和连续小波变换,判断网壳结构有无损伤和损伤位置,统计了小波系数差与结构损伤的图形关系,计算了各种损伤工况下该方法判断损伤的准确程度.结果发现基于曲率模态和小波方法的大跨度网壳结构损伤定位精度很高,充分证明该方法对此类结构损伤定位具有有效性和实用性.  相似文献   
宁夏香山荒漠草原区植物群落多样性时空特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用多个多样性指数对宁夏香山荒漠草原区植物群落多样性时间、空间动态进行分析。结果表明,该地区群落时、空动态特征不明显。长期过度放牧导致环境恶化,生境碎化,这些作用的长期性、循环性是造成物种、群落格局与原有时、空动态规律相悖的主要因素,这些因素消除了物种或群落在时间梯度上应有的变化规律。干旱山地物种在长期进化过程中成功的发展了对环境的适应机制,环境的波动性强烈导致了群落多样性在原来消长动态基础上的复杂化,也使多样性动态机制复杂化。应用多种指数数学模型对研究对象进行综合评价,能够真实地反映群落多样性动态。  相似文献   
The potential impact of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon on greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere calls for policies that take account of changes in forest cover. Although much research has focused on the location and effects of deforestation, little is known about the distribution and reasons for the agricultural uses that replace forest cover. We used Landsat TM-based deforestation and agricultural census data to generate maps of the distribution and proportion of four major agricultural land uses throughout the Brazilian Amazon in 1997 and 2007. We built linear and spatial regression models to assess the determinant factors of deforestation and those major agricultural land uses - pasture, temporary agriculture and permanent agriculture - for the states of Pará, Rondônia, and Mato Grosso. The data include 30 determinant factors that were grouped into two years (1996 and 2006) and in four categories: accessibility to markets, public policies, agrarian structure, and environment. We found an overall expansion of the total agricultural area between 1997 and 2007, and notable differences between the states of Pará, Rondônia, and Mato Grosso in land use changes during this period. Regression models for deforestation and pasture indicated that determinant factors such as distance to roads were more influential in 1997 than in 2007. The number of settled families played an important role in the deforestation and pasture, the effect was stronger in 2007 than 1997. Indigenous lands were significant in preventing deforestation in high-pressure areas in 2007. For temporary and permanent agricultures, our results show that in 1997 the effect of small farms was stronger than in 2007. The mapped land use time series and the models explain empirically the effects of land use changes across the region over one decade.  相似文献   
采用三维快速拉格朗日程序FLAC^3D,对上海世博会500kV地下变电站围护结构的动力反应问题进行了深入细致的分析和研究。所建立的模型采用摩尔一库伦本构关系,同时考虑了静力、动力以及地下承压水的影响,并且通过FLAC^3D软件的二次开发功能引入统一强度理论,来判别围护结构中钢筋混凝土的应力状态,力求更真实地反映围护结构在动力作用下的响应状态。分析结果表明,圆型围护结构的环向刚度比较大,受力时将大部分侧向荷载转移给其环向拱结构,从而使得基坑和周围土体无论在静力状态还是动力状态下,整体变形均较小;基坑整体在所研究的各种工况下,围护结构都处于安全状态。  相似文献   
Dynamic Response Behaviors of Upright Breakwaters Under Breaking Wave Impact   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
- The dynamic response behaviors of upright breakwaters under broken wave impact are analysed based on the mass-damper-spring dynamic system model. The effects of the mass, damping, stiffness, natural period, and impulse duration (or oscillation period) on the translation, rotation, sliding force, overturning moment, and corresponding dynamic amplifying factors are studied. It is concluded that the ampli-ying factors only depend on the ratio of the system natural period to impulse duration (or oscillation period) under a certain damping ratio. Moreover, the equivalent static approach to breakwater design is also discussed.  相似文献   
长江三峡库区(奉节-巴东段)移民工程遥感动态监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在长江三峡库区移民工程中 ,我们采用 ETM+、SPOT、IKONOS等多源、多时相、多分辨率航天、航空遥感数据组合 ,监测移民工程的动态变化 ,通过对库区奉节 -巴东段移民搬迁建与安置、新开发用地分布、土地利用与土地结构变化、地质灾害及衍生地质灾害与防治、库区环境及生态平衡与改善经济结构以及移民工程遥感动态监测等 ,取得突破性进展 ,获取了一批重要成果。为三峡移民工程进一步全面、安全地实施、改进规划管理工作及库区经济可持续发展 ,提供了科学依据和决策性建议。  相似文献   
胡宇娜  梅林  魏建国 《地理科学》2018,38(1):107-113
基于DEA模型对中国31个省域的旅行社业效率空间分异特征进行了分析,首次运用GWR模型探索交通、资本、人才、信息化和经济动力对区域旅行社业效率影响的空间差异。结果表明:旅行社业效率在空间上具有正相关性和集聚特征,空间格局从“川”字型向“山”字型转变。各动力因子的系数均存在空间非平稳性。资本和人才动力的回归系数在空间分布上从南向北依次递减;经济动力的分布趋势为从北向南依次递减;交通动力对中西部地区旅行社效率提升的促进作用显著于东部地区;信息化动力则在东部地区表现出较强的促进作用。  相似文献   
中国旅游业发展灰色关联动态分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随着国民经济的快速发展、人口数最的不断增长和消费水平的逐步提高,人们对旅游的体验需求越来越大。如何实现中国旅游业的持续发展,是摆在全国人民面前一个严峻的问题。通过对近24年中国旅游国内总收入变化趋势的分析,运用灰色系统理论对影响中国旅游业发展诸因素进行关联分析,量化了旅游业产值与诸因子的关联程度,为中国旅游业制定发展规划、促进旅游业的可持续发展提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
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