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This research paper analyses the grain-size characteristics of the Quaternary deposits at Xingshan near Siping, Jilin province in China by employing graphic measures to study the grain size distribution and its mode of transport and deposition. The Quaternary deposits at Xingshan lie unconformable on Cretaceous rocks made of siltstone, mudstone and sandstone. The average grain size is between 8.06 to 8.55Φ (0.002 6 ~0.003 7 mm). The Quaternary deposits at Xingshan mainly compose of very fine silt to clay. The compositions of the grade are clay 63% and silt 37%. The clay size components are weathered debris transported and deposited by flowing water from the SE highlands or hills to the low lying NW Xingshan plains whereas the silty components accumulated by aoelian process. The Quaternary deposits at Xingshan accumulated in the middle and late Pleistocene interglacial periods from (459.12~39.03) ka to (88.92~7.56) ka. The standard deviation ranged from 0.96 to 1.36Φ, indicating that the sediments are moderately to poorly sorted, Coefficient of skewness ranged from 0.16~0.31 with an average skewness of 0.218, (Positively skewed towards fine). Kurtosis values (0.84~1.05) from the grain size distribution and visual inspection of the frequency curves indicate platykurtic to mesokurtic curves and unimodal to bimodal grain-size distribution. The type of deposit formation is sand dune and the source is at a distal from its provenance.  相似文献   
The Souss Basin in SW Morocco is filled by Pliocene–Quaternary fluvial, fluvio-lacustrine and aeolian sediments, representing an excellent archive of palaeohydrology, palaeoclimate and the effects of crustal deformation. In general these sediments indicate stream-dominated alluvial systems, influenced by fluctuations in climate (humidity/aridity). Lakes developed within the basin around the Pliocene–Pleistocene transition and persisted into the Early Pleistocene. During this early period, relatively humid conditions are indicated by the dominance of coarse-grained sedimentation in the upper reaches of fluvial systems, the existence of large lakes and the considerable sediment thicknesses in the centre of the basin. Uplift of the surrounding mountain ranges contributed to piedmont formation by providing large amounts of coarse-grained material that accumulated at the lowland margin. Climatic deterioration in the Middle Pleistocene was accompanied by progressively more irregular and disrupted fluvial regimes. These trends were evident in the Late Pleistocene and became clearer after the mid-Holocene, with aeolian activity becoming the dominant sedimentary agent. Differences between upstream and downstream depositional regimes became marked: while coarse-grained sedimentation has characterized the upper reaches of wadi catchments, fine-grained sedimentation has prevailed downstream. Hiatuses in sedimentation throughout the Pliocene and Quaternary are marked by palaeosol horizons interbedded within the sedimentary sequences, indicating alternate vegetated (stable) and unvegetated (unstable/active) phases (biostasy and ‘rhexistasy’).  相似文献   
We correlate Upper Pleistocene glacial and fluvial deposits of the Cinca and Gállego River valleys (south central Pyrenees and Ebro basin, Spain) using geomorphic position, luminescence dates, and time-related trends in soil development. The ages obtained from glacial deposits indicate glacial periods at 85 ± 5 ka, 64 ± 11 ka, and 36 ± 3 ka (from glacial till) and 20 ± 3 ka (from loess). The fluvial drainage system, fed by glaciers in the headwaters, developed extensive terrace systems in the Cinca River valley at 178 ± 21 ka, 97 ± 16 ka, 61 ± 4 ka, 47 ± 4 ka, and 11 ± 1 ka, and in the Gállego River valley at 151 ± 11 ka, 68 ± 7 ka, and 45 ± 3 ka. The times of maximum geomorphic activity related to cold phases coincide with Late Pleistocene marine isotope stages and Heinrich events. The maximum extent of glaciers during the last glacial occurred at 64 ± 11 ka, and the terraces correlated with this glacial phase are the most extensive in both the Cinca (61 ± 4 ka) and Gállego (68 ± 7 ka) valleys, indicating a strong increase in fluvial discharge and availability of sediments related to the transition to deglaciation. The global Last Glacial Maximum is scarcely represented in the south central Pyrenees owing to dominantly dry conditions at that time. Precipitation must be controlled by the position of the Iberian Peninsula with respect to the North Atlantic atmospheric circulation system. The glacial systems and the associated fluvial dynamic seem sensitive to 1) global climate changes controlled by insolation, 2) North Atlantic thermohaline circulation influenced by freshwater pulses into the North Atlantic, and 3) anomalies in atmospheric circulation in the North Atlantic controlling precipitation on the Iberian Peninsula. Our scenario of glacial and fluvial evolution during the Late Pleistocene in northern Spain could be extrapolated to other glaciated mountainous areas in southern Europe.  相似文献   
沉积岩型层状铜矿床(SSC型)的成因争论聚焦在成矿作用主要集中在沉积成岩期并可能叠加有后期成矿作用,还是形成于成岩后盆地闭合过程和造山作用有关.产于扬子板块西缘的东川式铜矿是中国SSC型矿床的典型代表,这些矿床赋存在晚古元古界东川群岩石中,主要呈层状矿体产出,但也存在少量脉状矿体.文章选择东川铜矿田内因民、汤丹和滥泥坪...  相似文献   
岳素伟  邓小华 《地学前缘》2019,26(5):106-128
鄂西北地区指湖北省武当山及其西北部等地,位于青峰断裂北侧,是秦岭成矿带的重要组成部分,以产银、金等多金属而闻名,蕴含了银洞沟、许家坡、佘家院、六斗等大中型银金(铅锌)或金(锑)矿床。根据区内矿床分布特征及控制因素,以十堰—鲍峡断裂为界将其划分为北带与南带。北带多以金、金锑矿床为主,沿郧阳—郧西断裂两侧分布,矿床多产在上覆陡山沱组地层和古生界地层中;南带主要有银洞沟银金矿床、许家坡金银矿床,矿床集中产于新元古界武当山群。区内矿床均受NW向韧性韧脆性剪切带及其次级断裂控制。碳氢氧同位素组成显示区内银金、金矿床成矿流体以变质热液为主,后期混入了大气降水,而金锑矿床可能为大气降水主导。硫同位素组成显示成矿流体的区域活动性和地层硫源特征。根据成矿元素的富集特征,下伏武当山群Cu、Pb、Zn、Au、Ag元素富集,在上覆陡山沱组、灯影组及古生界地层中依次出现Ag-Au、Au-Ag、Au、Au-Sb矿床,而在研究区西部的陕西境内泥盆纪地层有大量的Au-Sb、Hg-Sb矿。区内成矿元素的垂向分布特征符合地壳连续模式,矿床形成与地层本身具有较高丰度有密切联系,并在构造控制下就位。结合矿床地质、成矿流体及成矿时代,认为鄂西北地区银金、金、金锑矿床是形成于三叠纪古特提斯洋缝合过程中洋陆增生体制下的造山型矿床。  相似文献   
易门式大型铜矿床构造成矿动力学模型   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
针对金属矿床隐伏矿定位预测的关键问题,在提出构造成矿动力学的分支学术方向的基础上,以易门式大型铜矿床为例,从成矿地质背景、矿田构造、构造地球化学和成矿构造应力场等方面进行构造成矿动力学研究,阐述在构造应力场控制下成矿流体运移和聚集的规律。构造地球化学研究认为,构造地球化学异常反映矿体的原生晕;构造地球化学异常受构造控制,其分带特征可指示成矿流体的流向,并提供矿床成因和隐伏矿(化)体相对埋深的信息。构造应力场的控矿特征主要表现在:构造应力场导致控矿构造的形成,并驱动成矿流体的运移;构造应力场控制了成矿能量场;应力和能量的高值集中区分布特点可反映某些构造型式。在此基础上建立构造成矿动力学模型,概括隐伏矿成矿预测准则,据此提出若干重点找矿靶区和靶位,其中部分靶区得到工程验证,表明构造成矿动力学方法对隐伏矿定位预测和评价具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
本文用动力成矿观点对小秦岭金矿田富矿体的形成提出了新的解释,对本区的动力成矿特点作了较详细的说明。文中联系到地壳演化的不同阶段对金矿的富化过程进行了较深入的讨论,并提出了新的成矿系列。笔者以基础地质、大地构造和同位素年龄资料为依据对小秦岭金矿田含金石英脉的成因提出了与前人不同的新观点,认为它是晋宁晚期岩浆期后热液矿床。  相似文献   
作者的研究表明,在非本征激发区,矿物热电系数随着活化温度的增高而增大;在本征激发区,随活化温度的增高而减小。矿物晶体中所含杂质的种类和含量多少决定矿物的导电类型。矿物热电系数可广泛应用于地质找矿和矿床评价中,以黄铁矿为例,在同一水平面上的含金矿脉,矿脉中黄铁矿热电系数正值高时,其矿石含金量也高。应用黄铁矿热电系数的正高值、混合型和负值可确定矿体和矿体的剥蚀深度。  相似文献   
文章通过对西虎岭黄铁矿床围岩蚀变的研究认为,围岩蚀变大致可分为6种基本蚀变类型,5个蚀变阶段,3个蚀变带。各蚀变带以矿体为中心对称分布,各带之间呈渐变过渡关系。同时认为矿床成因类型属中低温热液充填型,并指出围岩蚀变的找矿意义。  相似文献   
末次冰期低纬度西太平洋硅藻席沉积与生态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硅藻在全球碳循环中发挥着重要的作用。树荫种硅藻在次表层水体中的勃发成席,并迅速埋藏成为硅藻席沉积,使人们逐渐意识到次表层生产在整个生产力及输出生产中起着重要作用。介绍了首次在低纬度西太平洋区域发现的硅藻席沉积的分布特征,硅藻席发现站位呈带状分布,大致呈北西-南东向展布,大部分散布在17.5°~20°N之间。采集到硅藻席沉积物的站位其水深在碳酸钙补偿深度(CCD)以下4837~6150m的深水区,多分布在较平坦的海底,且受风力和陆源物质输入影响相对较强的区域。该区域硅藻席的形成可能是由于末次冰期时该海区有大洋锋面的形成所致。该区域的成席硅藻Ethmodiscus rex(Wallich)Hendey为典型的树荫种硅藻,可以通过自身调节浮力的作用,在水体相对稳定的贫氧大洋中生存并勃发成席。末次冰期低纬度西太平洋硅藻席沉积的发生,可能使该区成为CO2的汇。  相似文献   
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