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The empirical Green's functions technique is applied to simulate strong ground motion records from the September 7, 1999, Athens earthquake. Information on the fault parameters from previous independent studies has been used and several scenarios were examined, in regard to the location of the starting point of the rupture, by comparing the synthetic records with the corresponding observed ones, through a residual function and a correlation function. The results show that the rupture started at the deepest, 4–5 km, part of the fault from its western edge. This hypocenter was then used, in combination with the initial fault model, to stochastically simulate the strong ground motion during the Athens main shock, in terms of peak-ground acceleration at hard rock. The results show that directivity might have significantly contributed to the destructiveness of this earthquake at specific parts of the Athens Metropolitan area.  相似文献   
The earthquake was modeled using regional broad-band stations in Greece (epicentral distances up to 340 km). Inversion of the amplitude spectra of complete waveforms (0.05–0.08 Hz), later confirmed by the forward waveform modeling, provided strike = 150°, dip = 70°, rake = 10°, scalar moment M o = 4.1e18 Nm, and depth of 8 km. As the aftershock distribution had the same strike, the earthquake was interpreted as a left-lateral strike slip. The fault length was estimated by combining observed mainshock spectra and synthetic spectra of a weak event, representing impulse response of the medium. This gave the fault length estimate of 16 to 24 km. Similar results were obtained by means of a true M w = 5 aftershock. The waveform modeling (0.05–0.20 Hz) was performed for the 20 × 10 km finite-extent fault, with a homogenous slip of 0.63 m. It showed that the rupture propagation along the 150° strike was predominantly unilateral, from NW to SE.  相似文献   
We respond to the comments by Douglas regarding our earlier paper by emphasizing that our automated method was intended to distinguish between the primary and auxiliary fault planes in earthquake focal mechanisms and does not always produce reliable results for rupture velocity and rupture length.  相似文献   
C. Pro  E. Buforn  A. Udías 《Tectonophysics》2007,433(1-4):65-79
The dimensions and rupture velocities of four earthquakes, two in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and two in Iceland with strike–slip mechanisms and magnitudes (Mw) between 6.2 and 6.8 were studied using the directivity effects of Rayleigh and body waves. For Rayleigh waves we used the directivity function for different pairs of stations and for body waves the waveforms of P and SH waves corresponding to a simple extended line source. We have found that three have very shallow depths about 3 km and one 8 km, fault lengths between 12 km and 21 km, and a low rupture velocity of about 1.5 km/s to 2.0 km/s which supports the idea of the presence of slow earthquakes in transform faults.  相似文献   
A long sequence of earthquakes causing few casualties and considerable damage in a wide zone struck Central Italy starting on September 26, 1997. Theearthquakes are characterized by normal faulting mechanism, with a NE-SW(anti-Apenninic direction) tension axis. In this paper we analyze the accelerometric recordings collected by the accelerograph stations belonging to the National Accelerograph Network. About 10 stations were triggered by the mainshocks of the sequence. In particular, a small size foreshock and the two mainshocks that occurred on September,26 (00:33(GMT) MW = 5.7 and 09:40 MW = 6.0) have been recorded by two digital 3-C accelerometers located at near source distances (within 30 km from the faults). These records are relevant to investigate the detail of therupture kinematics, due to the close epicentral distance and azimuthallocation relative to the fault orientation and geometry. Using a trial and error approach we modeled the source mechanism through the fit of the arrival times, the apparent source time duration, the main polarization features and the entire waveforms of the recorded signals, in order to get some insight on the rupture evolution, the location of the fracture origin point and the fault geometry. Based on this fault kinematic model, inferences on fault slip distribution are obtained by modeling the S acceleration waveform, comparing the ray theory synthetics with 1–5 Hz band filtered ground velocity records.The final model shows that the seismic ruptures occurred along two adjacent,sub-parallel, low angle dipping normal faults. Ruptures bothnucleated from the fault bottom and propagated up-dip, showing differentrupture velocity and length. The presence of a transfer zone (barrier)can be suggested by the mainshocks rupture evolution. This transfer zonehas probably controlled the amplitude increase of local stressreleased by the first rupture at its NW edge which triggered about 9 hourslater the second rupture. The inferred model was used to compute the predictedground acceleration in the near source range, using a hybridstatistical-deterministic approach.A similar trial and error method has been also applied to the October 14, 199715:23 earthquake (MW = 5.6). The inferred kinematic model indicates a rupture nucleating from the faultbottom and propagating up-dip, toward the SE direction. Thus the three mainshocks ruptured distinct fault segments, adjacent and slightly offsetfrom one to another.  相似文献   
地震破裂的方向性效应相关概念综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地震断层破裂的方向性会造成在地震动记录和地震动分布场中出现一些典型的特征,分析方向性效应的特点以及方向性效应产生的原因对于揭示近场地震动的特征有重要的意义.文中以诸多研究文献为基础,从方向性效应的研究回顾开始,分析了方向性效应的概念,并重点论述了方向性效应对地震动影响的特点、方向性效应的产生原因及其影响因素.为了阐明与...  相似文献   
近断层速度脉冲地震动的三维有限差分模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据台湾西部地质地貌特征和1999年集集MW7.6地震的研究成果,建立三维速度结构模型和震源模型,并采用三维有限差分法对双冬断层可能产生的近断层脉冲型地震动进行数值模拟。结果表明,方向性效应引起的双向速度脉冲集中在垂直于断层滑动分量的方向上,而滑冲效应引起的单向速度脉冲则集中在平行于断层滑动分量的方向上。受方向性效应和上盘效应的共同调制,近断层脉冲型地震动反映出不对称带状分布的特征,速度脉冲主要分布在距离断层面约10 km的范围内。凹凸体的特性影响着地震动的时空分布,由地震波场显示南投和台中处于强地震动危险区。近场脉冲型地震动的研究对分析速度脉冲形成机理以及地震危险性有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
根据50组近断层脉冲型强震动记录,采用连续小波变换提取最强速度脉冲分量,建立最强速度脉冲峰值时刻的统计模型。对近断层地震动加速度高频分量的演变功率谱模型参数进行识别,并利用谱表示-随机函数方法实现了降维模拟,进而积分得到速度高频分量。对脉冲参数进行随机化处理,并采用改进Gabor小波模型随机模拟速度低频分量。将速度高频分量与低频分量叠加得到近断层地震动速度时程。数值算例表明,近断层地震动加速度代表性时程集合的幅值谱和反应谱均与实测记录拟合一致,验证了降维模拟方法的工程适用性。近断层脉冲型地震动的降维模拟与概率密度演化理论相结合,可实现工程结构的随机地震反应与抗震可靠性精细化分析。  相似文献   
A parameterized stochastic model of near‐fault ground motion in two orthogonal horizontal directions is developed. The major characteristics of recorded near‐fault ground motions are represented. These include near‐fault effects of directivity and fling step; temporal and spectral non‐stationarity; intensity, duration, and frequency content characteristics; directionality of components; and the natural variability of ground motions. Not all near‐fault ground motions contain a forward directivity pulse, even when the conditions for such a pulse are favorable. The proposed model accounts for both pulse‐like and non‐pulse‐like cases. The model is fitted to recorded near‐fault ground motions by matching important characteristics, thus generating an ‘observed’ set of model parameters for different earthquake source and site characteristics. A method to generate and post‐process synthetic motions for specified model parameters is also presented. Synthetic ground motion time series are generated using fitted parameter values. They are compared with corresponding recorded motions to validate the proposed model and simulation procedure. The use of synthetic motions in addition to or in place of recorded motions is desirable in performance‐based earthquake engineering applications, particularly when recorded motions are scarce or when they are unavailable for a specified design scenario. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
近断层地震动作用下土质边坡动力响应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据汶川地震中滑坡多沿断层分布的特点,利用FLAC有限差分软件建立了一个土质边坡动力数值分析模型,分别研究了具有向前方向性效应、滑冲效应和无速度脉冲的近断层地震动作用下边坡的动力响应.结果表明:含速度脉冲地震动对边坡的破坏作用远强于无速度脉冲地震动,且具有滑冲效应的地震动引起的边坡动力响应稍大于向前方向性效应地震动.近断层地震作用下,边坡水平方向绝对峰值加速度分布存在沿高程放大效应.具有向前方向性效应的地震动会增强边坡加速度的高程放大效应而具有滑冲效应的地震动则在一定程度上削弱了这种放大效应,且边坡中下部绝对峰值加速度值相对于向前方向性效应地震动和无速度脉冲地震动引起的绝对峰值加速度值较大.  相似文献   
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