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Voronoi tessellation, and its dual the Delaunay triangulation, provide a cohesive framework for the study and interpretation of phenomena of geographical space in two and three dimensions. The planar and spherical solutions introduce errors in the positional accuracy of both Voronoi vertices and Voronoi edges due to errors in distance computations and the path connecting two locations with planar lines or great circle arcs instead of geodesics. For most geospatial applications the introduction of the above errors is insignificant or tolerable. However, for applications where the accuracy is of utmost importance, the ellipsoidal model of the Earth must be used. Characteristically, the introduction of any positional error in the delimitation of maritime zones and boundaries results in increased maritime space for one state at the expense of another. This is a situation that may, among others, have a serious impact on the financial activities and the relations of the states concerned. In the context of previous work on maritime delimitation we show that the Voronoi diagram constitutes the ideal solution for the development of an automated methodology addressing the problem in its entirety. Due to lack of a vector methodology for the generation of Voronoi diagram on the ellipsoid, the aforementioned solution was constrained by the accuracy of existing approaches. In order to fill this gap, in this paper we deal with the inherent attributes of the ellipsoidal model of the Earth, e.g. the fact that geodesics are open lines, and we elaborate on a methodology for the generation of the Voronoi diagram on the ellipsoid for a set of points in vector format. The resulting Voronoi diagram consists of vertices with positional accuracy that is only bounded by the user needs and edges that are comprised of geodesics densified with vertices equidistant to their generators. Finally, we present the implementation of the proposed algorithm in the Python programming language and the results of two case studies, one on the formation of closest service areas and one on maritime boundaries delimitation, with the positional accuracy set to 1 cm.  相似文献   
陈卓  金凤君  王姣娥 《地理科学》2019,39(6):929-937
利用高速公路收费站数据分析东北大都市区的空间边界与中心-外围结构特征。研究发现,中心城市高速公路流随距离的分布符合距离衰减规律,随规模位序的累积分布符合“二八定律”,但在具体的指标阈值上却表现出显著差异。四大都市区在空间上相连,以较小的国土面积承载了区域主要的社会经济活动。沈阳都市区和大连都市区在城镇关联体系中已实现融合;沈阳都市区、长春都市区、哈尔滨都市区间的空间联系则相对松散。高速公路流空间下,各大都市区中心-外围空间结构表现出空间圈层、功能廊道和边界切割的典型特征。  相似文献   
入海河口河海分界的若干思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河口是河海之间从陆地因素为主向海洋因素为主转化的过渡地区.关于入海河口的河海分界问题,国际上已有法律先例.在法律方面,相关部门对有关法律、法规的理解不同,对河海界限存在不同认识.在自然科学方面,存在着不同的专业强调不同的划界方法的问题;在管理方面,存在着根据各自认为的管理权限提出的河海界限问题.世界各国的海洋管理实践证明,河口属于海岸带综合管理的重要区域.研究河海划分的科学问题,目的是为了管理,但管理不仅依赖于自然科学,同样也依赖于社会科学.河口属于"国家所有",无论哪个政府部门都是代表国家行使管理权利.不管哪个部门,在河口区管理过程中,都必须根据有关法律法规,从严管理,为可持续发展服务.河口管理应该有利于生态系统的维护和保全,坚持以生态系统为基础的管理.  相似文献   
介绍了土地勘测定界系统的功能设计,阐述了成果制作过程,实现了与建设用地报批、土地变更、土地市场交易等的无缝衔接。  相似文献   
针对海洋划界等距离线/中间线方法中双方距离比例不为1∶1时的海洋划界存在的不足,探讨了基于欧氏平面的距离等比例线法及其后续研究存在的精度无法满足海洋划界的实际应用需求的问题,提出了基于地球椭球体解算距离等比例线的高精度缓冲区边界相向逼近求交算法,并阐述了该算法的基本原理和实现步骤,最后结合海洋划界实例,对该算法的有效性进行了验证。  相似文献   
采煤对地下含水层的影响研究--以河南焦作矿区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛磊  陈立  江胜国  贾超 《地下水》2014,(1):45-47
大规模煤炭开采导致了地下水环境演化轨迹严重偏离天然状态的演化方向,引发了诸如地下水位下降、降落漏斗形成和扩展、水质恶化等一系列的地下水环境问题,并反作用于矿区的经济发展和居民的生产生活,使矿区陷于生态环境恶化、经济发展迟缓的境地。究其根本原因,就在于大规模煤炭开采造成了矿区含水层结构变异,进而导致了区域含水介质发生非均质性变化,最终影响了地下水循环演化态势。因此,开展含水层变异研究,揭示采煤对区域地下水环境演化的影响,显得尤其重要。以焦作矿区为例,通过野外调查、资料收集等工作,研究了采煤前后含水层环境的变化,阐明了采煤活动对地下含水层的影响。  相似文献   
等间距法和均值标准差法界定城市热岛的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ASTER数据反演地表温度,采用等间距法和均值-标准差法,将研究区温度场分别划分为4级、5级、6级,并根据热岛区的界定进一步将4级、6级细分为4级(a)、4级(b)、6级(a)和6级(b).在此基础上,对两种方法从城市热岛数量结构差异、热岛空间分布及细节表达等方面进行了系统对比分析.结果表明:两种方法所界定热岛的面积百分比随着分级数不同均出现跳跃现象,趋势基本一致.但就热岛强度而言,均值-标准差法对分级数的敏感性较等间距法小,在热岛的空间分布和温度变异的细节表现力等方面,均值-标准差法也优于等间距分级法.因此,综合来看,均值-标准差法是城市热岛界定的较适合方法.均值-标准差法以地表温度相对于平均温度的变异程度为依据进行热场划分,在多时相城市热岛演变、对比等研究中,一定程度上可以避开时相的差异.  相似文献   
自然图形间的中间线和比例线方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
胡海  杨传勇  胡鹏 《海洋测绘》2009,29(5):15-18
依据国际海洋法公约对海洋划界的"中间"线要求和定义,剖析了中间线(中轴)和比例线法的原理,相应剖析并讨论了中间线法缺点所在,指出严密实现地球椭球面上自然图形比例线方法是海上划界技术的新的趋势,介绍了地图代数在中间线法、比例线法上的基础性工作。  相似文献   
山体保护对集"山-泉-湖-河-城"为一体的济南市在泉水保护、水源涵养、空气净化、生态环境改善方面具有重要意义。但随着城市建设的不断加快,山体被侵占、景观遭到破坏等问题日益突出。本文在野外调查的基础上,结合《济南市山体保护办法》,提出山体保护线划定的山体完整性、生态景观保护、地质灾害防治、建筑物退让等原则。采用野外调查测量与遥感影像解译相结合的手段确定山脚线,初步划定山体保护区范围,与规划、管理信息对接核定、调整确定最终的山体保护红线。以济南中心城市建设区外山体为研究对象,应用山体保护线划定方法,划定了济南市260座山体的保护控制线,建立了济南市山体保护数据库,通过实地勘测定界,埋设了山体保护界桩,明确了山体保护范围,为《山体保护规划(2018—2025)》提供参考,为济南市山体保护工作奠定基础。  相似文献   
In metropolitan regions, the change in the strength of"flows" between a core city and surrounding cities reflects the range of the core city's influence, while the gravity between core city and other cities reflects the strength of potential relation between them. This article firstly attempts to delimit the boundary of metropolitan regions with the two dimensions measure combining "flows" and gravitation. The former is measured through the flow of people between the core city and surrounding cities, and the latter is measured through both population and gross domestic products (GDP) of the core city and surrounding cities. The hierarchy of the cities within a metropolitan region is classified in order to emphasize the roles of the cities belonging to the metropolitan regions, different from the general way through population scale and administrative level, and is typical in China. This paper uses the Shanghai metropolitan region as a research case, determining boundary of this metropolitan region clearly and classifying hierarchy of the cities within the region. The final results are significantly different to previous work, even overthrowing the traditional system of urban hierarchy partly. It is helpful to highlight the function of cities in organizing the regional economy, the level structure of metropolitan regions, and each city's relative importance in a metropolitan region, which can be taken as scientific basis for planning integrated regions or urban systems.  相似文献   
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