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The Bahía Blanca Estuary (38° 50′ S, and 62° 30′ W) presents salt marshes where interactions between the local flora (Sarcocornia perennis) and fauna (Chasmagnathus granulatus) generate some kind of salt pans that alter the normal water circulation and condition its flow and course towards tidal creeks. The crab–vegetation dynamics in the salt marsh presents variations that cannot be quantified in a reasonable period of time. The interaction between S. perennis plant and C. granulatus crab is based on simple laws, but its result is a complex biological mechanism that causes an erosive process on the salt marsh and favors the formation of tidal creeks. To study it, a Cellular Automata model is proposed, based on the laws deduced from the observation of these phenomena in the field, and then verified with measurable data within macroscale time units. Therefore, the objective of this article is to model how the interaction between C. granulatus and S. perennis modifies the landscape of the salt marsh and influences the path of tidal creeks. The model copies the basic laws that rule the problem based on purely biological factors.The Cellular Automata model proved capable of reproducing the effects of the interaction between plants and crabs in the salt marsh. A study of the water drainage of the basins showed that this interaction does indeed modify the development of tidal creeks. Model dynamics would likewise follow different laws, which would provide a different formula for the probability of patch dilation. The patch shape can be obtained changing the pattern that dilates.  相似文献   
融冰季节北极破碎冰区热通量的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用航空遥感数字影像的解析结果和实测气象,海洋和海冰资料,定量研究了夏季融冰期北极破碎冰区的热通量,计算了海洋对大气的热贡献,结果表明,在北极夏季海冰融化时,短波辐射远远大于感热和潜热通量,是表面热通量的决定因素,海洋对大气的热贡献主要由长波辐射决定,在观测期间,海洋对大气的热贡献为38~104Wm^-2,这部分热量的大小与海冰的密集度有关,当海冰密集度小于0.8时,海洋对大气的热贡献随海冰密度度的增大而减小,而当海冰密集度超过0.8以后,该热通量将随海冰密集度的增大而增大。  相似文献   
GPS RTK点与城市导线精度匹配探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紧密结合现行的城市测量规范,分析了城市导线精度,从常规测角与量边概念探讨了GPS RTK点与城市导线匹配问题,并对全站仪检测RTK点位精度的观测数据,运用统计方法,分析了这个问题,进而讨论了当RTK点提供城市导线测量起算数据时,RTK点距离应满足的要求,为RTK在城市导线作业提供参考。  相似文献   
基于圆特征的地图要素自动综合算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了目前地图综合的地位、作用和发展情况,介绍了“优胜劣汰”思想,分析对比出自然界“优胜劣汰”基本思想和地图制图综合在某些方面存在共同的相似之处,从而尝试把它运用到地图制图综合中来,并结合Circle技术及其基本特点,提出了基于Circle原理和“优胜劣汰”思想的地图综合新算法,在地图综合的选取、化简、合并等方面得到了较好的应用,相应的例子在文中详细地进行了列举。  相似文献   
以天津新港三维城市建模为例,介绍了基于二维数据、DEM和3D模型等多源数据的三维城市建模的方法和关键技术。为有效利用现有数据资源快速、准确建立三维城市模型提供了一种经济、灵活、省时、高效的方法。  相似文献   
A comprehensive numerical study on the three-dimensional structure of a turbulent jet in crossflow is performed. The jet-to-crossflow velocity ratio (R) varies in the range of 2 - 16; both vertical jets and inclined jets without excess streamwise momentum are considered. The numerical results of the Standard two-equation k-ε model show that the turbulent structure can be broadly categorised according to the jet-to-crossflow velocity ratio. For strong to moderate jet discharges, i.e. R> 4, the jet is characterized by a longitudinal transition through a bent-over phase during which the jet becomes almost parallel with the main freestream, to a sectional vortex-pair flow with double concentration maxima; the computed flow details and scalar mixing characteristics can be described by self-similar relations beyond a dimensionless distance of around 20-60. The similarity coefficients are only weakly dependent on R. The cross-section scalar field is kidney-shaped and bifurcated, vvith distinct double concentr  相似文献   
南黄海表层沉积物中氮的区域地球化学特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过分级浸取分离的方法获得了南黄海表层沉积物不同形态的氮,首次探讨其分布的区域性特征:南黄海表层沉积物中各形态氮在不同测线上均呈现出波状分布。B测线的基本上呈现出中部海域高,两边海域低,而西部海域又略高于东部海域的趋势,D和E测线的基本上呈现出西高、东低的趋势,C测线的则呈现出西低、东高的趋势,F测线的变化趋势比较平缓,从整体上看,SOEF—N和TN的分布呈现出西部海区比东部海区低的趋势。受各测线上沉积物种类差异的影响,自北向南各形态氮的变化幅度逐渐减小,其中SOEF-N在各测线上的变化幅度最大,且自北向南降幅最大。受水动力及沉积物粒度的影响,不同形态氮在黄海槽内各站位沉积物中的含量较高。沉积物中各形态氮在不同测线上的分布还表明,陆源输入对南黄海沉积物中氮测线分布有较小的影响,海洋自生氮对南黄海表层沉积物中氮的形态、含量与分布具有重要影响。  相似文献   
介绍了用GPS对台站数字化地震仪地理北方向的定位方法。试验表明,定向精度优于2′,完全满足地震仪器定向精度小于6′的要求。  相似文献   
多源大数据融合背景下的城市功能区识别是复杂非线性系统的模式识别问题,如何有效地从大规模的轨迹数据中提取出多粒度连续性时变和多尺度空间相互作用的信息是进行城市区域功能识别的关键。本研究设计实现了一种基于时序动态图嵌入的深度学习模型,在融合滴滴出行及兴趣点数据(Point of Interest, POI)基础上,提取城市区域存在的时间和空间上的隐式特征,结合聚类分析实现城市用地功能的语义识别。结果表明,成都市中心的用地功能趋向复合多样化的发展,且用地属性随时间发生作用范围和用地类型的变化,呈现出功能随着城市群体活动而变化的时空规律。与相关文献的对比实验表明,本文提出方法在更细粒度的时间段下进行功能区识别,得到的同一类功能区域内集聚度更高,能够更好的捕获复合型区域在不同时间模式下呈现出的用地功能变化。本研究为城市用地功能识别研究提供了新的技术方法,为城市规划研究人员全面理解城区结构属性提供了有效手段,对推动城市空间得到更合理高效的利用具有一定的价值。  相似文献   
本文通过对激光点云与光学影像联合测图所涵盖的关键技术进展进行分析,重点指出目前激光扫描仪进行测绘生产所面临的主要挑战。结合激光扫描技术与光学影像融合后的数据特点与实际行业生产需求,简要探讨了未来激光测图技术发展的趋势及新产品体系构建设想,以期对激光扫描软硬件系统在相关行业应用推广中具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   
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