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在地表覆盖严重的地区开展地质工作,勘探方法的选择非常重要,高精度磁法是寻找磁性矿物的首选物探方法,目前在祁漫塔格地区的地质找矿工作中起到了非常重要的作用。那陵郭勒河西地区分布有大面积砂梁,高数米至十余米。依钻孔数据,厚度为160~314m,所有形迹都被沙漠覆盖,地面磁异常宽缓不明显。由于缺乏本区地质资料,这给磁测资料的解释带来困难,使得不能给验证钻孔准确定位,这时异常解释手段的选择显得非常重要。通过实例说明综合采用磁法地-井资料的精细反演技术,在沙漠覆盖区实现找矿重大突破。  相似文献   
The Salawusu Formation of Milanggouwan section in Salawusu River Valley includes 7 layers of paleo-mobile dune sands, and 4 layers of paleo-fixed and semi-fixed dune sands. Their structures have been observed and their grain size, surface textural features and several main chemical elements have been analyzed. The results showed that: 1) Some of the aeolian structural characteristics of these dune sands are similar to that of the recent dune sands. 2) They are also similar to the recent dune sands in grain size components, and parameters of Mz,σ, Sk and Kg, as well as in several main chemical components. 3) The scattergrams of Mz-σ and SiO2-Al2O3+TOFE and the probability curves of grain size showed that these paleo-dune sands are different from paleosols and fluvio-lacustrine facies, but are consistency with recent dune sands. 4) Quartz sands have well roundness and surface textural features such as dish-shaped pits, crescent-shaped pits, pockmarked pits, upturned cleavage plates, siliceous precipitates and siliceous crevasses, indicating that they had been carried for a long time by the wind. As the 11 layers of paleo-dune sands possess the aeolian characteristics in structure, grain size, surface textural features and chemical elements, the origin of their formation should be attributed to eolation.  相似文献   
萨拉乌苏河流域萨拉乌苏组沙丘砂沉积特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
萨拉乌苏河流域米浪沟湾剖面萨拉乌苏组含7层古流动沙丘砂、4层古固定-半固定沙丘砂.对这些沙丘砂的沉积构造观察以及粒度、扫描电镜和常量化学元素分析结果表明:(1)这些沙丘砂具有与现代沙丘砂相似的风成沉积构造特征;(2)粒度及其参数——Mz、σ、Sk和Kg,以及主要化学组分SiO2、Al2O3和TOFE也与现代沙丘砂相近;(3)Mz-σ、SiO2-Al2O3+TOFE散点图和概率累积曲线显示这些沙丘砂与萨拉乌苏组中的河湖相、古土壤差别明显,而与现代沙丘砂一致;(4)石英砂颗粒具有良好的磨圆以及碟形坑、新月形坑、麻坑、上翻解理薄片、硅质沉淀和硅质裂纹等表面结构特征,反映其曾受持久的风力搬运作用.沉积构造、粒度、石英砂颗粒表面结构和化学元素等多个方面具备了与现代沙丘砂类似的风成特征,证明这些沙丘砂的成因是风成的.  相似文献   
The variation of the Asian winter monsoonal strength has seriously affected the climate and environmental conditions in the Asian monsoonal region, and even in marginal islands and the ocean in the East Asian region. However, relevant understanding remains unclear due to the lack of suitable geological materials and effective proxies in the key study areas. Here, we present a grain-size record derived from the palaeo-aeolian sand dune in the southeastern Mu Us Desert, together with other proxies and OSL dating, which reflect a relatively detailed history of the winter monsoon and abrupt environmental events during the past 4.2 ka. Our grain-size standard deviation model indicated that >224 μm content can be considered as an indicator of the intensity of Asian winter monsoon, and it shows declined around 4.2-2.1 ka, enhanced but unstable in 2.1-0.9 ka, and obviously stronger since then. In addition, several typical climate events were also documented, forced by the periodic variation of winter monsoonal intensity. These include the cold intervals of 4.2, 2.8, 1.4 ka, and the Little Ice Age (LIA), and relatively warm sub-phases around 3.0, 2.1, 1.8 ka, and the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), which were roughly accordant with the records of the aeolian materials, peat, stalagmites, ice cores, and sea sediments in various latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Combined with the previous progresses of the Asian summer monsoon, we preliminarily confirmed a millennial-scale anti-correlation of Asian winter and summer monsoons in the Late Holocene epoch. This study suggests that the evolution of the palaeo-aeolian sand dune has the potential for comprehending the history of Asian monsoon across the desert regions of the modern Asian monsoonal margin in northern China.  相似文献   
Dune stratification types, which include grainfall, grainflow and ripple lamination, provide a record of the fine‐scale processes that deposited sediment on palaeo‐dune foresets. While these facies are relatively easy to distinguish in some cross‐bedded sandstones, for others – like the Permian Coconino Sandstone of northern and central Arizona – discrete stratification styles are hard to recognize at the bedding scale. Furthermore, few attempts have been made to classify fine‐scale processes in this sandstone, despite its renown as a classic aeolian dune deposit and Grand Canyon formation. To interpret depositional processes in the Coconino Sandstone, cross‐bed facies were characterized using a suite of sedimentary textures and structures. Bedding parameters were described at multiple scales via a combination of field and laboratory methods, including annotated outcrop photomosaics, strike and dip measurements, sandstone disaggregation and laser‐diffraction particle analysis, high‐resolution scans of thin sections, and scanning electron microscopy. Cross‐beds were observed to be laterally extensive along‐strike, with most dip angles ranging from the mid‐teens to mid‐twenties. While some cross‐bed sets are statistically coarser near their bases, others exhibit no significant vertical sorting trends. Both massive and laminated textures are visible in high‐resolution scans of thin sections, but laminae contacts are commonly indistinct, making normal and reverse grading difficult to define. Diagenetic features, such as stylolite seams and large pores, are also present in some samples and might indicate alteration of original textures like detrital clay laminae and carbonate minerals. Observed textures and sedimentary structures suggest that the cross‐beds may consist of grainflow and grainfall deposits, but these remain difficult to differentiate at outcrop and thin‐section scales. This characterization of fine‐scale processes will play a critical part in the development of depositional models for the Coconino Sandstone and elucidate interpretations for similar cross‐bedded formations.  相似文献   
Across the UK, sandy beaches and dunes protect coastal infrastructure from waves and extreme water levels during large-scale storms, while providing important habitats and recreational opportunities. Understanding their long-term evolution is vital in managing their condition in a changing climate. Recently, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) methods have grown in popularity in geomorphological applications, yielding centimetre-scale resolution images of near-surface stratigraphy and structure, thus allowing landscape evolution to be reconstructed. Additionally, abrupt changes in palaeo-environments can be visualized in three dimensions. Although often complemented by core data, GPR allows interpretations to be extended into areas with minimal ground-truth control. Nonetheless, GPR data interpretation can be non-intuitive and ambiguous, and radargrams may not initially resemble the expected subsurface geometry. Interpretation can be made yet more onerous when handling the large 3D data volumes that are facilitated with modern GPR technology. Here we describe the development of novel semi-automated GPR feature-extraction tools, based on ‘edge detection’ and ‘thresholding’ methods, which detect regions of increased GPR reflectivity which can be applied to aid in the reconstruction of a range Quaternary landscapes. Since reflectivity can be related to lithological and/or pore fluid changes, the 3D architecture of the palaeo-landscape can be reconstructed from the features extracted from a geophysical dataset. We present 500 MHz GPR data collected over a buried Holocene coastal dune system in North Wales, UK, now reclaimed for use as an airfield. Core data from the site, reaching a maximum depth 2 m, suggest rapid vertical changes from sand to silty-organic units, and GPR profiles suggest similar lateral complexity. By applying thresholding methods to GPR depth slices, these lateral complexities are effectively and automatically mapped. Furthermore, automatic extraction of the local reflection power yields a strong correlation with the depth variation of organic content, suggesting it is a cause of reflectivity contrast. GPR-interpolated analyses away from core control thus offer a powerful proxy for parameters derived from invasive core logging. The GPR data collected at Llanbedr airfield highlight a complex dune system to a depth of 2.8 m, probably deposited in several phases over ~700 years, similar to elsewhere in North Wales.  相似文献   
1 Introduction Oases are unique ecosystems and important residences for our ancestors in arid and semiarid regions of the world, and have deeply been imprinted by human actions, such as Jericho oasis of Jordan Valley, Jarmo oasis of the Euphrates River an…  相似文献   
基于DEM数据的巴丹吉林沙漠沙丘分布规律及其形态参数   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
沙丘形态特征是风沙地貌研究的重要内容。数字高程模型(DEM)因卓越的三维地形表达能力被广泛应用于沙丘形态研究中。长期以来,受交通条件和研究方法的制约以及高大沙山分布位置的限定,对巴丹吉林沙漠沙丘形态的研究主要集中在沙漠东南部,缺乏对整个沙漠沙丘分布规律及其形态参数特征的系统认知。而对整个沙漠沙丘形态特征的研究,是区域风沙地貌形成与演化研究的重要组成部分。以巴丹吉林沙漠内所有独立沙丘为研究对象,利用研究区DEM数据和一种新的算法,研究了沙漠内两种主要类型沙丘(横向沙丘、星状沙丘)的分布规律及其形态参数特征。结果表明:沙漠内独立沙丘大约有6 033座,高度9~433 m,高度超过350 m的巨型沙山共有53座,其中星状沙山7座,最大高度383 m;横向沙山46座,最大高度433 m。横向沙丘高度与等效沙丘厚度呈正相关的线性函数关系,星状沙丘高度与等效沙丘厚度呈正相关的对数函数关系,表明在现代气候和环境条件下,横向沙丘高度仍在增加,而星状沙丘高度增长已经趋缓。两类沙丘的主轴向大都垂直于研究区主风向NW-SE。横向沙丘起沙风风向单一,沙丘轴向集中在NE-SW和NNE-SSW方向;星状沙丘起沙风风向略为复杂,沙丘存在多个次级轴向。  相似文献   
基于多旋翼无人机倾斜摄影测量的沙丘三维形态研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
无人机倾斜摄影技术是近年来发展起来的新型测量方法,具有高效率、高精度、非接触、大范围等优点。本研究采用多旋翼无人机,结合精确测定的地面控制点,实现了对新月形沙丘群三维形态的精确测量。结果表明:无人机倾斜摄影测量的均方根误差小于18 mm,可以满足大比例尺地形测量的要求。利用该技术获取的多种测量参数表明,新月形沙丘二维与三维形态之间存在良好的相关性,基于这些关系,可以实现二维遥感影像量测结果向沙丘高度、沙丘体积等三维参数的转换。沙丘剖面形态可以采用非线性函数精确描述,为沙丘形态精确建模提供了参考。无人机倾斜摄影技术获取的沙丘三维形态参数,对于深入认识沙丘形态动力过程具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
The response of subaqueous dunes to the variation of riverine sediment supply in an estuary is rarely reported. Five sets of field measurements of bed sediments and topography were made in the Changjiang estuary, China during dry and flood seasons for the past 9 years. Results show that dunes were mainly three-dimensional (3D) during flood seasons and two-dimensional (2D) dunes during dry seasons. Dunes were also much larger in flood seasons. Dunes mainly occurred within the main channels of the estuary although they extended 11.7 km seaward of their normal extent in the South Channel during dry seasons from 2002 to 2006. This extension of the dune field is likely due to a sharp decline of sediment discharge caused by large reservoirs such as Three Gorges.  相似文献   
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