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吴凯  袁洪林  吕楠  张丽鹏 《岩石学报》2020,36(1):141-153
蛇纹石是大洋岩石圈和俯冲带内水和流体活动性元素最重要的载体之一。研究蛇纹石化和蛇纹岩变质脱水过程中流体活动性元素的行为是认识俯冲带元素地球化学循环的关键。蛇纹岩是指主要由蛇纹石类矿物构成的岩石,包括利蛇纹石、纤蛇纹石和叶蛇纹石。蛇纹石化过程中会造成流体活动性元素(B、Li、As、Sb、Pb、Cs、U、Sr和Ba等)的显著富集,并且由于原岩性质、流体成分和氧逸度等条件的不同,大洋岩石圈蛇纹岩和弧前蛇纹岩的特征也略有不同。例如,弧前蛇纹岩具有相对高的As、Sb、B和相对低的U,这反映了俯冲沉积物来源流体的贡献。在俯冲带蛇纹岩的变质脱水过程中,利蛇纹石向叶蛇纹石的转变伴随着矿物内超过50%F和Cl的释放,以及一些流体活动性元素(如B和Li)的迁出;此外,蛇纹石分解形成的变质橄榄石中的流体包裹体指示,蛇纹石脱水分解所产生的流体具有高于原始地幔几个数量级的Cl、Cs、Pb、As、Sb、Ba、Rb、B、Sr、Li和U含量。由于利蛇纹石中的Fe~(3+)含量较叶蛇纹石高,这种矿物相转变过程中也伴随着俯冲通道内的一系列氧化还原过程,从而影响流体性质和新形成的叶蛇纹石的成分。蛇纹岩与岛弧岩浆在流体活动性元素富集规律上的相似性说明蛇纹岩在俯冲带元素循环中扮演着重要的角色。此外,蛇纹石矿物相转变过程中F、Cl、B等元素的释放,可能对于斑岩型金矿、蛇绿岩中的金矿和某些蛇纹岩作为赋矿围岩的硼矿的形成起到重要的作用。  相似文献   
黑龙江省嫩江县永新金矿是近几年在嫩江—黑河构造混杂岩地区新发现的大型断裂带蚀变岩型金矿床,矿石矿物主要为碲金矿、碲金银矿、自然金,有少量的硫化物及氧化物。通过钾长石化带、绢云母化带及硅化带厚度与矿体厚度的线性关系分析得出,本区钾长石化带厚度、硅化带厚度与矿体厚度呈正相关关系,绢云母化带厚度与矿体厚度呈负相关关系。蚀变带厚度及矿体厚度水平面投影结果表明,矿区内热液蚀变在水平方向上具有明显的分带现象,自矿区东南到西北呈“阶梯状”分布,且绢云母化带厚度高值区、钾长石化带厚度高值区及硅化带厚度高值区在各阶梯中具有一定的对应关系。据以上分析,永新金矿成矿流体来自北西方向,矿体总体向北西延伸,暗示矿区西北深部具有较好的找矿前景。  相似文献   
New palaeotemperature reconstructions have been obtained on the basis of oxygen isotopic analysis of 178 aragonitic shell samples taken from specimens of three ammonoid orders (and some corresponding families): Phylloceratida (Phylloceratidae), Lytoceratida (Tetragonitidae) and Ammonitida (Oppeliidae, Desmoceratidae, Silesitidae, Cleoniceratidae and Douvilleiceratidae). Those obtained from aragonite shells, secreted in the lower epipelagic and in the middle mesopelagic zones during coolest season (winter), range from 15.4 to 16.8 °C, and from 11.8 to 12.0 °C, respectively. Presumed spring/autumn palaeotemperatures obtained from aragonite shells, secreted apparently in the upper and lower epipelagic, upper and middle mesopelagic zones, are somewhat higher. Presumed summer palaeotemperatures, calculated apparently for the upper and lower epipelagic, and upper mesopelagic zones range from 19.4 to 21.7 °C, from 17.7 to 19.4 °C, and from 14.4 to 16.1 °C, respectively. The predominant part of investigated ammonoids from Madagascar inhabited the epipelagic zone, but some phylloceratid, tetragonitid and silesitid ammonoids preferred deeper, cooler conditions (upper-middle mesopelagic zone). The study supports the hypothesis that Madagascar was located in middle latitudes within the tropical-subtropical climatic zone during the early Albian. Available carbon and strontium isotope data allow us to assume a more or less expressed carbon and strontium isotope stratification of the water column in this region in the early Albian. On the basis of the stable isotope data, following partly Lukeneder (2015), two large ethological groups can be recognised mainly in mid-aged and adult ammonoids. Some ammonoids (group 1) preferred apparently mesopelagic conditions, and to a lesser degree the epipelagic zone, being mainly cool-requiring animals. However, a significant part of the isotopically investigated ammonoids (group 2) preferred, on the contrary, only epipelagic conditions, being mainly thermophilic dwellers.  相似文献   
张晋瑞  初航  魏春景  王康 《岩石学报》2014,30(7):1935-1947
内蒙古中部构造混杂带中的变质基性岩可分为南、北两带:南带位于乌兰沟-图林凯地区,被划分至温都尔庙群下部的桑达来因组,主要为一套变质玄武岩和辉长岩、辉绿岩,局部含有超基性岩和碳酸岩透镜体,其中变质基性火山岩以绿片岩相变质为主,局部保留枕状构造或发育蓝片岩,已有的锆石U-Pb年代学数据表明南带变质基性火山岩形成于晚古生代到早中生代;北带位于芒和特-二道井-红格尔一线,主要呈岩块状保存在由绢云绿泥石英片岩、硅质岩、含铁石英岩和少量的大理岩组成的基质中,岩石类型包括蓝片岩、冻蓝闪石片岩、阳起片岩、绿帘角闪片岩等。地球化学研究显示南、北两带的变质基性岩相对低Al(Al2O3=10.66%~14.97%)、低Ti(TiO2=1.27%~1.96%)、高Na(Na2O=1.02%~4.20%)、贫K(K2O=0.02%~0.71%),具有拉斑玄武岩到碱性玄武岩系列的过渡特征,高的Na2O/K2O比值(6.89~454)暗示这些基性岩在变质作用前发生了细碧角斑岩化。不活动元素Zr与其他高场强元素(HSFE;Th、Nb、Hf、Ti)和稀土元素(REE)显示良好的线性关系,表明在变质过程中,高场强元素和稀土元素基本保持稳定,可以反映原岩的性质。根据稀土、微量元素配分型式和相关比值可以将内蒙中部构造混杂带中的变质基性岩分为两类:一类稀土含量相对较低(∑REE=46.00×10-6~78.08×10-6)、轻重稀土分异不明显((La/Yb)N=0.50~1.04),无明显Eu负异常,Hf/Ta=6.82~15.18,具有正常的大洋中脊玄武岩(NMORB)特征;另一类稀土含量相对较高(∑REE=58.66×10-6~151.3×10-6)、轻重稀土分异明显((La/Yb)N=2.28~4.68),无明显Eu负异常,Hf/Ta=2.06~4.70,与富集型洋中脊玄武岩(E-MORB)相似。部分变质基性岩样品轻微富集大离子亲石元素Rb和Ba,可能暗示原岩在就位过程中遭受了微弱的陆壳混染。以上地球化学特征表明这些变质基性岩的原岩可能形成于一个扩张规模有限的陆内洋盆环境。已有的古生物地理学研究表明古亚洲洋闭合后,到晚古生代早期,内蒙古中部地区成为佳-蒙地块的一部分。石炭纪期间整个内蒙古中部发育稳定的浅海相沉积,局部为造山后隆起环境,发育加里东I型花岗岩和花岗闪长岩。从晚石炭世-早二叠世起,内蒙中部开始处于伸展环境:二连浩特到东乌珠穆沁旗一带发育大量的碱性岩;华北克拉通北缘发育很多高钾钙碱性-碱性的花岗岩;内蒙中部地区广泛发育二叠纪大石寨组双峰式火山岩。到中二叠世开始裂解形成若干近东西向分布的海盆,发育哲斯组、林西组浅海相、泻湖相沉积。持续的伸展形成了有限洋盆,发育以温都尔庙群为代表的含铁硅质岩以及晚古生代-早中生代基性岩。由于早中三叠世华北板块与扬子板块全面碰撞和陆内造山过程的影响,有限洋盆最终在早中生代之后发生被动闭合,形成南、北构造混杂带,并导致该基性岩乃至整个内蒙中部的晚古生代沉积发生广泛绿片岩相变质作用,而局部蓝片岩的形成可能与有限洋盆的俯冲作用有关。  相似文献   
西藏聂拉木高喜马拉雅结晶岩系在区域上以单一的叶理和单一的拉伸线理占主要地位,其变形带的组构主要反映了透入性的伸展变形;根据显微构造分析表明早期由北往南推覆,晚期由南向北伸展,且晚期表现非常明显。  相似文献   
海洋可以被分成若干特征各异的、运动着的海水团,各种海洋现象就源于海水团的运动和相互作用。分隔不同海水团的前锋面上的混合作用是促使成矿组分发生沉淀富集的地球化学障。在海水团前锋混合带上,成矿组分在沉积物中产生同生富集,结果生成沉积矿床或矿源层。这是一种在时间上广泛发生但又尚未被人们所认识的崭新机制。  相似文献   
赣东加里东变质混合岩带 ,是以混合岩体为主体 ,受韧性剪切带控制的多相、多型、递增变质带 ,是受区域深构造控制的热变质带。该带产有茅排式金矿。通过对该带金地球化学特征和地球化学行为研究 ,认为带中金丰度 0 .83× 10 - 9,呈峰式分布 ,为对数及双对数正态分布型式 ,Au与主元素成分无关 ,与微量元素组合是Au -Zn -Li-Pb -Cs ,在韧性剪切过程中Au具活化迁移富集特点  相似文献   
斜坡非饱和带低渗透岩石结构体风化前锋扩展过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐则民 《地学前缘》2008,15(4):258-268
非饱和带低渗透岩石结构体风化前锋扩展是斜坡灾害孕育过程中的关键环节之一。到目前为止,化学风化领域的研究成果主要集中在高水-岩比的饱和环境下单矿物及矿物成分单一的碳酸盐岩的风化动力学方面,非饱和环境下的岩石风化研究还主要限于风化产物的特性描述方面。斜坡非饱和带低渗透岩石结构体风化前锋扩展是一种高度复杂的THMC过程。由于在溶解对象、溶解液及溶解过程的水动力-水化学环境等方面存在的显著差异,既有的地质材料风化动力学成果为探索这一复杂过程提供了理论储备,但还不能阐明其核心机理。斜坡非饱和带低渗透岩石结构体风化前锋的扩展过程研究不仅可以加深人们对斜坡灾害孕育的理解,为灾害预报-预警及其控制提供理论依据,同时可以促进岩石-岩体力学及浅表生水文地球化学等相关学科的交叉与发展。  相似文献   
In this paper, cataclastic shear zones along the northern margin of the Mino Belt, central Japan are described, and the significance of the shearing in the tectonic evolution of SW Japan is examined. The Mino Belt in SW Japan is composed of accretionary complexes of Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age. Field investigation revealed that remarkable cataclastic shear zones trending east to northeast run along the northern margin of the Mino Belt. Closely spaced cleavage is developed in these shear zones. Lineation on the cleavage plunges at shallow to moderate angles. Deformation structures (e.g. composite planar fabric and asymmetric structure of clasts) in the sheared rocks clearly indicate a sinistral sense of shear. The shearing ceased by latest Cretaceous time, because the sheared rocks are overlain by unsheared Upper Cretaceous volcanic rocks. The sinistral shearing may be closely related to Cretaceous sinistral movement along the eastern margin of Asia. Sinistral shearing along the northern margin of the Mino Belt can be considered as a key for re-examining the tectonic development of SW Japan.  相似文献   
Terrane sutures in the Maine Appalachians and adjacent areas are recognized as melange dominated, deformed accretionary prisms of Ordovician age, and as a broad synmetamorphic transcurrent fault zone of probable Late Silurian-Early Devonian age. Although the accretionary prisms are associated with present day aeromagnetic and Bouguer gravity anomalies, they are probably not associated with present day crustal penetrating boundaries. The geology of the accretionary prisms indicates subduction-obduction dominated regimes during which (1) the Gander and Boundary Mountain (Dunnage) terranes amalgamated and (2) the composite Boundary Mountain-Gander terrane accreted to the Laurentian margin. The Penobscottian orogeny produced and deformed the older of the two accretionary prisms. This accretionary prism indicates that the Penobscottian was a continuous or perhaps diachronous event which spanned the late Cambrian to early Late Ordovician. The younger accretionary prism was produced and deformed during the Taconian orogeny during late Middle to early Late Ordovician. Initial deformation of this accretionary prism may have overlapped the waning stages of the Penobscottian. Portions of the Taconian arc locally overlie the Penobscottian accretionary prism. A synmetamorphic fault zone lies within Precambrian(?) to Ordovician(?) bimodal metavolcanic and metapelitic rocks assigned here to the Avalon terrane. This zone is several kilometres wide and is interpreted to be the postsubduction suture between the Avalon and Gander terranes, and may, in part, represent a fossil transform fault system. The fault zone contains phyllonites as well as shear zones which generally record dextral motion. The phyllonites were previously interpreted as a stratigraphic unit, whereas the shear zones span or are contained within mappable compositional units. Formation of and movement along these phyllonites and shear zones ceased before the intrusion of Early Devonian plutons. Not all faults in south-western Maine are related to the suture. Younger dip and/or strike-slip and thrust faults are approximately parallel to, or may lie within, the older shear zones and they complicate the recognition of the older faults.  相似文献   
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