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城乡关系是以流为载体的社会大系统中的两个子系统之间的相互关系,反映了城市与乡村区域的动态演变过程,是影响区域发展的重要因子;城乡关联是城市与乡村地域相互作用的表现形式,对区域发展具有制约性影响,探讨城乡关联度对促进区域一体化与区域协调发展具有重要战略意义。在现状分析的基础上,用主成分分析法分析了武汉城市圈城乡关联度,从产业转移与产业链构建、现代农业发展、区域公共服务体系、基础设施一体化等方面提出了促进武汉城市圈城乡关联与协调发展的主要对策。  相似文献   
Sediments are the particulate matter that are transported by the flow of water and eventually get deposited at the bottom of water bodies, such as oceans, rivers, lagoons, and so forth. The deposition of these materials due to continued intervention of natural as well as anthropogenic activities is a serious concern as the storage capacity (or health) of the system is reduced or otherwise affected. Keeping in view the emerging challenges associated with proper disposal and subsequent utilization of sediments, as a manmade resource, their extraction from such locations becomes necessary. Hence, it is essential to characterize the sediments in order to devise strategies to exploit them as a manmade resource in the best possible manner. With this in view, this article highlights the importance of different attributes and aspects of the sediments (viz., physical, chemical, morphological, geotechnical, toxicological, and microbial characteristics) deposited in the water bodies that will help in assessing their potential as a substitute material to natural resources.  相似文献   
数字地质填图研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
数字地质填图是指区域地质调查数据的野外获取及其成果的数字化统一性再现.当前数字地质填图现状和发展趋势已基本上实现了数字填图系统的采集、存储、管理、描述、分析和再现地质实体在地球表面空间分布有关的数据信息.在计算机辅助下, 通过野外观测路线的调查, 对地质、地理、地球物理、地球化学和遥感等多源地学数据进行综合分析和地质制图.在掌上机WindowsCE平台上, 实现了数字填图所需的基本GIS基本功能(GPS定位路线采集、素描), 实现了遥感系统与数字填图系统的一体化整合.   相似文献   
赵建 《中国岩溶》2003,22(4):324-331
山东广大的石灰岩山地、丘陵区蕴藏着丰富的喀斯特景观旅游资源,其主要形态类型包括: 形态奇特的喀斯特山体、残存的喀斯特剥蚀面、幽深的喀斯特谷地、众多的溶洞、奇异的石灰岩景石(石牙形态)及喀斯特泉群。本文对这些景观形态作了较详细的描述,就其旅游开发利用价值作了评析。文中还对山东喀斯特景观旅游开发的现状及存在的问题作了简要介绍和分析,并针对存在的问题提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
联合国教科文组织创意城市网络“设计之都”神户市在日本率先明确将城市设计运用于创意城市建设,提出涵盖外观形状和颜色设计以及计划与制度体系、意图与思维方式的“大设计”概念,并在此基础上制定了以建设优裕的创意城市为目标的城市发展规划,提出城市发展的方向是建设“高质量生活”,以安全、安心、健康为基础,以多样性交流与融合创造新价值为特征的创意城市.“设计之都”是创意城市建设的步骤之一,其特征是充分利用神户的优势资源,进行空间的设计、经济的设计和文化的设计.  相似文献   
非贯通节理岩体直剪试验研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘远明  夏才初 《岩土力学》2007,28(8):1719-1724
基于典型的直剪试验,国内外学者提出了非贯通节理岩体贯通破坏机理,并建立了相应的强度准则,如Jennings方法,即加权平均强度理论和强度准则、Lajtai岩桥破坏理论和强度准则、断裂力学的II型破坏理论和强度准则,拉剪复合破坏和强度准则。然而,非贯通节理岩体破坏机理目前还没有完全弄清楚,已建立的强度准则所包含的重要参数还需深入研究,如:如节理面的传压系数、传剪系数、弱化了的岩桥内摩擦力和内摩擦角等;非贯通节理岩体节理闭合和剪切的本构关系有待建立;不共面非贯通节理岩体全过程最大抗剪强度需进一步研究。伺服直剪试验机、静态应变测试仪、声发射仪、X射线测量等无损检测技术能够为进一步研究非贯通节理岩体的破坏机理,提出新的理论和建立新的强度准则提供强有力的技术支持。  相似文献   
循环经济——资源合理开发与利用的科学基础   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
樊琦  刘恩举 《地质与资源》2005,14(4):310-313
世界经济的持续增长带来的“资源危机”或“资源安全”问题,促使人们寻求资源集约型经济和循环经济的新理念.本文根据生态学规律,指出按照资源-生产/消费-再生资源的循环经济模式发展经济,是缓解中国资源压力和经济持续发展的基本模式,阐释了循环经济的概念与基本特征,论述了发展循环经济以实现我国资源可持续利用的必要性和可行性,并对我国资源利于如何发展循环经济提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   
焦伟  刘新平  张琳  梁玲霞 《干旱区地理》2018,41(6):1396-1404
60 a来塔里木河流域耕地面积净增100×104 hm2,在流域内部形成众多生态环境安全问题。通过选取水资源生态环境指数、社会生态环境指数和生态环境压力指数,运用ESDA空间分析方法和GWR模型对塔里木河流域35 a间土地开发与生态时空演变特征和空间响应关系进行研究,构建"土地开发-生态风险预警"模型,得出以下结论:1980-2015年克孜勒苏州和喀什地区生态等级正向转移比例较大,有84.86%的比例由较低等级(I)正向转移为低等级(Ⅱ);和田地区的克里雅河流域,阿克苏北部区域以及塔里木河末端且末县等级退化严重,负向转移比例23.46%。和田、阿克苏、喀什地区每增加1.0×104 hm2未利用地开垦规模,综合生态环境分值下降0.60到0.35,而克孜勒苏州则上升1.3~2.1;上游喀什与中游阿克苏两地区每1.0×104 hm2生态退耕,每年将分别化解32.06×104 t和15.60×104 t化肥污染压力。阿克苏地区与巴音郭楞州土地开发生态风险达到环境资源承载力指数的75%以上,预警程度超过Ⅱ级,而克孜勒苏州土地开发处于生态安全范围。每1.0×104 hm2未利用土地开发,全流域风险指数增长均值为0.003 4,下游巴音郭楞州在增加15×104~20×104 hm2耕地后,生态风险将逼近并超过环境预警界限,上游克孜勒苏州将在15 a之后进入中度警告阶段。  相似文献   
东平湖畔涝洼地年仅亩产细苇400—500kg,价值10—20元。采用渔农牧综合开发利用的措施,亩产鱼、粮、猪1000kg。其措施为: 1.改涝洼荒地为台田、鱼池。2.台田种粮食。3.鱼池采用光合细菌微生物技术并产体养殖,多种鱼及蚌、珍珠等。4.产品循环利用。粮食作物的副产品做猪饲料;猪粪做鱼饲料肥料;鱼粪回田做作物的肥料。  相似文献   
From April 1997 to June 1998 Nemurella pictetii populations were regularly sampled in two springstreams at 220 and 850 m a.s.l., respectively, in Hesse (Germany), at approximately 51°N. Random samples of larvae were taken at three week intervals during the vegetation period, and once a month during winter. Sex, instar, body length, head capsule width and wing pad length of all larvae were recorded. Temperatures were recorded every hour, temporal patterns of temperature agreed closely between sites. Mean winter lows were 3.9 °C at both sites, the mean summer high was 11.9 °C at the lower site, as opposed to 9.6 °C at the mountain site.At both sites, adult emergence started in May. At the mountain site, recruitment started in late July and continued into autumn. There was cohort splitting in the young generation. Some individuals grew rapidly until October–November, but last instar larvae first appeared in March the next year. 1600 degree-days above 0 °C were accumulated during complete development. At the lower site, recruitment began in early July, and cohort splitting also occurred. Fast growing summer recruits emerged as adults in late August, having accumulated only 700 degree-days (above 0 °C). Their offspring hatched in November-December and emerged the next spring, having accumulated also only 700 degree-days. However, only part of the population was bivoltine. Many of the summer recruits grew more slowly and accumulated close to 1900 degree days until they emerged the next spring, together with the offspring of their own fast-growing siblings. Dependence of growth rate on temperature could not be estimated and appears to vary with daylength. For example, 3–6 °C support growth and development provided daylength exceeds 10 hrs of light, or is rising.At both sites and in all cohorts individuals emerging earliest were larger than later emerging ones. The size decline is significantly correlated with number of days after the winter solstice. For the first time it is shown that the decline does not occur shortly before adult emergence but actually takes place several instars before the last. Size differences are then carried on, and amplified, during subsequent molts, until adulthood. The literature presently relates seasonal size declines of insects to high or rising temperatures experienced by larvae approaching adulthood. Our data show that, at least in Nemurella, this explanation fails. On average, females were distinctly larger than males. Differences in mean last instar size were noticed also between sites and years. They remain presently unexplained. The mean sex ratio in both populations was close to 1:1.  相似文献   
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