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Testing dispersant effectiveness under conditions similar to that of the open environment is required for improvements in operational procedures and the formulation of regulatory guidelines. To this end, a novel wave tank facility was fabricated to study the dispersion of crude oil under regular non-breaking and irregular breaking wave conditions. This wave tank facility was designed for operation in a flow-through mode to simulate both wave- and current-driven hydrodynamic conditions. We report here an evaluation of the effectiveness of chemical dispersants (Corexit® EC9500A and SPC 1000) on two crude oils (Medium South American [MESA] and Alaska North Slope [ANS]) under two different wave conditions (regular non-breaking and plunging breaking waves) in this wave tank. The dispersant effectiveness was assessed by measuring the water column oil concentration and dispersed oil droplet size distribution. In the absence of dispersants, nearly 8-19% of the test crude oils were dispersed and diluted under regular wave and breaking wave conditions. In the presence of dispersants, about 21-36% of the crude oils were dispersed and diluted under regular waves, and 42-62% under breaking waves. Consistently, physical dispersion under regular waves produced large oil droplets (volumetric mean diameter or VMD ? 300 μm), whereas chemical dispersion under breaking waves created small droplets (VMD ? 50 μm). The data can provide useful information for developing better operational guidelines for dispersant use and improved predictive models on dispersant effectiveness in the field.  相似文献   
This study aims to evaluate the subacute toxic effects of oil under different treatments on marine organism by simulating natural contaminative processes. In this study, 120# (RMD15) fuel oil was selected as the pollutant and marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) embryos as the experimental organism. The developmental toxicity of different volume concentrations (0.05%, 0.2%, 1% and 5%) of water-accommodated fractions, biologically-enhanced water-accommodated fractions, and chemically-enhanced water-accommodated fractions on the embryos in different exposure time (8, 15 and 22 d) were compared and the content of relevant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was studied (in dispersion and in vivo). The subacute toxic effects were assessed in terms of antioxidant activities of enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione S-transferase) and the blue sac disease (BSD) indexes.The results showed that the BSD indexes of the treatment groups were significantly higher than the respective control groups and showed positive correlations with both concentration and exposure time. The experiments with three antioxidant enzymes indicated that enzymatic activities of the embryos changed dramatically under the oxidation stress of petroleum hydrocarbons, especially after adding the dispersants. With the increase of petroleum hydrocarbon concentration and exposure time, the three enzymes showed different degrees of induction and inhibition effects.  相似文献   
《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,78(1-2):146-152
The interaction of dispersed oil droplets with large diameter suspended particulate materials (SPM) has been little studied. In the current study, particle size, oil characteristics and chemical dispersant significantly influence the adsorption of oil droplets to SPM in seawater. Sediments with a smaller particulate size (clay) approaching that of the oil droplets (2–20 μm) adsorbed more oil per gram than sediments with large particle size (sand). Heavier, more polar oils with a high asphaltene content adsorbed more efficiently to SPM than lighter, less polar oils. A decrease in the smaller, more water soluble oil components in the sediment adsorbed oil was observed for all oil types. Addition of chemical dispersant decreased the adsorption of oil droplets to suspended carbonate sand in an exponential-like manner. No change in the relative distribution of compounds adsorbed to the sediment was observed, indicating dispersants do not alter the dissolution of compounds from oil droplets.  相似文献   
大量低产低效井严重阻碍我国煤层气产业发展,其中,煤粉沉降导致的裂缝堵塞、管柱结块是气井稳产时间短、产气量降低甚至不产气的重要因素。系统梳理国内外煤层气井产出煤粉物质组成、生成机理、悬浮运移和产出控制等研究最新进展,总结煤粉凝聚–沉降及分散行为控制机理及关键问题,提出研究展望。煤粉问题伴随煤层气勘探开发全过程,涉及地质选区评价、工程压裂施工和排采管理控制的各个方面。煤粉包括因煤体结构破坏生成的原生煤粉和工程施工形成的次生煤粉,在气井产出中以有机碎屑和黏土矿物组成的混合物为主,部分样品黏土矿物含量高。煤粉悬浮运移受控于储层条件下煤岩结构和表面性质、nm~μm级煤粉颗粒的相互作用、有机质和黏土矿物的作用、通道内的气水流动等因素。煤粉能够适度稳定产出是排采管控的关键,涉及地层水环境对煤粉表面润湿性、表面电性和空间位阻效应的影响及作用机制,以及分散剂离子加入对煤层气的解吸和渗流能力影响等。围绕煤粉“黏附–润湿–凝聚–沉降全过程开展实验模拟”和“煤粉分散稳定性优化及流动实验”研究,以及煤粉理化性质精细表征、凝聚沉降机理分析和分散行为界定,提出适合煤粉稳定运移控制的流速,形成保持煤粉悬浮产出的基础性依据,为保障煤层气–水–煤粉稳定高效产出提供理论和技术支撑。  相似文献   
Interfacial properties of oil spill dispersants and their effects on dispersion effectivenessInterfacialpropertiesofoilspilld...  相似文献   
以合浦珠母贝稚贝为测试对象 ,比较了三种钻井泥浆和消油剂的 96h急性毒性效应。实验结果表明 ,钻井泥浆对合浦珠母贝稚贝的半致死浓度大于 10 5mg/ L;三种消油剂的半致死浓度分别为12 58mg/ L ,4 4 69mg/ L和 2 545mg/ L。  相似文献   
以GM-2型溢油分散剂和微普紧急泄漏处理液为研究对象,探究不同条件下其处理120#燃料油的乳化效果及对油滴粒径分布的影响。结果表明,提高温度、分散剂与燃料油配比(DOR)以及加强波浪作用均可显著提高溢油分散剂的乳化效果,油滴粒径更小,分布更集中,且液面下较浅处的乳化液浓度较大。GM-2型分散剂乳化效果优于微普分散剂。当温度为25℃,DOR为30%,推波频率为1次/s时,GM乳化效果达到最佳,油滴平均粒径为5.62?m。  相似文献   
以2种原油和3种溢油分散剂的混合物为对象,借助SPSS统计分析软件,采用主成分分析法研究基于诊断比值的原油分类,旨在判别分散剂对原油的影响。KOM值近似等于0.6、Bartlett球形度检验对应概率P值为0,表明原始数据适合做主成分分析;前两个主成分F1和F2的特征值均大于1,累积贡献率为81.433%,多变量可降至2维。根据F1和F2表达式得到主成分分类图可知:两种原油中加入不同分散剂后还可在图中大致区分,富肯-2号分散剂对两种原油几乎没有影响,GM-2分散剂对渤海原油分类程度有一定影响,但对华北原油却有较大影响;海鸥4号分散剂对两种原油分类程度都有影响。结果表明:主成分分析法可用于添加分散剂的溢油分类辨别,研究发现一些分散剂对原油影响较小,而某些分散剂对原油有复杂的影响。因此,溢油指纹鉴定需考虑分散剂的影响。  相似文献   
用静水式试验方法比较了消油剂对斑节对虾Penaeusmonodon,罗氏沼虾Macrobrachiumrosenbergii,裸项栉虎鱼Ctenogobiusgymnachen和红剑鱼Xiphophorushelleri4种水生动物的急性毒性,并观察了消油剂浓度与水体溶解氧的相关性。结果表明:水体溶解氧与消油剂浓度明显呈负相关。消油剂对斑节对虾仔虾、红剑鱼、罗氏沼虾仔虾和裸项栉虎鱼的半数致死浓度分别为14.9,1725.0,2238.0和5861.4mg·L-1。对消油剂的敏感顺序由大至小为斑节对虾仔虾,红剑鱼,罗氏沼虾仔虾,裸项栉虎鱼。班节对虾仔虾和红剑鱼是监测消油剂生物毒性较为适宜的物种。  相似文献   
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