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论山西褐土区农田土壤干燥化问题   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
以山西褐土区离石、忻州、太原、寿阳、临猗等地玉米、小麦农田为主要研究对象,选取5个代表性样点12个剖面采集0~600cm深度土壤样品,研究分析不同季节土壤垂直剖面水分状况。结果表明,该区玉米、小麦等农田中普遍存在土壤干层,轻度和中度干层都有显现;季节性干层的存在是该地区农作物易于发生干旱灾害的主要原因;晋中玉米地轻度干层发育到了600cm以下;晋南由于长期气候干旱,导致干燥化程度加重,轻度土壤干燥化也已发育到了600cm;晋西玉米地400cm接近轻度干化,晋北玉米地轻度干层也已达到600cm深度。农田季节性干层、深层土壤干层的出现严重影响了农田土壤的水循环;降水量少是本区农田干层产生的主要原因,但农田生产力提高、植被密度和蒸发对临时性干层形成的影响也不可忽视;选择低耗水、深根系的旱地作物,同时合理密植、有条件的地方实施灌溉等都是减缓农田干层的有效途径。  相似文献   
一种准确通用的台风路径预报模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用天气学理论,对台风云图的晴空区轴线制约台风移动的规律进行物理解释。根据台风云团与晴空区之间存在的干、湿梯度力和推动台风前进的惯性力的互相关系,建立台风移向预报方程和轨迹预报方程,分析论证了台风移向变化的物理过程,把影响台风移动的复杂因子转化为单一的预报因子。  相似文献   
利用微波辐射计、激光测风雷达、多普勒雷达、相控阵雷达等新型探测资料、地面加密观测资料、ERA5再分析及多模式数值预报结果对2022年4月24日西安城区一次弱降水预报出现明显失误的原因进行分析,结果表明:(1)全球数值预报模式和中尺度数值预报模式对本次过程西安城区均报有明显降水,主要原因为模式对低层相对湿度预报明显偏大;(2)多种新型探测数据分析认为近地层湿度条件较差及中层的绝对水汽含量低,中层的干暖空气不利于成云致雨,垂直上升运动不强,且由于低层非常干燥,使水滴在下沉过程中蒸发,从而无法形成雨滴下落,这些原因共同造成西安城区无降水,低层相对湿度预报偏大是造成这次西安城区降水预报失误的主要原因之一;(3)造成西安城区近地层湿度条件差的原因是城市干热岛效应和低层干暖平流输送,且降水云团翻越秦岭后其湿空气绝热下沉至城区后出现增温降湿,使得城区形成较为深厚的干层,即使有雨滴在下落过程中也会造成更强的蒸发,这也是城区没有降水的重要原因之一;(4)预报员主观预报订正出现空报主要是源于对边界层水汽、抬升条件等关键降水要素缺乏订正能力,且对大城市的干热岛效应和秦岭山区地形影响研究不足。  相似文献   
The dry‐stone retaining walls (DSRW) have been tipped as a promising solution for sustainable development. However, before recently, their behavior is relatively obscure. In this study, discrete element method (DEM) approach was applied to simulate the plane strain failure of these walls. A commercial DEM package (PFC2D™) was used throughout this study. The authors used a fully discrete approach; thus, both the wall and the backfill were modeled as discrete elements. The methodology for obtaining the micromechanical parameters was discussed in detail; this includes the three mechanical sub‐systems of DSRWs: wall, backfill and interface. The models were loaded progressively until failure, and then the results were compared with the full‐scale experimental results where the walls were loaded, respectively, with hydrostatic load and backfill. Despite its complexity and its intensive calculation time, DEM model can then be used to validate a more simplified approach. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
以遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)为平台,选取茂县地区两期Landsat卫星影像,利用ENVI对影像数据进行监督分类,提取区域内植被覆盖图。利用Arc GIS结合茂县地区河谷分布图,界定出茂县地区两个时期内干旱河谷的分布范围。结果表明:整个茂县地区干旱河谷的范围呈缩减趋势,2005年干旱河谷面积457 619 400 m2,2015年干旱河谷面积为381 971 125 m~2,干旱河谷范围缩减了75 648 275 m~2。准确地界定出干旱河谷的范围变化,对指导川西地区生态环境综合治理以及西部广大山区的生态环境可持续发展战略的实施具有重要意义。  相似文献   
全国地热资源调查评价与勘查示范工程进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
地热作为一种清洁能源,在我国经济发展与能源转型过程中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。“全国地热资源调查评价与勘查示范工程”自实施以来,主要开展了京津冀地区地热资源评价以及东南沿海和青藏高原东部干热岩的勘查等工作。这些工作的开展在获得一系列科研突破成果的同时,也解决了大量地热开发的工程问题,积累了大量成果和经验。该文对工程取得的进展及成果进行了总结,对工作开展中出现的问题进行了探讨,可用于指导我国地热资源勘查开发工作。  相似文献   
The Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) is an artificial geothermal system that aims to economically extract heat from hot dry rock (HDR) through the creation of an artificial geothermal reservoir. Chemical stimulation is thought to be an effective method to create fracture networks and open existing fractures in hot dry rocks by injecting chemical agents into the reservoir to dissolve the minerals. Granite is a common type of hot dry rock. In this paper, a series of chemical stimulation experiments were implemented using acid and alkaline agents under high temperature and pressure conditions that mimic the environment of formation. Granite rock samples used in the experiments are collected from the potential EGS reservoir in the Matouying area, Hebei, China. Laboratory experimental results show that the corrosion ratio per unit area of rock is 3.2% in static acid chemical experiments and 0.51% in static alkaline chemical experiments. The permeability of the core is increased by 1.62 times in dynamic acid chemical experiments and 2.45 times in dynamic alkaline chemical experiments. A scanning electron microscope analysis of the core illustrates that secondary minerals, such as chlorite, spherical silica, and montmorillonite, were formed, due to acid-rock interaction with plagioclase being precipitated by alkaline-rock interactions. Masking agents in alkaline chemical agents can slightly reduce the degree of plagioclase formation. A chemical simulation model was built using TOUGHREACT, the mineral dissolution and associated ion concentration variation being reproduced by this reactive transport model.  相似文献   
A dry ashing method is commonly used to remove organic material from samples prior to geochemical analysis. In the course of this study, the Cd isotope ratios of a series of soil and plant reference materials and samples were studied to evaluate the effect of the dry ashing method on measurement results of Cd isotope ratios. The samples were pre‐treated using the dry ashing method and high‐pressure bomb for comparison. The results show that the digestion using high‐pressure bombs did not lead to Cd loss, but using the dry ashing method would cause different proportions of Cd loss. The whole range of Cd isotope difference between two methods was from ?0.07‰ to 3.01‰. There was also an obvious difference in measured Cd isotope ratios from the same leaf sample pre‐treated independently by the dry ashing method, indicating that the amount of Cd loss and the effect on Cd isotope measurement during dry ashing is related to the properties of the samples. Therefore, dry ashing may not be appropriate for the removal of organic material in Cd isotope ratio measurement, especially for samples with high organic contents. The δ114/110Cd values of reference materials NIST SRM 1573a and GSD‐30 are reported for the first time in this study.  相似文献   
用树木年轮重建伊犁南天山北坡西部的降水量序列   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
根据采自伊犁地区南天山北坡11个采点的树木年轮样本,建立了每个采点的3种年表。通过单相关普查发现,标准化树轮年表序列与当年1~5月的降水显著相关。分析表明该时段降水与树木年轮生长呈正相关具有明确的树木生理学意义。利用新源上限(XNAUt)、昭苏上限(ZUt、ZUt 2)和特克斯下限(TLt)4个标准化树轮年表序列可较好地重建该区域在该时段的降水量。经交叉检验,所得重建方程是稳定可靠的,重建的降水序列是可信的。通过分析发现:伊犁地区南天山北坡300年以来1~5月的降水大致经历了6个偏湿阶段和6个偏干阶段;有2.0~2.8年、24.8年、28.3年、33年、99年的变化准周期;在1909年发生由多向少的突变;1740年、1870年发生由少向多的突变,其中又以1870年前后的突变最为明显。  相似文献   
研究降水和氮沉降对荒漠草原植物叶形态性状的影响,对于预测未来全球变化下荒漠草原植物的生态适应具有重要意义.对增减雨(±50%)和氮添加(10 g·m-2.a-1)及其交互作用对乌拉特荒漠草原区优势植物叶形态性状的影响研究结果表明:(1)沙生针茅(Stipa glareosa)、碱韭(Allium polyrhizum)...  相似文献   
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